“Ah…” Zhou Wendao yawned. He sniffed his nose and wrapped his down jacket tightly around him and said, “Why is it so cold in the morning?”

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Liu Yutian replied, “I just want to hurry back to my warm dorm now. I didn’t sleep all night, tired to death.”

Holding a milk tea, Wen Renxu hesitated. “It’s not seven o’clock yet…you say if we go back…is it appropriate?”

Liu Yutian failed to understand so, “What’s not appropriate?”

Wen Renxu gave him a contemptuous look and said, “Last night, we weren’t there. Under the same roof, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin as unmarried men, you say?”

The students walking next to them perked up their ears. In an instant, even the sleepy insects flew away and they began to discuss their speculations all at once.

“Betting a bag of spicy strips, they must have made it to home base!”

“I don’t think so. The dorm is such a small place and can’t use it fully, shouldn’t be.”

“You can wage a war of 300 rounds in the small space in a car. How big is the dorm? What’s more, there’s a bed! I’m following with a bag of spicy strips!”

“I think, even if it’s not home base, it’s also not far from home base. You should know that last night, they both went to help Wendao sell apples. With Shang Jin’s character, if Ye Zhou didn’t say it, would he take the initiative to come?”

“Isn’t it? The two of them have been developing too fast recently, buying a car and also lending a hand to do the lighting when making the videoー”

405 member Liu Yutian immediately added, “More than that, Zhou often helps Shang Jin to tidy up his desk and bookshelf in the dorm. So virtuous!”

Wen Renxu raised his hand and said, “He also told me to bring Shang Jin’s favorite strawberry candy!”

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“I’m backing out. This relationship definitely made it to home base!”

After eating breakfast in the cafeteria, a party of people grandly returned to the dormitory. Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu walked to the door of 405 and the the key they were holding wavered.

“In the end, do we open it or not?”

The six or seven guys to the side simply didn’t look at their own dorm and directly followed behind them. Seeing that they had not moved, they simply pushed them away and stuck to the dorm door, listening to the movement inside.

Wen Renxu whispered, “Go go go, what are you guys doing?”

“Shh shh shh!” Zhou Wendao said, “What if they’re not done yet?”

Xu Yangjun, who was being crowded in from the outside, hurriedly asked, “Is there? Is there? Move aside a bit. Let me listen. Your ears won’t do.”

Wen Renxu lightly coughed and lifted the key in his hand.

The man who was lying on the door immediately made way for him.

At this time, the sound of the key being inserted into the keyhole was quietly heard in the corridor and, with a slight turn, the door opened.

At this time, no one dared to push the door directly, but Wen Renxu opened a small gap.

A whiff of alcohol hit him head-on.

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Wen Renxu immediately closed the door and slowly locked it with the key. When everyone hadn’t responded yet, he used gestures to signal everyone to leave.

When they reached the 404 dorm, their pent-up voices finally released a little.

Wen Renxu raised his lips in the crowd’s expectant line of sight. “I smelled alcohol.”

“After drinking…” Zhou Wendao tsked twice, “Can’t speak of it.”

Xu Yangjun and Zhan Xing reflexively made a move that they often made at the stadiumーhigh five!

“Our plan finally succeeded, we can retire!”

Contrary to the festive atmosphere in 404, 405 had been caught in an unprecedented low pressure since last night.

Ye Zhou turned over. It was clear that he didn’t drink much yesterday, but his head throbbed terribly when he woke up in the morning. He squinted his eyes and dressed. Jumping out of bed, he didn’t pay attention to where he walked and stumbled over the table. If he hadn’t responded quickly and grabbed the ladder, his handsome face probably would have kissed the earth.

Ye Zhou clicked his tongue. The person didn’t fall, but the table was knocked over and made a mess on the floor. He took a mop and a broom and swept away all the garbage on the floor. Then he stood at the sink to wash his face and brush his teeth.

At the same time, Shang Jin, who often slept in late in the winter, uncharacteristically got up when Ye Zhou was tidying up the garbage. Seeing Ye Zhou occupying the sink, he went to the bathroom first.

The two people didn’t have a word of communication, but there was ample tacit understanding when doing things.

Ye Zhou used the washbasin and Shang Jin went to the bathroom. When Shang Jin came out, the two exchanged places. They quickly carried out their actions, not wasting a minute or a second, and were ready to go out almost at the same time.

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Two people came out of the dorm in tandem. Not looking at the three-wheeler with a lot of presence, they spontaneously walked toward their own bicycles, and spontaneously went to the canteen without discussion. It was just that after they bought their meals, one walked towards the tables on the left side, and one sat in a chair on the right side.

After the meal, the two people rode towards the library together. This time, one was on the fifth floor, and one was on the third floor.

Ye Zhou put the textbooks he brought on the table. Due to Christmas, there weren’t so many people in the library today.

It wasn’t that he didn’t see Shang Jin’s peculiarity. It’s just that he didn’t want to pay attention to it and also didn’t want to speak of it.

Ye Zhou was more aggrieved than angry about yesterday’s quarrel, both aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Anger drove him to talk big to Shang Jin. In fact, Ye Zhou knew well: how could he not envy Shang Jin, not just envy, but simply be jealous to death! But more often than not, he was angry at Shang Jin’s careless attitude, angry that he clearly had such a good brain, so why didn’t he exert all his strength! Let him see how big the difference between himself and the other was, rather than being exceeded by one or two points every time.

Ye Zhou grabbed his head and tried to return his attention to the textbook.

On the third floor of the library, Shang Jin’s expressionless face was unable to make out his mood. He opened the book. His eyes were fixed on the words in the book, but his hand unconsciously clenched the page.

Ye Zhou clearly knew nothing and criticized his attitude towards life.

The perfectly fine page of the book was gradually squeezed into toilet paper by Shang Jin. Fortunately, he was looking at his own book, or else he would fall under the crime of vandalizing books.

The classmate who’d originally intended to sit next to him, after seeing his actions, silently found a seat that was furthest away from him.

As a result of this secret rivalry, the two people turned their anger into a motivational force, and began to fight to the death with the textbooks.

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In the boys’ dorm, a group of people sat in 405 and waited anxiously for the return of the two protagonists.

“The dorm is so clean. Did they both do it or not…”

Xu Yangjun’s eyes held helplessness and he struck a pose against the bed pillar. “You don’t understand. The cleaner it is, the more problematic. Do you understand ‘trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous’?”

Everyone was successfully persuaded by him. They pooled together 20 yuan and bought four party poppers.

In the evening, Ye Zhou had just opened the dorm door and before he could react, a bang stuck red celebratory paper on his face.

One shot not yet finished, another shot came.

With great difficulty, Ye Zhou dragged the pieces of paper down from his head, not knowing from where a whole sky full of celebratory paper had rushed out from.

Did this group of people resent that his mood was too good?

The door behind him was pushed open and directly hit his back. Ye Zhou irritably looked back and met head-on with Shang Jin.

Bang! The last party popper successfully sprinkled all over the two of them.

When the scraps of paper landed on the ground, the crowd finally saw the Ye Zhou and Shang Jin they’d all been waiting for.

Eh…What’s wrong with the atmosphere between these two people??

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