348 Visiting the Village

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The Origin Space specially created many missions for the guardians.

Most of them could not be completed at the moment.

However, there were policies above and countermeasures below.

Meatball studied those missions all day, and its inspiration came from the system world.

In the system world, not only did it update the plot about Ah Yu, but it also downloaded many data packets.

The experiences of the System bringing the host to do missions had become books one after another. Meatball would read them when it had nothing to do.

Among them, many hosts were well-versed in exploiting loopholes in the System.

Meatball was inspired and really found some.

For example, Ah Yu had a main mission that required her to [solve the food security problem].

It was divided into a total of several segments. At first, it was to deal with food problems of a town, followed by a county, then a city, a province, and a country.

Little Ah Yu is only five years old now. It was very difficult to solve the food problem of a town.

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After all, it could not expose Ah Yu’s spatial pocket.

But now that Old Madam Wang had bridged the gap, and Zhang Zhan was happy to cooperate, Meatball found a shortcut.

If Little Ah Yu listened to Zhang Zhan and the others chat, it would be equivalent to participating in the food planning. When the food problem in town was resolved in the future, it would be equivalent to Ah Yu completing the mission.

This was a loophole.

Meatball: “Hehe, who’s smarter than me?”

Little Ah Yu did not understand, but it did not stop her from listening to Meatball’s opinion.

Hence, Zhang Zhan realized that when he was chatting with the village chief, a little tail was secretly sitting at the side, trying her best to pretend to listen carefully.

But as she listened, her little head nodded.

It was like a chick pecking at rice.

Following Zhang Zhan’s gaze, Village Chief Hu also saw Little Ah Yu.

He could not help but laugh. “Ah Yu, go in and sleep if you’re tired.”

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Little Ah Yu shook her head. “Grandpa Village Chief, I… I’m not sleepy.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she yawned.

Little Ah Yu’s face instantly turned red from embarrassment.

It couldn’t be helped. The adults’ conversations were too sleep inducing.

She did not want to either.

Fortunately, they were almost done chatting. Zhang Zhan looked at Little Ah Yu, who was trying her best to rub her eyes, and thought that she probably wanted to accompany him more.

After all, he was good-looking.

It was understandable that the young lady liked to watch him.

Zhang Zhan said to the village chief, “This matter is settled. I’ll get someone to come to the village after the 15th of January.”

He then reached out to Little Ah Yu. “I haven’t taken a good look at the village before. How about you bring me to take a look?”

Little Ah Yu: “Alright, alright!”

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She practically skipped down the chair and reached the door of the house in two to three steps.

[…] It was really difficult for her to listen for so long.

Fortunately, the mission progress bar lit up.

“Uncle Zhang, there’s a dragon in our village. I’ll bring you to take a look.” Little Ah Yu ran in front.

Although it was called a dragon, it was actually a dragon made of orange poles by the elders in the village. They did not try for a shape, but only a resemblance.

Beside the dragon hung a few lanterns with Old Master Hu’s calligraphy on them.

It looked quite charming.

“Our village still has a general’s temple. Grandpa Village Chief said that we’ll hold a temple fair next year.” Little Ah Yu pointed at a building in the distance and said, “That’s the general’s temple!”

Zhang Zhan had heard of the General’s Temple before. It was said that the village had found the general’s tomb.

He wanted to take a look.

Most people in Hu Family Village had the surname Hu. If nothing unexpected happened, that general should also have the surname Hu.

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Speaking of which, since the establishment of the Great Chang Nation, there had been many generals with the surname Hu.

Currently, there was a general with the surname Hu guarding the border. He was even a third-grade general.

He just did not know which year the General Hu from Hu Family Village was from.

Little Ah Yu skipped in front and led the way. Tang Yuan followed her.

There was also the chubby lamb and the Spirit Treasure Rat who had already eaten. They followed Little Ah Yu on her left and right.

Zhang Zhan was a few steps behind. Because he was thinking about something, he did not notice that he had walked out to a courtyard.

As soon as he looked up, a basin of cold water was suddenly splashed on his face.


Zhang Zhan’s head and face were drenched, and he could not help but shiver.

“My Lord!” The servant following behind was frightened and shouted.

When Widow Zhou heard the sound, she turned around and saw Zhang Zhan, who still had vegetable leaves on his head.

Widow Zhou: “…Lord Zhang?!”

Was it too late to hide the basin in her hand now?

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