It’s what I said, but…

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‘After all, I might be a coward.’


It’s so depressing because I felt like I’m trying to leave before I was thrown away and abandoned.


However, the idea of staying with the Duke of Elrad remained unchanged until Jack’s seat was restored and I was ready to stand alone.


‘By that time, Diana won’t need me anymore.’


Perhaps she’d forget my existence as soon as we arrive at the Duke.


But for now, seeing Diana sleeping on my knees and snoring, my heart fluttered.


Perhaps in consideration for me being comfortable on the way, the Duke of Elrad drove a horse outside, and only Diana and I rode in the carriage.


Diana couldn’t stop crying when she realized I was going with her.


In the end, the child who fell asleep after crying was so sad but still lovely, so I lightly rubbed the tear marks around her eyes with my fingers. Then Diana whined and hugged me more.


The warm temperature of the child seemed to make me feel better.

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Especially her plump cheeks were so addictive that I couldn’t take my hands off her once I touched it.


‘I don’t know when I’ll be able to touch it again once we get into the Duke Castle.’


I pecked Diana’s cheek for a while, thinking it was my last chance.


As I was doing this, the thought that had been paused for a moment continued.


〈If you would like to meet me, please come to the Duchy of Belarus. Most of the time I’m staying in the siege castle, so if you call my name, you’ll be able to meet me.〉


Before leaving the inn, Bianca said this as we parted.


“The Duchy of Belarus…”


It’s a place I’ve only heard of, but I don’t know if I’ll ever go there.


However, in the future, if I develop my abilities a little more, and if I have more courage, I wanted to go see Bianca.


“By the way, we’ve been friends since the beginning.”


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I don’t know much about the Archduke of Belarus, but I do know that he will later become Diana’s godfather.


In the past, he was also called the shield of the Empire as a unique great wizard, and he did not interact much with the Empire after independent sizing the Duchy even before I was born.


So I thought it was a bit of a surprise to hear that he had become Diana’s godfather.


Bianca came to the Empire to look for Diana, and even thinking about the conversation she had with the Duke before she left, it was clear that the relationship between Duke Elrad and Archduke Belarus had been going on for a long time.


“Can we see each other at least once?”


In fact, when I grew up to some extent, it was not the current Archduke who was famous by the name Belarus, but his son, the Archduke Belarus.


“They say he was a handsome man with a beautiful face.”


So they said that when they were with Prince Ella, the sun and the moon seemed to rise at the same time.




When I thought about it that far, I remembered the fact that I had been ignoring it. My mouth felt dry again.


If I decide to stay in the Duke for a while, I’d probably meet him.

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The moment I died and the last man I saw.



I could feel the carriage, which had been running nonstop all night, stopped for a while and then continued moving again.


As I fell asleep, I looked out the window in surprise.


Under the dawning sky, I could see a vast plain that looked more expansive with snow piled up, an endless wall, and a huge castle neatly built with blue bricks.


The Duke’s residence in the capital, which I had seen in the past, was by no means a small mansion, but the castle in the estate was much larger than that.


I looked at it, feeling a bit tired, and shook Diana, who was still in a sweet sleep, to wake her up.


“Dana. Dana?”


“Oh, my…”


“Wake up, Dana. I think we’re almost at your house.”

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Diana, who was half asleep with drooping eyes, woke up to the sound of ‘home.’


Was it so good to hear that?


I laughed at the vague feeling at the word home.


After a while, the carriage fully entered the castle, and as soon as the wheels stopped, the door swung open.




At that moment, I was startled by the scene unfolding before my eyes.


The little nobleman who suddenly burst into the carriage and snatched Diana who was also astonished, but not the only one.


After that, servants and attendants, gardeners and horsemen, and even cooks working in the kitchen.


There was a huge crowd surrounding the carriage, as if all the employees working in the Duke Castle were out.


Some even dipped their tears in their handkerchiefs, indicating how much everyone was worried about their precious little master.

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