346 Zhang Zhan Delivers a Letter

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In the blink of an eye, it was the third day of the new year. Liang Xue had already gone back to the Liang family and returned. When she came back to the Hu Family Village, her face was swollen and she was limping a little.

Other than Little Ah Yu, no one cared what had happened to her because Liang Xue did not intend to tell them.

“Big Sister Liang, does it still hurt?”

Little Ah Yu went to the kitchen to look for Madam Feng and asked for a boiled egg. She peeled the shell seriously and brought it to Liang Xue to roll it against her swollen face.

Liang Xue took the egg. “Ah Yu, thank you. I’m fine. I just fell on the way back.”

“Oh, you have to be careful when you walk. It hurts when you fall.” Little Ah Yu, who had fallen a few times, was very knowledgeable about this. “Don’t look around when you walk. Look at the path under your feet. Don’t skip on the stones when you see them.”

Liang Xue was originally depressed. Seeing Little Ah Yu seriously imparting her experience, she could not help but laugh again.

In the end, her smile tugged at the wound on her face and she could not help but hiss.

“Do you remember the prescription to dissolve stasis?” Divine Doctor Xue’s voice suddenly sounded.

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Liang Xue looked embarrassed. “M… Master, I forgot…”

“Memorize the prescription today and go to the mountain to pick the herbs yourself. When you come back, I’ll tell you how to concoct it.” Divine Doctor Xue left after saying this, not caring if Liang Xue could pick the herbs.

Liang Xue said to Divine Doctor Xue’s back, “Got it, Master.”

When Liang Xue limped up the mountain with a small basket on her back, Little Ah Yu was still sighing.

“What are you sighing about, little fellow?” Suddenly, a smiling voice came from the side.

Little Ah Yu heard a familiar voice and turned around to see a familiar person. “Pants—”

Zhang Zhan immediately covered her mouth.


He had almost forgotten about this.

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Why did she have to mention it again!

“Zhang Zhan, remember my name.” Before letting go, Zhang Zhan tapped Little Ah Yu’s forehead with his other hand. “If you remember wrongly next time, I won’t bring letters for you.”


Little Ah Yu widened her eyes and whimpered.

“We’ve agreed that you’ll call me Uncle Zhang in the future. If you do it wrong again, I won’t bring you anything good.”

Little Ah Yu hurriedly nodded.

Only then did Zhang Zhan let go.

“Uncle Zhang,” Little Ah Yu shouted obediently.

“That’s more like it.” Zhang Zhan tried his best to ignore the word Little Ah Yu had shouted previously and silently told himself that this matter had already passed and no one remembered.

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No one remembers…

“Where’s the adults?” The servant behind him walked into the courtyard with bags, but Zhang Zhan did not see the adults.

Where did everyone go?

Little Ah Yu said, “They’ve all returned to their families! Grandpa accompanied Grandma back to her family. Uncle, Aunt, Second Uncle, Second Aunt, Third Uncle, and Third Aunt have all returned to their families!”

“Then why didn’t you follow your parents to your grandmother’s house?” Zhang Zhan asked casually.

Little Ah Yu said, “I want to accompany Auntie!”

Everyone from the Wang Family returned to their families and left with their children. Little Ah Yu originally wanted to follow Liu Shi, but when she saw Wang Aibao’s lonely gaze, she took the initiative to ask to stay.

When the others returned, Little Ah Yu would go to the Liu family with Liu Shi.

Zhang Zhan stroked her little head. “You’re a sensible little fellow.”

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He asked the servant to move the things into the central room of Old man Wang’s house. When Wang Aibao heard the commotion, she hurriedly came out to welcome him.

Wang Aibao did not know Zhang Zhan, so Little Ah Yu said from the side, “Auntie, this is Uncle Zhang. He used to live in our village. At that time—”

“Our Lord is the county magistrate of Yongding County,” the servant hurriedly said when he saw Zhang Zhan’s expression change.

Wang Aibao hurriedly bowed to Zhang Zhan. “Ah, Lord magistrate. Please come in and take a seat!”

Zhang Zhan waved his hand. As he walked in, he said to Little Ah Yu, “I brought you a letter. You only know how to anger me all day.”

Little Ah Yu tilted her head.

She didn’t.


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