A City entered exam week again as the first snow came.

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When Ye Zhou went to the library at this time, he often found that someone was observing him.

He looked down at his clothes, took out his cell phone and swept his gaze over his cheeks and hair from the black screen to make sure there wasn’t the slightest thing out of place. Then, he locked the bike in the shed.

At the library entrance, several students were standing together and stepped forward in Ye Zhou’s direction. When Ye Zhou looked at them, they immediately shifted their gazes and pretended to chat.

Freshmen. For Ye Zhou, even though it was only two grades lower, but there were fundamental differences between new students and the old foxes.

Ye Zhou walked over, slung his arm over one guy’s shoulders and said, “Looking for me for something?”

“Ye, Ye, Ye…Senior Ye Zhou,” said the accosted boy with a blushing face. He stuttered, “There’s one thing we wanted to ask you.”

“What is it?”

Another student plucked up his courage and asked, “These last two days, why wasn’t Senior Shang Jin with you?”

“Shang Jin has to do something these few days.” The electricity in their rented place had stopped for two days, and it just happened that Shang Jin’s cousin was coming over to A City to stay for a month. Qin Fei wasn’t too familiar with Shang Jin’s cousin so Shang Jin temporarily stayed at home.

Since he had no classes and the weather was bad, Shang Jin was too lazy to run between the house and school, and he reviewed at home everyday. Before going, Shang Jin asked Ye Zhou to go home with him. Ye Zhou was ten thousand times unwilling, of course. So now, Ye Zhou was living in the dorm while Shang Jin lived at home. It wasn’t surprising that it shaped up like a situation where the two were separated.

He remembered that when he moved back in alone, it caused a great stir in their class.

Zhou Wendao said in great alarm, “Did you fight with Shang Jin??”

The sports member said sullenly, “Why do you have to pick the exam time to have a fight every time!”

“I really didn’t fight with him!” Ye Zhou said, “You can’t wish me well?? Twice every three days, you say that we fought and broke up in front of me. If there’s a day when we really break up, then it’s because we were cursed by you guys!”

After this statement, everyone shut their mouths in tacit understanding.

It wasn’t only their finance class: the entire school didn’t want Shang Ye to split up. However, this sentence also indirectly showed that the two Shang and Ye were really fine.

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But just because the finance class knew, it didn’t mean that everyone in school knew.

As a matter of fact, the freshman had only heard rumors from his school brothers and began to fear that the sky was falling, like the grass stirred up by the wind.

“Don’t worry. Shang Jin and I are quite well. Go worship your test god in peace.”

The three younger brothers heard this and loosened a huge sigh of relief. One of them said, “During my senior year, I let loose a bit and muddled along for almost half a year. At that time, I saw the publicity video talk about A Uni’s test god blessing, and I had the mind of cutting off all retreat and filled in here.”

“I also came after seeing the promo. Although I studied seriously everyday, but I still get nervous when facing the exam. When I was hesitating over several schools, I watched A Uni’s promo and filled it in immediately.”

“Isn’t it? I heard that it wasn’t just exams: the Shang Ye number is also very effective for competitions and such!”

Ye Zhou was completely stupefied. “What are you talking about?”

The younger brother who had his shoulders captured by Ye Zhou took out his mobile phone, searched in A Uni’s official microblog and found the forwarded post.

The original post was a video uploaded by a student union member. After A Uni’s official blog forwarded it, it became a bit hot.

The beginning of the video introduced A Uni’s history, culture and philosophy. Most of progress bar passed in a serious tone. At the end, there was only a voice that said, “The most important thing is that our school has a car: the unrivaled in this world test god car! Students, are you afraid of exams? Don’t worry, as long as you come to A Uni and enter the Shang Ye religion, the test god will always cover you! Self-tested effectiveness!”

Then following were a crowd of A Uni students confirming this.

Ye Zhou drew out his mouth, questioning the school he’d applied to for the first time. What kind of group of feudal superstitious students was this? He solemnly said to the three people, “The most important thing for the exams is to study regularly and review at the end of the year. Don’t always stake your hopes on external things.”

“Yeah!” The three men nodded vigorously and then said, “Quick quick, it’s almost the exam time. Let’s go around and take a look first at the the Shang Ye number.”

Ye Zhou’s face filled with black lines. Of course, what he’d just said had all been in vain.

What Ye Zhou didn’t know was that in his senior year, the student union members would directly seek out Ye Zhou and Shang Jin and take a video of them, hoping that they’d be able to leave some residual energy before they graduated.

After a long day in the library, Ye Heng called in the evening and said that he should be there in another week.

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When Ye Zhou chatted with Shang Jin, he casually brought up this matter. As a result, Shang Jin came to school the next day.

“Let’s help your brother look for a house.”

Ye Zhou smirked. “I never thought that we would go together. Yesterday, I checked his company’s address and selected several neighborhoods around there.”

Shang Jin took Ye Zhou’s little record book and roughly understood Ye Heng’s position in his company by looking at the names of the several communities. “These won’t do.”

Ye Zhou said in dissatisfaction, “I searched all night.”

“What do you think is the most important thing for your brother when renting?” The two people came out from the dormitory. Shang Jin looked at the gloomy sky and said, “Let’s drive the pedicab over.”

“Don’t drive the pedicab. There’s people who have exams today, so what if they come to worship the Shang Ye number? Let’s go by bus.”

Shang Jin opened the weather forecast on his phone and saw that there wasn’t news of rain. “Then let’s just ride our bikes.”

Riding bikes to look at houses?

“You want to be tired to death?”

Shang Jin gave him a sidelong glance and said, “You haven’t answered me yet. What’s the most important thing for your brother when renting?”

“Of course, it’s being close to the company with convenient transportation. After that, it’s the community’s environment, the type of apartment and so on.”

“That’s you renting.” Shang Jin couldn’t help but sympathize with Ye Heng, who was just like him during the period when Ye Zhou kept insisting he liked Tang Dongdong. Ye Heng came to A City most likely because of Ye Zhou. If he couldn’t live with Ye Zhou, then he must at least be close to him. “Let’s look in the community where we rented.”

“But it’s a little far from my brother’s company. It’s almost half an hour’s drive.”

“What does half an hour count for?”

Ye Zhou doubtfully followed him back to the community. Ye Zhou’s relations with the neighbors were very good, so he immediately asked the chatting people, “Auntie, do you know if there’s an apartment for rent in the community?”

The auntie gossiped, “Little Ye, where you’re living isn’t good?”

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“No, it’s very good. It’s for my brother. He’s coming here to work and also wants to rent an apartment.”

“I remember that Old Wu’s family seems to be renting, but his house is two bedrooms and one living room. Is your brother alone?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a bit bigger.” His brother wasn’t short on money; Ye Zhou didn’t even think about helping him to save money. The main point was that his brother lived comfortably.

After inquiring with three families, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin looked at one after the other, and finally decided on the two-bedroom apartment nearest to theirs. They paid the deposit first, with the rest to be paid by his brother when he came.

A week later, Ye Heng was about to arrive at A City. Shang Jin had something and couldn’t accompany Ye Zhou to go meet him at the airport, but he didn’t forget to explain before leaving, “If your brother asks about the apartment, just say that you wanted your brother to be a bit closer.”

Ye Zhou had already understood by now, but he also wanted to help Shang Jin say a few words in front of his brother to increase his good impression.

Thinking so, Ye Zhou still intended to follow his words because he trusted Shang Jin.

“How could I make you do such a troublesome thing as helping me to rent a place? It’s your final exam period, right?” His mouth said this, but in the face of Ye Zhou’s good intentions, where would Ye Heng feel ungrateful? “How much is the advance? Big brother will give you double.”

Ye Zhou was somewhat discomforted with the way the other always treated him as a child. He said disgruntled, “Talks of money hurt feelings.”

“Fine, don’t talk about money. If there’s something you want in the future, just tell me.”

Ye Zhou, who had always been self-reliant, felt that he really was a M. Suddenly, someone came who was completely deferential to him, but how come he still felt a bit awkward? He hoped that the other could treat him like Shang Jin: mocking him with nothing to do.

Ye Zhou glanced at Ye Heng and said, “The apartment I rented for you is in the same community as mine.”

Ye Heng’s lips hooked up and said, “This was what Shang Jin proposed, right?”

Ye Zhou was stunned.

Where was it this time!

Where was the flaw exposed!

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He hadn’t spoken out the great pile of words he’d organized when he was somehow seen through by his brother.

“He really is…” Ye Heng shook his head and didn’t continue talking.

Ye Zhou grasped his heart and clawed his liver, wanting to know his next words. He really is what? Meddling with other people’s business or did well?

Walking into the community with Ye Heng, the moment Ye Zhou entered, he was warmly greeted by the every neighbor along the way. Ye Heng was slightly surprised. At first, he only thought that Ye Zhou had good relationships at school. He didn’t expect it was the same in the community. Especially with this kind of new residential building, neighbors sometimes didn’t know each other.

Why did he never speak at home?

Ye Heng wanted to ask, but when the words came to his lips, the answer was already in his heart.

“Brother, this apartment has two bedrooms. This is a bedroom and this one can be a study.” As soon as he entered the apartment, Ye Zhou took him for a tour, observing his brother’s reaction from time to time.

Ye Heng patted his shoulder and said, “Very good. I’m very satisfied. Sure enough, there’s an extremely reliable little brother over here.”

Ye Zhou’s tail stuck up from the praise.

“What about you guys? Where do you live?”

Ye Zhou walked to the balcony and pointed it out to him, “From this side, go to Building 3. It’s there.”

Ye Heng knitted his brows. “The only downside is that it’s a bit far from you.”

Ye Zhou: “Excuse me??

What was far about being less than 50 meters away??

“Is Shang Jin free tonight? Let’s have a meal together.”

Ye Zhou directly helped make a decision for Shang Jin, “That’s a must!”

Ye Heng strolled around the two-bedroom apartment and said, “I can thank him then.” Although he didn’t want to admit it, but he had nothing to nitpick about Shang Jin’s work.

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