buzz buzz… Accompanying the vibrations, Shang Jin’s cell phone started playing music again.

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Ye Zhou, who was about to go out, retreated into the bathroom again.

The cell phone rang for nearly a minute, quieted, and then sounded again.

Ye Zhou opened the bathroom door and saw Shang Jin sitting in front of the computer, letting the phone incessantly ring to the side.

In this kind of situation where the other party was obviously in a bad mood, Ye Zhou didn’t actively look for grief, but instead, sat down at his desk as gently as possible, trying to reduce his sense of presence.

He thought like this, but the mobile phone kept persistently ringing and it was difficult for Ye Zhou to ignore.


Ye Zhou just opened his mouth when Shang Jin picked up the phone, scaring him into silence.

“What the hell do you want? I’m taking the midterm exams in another week.”

Although Ye Zhou’s eyes were staring at his textbook, but his ears pricked up.

“Every minute and every second before the exam is precious.”

Why did these words sound so familiar…

“I need to prepare for the exam. The results of the midterm exams are also included in the final evaluation.”

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Ye Zhou couldn’t help but turn his head. There wouldn’t be a fake Shang Jin sitting behind him, right?

“What the hell can’t you say over the phone…tsk, just an hour.” Shang Jin hung up and saw Ye Zhou looking at him like an alien. He couldn’t help but frown. “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing! Nothing at all!” Ye Zhou picked up a book from the table and pretended to read it. After two minutes, he raised his head and said, “You stole my sayings.”

“I say, how were those words just now so familiar, coming out so smoothly.”

Ye Zhou originally also saw that Shang Jin was feeling bad and deliberately teased him. He sat in the chair and directly turned opposite to Shang Jin. “Are you going out?”

Shang Jin responded with a sound and began to rummage through his cabinet, table, and even his bed.

“What are you looking for?”

Shang Jin turned over a book and tossed it aside. “Bank card.”

Bank card, this kind of thing could also be casually left around???

“Isn’t this kind of thing in your bag?”

Shang Jin heard that and he took his bag and poured everything on the table, some small things rolling directly to the ground.

Flipping through everything but still not finding it, even someone as calm as Shang Jin also began to fret. He tsked, took a deep breath and didn’t continue to search, but began to put on his jacket.

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Ye Zhou finally found a gap in time to speak. “I have cash here. If you’re in a hurry, just use it first?”

Shang Jin also wasn’t polite. “Is there two thousand? I’ll transfer it to you by cell phone.”

“Yes.” Just a few days ago, the school sent out the scholarships. Although it wasn’t a first-class scholarship, but it was still a few thousands. Ye Zhou hadn’t moved it after receiving the money. He counted out two thousand from his wallet and handed it to Shang Jin.”

Shang Jin still didn’t seem very happy. He suppressed his emotions and said, “Thanks, I’ll transfer it to you later.”

“No rush.”

Before leaving, Shang Jin picked up the strawberry candy bag on the bookshelf but found out that it was empty once he picked it up. He tossed the candy bag back on the bookshelf.

After Shang Jin left, Ye Zhou moved before Shang Jin’s desk and reached for the empty candy bag. He took a picture and sent it to Wen Renxu.

“Ah Xu, when you come back, help me bring something. Look at WeChat.”

Hanging up the phone, Ye Zhou cleaned up the table and wondered if Shang Jin would be okay…

On this side, Shang Jin wasn’t as exaggerated as what Ye Zhou thought.

It’s true that he was in a bad mood, but his behavior has always been that of a relatively restrained person. Shang Jin wouldn’t take out his anger on others because of his own emotions.

He looked at the address the other party had sent and originally intended to hail a taxi outside. His thought took a turn: since that person was willing to wait, then let her wait.

Shang Jin spent ten minutes walking to the bus stop, waited five minutes for the bus, and unhurriedly headed towards his destination.

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When he arrived at the hotel, forty minutes had already past since he went out.

Getting off the bus, the place where he entered was a luxuriously decorated hotel. Shang Jin gracelessly rolled his eyes. Fortunately, he’d brought a lot of cash.

“Just two people eating still needs a private room?” Following the waiter to the destination, Shang Jin impatiently said once he entered the private room.

“What? Your family is allowed to go to the Grand Hotel every time to eat a luxurious meal, and I don’t have the qualifications to come in?” There was a woman in her forties sitting in the private room, her tightly creased brows adding a touch of harshness to her good looks. “Jin Jin, don’t you forget: I’m your mother.”

Shang Jin sneered, “Don’t call me that. I feel sick hearing it.”

Liang Jingmin put down her teacup and finally loosened her brows. She kindly looked at Shang Jin and said, “Fine. Shang Jin, okay? Let’s order food first. It’s already half past twelve. Let’s eat first.”

Saying to order food first, Liang Jingmin didn’t ask what Shang Jin wanted to eat. Instead, she directly ordered five or six dishes from the menu. Only, this wasn’t enough, and she also ordered dessert afterwards.

Shang Jin watched as she kept flipping through the menu. With an expression of not being able to fully express himself, he uttered, “Two people eating three dishes is enough. Ordering so much, can you finish it all?”

“Doesn’t your family have a full table of dishes every time they eat? I’m just ordering a few? Besides, why ever are you saving for? Who knows which vixen would be given this money in the end?”

In front of outsiders, Shang Jin didn’t want to say more to her and simply looked at his phone. Not seeing with his eyes, his heart won’t be vexed.

After the waiter left, Liang Jingmin impatiently asked, “Is your stepmother pregnant again?”

Shang Jin raised his eyes and smiled without smiling. “You called me out to ask this kind of trifling thing?”

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“How can this be a trivial matter! I’ve said earlier that the woman isn’t simple. How old is her daughter? Now she’s pregnant again. I think this is to give birth to a son and snatch the family property from you!” Liang Jingmin excitedly said, seeming like it was her own money that was about to be seized by the other side. “This Shang Qingping has been enthralled by that woman. He obviously has you, still wants to have what son!”

“We’re not a wealthy family. How would it come to family property? Whoever he’s inclined to give the money to, he’d give it to them. And…” Shang Jin said, “The normal feelings between you and dad have already fallen apart and you’ve divorced. Auntie only became acquainted with dad ten years after your divorce. Don’t say it every time like the married woman is the same as someone who broke up the relationship.”

“What aunt? The difference in age between you and her isn’t as big as the difference in age between her and your dad. Also, I don’t know what method she used to make you support her. You’re my son!”

Shang Jin mocked, “The son you cared to birth but didn’t care to raise?”

“I’m not talking to you about this. What I’m saying right now is for your own good. You’re a student now. You have your dad to provide for your food and clothing expenses, so you think money isn’t important. When you’re out in society, what’s the use of your grades being good? Without money, there’s no discussion!”

Shang Jin glanced at his phone and said, “An hour has passed. I’m leaving.”

“Eh, wait wait…”

“What else?”

“The money for this meal…”

Shang Jin didn’t speak and just looked at her quietly.

“Even if your dad’s money isn’t spent, we also don’t know who’d it be given to. Besides, if I didn’t divorce him, now this…”

Shang Jin put a thousand on the table and interrupted her. “You now have a husband and a family. Don’t say something you shouldn’t say.”

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