The quiet campus was lively and students from various places gathered on the sports field.

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Shang Jin and Ye Zhou, each person leading one of Shang Youyou’s hand, carried Shang Youyou down the stairs, swinging her along the way.

When they reached downstairs, the two let go of Shang Youyou’s hands. Shang Youyou, crowned by two differing braids, bouncing and hopping, descended down the dormitory building steps. Straightening up, she pointed at the car shed behind the two of them and said, “Big brother, that car is so beautiful.”

Ye Zhou’s eyes shone with praise. “Good taste!”

Shang Youyou took several steps and went over. Standing in front of the Shang Ye number, she wanted to but didn’t dare to touch.

Ye Zhou picked Shang Youyou up and asked, “Little baby, do you want to sit?”

Shang Youyou nodded with all her strength.

“If you want to sit, then sit. This is brothers’ car.”

Shang Jin opened the front door. With one hand supported on Ye Zhou’s shoulder, Shang Youyou’s other hand pointed at the pattern on the car and said, “Red, green, blue, black, yellow…”

“Baby knows so many colors, really amazing!” Ye Zhou put Shang Youyou on the seat in the rear compartment and followed her in. Along the way, Shang Youyou knelt on the seat to look out the window and chatted with Ye Zhou.

After getting off the car, Ye Zhou lamented once again, “It’s really hard to imagine that you, this type of person, would actually have a chatterbox little sister.” Ye Zhou vaguely remembered asking Shang Jin before how he’d see him if he treated Ye Zhou as a younger brother. Shang Jin had said he was so noisy that he’d definitely be annoyed to death. Could it be that this was showing what he felt?

Arriving at a crowded place, Shang Youyou didn’t want to carried and struggled down to the ground from Ye Zhou’s arms. Each hand pulling along a big brother, she bouncingly and vivaciously strove to keep up with their steps.

Ye Zhou slowed down his steps and asked Shang Jin, “You should be anooyed by your sister, right?”

“Not annoying. It’s very good.” Shang Jin saw through his thoughts in a glance and said meaningfully, “Youyou is different from a certain person. She doesn’t need other people to hang with and could play with herself for a long time, unlike some people, who have to get some response.”

Ye Zhou angrily said, “Must annoy you to death!”

When they came to the sports field, there were already people who’d started competing, and a circle of students were around the track.

Shang Jin picked up Shang Youyou, stood in the middle of the playground and looked around for a while. He asked, “Do you see our classmates? We’re competing at 2:45. We need to look for someone to help us watch Youyou.”

“Let’s wait. The sports field isn’t far from the dormitory. Others may come over.”

Sure enough, after waiting for ten minutes, one after another, they saw the people from their dorm come in from the sports field entrance.

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“Oh my god! Is this the little princess I saw this morning?” Zhou Wendao exclaimed. Glancing at the back of Shang Youyou’s head, he saw that not only were the rubber bands not tied tightly, but several hairs were still entangled around the rubber bands. “How was the hair combed to get this messy?”

Ye Zhou was really embarrassed to say that this was actually combed by him and Shang Jin. It seemed that he really needed to learn from hair-tying videos on the internet. Wait until the next time Shang Youyou came, he could fight to comb out a beautiful ponytail for her.

“This is simply a super inferior version of a ponytail.”

“Okay, still going on and on.” Ye Zhou looked at the time and said, “Wendao, we’re going to compete in a moment. Help us look after Youyou.”

“No problem.” Zhou Wendao took a lollipop from his pocket and placed it in front of Shang Youyou. “Baby, come quickly to brother.”

Shang Youyou didn’t answer, but turned her head and embraced Shang Jin.

Zhou Wendao’s hand was raised in midair and, struck by several blows, asked, “What is this?”

Ye Zhou restrained his laughter and fired back, “Ai, little children are so capricious. If you’re pleasing to the eye, then they’d talk to you. If you’re not pleasing to the eye, they’d be unwilling to respond.”

Zhou Wendao sorrowfully covered his heart.

Shang Jin asked Shang Youyou in a low voice. Shang Youyou pouted her mouth and said, “He just said that big brother messed up my hair and it doesn’t look good.”

Finally, the Shang family’s little princess was held by the late-coming Wen Renxu. Her hand holding Zhou Wendao’s “apology” lollipop, she reluctantly looked at Shang Jin and Ye Zhou.

To tease her to be happy, Ye Zhou said, “Can the little princess give me a good luck kiss? When I go on the field, I can feel the energy that the little princess gives me.”

Shang Jin frowned and said, “Stop trying to take advanー”

Words not yet finished, Shang Youyou leaned forward, hugged Ye Zhou’s neck and kissed Ye Zhou’s face.

Shang Jin supported his forehead, also not knowing whether he should sigh that his sister wasn’t reserved, or sigh that Ye Zhou wasn’t serious.

After kissing Ye Zhou, Shang Youyou went over to Shang Jin and also kissed Shang Jin’s face.

Shang Youyou clenched her little fist and said, “Brother, fighting!”

Shang Jin touched the place that was kissed and didn’t speak. Ye Zhou was completely unaware and said, “Too cute. Tell her to kiss and she just kisses. This could also be counted as the first kiss I have ever received in my life, even though it’s kissing my cheek.”

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“The first kiss in your life?”

Ye Zhou glanced at Shang Jin and said, “What, do I seem like such a casual person?”

Shang Jin raised his hand.

Ye Zhou: “???”

He pinched the place where Shang Youyou had kissed.

Ye Zhou covered his face and indignantly said, “Hey, it isn’t like your sister didn’t kiss you. What are you trying to even out the score for!”

At 2:40, the two people went to the starting point. Ye Zhou and Shang Jin’s tracks were just next to each other.


The two got ready to move.

Bang! The gunfire sounded, and the sound of cheering rang through the entire playground.

The distance of 1000 meters was only two and a half laps. Shang Jin had a precise grasp on his own physical strength. When he started, he’d allocated what time to store up power and what time to sprint.

Ye Zhou and Shang Jin’s tactics were similar. The first lap, they let others have their way and surpass them. At the second lap, they slowly sped up.

In the final sprint, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin took the lead and accelerated their pace, quickly overtaking the athletes in front of them.

At the finish line, two students pulled a strip of white ribbon and waited for the athletes to dash through the line.

Shang Jin looked at Ye Zhou beside him and said, “Wait for you at the finish line.”

“Don’t think it’s so simple.”

This sentence was like a fuse. Both of them staked their all and went all-out to rush towards the finish line.

In the end, the god of fortune still didn’t favor Ye Zhou. Three seconds after Shang Jin dashed through the line, Ye Zhou came to the finish line.

No one in the surrounding people didn’t recognize these two people. One after the other, they started whispering.

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“These two aren’t only test gods, but are also racing gods!”

“Did they participate in last year’s sports competition?”

“Registered in the 5000-meter! The first and second were them. I had a profound impression at the time. Who made them be all handsome guys.”

“I just saw the Shang Ye number parked in front of the sports field gate. Wait for me to go worship. I need to do the high jump in a while.”

“I’ll go too! I have a relay race. Wait for me to call my entire team!”

The next competition began and the people around Ye Zhou and Shang Jin finally left.

Shang Youyou came down from Wen Renxu’s body and with little steps, threw herself at Shang Jin’s leg. Her two eyes sparkling, she said, “Brother is really awesome.”

Shang Jin scraped Shang Youyou’s nose and said, “Thank you.”

Shang Youyou once again ran to Ye Zhou’s leg and using the same tone, said, “Brother Zhou Zhou was just so awesome, so fast at the end!”

Ye Zhou slowly recovered and lifted Shang Youyou over his head with both hands and said, “That’s because Youyou baby has magic. When I ran out of power at the end, I was suddenly given tremendous energy!”

Shang Youyou swung her little legs and happily surprised, said, “Really?”

“Of course.”

The two people took Shang Youyou to stroll a circle around campus. At five o’clock, Shang Jin held her and proposed to leave.

“Brother Zhou Zhou, come to play at our home next time…” Shang Youyou clung to the window and was extremely reluctant to part. “Our family has a lot of candy and toys…”

“When there’s the chance, I’d definitely go. See you next time.” Ye Zhou waved at her and looked at Shang Jin from the window. “See you tomorrow.”

In the evening, Ye Zhou was lying in bed and flipping through the album. There were many of photos of Shang Youyou today.

“I didn’t expect Shang Jin has such a small sister.” Liu Yutian finished showering and came out. Sitting down in the chair, he gossiped, “This is the first time I saw his family. I didn’t see them at all since the start of freshman year.”

Wen Renxu slid his mouse and agreed, “Isn’t it? Many people are also discussing it on the forum.”

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Ye Zhou jumped down from the bed, walked over to Wen Renxu and said, “Let me see.”

Wen Renxu gave him the computer to look. Ye Zhou used the mouse to drag it to the very beginning.

The post was issued at 10 o’clock in the morning, and now covered several thousands of messages.

From the very beginning, they guessed Shang Youyou’s identity. After the identity came out, everyone praised the Shang family’s genes were good, and there were a lot of photos in the middle.

Ye Zhou was almost always with Shang Jin and Shang Youyou on this day, and many of the photos had him in them.

Ye Zhou returned the computer to Wen Renxu, found the post on his mobile phone and silently saved the clear pictures. Without knowing exactly why, Ye Zhou set these photos in an encrypted photo album to prevent anyone from seeing them.

The next day, Shang Jin changed his shoes at the entrance, and Shang Youyou, wearing her pajamas and holding a rabbit in her hand, waited for Shang Jin to ask her first.

Shang Jin considerately asked, “Is something the matter?”

Shang Youyou took the rabbit and handed it to him. “I want to give this Brother Zhou Zhou.”

Shang Jin took the rabbit doll and smiled. “Like him so much?”

Shang Youyou shyly said, “Brother Zhou Zhou looks good and also plays with me. I like him.”

An hour later, Shang Jin appeared on A Uni campus carrying a rabbit doll. After riding the pedicab, he once again broke other people’s perception of Shang Jin and momentarily attracted countless eyes.

Ye Zhou, who had no knowledge of this, had eaten at the canteen and was unhurriedly following Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu to the sports field. When he first came to the door, he heard Shang Jin call him and Ye Zhou turned his head. Catching a glimpse of the rabbit sandwiched in Shang Jin’s arms, he exuberantly mocked, “Shang Jin, you’re really childlike enough. You wouldn’t have walked over here like this, right? No one took pictures of you? It seems like the protagonist of today’s forum is you again, hahaha.”

Shang Jin pressed the rabbit on Ye Zhou’s face and said, “Made you disappointed. This is sent by our family’s Youyou for you.”

Ye Zhou struggled to take down the rabbit. The adorable rabbit looked like something a little girl would like. Knowing that it was gifted to him by Shang Youyou, he also didn’t feel it was childish, and still immeasurably self-satisfied, said, “Help me to tell Youyou that I’ve received it. Tell her I like it very much.”

The two people didn’t say two sentences when a voice came from behind them.

“Senior Ye Zhou!” This startling heaven and earth roar suddenly pulled everyone’s attention, including Ye Zhou’s.

He saw a guy wearing a baseball cap, holding a bouquet of fiery roses, directly placed it in front of Ye Zhou, “For you!”

Ye Zhou was stupefied. What was this situation??

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