During these past few days, Ye Zhou hadn’t been able to calm down. On seeing Shang Jin, he’d always have the appearance of hesitating to speak.

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Ye Zhou couldn’t let go of Shang Jin sending him an umbrella a few days ago.

Why did Shang Jin send an umbrella to him?

Ye Zhou pushed his hair lightly and his eyes shifted from the book in front of him to Shang Jin’s back.

Not only did he send him an umbrella, but he also found an excuse for him to accept it without any burden.

This style of deeply hidden in name and deed was just like Lei Feng had come alive!

Lei Feng: A person who modeled the altruism and dedication of the Communist Party.

Ye Zhou touched his chin. Could it be that after this period of contact, Shang Jin had prostrated himself under his fresh and elegant style?

Shang Jin, you also have this day!

What a pity. Unfortunately, this little grandpa only likes boys who are as cute and not aggressive as Tang Dongdong. He would never admit that if Shang Jin really confessed to him, he would not only not reject it, but would instead be singing like a serf who’d been emancipated, lighting firecrackers to celebrate.

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“Can you not look at me with such explicit eyes?” Ye Zhou, who was immersed in his own fantasies, suddenly heard Shang Jin’s voice. “You’ve kept watching me for these few days. Even if I indulge in your pursuit of me, but I also hope you wouldn’t add to my stress. Be careful that I take back your right to pursue me.”

Pop, Ye Zhou’s fantasy bubble just now was punctured.

Pei pei pei! Sure enough, he was overthinking it. How could Shang Jin like him? Maybe sending the umbrella that day really was in passing, and Shang Jin lied because it was beneath his dignity.

“Praise yourself less. These few days, I was seeing if you’d sprouted flowers on your face. Otherwise, why would strangers keep shooting you every time we go to class.” He’d wanted to talk about this matter before, but seeing that Shang Jin looked unaware of it, he didn’t take the initiative to say it. After all, the involved party didn’t mind, so why would he bring it up.

Shang Jin saw that he wasn’t joking and recalled, “No, when I went to eat these few days, no one took photos of me?” Towards the tail end, he had another thought and added, “You think everyone is like you?”

“Is it fun to revisit old things?” Ye Zhou couldn’t help but clench his fists. Black history!! Absolute black history!! And it was also absolutely irrefutable black history!

Shang Jin shrugged and said, “I really didn’t discover it.”

“That’s your observation skill being weak!!” Ye Zhou disdainfully said, “If you’re put in ancient times, don’t know how many times you’d be assassinated! And you’d also die without knowing the reason why!”

Actually, Shang Jin really shouldn’t be blamed for this matter. Of course, Ye Zhou also wasn’t lying.

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The reason was simple. After entering December, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin, beside from going to class together on their little three-wheeler, the rest of the time, they were busy doing their own things.

At that time, A Uni students were in their curious phase and trying and get a glimpse at the famous “Shang Ye number”, so as long as they were riding the pedicab, the pedestrians on the road would always fiercely take a burst of shots. When they didn’t ride the three-wheeler, even if Shang Jin was a little bit of a well-known figure on the campus, but he’d been at school for more than a year, so when others saw him, at most they would discuss him and wouldn’t ever do anything like secretly taking photos. After all, there were actually quite a few of Shang Jin’s photos in the school’s BBS, and it wasn’t worthwhile to secretly take photos, this kind of “imbecile person” behavior.

Wen Renxu and Liu Yutian approached the dormitory after dinner and heard the conversation between Ye Zhou and Shang Jin.

Liu Yutian pushed open the dormitory door and, standing in front of Ye Zhou, mysteriously said, “I know.”

“What do you know?” Ye Zhou completely put down the textbook. These few days, he’d been reviewing for consecutive nights in the quiet dorm. Ye Zhou had been stifled for so many days and really needed to let loose a bit. He didn’t hide his curiosity at all. “Are people really taking candid pictures of Shang Jin?”

“Hm-hmph hm-hmph.” Liu Yutian laughingly snorted several times with his nose and extended a finger to wag it back and forth. “Not so, not so. the people in this school did take pictures, but the person they’re shooting isn’t Shang Jin, but your beloved car, the ‘Shang Ye number’!”

“Ah??” Ye Zhou was somewhat stupefied. Every time he rode with Shang Jin, he saw a lot of people shooting at them. He thought that Shang Jin was a school celebrity, so Ye Zhou had thought that by rights, it should be for Shang Jin. Who would have thought…not right, “Why is it the ‘Shang Ye number’??”

Wen Renxu opened the computer and logged into the school’s BBS. “Here, this is the post.”

Ye Zhou moved his swivel chair over, mouth still unconvinced and angrily said, “Why is it the Shang Ye number and not the Ye Shang number? Why is my head pressed down even in the car’s name??”

Where would Shang Jin care about his big pile of whys. He directly walked to Ye Zhou’s side and looked with him.

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As the two people were rarely on the BBS, they didn’t even know one bit that they’d actually silently set off a picture-taking storm in A Uni.

The name of the post was simply “Shang Ye number ー I am me, different colors of the fireworks”. It was also the original poster who’d successfully spread on the name of the Shang Ye number.

Ye Zhou angrily glared at Shang Jin. It definitely was being dragged down by this guy, or else why would even his name must be written in front of his own.

LZ: “landlord”, same as original poster (OP)

LZ: Today, like many days before, the landlord finished eating dinner and carried my thermos to slowly stroll back to the dormitory. At this time, a golden light flashed in front of me and successfully spiced my eyes. A multi-colored painted pedicab stood in the parking shed, an ugly maverick, ugly and unconventional, and made this landlord not only sigh that this world actually has such a distinctive pedicab, but that it was completely different from those pretty and flirtatious sluts outside. With just a glance, the landlord was deeply impressed by it. How much enmity is there to actually take a perfectly good pedicab and ruin it to this appearance. And the people who did it, not only weren’t they afraid of getting in trouble, but also wrote two big words “Shang Ye” on the back of the car. The landlord, brimming with righteousness, immediately inquired all around as to who was actually so wretched to go so far as to do such an unlucky thing. Then, after spending half an hour, I finally knew…it turns out Shang Ye were the fucking owners of this car!!! At this moment, I seem to have heard the little pedicab say with a more indifferent face than this: “╮(﹀_﹀)╭ What can I do? I’m also desperate.”

Friendship post the little pedicab【Picture in front】【Picture behind】【Picture left】【Picture right】

1L: Hahahaha, this is a sad story!

2L: Landlord quickly announce the coordinates! I want to spectate!

3L: Hahahaha also seeking coordinates.

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4L: Pedicab: indifferent.jpg

No need to look at the following replies, they’re all the same hahahaha.

Ye Zhou’s lung capacity was insufficient. “Is it that ugly?”

Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu shifted their sight away.

Ye Zhou was reluctant to admit his mistakes. “I think it’s not bad.”

Shang Jin agreed, “I also think it’s good.”

Finally, after turning over two pages, the little three-wheeler photos began to appear in the post. Afterwards, this post was just like a photo wall, all of them were the little three-wheeler photos taken everywhere by the schoolmates.

There were also a few shots of Ye Zhou and Shang Jin’s faces.

Naturally, everyone recognized Shang Jin and couldn’t be more familiar with him. But as for the unfamiliar face of Ye Zhou, more and more people following the thread asked for information about the other resident of the three-wheeler.

Ye Zhou’s pulse suddenly sped up for two seconds. For the first time, everyone’s eyes were gathered on him.

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