Shang Jin opened his eyes and blew out the candle. The dormitory immediately plunged into darkness.

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“Shoot, I should turn the lights on.” Eyes not yet adapted, Ye Zhou carefully stood up and went to the door to turn on the lights.

Before he reached the door, the dormitory door was pushed opened from the outside.

“No one in the dorm?” Liu Yutian just finished saying this when he was scared by a shadow in the room and stepped back, stepping on Wen Renxu’s foot.

“Ow!” Wen Renxu continuously pushed and shoved Liu Yutian aside, “Really hurts!”

Liu Yutian, with fear lingering in his heart, hand shook as he pressed on the light.

The suddenly-on lights made Ye Zhou and Shang Jin both squint their eyes at the same time.

Liu Yutian stopped his steps in front, and Wen Renxu, who was blocked behind him, patted him again and said, “Why don’t you…Ye Zhou?” Wen Renxu’s eyes shifted from Ye Zhou to Shang Jin, then finally, shifted to the cake. “Eh…uh…that…do you want us to withdraw tonight?”

“What withdrawing!” Ye Zhou pulled the two men who were slowly retreating and said, “Today is Shang Jin’s birthday. We’re eating cake together!”

“Birthday?” Wen Renxu was shocked, “Then it’s even more necessary that we don’t stay here! Rest assured, I’ll just take my charger and go!”

“I’ll take my notebook! It’s fast!”

In spite of Ye Zhou’s urging, the two quickly took the things they wanted and before leaving, said to Shang Jin, “Happy Birthday, Shang Jin!”

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“Hey…” Clearly before, he didn’t feel awkward being alone in the dorm with Shang Jin, but after what Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu had said, Ye Zhou always felt a bit embarrassed now, as if there really seemed to be something between Shang Jin and him. He solemnly said, “Shang Jin, through this period of time of getting along, you should know how I think of you, right?”

This period of time of getting along…

Shang Jin bowed his head and pondered. Half a year ago, Ye Zhou strongly charged into his life. The two men who had no intersections were suddenly bound together by everyone.

From childhood to now, it wasn’t that no one liked him.

Most people merely talked, but didn’t do anything. Even if they did something, Shang Jin only felt that they were causing trouble for him.

Ye Zhou was different from the others. He was like a beam of light, not harsh yet warming, slowly permeating into his life.

Once one got used to it, it’s hard to leave again.

Such as when he’d had a fight with Ye Zhou during last year’s exam week, he’d thought that it was only a return to his former life. However, one short week later, Shang Jin was the first to capitulate.

Shang Jin looked at the cake in front of him and said, “Quite clear.” Every little bit that Ye Zhou did for him, he couldn’t be clearer.

“That’s good.” Ye Zhou was secretly delighted. It’s fine as long as Shang Jin knew that he really didn’t have any improper thoughts towards Shang Jin. Others may misunderstand it, then let them misunderstand. Based on the experience of the past six months, even if he dragged Shang Jin to explain, they may not believe it. It was better to maintain the status quo.

Shang Jin took out the candle, picked up a fork and forked a strawberry, bringing it to Ye Zhou’s mouth.

Ye Zhou took a slight step back and said, “Today is your birthday. You eat first.”

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Shang Jin moved the fork to Ye Zhou’s mouth again, using his action to express that Ye Zhou should eat first.

Ye Zhou looked at the strawberry in front of his eyes and couldn’t say what feeling was in his heart. He felt embarrassed and a little awkward. He resisted the complicated emotions and placed the strawberry into his mouth. While he finished eating, he conveniently grabbed a fork over. “I’ll eat it myself.”

Shang Jin cut a small piece and handed it to Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou didn’t like sweets, and especially didn’t like cakes, these kind of sweet and greasy things. So this time, he’d bought a small, six-inch cake. Originally, he’d had the intention to just eat a bite, but facing Shang Jin’s good intentions, he couldn’t refuse. Fortunately, after receiving it, it was only a small piece of cake and could be eaten in two bites.

Then, Ye Zhou courted disaster and ridiculed, “I bought you such a big cake, but you only gave me such a little bit? Too stingy.”

Shang Jin stared at him with a smile that wasn’t a smile and asked, “Are you sure?”

Ye Zhou silently closed his mouth.

“Even if the cake is delicious, you can’t eat too much. Do you mind if I give it to the next dorm in a while?”

“Of course, I don’t mind. I’d originally intended to ask them to come together to celebrate your birthday tonight, but I slept after returning at noon and forgot.”

Shang Jin laughed, “This is quite good. I like it very much.”

Laughed again…

Was today the major broadcast of the smile?

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Ye Zhou always felt that today’s Shang Jin felt very different, but he couldn’t tell where it was different in the end. He shoved the cake into his mouth in two bites and took his eco-friendly bag from the door. He carefully drew two pots of plants from the bag.

Shang Jin moved the cake to his desk, crouched down and stroked a leaf, and said, “This is a strawberry seedling.”

“Eh? How did you know?” Ye Zhou curiously said, “Have you grown it?”

“No. It’s easy to see from the shape and veins of the leaves.”

The seedlings only had a few small leaves: where was it easy to recognize? Obviously, there were a lot of weeds by the roadside whose leaves looked similar to this.

Really was inexplicable how he’d lost to Shang Jin once again.

Ye Zhou pushed the seedlings in the pots in front of Shang Jin and said, “Here’s a gift for you.”

Shang Jin glanced at strawberry seedlings in the white porcelain pots next to Ye Zhou’s hand and said, “When you bought me a present, you also bought yourself one?”

Ye Zhou laughed heheh twice and said, “Compete?”

Shang Jin raised an eyebrow and said, “You really want to compete with me in every possible way.”

“Raising plants is different from testing. I may lose in the exams, but raising plants won’t be the same.” Thinking of Shang Jin’s lazy character, Ye Zhou emphasized, “Moreover, this is a gift. You’re not allowed to let it die!”

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Shang Jin didn’t speak, his hand kept rubbing the leaves.

Once again, the dorm fell into silence. Ye Zhou also didn’t know why getting along with Shang Jin today, he always couldn’t keep calm in his heart. He suddenly stood up and said, “You cut the cake and we’ll send it next door.”

After Shang Jin cut it, Ye Zhou didn’t wait for the other person at all and impatiently rushed to the dorm next door with the rest of the cake.

At this time, the dorm next door was the same as many times before: many people were lying against the wall close to 405.

Ye Zhou, face filled with black lines, said, “Is your hobby listening in the corner?”

Once Ye Zhou said it, all the people, like being pressed by a switch, quickly stood up, forced a laugh and asked him what was the matter.

“Inviting you to eat cake for Shang Jin’s birthday.” Ye Zhou placed the cake on the table and deliberately looked at his two roommates. “And you guys, go back to sleep at night.” No matter what was said, he didn’t want to be alone with Shang Jin tonight. This kind of uncontrollable feeling was too strange, strange to the point where Ye Zhou felt at a loss to know what to do.

Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu still wanted to refuse but were forcibly hauled back by Ye Zhou.

In the evening, the several people in the dorm finished showering and were lying in bed chatting. Most of the time, it was Ye Zhou, Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu talking, and Shang Jin occasionally inserted a sentence or two.

Just like every day before.

Ye Zhou touched his calm heart. His heartbeat was normal.

So the anomaly just then, was it only an accident?

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