Shang Jin didn’t accept what he offered, but he also didn’t bar him from entering.

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Xie Shuhan placed the bag of mangoes on Shang Jin’s desk and, rubbing his hands, solicitously said, “Brother Shang Jin, yesterday I had no eyes and didn’t understand the situation.”

Shang Jin didn’t care for his way of address. He closed the door and sat back in his chair, holding his chin with his hand and waiting for his next words.

“My friend explained to me that you were good buddies with Ye Zhou,” Xie Shuhan didn’t stand by politeness and sat down in Liu Yutian’s seat. “What you said yesterday to me must be because my recklessness caused Senior Ye Zhou trouble, right? Worthy of being Senior Ye Zhou’s close friend, you’re so considerate to him.”


“I seemed to have made Senior Ye Zhou unhappy yesterday, so I would like to ask you about Senior Ye Zhou’s preferences and see if he can improve his opinion of me.”

“So it’s like this.” Shang Jin didn’t bat an eyelid as he changed his posture, not showing a hint of disgust on his face.

After seeing things take a turn for the better, Xie Shuhan took out a memo pad and pen from his pocket. He had the appearance of fully intending to take notes, and said, “First, let’s start with food. Brother Shang Jin, what does Senior Ye Zhou like to eat and drink?”

Shang Jin took a mango from the fruits Xie Shuhan had brought and said with a chuckle, “Since you’re so sincere, it’s not impossible for me to tell you.”

This laugh directly caused Xie Shuhan to gape.

Shang Jin gently tapped the table twice with his fingers.

Xie Shuhan came back to his senses. Not the least bit embarrassed, he directly said, “Brother Shang Jin is very handsome. It’s good that you don’t like men, otherwise, you’d definitely make all the A Uni male students fall.”

Shang Jin endured the impatience in his heart and asked, “Are you still going to ask?”

“Ask, ask, ask!” Xie Shuhan quickly got ready. “What kind of food does Ye Zhou like to eat?”

“Light, he likes to taste the ingredients.”

“Oh!” Xie Shuhan took notes on the paper. “Light is good. I also like light food. What fruit does he like?”

Shang Jin leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and said, “Lemon.”

“Lemon??” Xie Shuhan was shocked. “So sour? Senior Ye Zhou’s preference is really different.”

“Incidentally, he also likes to drink lemon juice without honey added.”

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It seems that Senior Ye Zhou likes to eat sour things.” Xie Shuhan asked again, “What is his usual hobby?”

The corner of Shang Jin’s mouth hooked up and said, “Playing games.”

Xie Shuhan excitedly said, “I like to play too! Which game does he play?”

“Wander in Jianghu.”

“I also play that! What’s his name!”

“Called…Yi Ye Pian Zhou.”

“So that’s the case!” Xie Shuhan asked a few more questions about Ye Zhou and finished.

Before leaving, Xie Shuhan repeatedly thanked him. “Wait until I’m with Senior Ye Zhou, I’d definitely invite Brother Shang Jin to a banquet!”

Shang Jin leaned against the door frame and said meaningfully, “Then…I wish you good luck.”

Ye Zhou stayed in the library for one afternoon and was walking to the dormitory entrance with several books when he suddenly heard someone called him in a low voice. He paused and looked around, finally seeing someone he didn’t want to see at the big tree behind the parking shed.

Fortunately this time, Xie Shuhan still knew to hide in a place with few people.

“Senior Ye Zhou, I would like to invite you to have a meal in a while.”

“A meal? No need.”

Xie Shuhan said sincerely, “No, it’s needed. I would like to apologize to you. Although you said yesterday that you accepted my apology, but I caused trouble for you, so don’t say a meal, it’s what I should do to compensate you for the psychological damage…”

“This is a bit too exaggerated…”

Xie Shuhan was very thoughtful at this time and said, “Senior Ye Zhou, if you think being alone isn’t good, you can come with Senior Shang Jin.”

“Shang Jin?” Yesterday, Xie Shuhan treated Shang Jin like a thorn in his eyes, and no matter how he looked, it was unpleasing to the eyes. Today, he actually offered to invite the other to eat.

Not giving Ye Zhou too much time to think, Xie Shuhan said, “Senior Ye Zhou, I’ll wait for you guys here.”

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Step-by-step, Ye Zhou walked back to the dorm. Entering the dorm door, he regretted. Shang Jin had appeared so resistant yesterday that he certainly wouldn’t promise to go eat.

However, against Ye Zhou’s expectations, Ye Zhou just proposed and Shang Jin agreed.

“You agreed?”

Shang Jin changed his clothes and said, “You’ve agreed with him, so is there room for me to refuse?”

“Heheh.” One sentence made Ye Zhou burst with joy. “Of course not, not going would be disrespecting me.”

A group of three people gathered all the people’s eyes on them.

The students got together and started whispering.

“Swords were drawn and bows were bent yesterday, so how are they shaking hands and talking together today?”

“I really don’t understand this plot!”

“That younger brother still hasn’t given up?”

“How many story lines have I missed??”

On the third floor of the canteen, Xie Shuhan grabbed a menu from a window and handed it to Ye Zhou. “Seniors, please order what you want.”

Ye Zhou didn’t answer, only saying, “It doesn’t matter to me.”

Shang Jin also made clear his attitude. “I’m also not picky.”

“Then I’ll just order.” Xie Shuhan took the menu and walked to the window. Then, he spoke to them and ran to the milk tea shop downstairs to buy drinks.

After Xie Shuhan left, Ye Zhou fiddled with the chopsticks and said, “You say, what’s going on? Originally, I was thinking about distancing from the other party, but how come we’re now eating at the same table?”

“Since you’re already here, take it easy. Why are you thinking so much.”

Ye Zhou snorted, “It didn’t happen to you so you would say that.”

Shang Jin defended, “When you secretly took photos of me, I also thought like this.”

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“Hehe, how can I forget that I can’t use ordinary people’s reasoning with you,” Ye Zhou resentfully said, “And also, it’s been such a long time, why do you need to mention it?”

“What I want to say is that this isn’t the first time that this kind of thing has happened. Could it be that you haven’t found out yet that if you don’t care about the gossip, the gossip naturally won’t affect you?”

“Easy to say.”

“Senior Ye Zhou, Brother Shang Jin.” Xie Shuhan walked up with three drinks and put the milk tea in front of Shang Jin and the lemon juice in front of Ye Zhou. In front of himself was a cup of green tea.

The moment Ye Zhou saw the lemon slices in the cup, his teeth began to ache. He’d never liked sour or sweet things. Sweet could still be tolerated, but he’s unable to stand sour no matter what. Since the other party had invited him to dinner, Ye Zhou also didn’t want to say anything unpleasant, and could only take a straw and poke it into the lemon juice, praying that there was extra honey inside.

“Hiss…” With only a small sip, Ye Zhou closed his mouth and forced himself to not make a gaffe.

Shang Jin lowered his head, put his fist next to his mouth and coughed.

Xie Shuhan looked at Ye Zhou in anticipation and said, “Senior Ye Zhou, is it delicious? I specifically told them not to add honey.”

Ye Zhou clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. “Delicious, too delicious. Do you want to try it?” He was a bit suspicious. How much enmity did he have with the other that the other would actually use this kind of underhanded tactics?

Xie Shuhan blushed and said, “No…I don’t have to…”

After one sip, Ye Zhou didn’t want to drink anymore. He looked at the culprit immersed in drinking his green tea and wasn’t very pleased.

The sour taste in his mouth still lingered. When Xie Shuhan went to the canteen window to hurry up the food, Ye Zhou grabbed Shang Jin’s milk tea and took a sip.

Shang Jin took the milk tea back, pointed at the lemon juice and said, “That’s yours.”

“This is a banquet set up to murder the guests, right? Isn’t it just rejecting his feelings? Does he need to go as far as this!” Ye Zhou still wanted to continue talking, but Xie Shuhan brought the food and he immediately closed his mouth.

“Senior Ye Zhou, kept you waiting.” Xie Shuhan said, putting two dishes on the table. “Don’t hesitate to eat. The remaining three dishes will come soon.”

Steamed fish…

Stir-fry bok choy…

After seeing these two dishes, even Ye Zhou’s desire to move his chopsticks was gone…

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Shang Jin glanced at Ye Zhou out of the corner of his eyes and took the lead to take up his chopsticks. He picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. “Not bad.”

Xie Shuhan pushed the fish in front of Ye Zhou and said, “Senior Ye Zhou, you try it.”

Ye Zhou took up his chopsticks, steeled himself and ate a mouthful. Obviously Sichuan poached fish in hot chili oil and braised fish were good. Why must Xie Shuhan order this light and tasteless fish?

Since the first two dishes didn’t suit Ye Zhou’s appetite, Ye Zhou could only put hope on the rest of the dishes.

In less than ten minutes, the remaining two dishes and one soup were also served.

Stir-fried shrimp…

Mushroom in oyster sauce…

And a pot of tofu soup…

This meal was completely not good to eat…

But Xie Shuhan thought that the meal was a pleasant and harmonious one. Especially during the dinner, intentionally or otherwise, he would mention that he usually play online games, but also specially brought up the names of the online games.

Ye Zhou rolled his eyes in his heart. God knows what fashion and weapons Xie Shuhan was talking about. Also, what instances and strategies, Ye Zhou felt that they were in two different worlds. What’s even more depressing was that Shang Jin actually chatted very happily with the other…

Eating the unsavory, tasteless meal, he finally endured to the end of dinner.

Xie Shuhan didn’t notice any abnormality at all. After eating, he also took two lemons and stuffed them into Ye Zhou’s hands. Before Ye Zhou could refuse, he ran away without looking back.

Ye Zhou touched his stomach. He’d only eaten a few mouthfuls at night and his stomach didn’t feel full at all.

“Shang Jin, let’s go for a late-night snack. I’m inviting you.” Ye Zhou looked at the lemons in his hand and could neither throw them away nor bring them. Finally, he could only say in a huff, “How can the world have such a horrid species like the lemon?”

Shang Jin took one from his hand and put it at the tip of his nose and smelled it. He smiled and said, “I think it’s very fragrant.”

“Don’t let me see that boy again.” He just had his brain removed for a moment so he’d had a moment of soft-heartedness and agreed to the other person’s invitation. “Now what’s going on with these people? Not able to woo people so they want to take revenge on the other. He knows to drink green tea, but gives other lemon juice without honey, and still has the nerve to talk. Count me courteous that i don’t scold him in public! What kind of liking is this…”

In a good mood, Shang Jin consoled, “This night, I’ll invite you to finish the snack street behind A Uni.”

“Go go go!”

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