In the evening, Ye Zhou specially took Shang Ming to eat their local specialties.

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Shang Ming even bought a big bag of food. When they came back, they chose a route with less people. Although, the bus turned along the road, in any case, the two could sit back and relax while returning to the school.

“Aiya!” Shang Ming patted his head, “I forgot to buy a long pillow.”

Ye Zhou said, “Then I’ll put up with it again and lend myself for you to hold at night?”

“Don’t.” Today, he’d already been taken as a hypothetical rival once. Shang Ming couldn’t do such a thing as holding a person’s sweetheart under the person’s eyes. “I’ll sleep on my own. I was crammed to death last night.”

Ye Zhou couldn’t ask for more. Not only did Shang Ming wrap around people, but his strength was also big. Being hugged by him was like being chained up. “What time is your train tomorrow?”

“Two in the afternoon. In the morning, I can sleep in at the dorm.” Shang Ming straightened up the souvenirs in his bag and said, “This time, the time is a bit tight. Wait until the next Eleventh, I’ll plan sufficiently and come again. Recently, I studied until my head was about to explode. At that time in the self-study room, I don’t know how my brain pulled out the idea of a ‘just say go then go’ trip. I didn’t even check the tickets. At the station, I just bought the ticket for the soonest train and rushed over.”

Ye Zhou laughed, “It feels like you haven’t changed at all, still as willful as before.”

Seeing Ye Zhou’s smile, Shang Ming immediately thought of a past event.

That was, when they were in high school, the two didn’t go home for the holiday and did homework at school when he suddenly said that he wanted to go fly a kite in the fields. At that time, Ye Zhou was focused on preparing for the exams and his whole face was stupefied. Finally, without asking anything, he put down his schoolwork and went with him to a vendor’s stall to buy a kite. They rode the bus to a distant field and flew the kite. That day, the sky was blue and the breeze brushed their faces. The lush green wheat sprouts were on both sides, and the two people ran wildly in the middle of the narrow dirt road.

Ye Zhou was always like this. Shang Ming’s head often came up with some very random things that he wanted to do, and Ye Zhou would always not say anything further, put down the matters at hand and accompany him. Shang Ming said, “I think you haven’t changed at all.”

“No way, right?” Ye Zhou recalled the changes in the past two years. “I think I should be a bit more mature.”

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“Not at all, still so stupid.” The result was such a stupid friend actually had someone he liked. Even if Shang Ming was straight and he’d never thought to be together with Ye Zhou, but suddenly hearing that Ye Zhou liked someone, there was a thread of loss in his heart.

Ye Zhou was unconvinced. “You’re the one who’s stupid! The third year in high school, I tutored you until I wanted to vomit blood before the result was increased by fifty points.”

When the old thing was mentioned again, Shang Ming’s sentimental, literary heart was shattered, and he coldly said, “Don’t mention this matter and we can still be friends.” These fifty points were of such little value in Ye Zhou’s mouth, but it should be known that after he’d checked his college entrance exam score, his parents couldn’t wait to proclaim it to the family group, wishing that they could have set up a big hotel the next day and make his score known to the whole wide world. Afterwards, Mother Shang kept bringing up sending Ye Zhou a brocade banner again and again. Of course, he’d stopped it in the end. However, what was embarrassing was that he’d scored a hundred points less than Ye Zhou and his parents had reserved the best hotel in D City to entertain their friends and relatives, while Ye Zhou’s family had done nothing special and didn’t even have a graduation dinner.

When the bus arrived at the stop, Ye Zhou and Shang Ming carried their big bags and small bags back to the dormitory.

Shang Jin was sitting at the table, reading a book with rapt attention. Ye Zhou came closer to see and found out it was a book about strawberry cultivation methods. “No way, you’re not going to get a job at a greenhouse, so what are you doing reading this book?”

“There’s no harm in understanding more knowledge.” Shang Jin saw Shang Ming following behind him and said, “There’s something for you.’

Shang Ming, in great alarm: “For me???”

In the afternoon, Ye Zhou had told him along the way that Shang Jin not only looked good, but his mind was also first-class. Shang Ming absolutely believed that with that IQ, Shang Jin could definitely make his own homemade TNT easily. Almost instinctively, Shang Ming retreated two steps behind Ye Zhou.

Also confused was Ye Zhou. Shang Jin hadn’t treated another person with a different eye before. Meeting someone for the first time, he unexpected wanted to give something.

Shang Jin closed the dorm door and leaning behind the door was an around 1.8-meter long, paper box. “For you.”

Shang Ming patted Ye Zhou’s shoulder and said, “Ye Zhou, you go open it.”

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Ye Zhou was more curious about this parcel than Shang Ming. With such a large bulk, Ye Zhou used more strength to put the parcel on the ground. As a result, the parcel was much lighter than he’d imagined.

This weight let Ye Zhou roughly guess what was in the package. In the morning, he’d explained to Shang Jin why he’d slept with Shang Ming. Although Shang Jin didn’t ask…

A sharp knife tip slashed across the tape and a soft, white long pillow gradually emerged from a corner of the parcel.

Shang Ming walked over and helped Ye Zhou tear open the package. The last tape was cut open and a 1.8-meter long pillow was displayed in front of them.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that for Shang Ming, this was like sending charcoal in the snowy weather. He held the pillow in his arms around the plastic packaging and sincerely said, “Thank you.”

Shang Jin leaned against the bedpost and said without any emotion, “You’re welcome. As long as you like it.”

“You, what aesthetics is this?” Ye Zhou distastefully looked at the design on the long pillow: a shy and timid anime girl with a big bosom that was almost spilling out of her clothes. Ye Zhou didn’t notice the tartness in his tone, said, “I didn’t expect that you’d actually like this one.”

Shang Jin teased, “What’s the use of me liking it? Can you change into this?”

“Who wants to change into this.” Ye Zhou gave him a cold stare, but looking at Shang Ming’s happy appearance, Ye Zhou felt quite moved. He didn’t think that Shang Jin could do this kind of thing for his friend. Obviously, they’d forgotten to buy it themselves. He pulled Shang Jin’s sleeve and said, “Thank you.”

Shang Jin laughed lowly. “You’re welcome.”

In the evening, Shang Ming perfectly contently held his body pillow and rolled around in the small width of Ye Zhou’s bed.  While Ye Zhou went to take a shower, Shang Ming lay on the body pillow and said, “Hey, Shang Jin.”

“What?” It wasn’t because of Shang Ming that he’d bought the body pillow today. So Shang Ming suddenly changing from his tit-for-tat attitude from this noon to being warm and friendly made Shang Jin a bit unaccustomed to it.

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One look at his attitude, Shang Ming knew that Shang Jin hadn’t taken down his guard against him. He turned around and raised his long pillow. He carefully admired the anime girl on the pillow and said, “A friendly reminder for you: I’ve never been your enemy since the beginning. After all, if I like boys, I wouldn’t hold this body pillow to sleep.”

Shang Jin “oh” and went on with his work, as if Shang Ming’s words had no effect on him.

Shang Ming half-propped up and stared at Shang Jin for half a day, then he lay down in bed and laughed.

Even if Shang Jin was hostile to him at first, but he’d never feared him, seeming as if no matter what Shang Ming’s relationship with Ye Zhou was like now, the final victory would still be his. Perhaps this was the pride of the strong?

With Shang Jin here, even if Ye Zhou wanted to take a detour, he’d still be pulled back the correct path by Shang Jin.

Shang Ming put away his thoughts to meddle in other people’s business and, humming a tune, he selected a lot of photos in his mobile phone and sent it to his friends circle.

The next day was the day Shang Ming had to leave. Shang Ming procrastinated in bed until Ye Zhou urged him again, “Your ticket is for two o’clock, get up!”

Shang Ming rubbed against his pillow and said, “I’m not far from the train station anyway. It’s useless to go so early.”

Currently taking notes on the strawberry seedlings, Shang Jin ‘considerately’ said, “Just let him sleep. In a while, use the Shang Ye number and take the back path. It’s reasonable to say that there would be no traffic jams and you’d be able to get there in about half an hour.”

Shang Ming jumped and sat up. “No need, that’s too much trouble. Let’s take the bus.” Even if Ye Zhou had solemnly introduced him to the Shang Ye number, it was impossible for Shang Ming to ride this flashy car and parade himself around town as calmly as they did.

“It’s no trouble. The road to train station is a bit jammed. I’ll give you a ride in the car! I can go to the supermarket on the way back.”

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This time, Shang Ming couldn’t refuse. At this point, with all kinds of unwillingness revolving around in his heart, he still yield to Ye Zhou’s ‘good intentions’.

Shang Jin leaned against the wall and waved at him with a smile yet not a smile. “When you have the chance, come back and play. We’ll keep the pillow for you.”

Shang Ming angrily glared at Shang Jin. Was this kid deliberate? Obviously, Ye Zhou didn’t even think of such a means of transportation. As a result, Shang Jin had to automatically come up with such a thing. And Ye Zhou! He kept saying that he didn’t like Shang Jin, but in the end, he listened to everything Shang Jin said!

Resignedly getting into the car, Shang Ming put on sunglasses and a mask. An outlandish man sitting inside an outlandish car, little did he realize that this was even more eye-catching.

Recalling Shang Jin’s proud appearance at the end, Shang Ming got angry. Since you’re heartless, don’t blame me for smearing your name in front of Ye Zhou.

“Ye Zhou, I think it makes sense that you don’t like Shang Jin,” Shang Ming said with conviction, “His attitude towards people is too bad. You see, from the time we met until we depart, he’s never shown a smile.”

“I’m sorry.” Ye Zhou said apologetically, “Shang Jin is a person who’s relatively cool on the surface, but this is his character. He’s like this to anyone and isn’t targeting you.”

Shang Ming felt stifled. He hadn’t said that because he’d wanted Ye Zhou to apologize. He changed the angle and said, “It’s too difficult to get along with this personality. Is his relationship with people very poor in school…”

Ye Zhou suddenly stepped on the brakes and seriously said, “Why are you speaking bad about people behind their backs? Fancy that Shang Jin bought you a long pillow yesterday. I’d always thought that you guys got along very well. I didn’t expect you had such a big complaint towards him. Shang Jin’s personality is a bit independent, but he definitely doesn’t have bad relations with people. Not only does he look handsome and has good grades, he’s also candid. He’s always said one is one and two is two. He would never speak ill of people behind their backs.”

Shang Ming pulled his lips. Ye Zhou, with this rushing to defend attitude, actually had the nerve to say that he didn’t like Shang Jin. Shang Ming really wanted to throw a mirror at Ye Zhou and let him see his expression when he’d said those words just now.

“Fine fine fine, I was wrong, I was wrong. Quickly drive. Don’t really make me late,” Shang Ming hurriedly surrendered. With Ye Zhou’s attitude, how would he dare to discredit Shang Jin.

No wonder Shang Jin was so confident. He’d simply been worried for nothing!

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