In early July, all the exams were finally over and most of the people in the dorm had gone back home. In the end, only Ye Zhou and Shang Jin still remained.

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The dorm would be closed tomorrow, and Ye Zhou showed no signs of packing. Shang Jin had to ask, “When are you going home this time?”

“I didn’t buy the ticket. Too lazy to go back. I’ll just find a part-time job here.” Ye Zhou looked through the tourist guide in bed and said, “Or I can also go traveling. Anyways, I don’t want to go back.”

Shang Jin was astonished. “The dorm will be closed tomorrow, and you’re still so casual about everything now? When did you become such a person without a plan?”

“Sometimes I also want to be willful, emptying my mind and doing whatever I want.” Ye Zhou put the phone aside and said, “But it’s such a hot day that I can’t raise the interest to go traveling. You say, what if I just go to the city library and read books everyday, how’s that? I can enjoy the coolness and enrich myself. I don’t know if the library is recruiting librarians or not. I can help them organize the books for free.”

“Then where would you live?”

“The hotel I guess.”

“Even if you’re not short on money, you shouldn’t spend it like that.” Shang Jin walked to Ye Zhou’s bed and leveled the two people’s gazes. “How about going to my house?”

Ye Zhou suddenly sat up and desperately waved his hands. “No, not going, not going!”

“I’m not charging you rent. What are you worried about?”

If the two were really ordinary friends, Ye Zhou may not be reserved. However, the relationship between the two wasn’t usual. It was impossible for Ye Zhou to not feel guilty towards Shang Jin’s family, so how would he dare go live at Shang Jin’s house. When they come out later, how much more awkward it’d be. Ye Zhou insisted, “I’m really not going.”

“It’s not with my family, but another place. My dad bought it for me to use when I get married later…” Shang Jin intentionally pointed out, “So there’s nothing wrong with bringing you there.”

Use for marriage…

Nothing wrong with bringing you there…

Ye Zhou’s heart beat twice rapidly. It felt like a proposal.

Ye Zhou quieted his mind and asked, “You family really doesn’t go there?”

“They never have before, but there’s a little…”

Ye Zhou’s heart hanged. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s been too long since anyone’s been there, so we probably have to clean up a bit.”

“Little thing.” Tidying out a house was a piece of cake for Ye Zhou and he usually does it easily.

Shang Jin’s new house was located at the center of the city. Considering a young person’s life, from the close-by shopping streets and easy transportation, everything was very convenient. It was even half an hour away from their school.

Shang Jin and Ye Zhou arrived at the door of the new house early in the morning.

Shang Jin really didn’t exaggerate. No one had lived there for a long time, and they walked into a layer of dust once they stepped in. Fortunately, all the furniture were covered with dust covers and they simply had to clean the floor.

The two men wore masks and spent the whole morning before they barely finished the preliminary cleaning of the house.

Ye Zhou lay on the sofa and gasped, “Why would you buy such a big house? Exhausted to death.”

Shang Jin opened his mouth, but hesitated.

Ye Zhou gave him a questioning look. “Hmm?”

“It’s nothing.”

“So hungry.” Ye Zhou had rested enough and stood up. He pulled Shang Jin’s arm and said, “Let’s go down and eat.”

Shang Jin lay on the sofa and said, “Don’t want to move, call for takeout.”

“Quickly get up. Let’s go down and move around a bit.” Ye Zhou pulled Shang Jin’s arms and dragged him off the sofa.

Shang Jin was dragged out the door by Ye Zhou, and even though he just came here, Shang Jin could imagine the scene ten years later.

If he spent a lifetime with Ye Zhou, Shang Jin wouldn’t begrudge it at all.

When they got off the elevator, Ye Zhou suddenly remembered one thing. “Is it okay for you not to go home?”

“It’s fine. They’re still comfortable without me.”

He was quite accustomed to Shang Jin’s words, but Ye Zhou couldn’t help but feel a bit of heartache.

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The house was finally cleaned after spending a whole day.

The sheets that were washed in the morning had dried themselves by the evening. Ye Zhou spread them on the bed and the scent of liquid detergent filled the air. He threw himself on the bed and wanted to go straight to sleep.

Shang Jin came out of the bathroom and saw that the bed in the master bedroom was made, but Ye Zhou wasn’t there. He had to turn to the next room before he saw Ye Zhou’s figure.

He leaned against the door and said, “Why did you make two beds?”

“Huh?” After a tiring day, Ye Zhou’s chaotic brain hadn’t reacted yet.

“Why did you make two beds?” Shang Jin repeated again with a smile that wasn’t smiling, “Such a waste.”

Realizing the meaning of Shang Jin’s words, Ye Zhou’s face warmed up. He said mulishly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Shang Jin walked to the bed in a few steps and dangling a USB drive, said, “Do you want to see it?”

Seeing this familiar USB drive again along with Shang Jin’s words, Ye Zhou immediately knew what was inside. “You’re too mensao!1 You actually hid a little movie!”

Shang Jin said innocently, “How am I mensao? But there’s someone whose desires are unsatisfied, and others can’t stand to see it anymore and kept pestering me to take it.”

Ye Zhou said furiously, “Who’s talking rubbish!”

Shang Jin took off his shoes and lay down. Looking at Ye Zhou, he mocked, “Is it really rubbish?”


Ye Zhou pushed him away and said, “You lie down on the bed without changing your clothes?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Shang Jin draped over Ye Zhou’s body and said, “Anyway, it’ll get dirty in a moment.”

It wasn’t the first time the two kissed, but none was as passionate and strong as today.

Their tongues intertwined and even kissing was like a competition.

After a long while, Shang Jin released Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou’s face was flushed and his breath unsteady. He reach out and wiped the sweat off Shang Jin’s face. Shang Jin, who’d always been calm, had an expression full of aggression at the moment, as if he were beast wanting to devour his prey.

Ye Zhou clung to Shang Jin’s neck, lifted his body and planted a light kiss on Shang Jin’s lips.

This action was like a fuse.

Shang Jin once again kissed Ye Zhou’s lips, his hand moving from Ye Zhou’s face and wandering downwards.

Ye Zhou was wearing a loose cotton T-shirt for the cleaning today, and Shang Jin’s hand easily slipped under the hem of his shirt.

“First…the clothes first…oh…” Ye Zhou couldn’t even say a complete sentence and was immediately sealed by Shang Jin’s lips with a kiss.

After a long kiss, Shang Jin finally found out that the clothes were in the way and couldn’t reach the limit of skin contact.

“Raise your hands.” Shang Jin directly lifted Ye Zhou’s clothes and after exchanging a brief kiss, he released Ye Zhou and in less than one second, Ye Zhou’s cotton T-shirt was thrown at the bedside.

Shang Jin once again kissed Ye Zhou, but this time, it was just a flirting taste. Gradually, the kiss trailed down and Shang Jin’s lips lingered on Ye Zhou’s neck. He kissed Ye Zhou’s throat and Ye Zhou gave a light groan. Shang Jin smiled and he continued down.

Ye Zhou’s hand threaded through Shang Jin’s hair and he urged, “What are you dilly-dallying for…?”

Shang Jin spent a long time on Ye Zhou’s neck, and suddenly he sucked heavily.

“Hiss…” Ye Zhou couldn’t help but cling to Shang Jin’s head. After Shang Jin released him, he angrily said, “What are you doing?”

Shang Jin raised his head and looked at the red mark on the collarbone. He said meaningfully, “Planting strawberries.”

Ye Zhou blanked and suddenly laughed out loud, “That makes me want to plant one too.”

Shang Jin rolled over and lay on the bed. “Come.”

Ye Zhou sat to one side. Shang Jin’s clothes were still worn on his body. Because he was wearing sweatpants, he could see very well that the little brother below was quite spirited. Ye Zhou touched on that part of Shang Jin’s body. Shang Jin hadn’t expected Ye Zhou’s action and gave a smothered moan from this sudden raid.

As if finding delight in it, Ye Zhou directly stripped off Shang Jin’s pants.

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Through the thin layer of underwear, it better highlighted the shape of the lower body.

Ye Zhou didn’t remove Shang Jin’s underwear, but put his hand directly into it. This was Ye Zhou’s first intimate contact with another man’s part, the hot sensation burning into his heart.

Feeling the touch of his lover, even if Shang Jin was determined to be stronger, he also quickly reached his limit. He pulled Ye Zhou under him and began to pull down Ye Zhou’s pants.

“Hey, I haven’t planted strawberries yet!”

“You can plant them after we’re finished!” said Shang Jin, directly pulling down Ye Zhou’s pants along with his underwear down to his knees. Ye Zhou’s cock was already erect, and Shang Jin held it in one hand and began to move up and down.

“Mmh…” Ye Zhou’s hand grasping Shang Jin’s lower body loosened, and he unconsciously clung to Shang Jin’s back, his mouth constantly letting out light moans.

However, at the moment when Ye Zhou was about to release, Shang Jin stopped his hand, leaving him in a position of not being able to go up or down, his heart itching intolerably.

Ye Zhou gritted his teeth and said, “Shang Jin…you…”

Shang Jin wasn’t much better than Ye Zhou. Beside when Ye Zhou had touched his cock before, he hadn’t gotten any relief at all. He took the lubricant from his bag and poured a little into his hand.

Ye Zhou was rubbed lightly by Shang Jin’s body when he felt a sudden coolness behind him.

He squinted his eyes and saw an extra object on the bed. A bit distracted, he said, “When did you buy it?”

Shang Jin whispered in his ear with a low voice, “When we went to the supermarket.”

“Mensao…mm…” Ye Zhou felt Shang Jin’s finger trying to enter his back hole and immediately took a deep breath and tried to relax his body. He hadn’t eaten pork but he’d seen pigs run. When he’d found out about his sexual orientation, he’d read up on the general knowledge about this. It was the first time for the two of them, and Ye Zhou didn’t want to hurt himself.

The sweat on Shang Jin’s forehead fell, and he patted Ye Zhou’s ass to make him lie with his back facing him. Generously pouring lubricant into his hand, after one finger could slide in smoothly, he added another finger.

Ye Zhou once again saw that Shang Jin wasn’t omnipotent.

At least when he was loosen the back, he didn’t know to help him appease the little brother in the front.

Even though Shang Jin’s actions were gentle, but Ye Zhou still felt an ache. The little brother in front that had been on the verge of release had already gradually wilted, and now he could only rely on himself for satisfaction.

Once the fingers could smoothly thrust in, Shang Jin covered Ye Zhou’s body and began to rain kisses on Ye Zhou’s neck. The empty hand held Ye Zhou’s hand and helped him.

Ye Zhou turned his head and exchanged a kiss with him. “All right?”

Just after the words fell, Ye Zhou felt a hard object behind him.

Ye Zhou’s heartbeat was like thunder, and his entire body’s sense was concentrated on the back hole. Although his back was facing Shang Jin, but Ye Zhou seemed to be able to see Shang Jin entering his body inch by inch.

“Mm…” Ye Zhou bit his lower lip and groaned. Shang Jin immediately stopped, waiting for Ye Zhou to slowly untense before gradually entering bit by bit.

Shang Jin thought he was being gentle to slowly enter, but in Ye Zhou’s view, it was like being cut by a thousand knives. He said fiercely, “You come in all at once…give me a good time.”

Shang Jin kissed Ye Zhou’s ear and suddenly slammed in.

“Ah…” Ye Zhou couldn’t help but clench the sheets under him. The red flush on his face faded, leaving only a deathly pale.

Ye Zhou felt unbearable, and Shang Jin wasn’t any better than Ye Zhou. He kissed Ye Zhou’s neck with all his strength and whispered, “Ye Zhou…Ye Zhou…Zhou… Zhou…”

Ye Zhou slowly recovered. Hearing Shang Jin’s call in his ear, he had a moment of absentmindness.

At school, most people affectionately called Ye Zhou “Zhou”, but Shang Jin, this serious lover, always called Ye Zhou “Ye Zhou”. Hearing for the first time such an intimate name, Ye Zhou seemed to feel like waves of heat kept washing over him and the pain gradually disappeared, replaced by the satisfaction of being one.

“I’m fine.” Ye Zhou wanted to turn around and touch Shang Jin’s face, but with their current fit, it was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to move freely while Shang Jin was still in his body. “Slowly, move a bit.”

Shang Jin pressed one kiss after another on Ye Zhou’s body and felt Ye Zhou start to relax. Moving his body, his hand moved around to Ye Zhou’s front and helped him comfort his already soft little brother.

After thrusting for a while, Ye Zhou finally got used to it and moaned when Shang Jin accidentally hit his prostate.

He just moaned and immediately covered his mouth. Did he really just let out that tone of voice? Too shameful!

It was like Shang Jin had heard a signal and he tried hard to hit that direction again.

“Mm…” Ye Zhou bit the corner of the quilt, trying hard to suppress his voice. Even if he likes Shang Jin, he didn’t want to let out this kind of unbearable cry in front of Shang Jin.

As the exceptional one who understood Ye Zhou, Shang Jin could tell his thought from this one action and also didn’t force him. Feeling the back hole began to tighten, Shang Jin knew Ye Zhou wanted to shoot, and he worked harder toward the place where Ye Zhou liked.

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“Mm…I can’t…” Ye Zhou gasped in a hurry and once Shang Jin thrusted again, his brain blanked and then he shot out.

Shang Jin thrusted again for a while and holding Ye Zhou, he also shot out.

Ye Zhou calmed down and breathed for a moment, lying down on the bed. “I think I’m already a dead fish.”

Shang Jin chuckled and came down from Ye Zhou’s body. His hand kept stroking Ye Zhou’s back and sometimes, moved up to Ye Zhou’s cheek.

Ye Zhou said in distaste, “Don’t put the hand that’s been there on my face.”

Shang Jin joked, “That’s been where?”

“You’re so annoying!”

After being refreshed, Shang Jin found that his body was sticky and uncomfortable. He sat up and said, “Let’s go take a bath.”

Ye Zhou placed his hand on him and said, “Help me get up.”

Shang Jin teased, “Princess carry?”

“Not even if you beat me to death!”

But Ye Zhou’s strength wasn’t bad, so after a rest, he could walk by himself.

The bathroom in the master bedroom had an oversized bathtub. When Ye Zhou entered, Shang Jin had already filled it with water.

“Take a bath and go to sleep.” It was the first time for both of them. Shang Jin had no experience and feared he’d hurt Ye Zhou.

But Ye Zhou thoughtlessly leaned in Shang Jin’s arms and let Shang Jin help him clean up.

Done once, the back hole was already quite loosened. He didn’t feel too much when the fingers entered again.

Ye Zhou turned and encircled Shang Jin’s neck. “It wasn’t easy to loosen the back. It’d be too wasteful to do it just once. Why don’t we have another go?”

Shang Jin, of course, deferred to his wishes.

After this bout, Ye Zhou was completely beat. Shang Jin held him under the water in the shower and carried him to the bed.

After simply cleaning up the bathroom, he held Ye Zhou and fell into a deep sleep.


Waking up in the master bedroom the next morning, Ye Zhou rubbed his eyes and felt his skin touch the dry, soft sheets. He realized that he had too much foresight to make two beds.

Shang Jin was sleeping on his back with his face turned toward him. There was a bite mark on his shoulder that he’d left yesterday in the passion of the moment.

Ye Zhou leaned in closer to Shang Jin, tracing Shang Jin’s features with his eyes.

He still remembered that Zhou Wendao had once sent him Shang Jin’s sleeping face. At that time, he had irritably deleted it. How could he have expected that in less than a year, he’d actually wake up next to Shang Jin?

He had to sigh that heaven’s arrangement was outside of people’s expectations. Suddenly, a loud phone ring echoed in the quiet bedroom. Shang Jin frowned and rolled over, covering his face with the quilt. Ye Zhou sat up and picked up the phone from the nightstand beside Shang Jin.

The thin quilt slipped down to reveal Ye Zhou’s upper body covered in marks. He didn’t know when these marks would disappear. The hateful thing was that they were on his collarbone. How could he wear clothes like this!

Ye Zhou glared at the still sleeping Shang Jin and looked at the phone.

The screen showed that caller was Shang Jin’s dad.

Ye Zhou pushed Shang Jin and said, “Wake up, it’s your dad calling.”

Shang Jin irritably lifted the quilt and took the phone from Ye Zhou’s hand. He closed his eyes and used his just woken up, low voice to say, “Hey?”

Ye Zhou patted Shang Jin and whispered, “I’m going to go shower first.”

Shang Jin waved his hand.

Last night, he’d been too tired after finishing, and the two people had simply let the water run over them. Ye Zhou always felt that he wasn’t clean. When he turned on the shower and just washed his hair, Shang Jin pushed opened the door and entered.

Ye Zhou: “???”

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Shang Jin said nothing and squeezed in with Ye Zhou who’d just used the shower gel and stood under the shower.

“What’s wrong??”

“Is your body alright?”

Ye Zhou said with a hot face, “It’s okay. I have good physical fitness.”

“That’s good.” Shang Jin finished this sentence and didn’t speak again.

Ye Zhou hung on this matter in his heart. When he squeezed the shower gel, he was absent-minded and as a result, he squeezed out the shampoo instead.

Looking at the shampoo in his palm, Ye Zhou glanced at Shang Jin and directly smeared it on Shang Jin’s hair.

Shang Jin: “……”

Half an hour later, the two peopled finished washing.

Shang Jin dressed and scratched his not yet blown-dry hair. “It looks like we won’t be able to live here.”

Ye Zhou indifferently said, “If we can’t live here, then we can’t live here.”

Shang Jin handed the bank card in his bag to Ye Zhou and said, “You take this card and reserve a hotel room first. Bring your laptop and after you’ve settled down, look for a place to rent.”

“It’s not like I don’t have money to book a hotel. I don’t need you to give me money.” Ye Zhou declined and said, “What’s wrong?”

“I’ll probably be driven out of my house right away.” Obviously it was a very serious matter, but in Shang Jin’s mouth, it was as simple as going out to eat a meal. “Just take my card first. This is my own money and isn’t related with my family. We’d probably have to stay at the hotel for a while before we can find a place.”

Ye Zhou worriedly said, “What’s going on? What happened?”

Shang Jin kissed Ye Zhou’s forehead and said, “After you find a hotel, send me the address.”

Shang Jin didn’t want to say, and Ye Zhou didn’t ask anymore. After Shang Jin left, he packed the two people’s things. Thinking of Shang Jin’s words, he also didn’t dare to casually spend the money. He went to an inexpensive hotel and booked it. After sending the location to Shang Jin, he started looking for a place to rent.

On the other side, Shang Jin got out of his car and opened the house door.

Shang Qingping, who’d always had the attitude of not caring about him, had unyieldingly told him to come home, and it was also not long after he’d met Liang Jingmin. Shang Jin didn’t need to think about it to know what was going on.

He’d only thought that for the sake of the “big picture”, Liang Jingmin wouldn’t tell Shang Qingping about him dating boys, but he didn’t expect that she’d tell him.

The atmosphere at home could no longer be described as low pressure. Shang Qingping sat in the middle of the sofa. Qin Fei sat trembling by his side, and when she saw Shang Jin, she gave him a meaningful glance.

“Dad, Auntie.” Shang Jin sat down as if nothing had happened. “Where’s Youyou and Little Ji?”

Shang Qingping slammed the table and furiously said, “And let them see the embarrassing things you, this brother, are doing?”

Shang Jin grimly said, “I’ve always done things with a clear conscience and I don’t feel like I’ve done anything to lose face.”

“Still daring to quibble!” Shang Qingping stood up and angrily panted, “Fooling around with men isn’t called losing face! When your mother asked me, I didn’t know how to answer her. After so many years, this is the first time I couldn’t lift my head in front of her. The son who I’d thought was outstanding would actually do such a disgraceful thing.”

Still disgraceful, Shang Jin sneered. Compared to him liking men, Shang Qingping was even more concerned about lifting his head in front of Liang Jingmin. “No matter what you say, anyway, I’m serious about my feeling.”

“Serious my ass! Can two men live together forever?”

Shang Jin smiled mockingly and said, “But a man and a woman may not be able to live together for a lifetime. This matter, dad, you should know best.”

“Youー” Shang Qinping raised his hand, but when he saw Shang Jin’s expression, he really could not strike down. He didn’t know when it started, but the child he’d always neglected had already grown up. He reluctantly put his hand down and said, “You’ve grown up and want to spread your wings? Fine, you should fly and don’t come back!”

“I have no intention of quarrelling with you. But dad…” Shang Jin stood up and took out the bank card and the key to the downtown house that Shang Qingping had given him from his backpack and put them down on the table. He said, “Since you haven’t cared for me for so many years, don’t worry about me this time either.”

This sentence was like a needle that punctured Shang Qingping’s balloon-like anger. He dropped his hand and could no longer say a word.

Shang Jin left the house and didn’t call Ye Zhou. Instead, he sat on a nearby park bench and stared at the sky in a daze.

For so many years, he’d thought he’d long since stopped holding resentment and blame. However, some emotions were buried deep, and in the end, wouldn’t fade away.

mensao (闷骚): outwardly cold but deeply passionate inside 

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