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Ye Heng stared blankly. Why did everyone mention Ye Zhou’s name with this tone??

What Ye Heng didn’t know was that Zhou Wendao’s heart was flipping back and forth. Ye Zhou actually had an older brother? Ye Zhou’s older brother actually came to the university? Did Ye Zhou’s older brother know about his and Shang Jin’s matter?

Zhou Wendao thought for too long and Ye Heng couldn’t help but interrupt him. “Classmate?”

Zhou Wendao came back to his senses and quickly cleared his throat. He asked tentatively, “You…are really Ye Zhou’s brother? Blood brother?”

Ye Heng was baffled, but still replied, “Blood brother, so…do you know Ye Zhou?”

Zhou Wendao lowered his head and sighed. Should he say he knows him or not? Knows him or not?

It was obviously the behavior of concealing something, and it made Ye Heng mistakenly think that Ye Zhou was like he’d imagined: he was in a difficult situation at school.

Now that nothing was clear, Zhou Wendao didn’t dare to rashly tell Ye Heng about Ye Zhou living outside. He asked suspiciously, “Since you’re his brother, you didn’t talk to Ye Zhou before? It’s just making a phone call.”

“I came in a hurry and forgot to say. I just called and no one answered.”

“So it’s like this…” Zhou Wendao said insipidly. He clenched the snack bag and kept sighing that if he’d known earlier, he wouldn’t buy snacks today. Well, now he was completely unprepared to meet a big Buddha. Seeing that he was going to the boys’ dormitory, Zhou Wendao took a turn to take Ye Heng to the sports field, planning to take him around a lap before bringing him back. It was best to contact Ye Zhou during this time. He took out his phone and said, “I’ll try giving Ye Zhou a call.”

Finished talking, he couldn’t wait to dial the phone number. Hearing the beep in his ear, he kept praying for Ye Zhou to answer the phone.

In the rented room, Ye Zhou’s mobile phone next to the pillow kept flashing, but it was on mute so that Ye Zhou, who had his head tucked in Shang Jin’s arms, didn’t feel it at all.

“Hehehehe…Big Brother, maybe Ye Zhou is busy right now…” Zhou Wendao put his phone back in his pocket and rubbed the sweat on his pants. “I’ll take you back to the dorm first.”

“Is Ye Zhou doing okay at school?”

Because Zhou Wendao was anxious, he’d been absent-minded. So when Ye Heng asked again, he hastily said, “It’s good, it’s good.”

Ye Heng glanced at him with a great deal of distrust in his eyes. With such a perfunctory answer, perhaps Ye Zhou usually wasn’t okay at all?

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After walking for nearly a quarter of an hour, Ye Heng suddenly stopped and said, “We’ve just been here.”

A sweat dripped down Zhou Wendao’s forehead. No way!! He’d been found out.

Ye Heng looked directly at him and said, “I’m used to remembering the road in unfamiliar places. Fortunately, I have a good memory. Don’t tell me that a student who’s been here for two years would get lost.”

Zhou Wendao was short, and was half-a-head shorter when facing Ye Heng, not to mention now that Ye Heng’s aura was fully opened. His tears quickly flowed like lasagna. Zhou! Your brother and you aren’t alike at all! Is it easy for me to hide yours and Shang Jin’s relationship?

Zhan Xing passed by right when Zhou Wendao was in a dilemma. He rushed in front of Zhou Wendao and glared at Ye Heng. “What are you doing? Troubling my brother?”

Zhou Wendao quickly stopped Zhan Xing and explained, “It’s a misunderstanding, misunderstanding. He’s here to find Ye Zhou.”

Zhan Xing immediately raised an alarm in his heart. Since Shang Jin and Ye Zhou were together, they’d quarrel from time to time, and all of A Uni’s students would panic and think everyone was their enemy. Now that Shang Jin and Ye Zhou finally entered their honeymoon period, what was this strange man looking for Ye Zhou trying to attempt?

He said guardedly, “Why are you looking for Ye Zhou?”

Ye Heng raised this question again: why was it that once he mentioned looking for Ye Zhou, their expression when looking at him was so…subtle? How bad was his brother’s reputation at school to cause even a mention of Ye Zhou to make everyone look at him with such…disgust?

Zhou Wendao whispered, “He’s Ye Zhou’s brother!”

Zhan Xing breathed a big sigh of relief. “That so. Sorry, big brother, but Ye Zhou’s no longer liv…” Words not yet finished, Zhou Wendao covered his mouth. Zhou Wendao desperately gave Zhan Xing a signal with his eyes.

Ye Heng easily guessed what he didn’t say. His head exploded. It was exactly what he’d imagined. His poor little brother must have been bullied so he’d moved outside to live. He couldn’t help but blame himself. If he’d known this, he would have come to A City earlier. He asked in the gentlest tone, “Where does Ye Zhou live now?”

Zhou Wendao saw that he couldn’t keep the rental house under wraps anymore and could only tell the truth. “We don’t know. We haven’t been there.” It was mainly the love nest of the small couple. They’d all tactfully not gone over to disturb them.

This statement turned into something else in Ye Heng’s ears. His little brother had no friends, so no one would go visit him when he rented a house outside. Ye Heng decided to go tomorrow and look at the houses in A City. Ye Zhou had to study for at least two years. He had to settle here as soon as possible so that he could take his brother to live with him.

“Then, big brother, why don’t we wait in the dorm first?” Zhan Xing remediated, “He sometimes stays in the dorm.”

When Zhan Xing brought Ye Heng to the entrance of the boys’ dorm, Ye Heng gave a meaningful look at Zhou Wendao.

Zhou Wendao was scared until his back was soaked with a layer of sweat. It was over. Taking a deliberate detour was really seen through.

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When they arrived at 403, Zhou Wendao quickly beat it. “Zhan Xing, you take big brother over there. I’m so sleepy. I’ll go to bed first.”

Zhan Xing didn’t notice anything. He knocked on the door to 405, opened it and said, “Big Brother Ye, this is Ye Zhou’s dorm. This is Ye Zhou’s bed.”

Liu Yutian curiously said, “This is?”

Zhan Xing introduced, “This is Ye Zhou’s older brother.”

“Hi, Big Brother Ye.”

Ye Heng nodded at him and walked to Ye Zhou’s bed. The neat bed was without a trace of wrinkle and even the quilt was folded into a tofu block. His eyes swept over to Ye Zhou’s desk and like the bed, it was clean and tidy. He picked up a book that was filled with notes. The handwriting was neat and clear.

Liu Yutian looked at Ye Heng and asked Zhan Xing, “Since Big Brother Ye came, why hasn’t Ye Zhou come yet?”

Ye Heng put down the book and said, “I just called but it didn’t go through.”

“Then why don’t I give Shang…”

“Ke ke cough!” Zhan Xing severely interrupted him and kept giving him imaginary eyes.

Liu Yutian looked at Ye Heng and looked at Zhan Xing again. He immediately understood and changed his words. “I’ll give…Ye Zhou another call!”

Saying he’d call Ye Zhou, in fact, Liu Yutian pressed Shang Jin’s number.

buzz buzz buzz…

Shang Jin frowned and covered his face with the quilt.

Ye Zhou opened his sleepy eyes and pushed Shang Jin. “Phone…”

Shang Jin felt for the phone, squinted his eyes and pushed the green button. In a bad tone, “What?”

Shang Jin had woken up in anger…

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Liu Yutian swallowed his saliva. He swept over Ye Heng out of the corner of his eye and put on an act. “Ye Zhou, where are you?”

“Ah?” Shang Jin took a look at the screen of the phone and made sure that the other person was Liu Yutian, then placed it back to his ear.

Listening to Shang Jin’s tone, Liu Yutian madly sweated in his heart and pretended to calmly say, “Why didn’t you pick up when I just called you?”

Shang Jin was silent for a second and then casually handed the phone to Ye Zhou. “Your phone call.”


Liu Yutian was moved to tears. Shang Jin was really Shang Jin. Without having to explain, Shang Jin immediately knew what he wanted to say.

“Don’t say anything. Your brother is here and is now waiting for you in the dorm. Come back quickly!” Liu Yutian spoke out like the patter of a machine gun. Soon after, he cast Ye Heng a glance and pretended to complain, “Where did you go? I gave you so many calls but no one answered.”

Ye Zhou said in a daze, “What brother…”

“What ‘what brother’, your own brother!!”

“My brother…” Ye Zhou’s head that was on standby finally woke up. He suddenly sat up in shock. “My brother!”

Ye Heng impatiently said, “Come, let me talk with him.”

That hard-to-refuse imposing manner made Liu Yutian easily hand over the phone before he had a chance to respond.

“Zhou Zhou.”

“Brother, you…” Ye Zhou picked up his mobile phone from the bedside and saw the 10 missed calls on the screen. “Why didn’t tell me in advance that you were coming?”

Ye Heng said carefully, “Am I bothering you?”

“No, no…” Ye Zhou turned over, got off the bed and said, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

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Ye Heng considerately said, “No rush. Why don’t you tell me the address and I’ll go to you.”

Ye Heng looked at Shang Jin who was still in a deep sleep and hurriedly said, “Don’t, don’t, don’t! I’ll be right back. Wait half an hourーno, twenty minutesーI’ll be right back. Brother, see you later!”

This was the first time Ye Heng had experienced such an “enthusiastic” Ye Zhou. He was going to hang up the phone when his eyes accidentally swept over the name of the contact on the mobile phone screen. He vaguely saw the word “Shang”, but not waiting for him to look closely, the cell phone was snatched away by Liu Yutian.

Liu Yutian pretended to carelessly ask, “Big Brother Ye, what did Ye Zhou say?”

Ye Heng’s attention was drawn away. He’d calmed down after contacting Ye Zhou and was a lot more good-natured to Ye Zhou’s classmates. “He said that he would be back in a minute.”

Liu Yutian said in embarrassment, “That’s good, that’s good.”

On the other side, Ye Zhou kicked Shang Jin with his foot while putting on his clothes. “I won’t be back tonight.”

Shang Jin opened a corner of the quilt and said in a low voice, “Your brother came?”

“Yeah, my relationship with my brother isn’t so good that I could tell him about the two of us. So I’ll stay in the dorm today.” Ye Zhou quickly washed up and kissed him before leaving. “See you tomorrow.”

“Wait.” Shang Jin sat up and said to Ye Zhou, “Your brother came. I have no reason to stay here so I’ll go with you.”

“No!” Ye Zhou said, unyielding, “You stay here today.”

Shang Jin said, “It should be okay as a regular friend.”

“No.” Ye Zhou remained unmoved. “I’m not sure I wouldn’t give the game away in front of my brother.” Not to mention that the two people had lived together for almost three months and many habits had changed. Wen Renxu said that they were unconsciously dog abusers. What if it was seen through by his brother!

“Okay.” Shang Jin said helplessly. “Your brother came so hastily. Ask him if he’s booked the hotel. If he hasn’t, just say it and I’ll help him make a reservation.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Walking to the door, Ye Zhou paused again to explain, “Also, don’t call me. We’ll try our best to pretend to be ordinary classmates in these two days. When my brother’s gone, our alert can be lifted, okay?”

Shang Jin waved his hand and gave him an “OK” gesture.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath and quickly rushed toward school.


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