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Kyon carefully went downstairs. He was heading for his room to have a bite in the middle of the night when he saw Anna, her eyes full of pity, reaching out to Dinah who was leaving the mansion.


He came up to the maid.

«What's happened?»

Anna looked at the boy with sorrow in her beautiful eyes, silently shook her head and went to her room.

Kyon got suspicious. Dealing with Dinah was the last thing he wanted to do now, at least until he gained enough strength, but Anna's reaction was too weird... {Damn it, not the swans!}

Near the pond, he could see Dinah's slender silhouette emerging from the night scenery. She was lit by the full moon, her delicate elegant body had an air of being the work of a divine sculptor. Her eyes were fixed on the sleeping birds, she held shurikens in her hands.

Kyon shouted to her from afar, his face darkened at once:

«Wait! Dinah!»

The girl swayed smoothly, turned around and gave the boy an icy look.

Kyon quickly approached her.

«Dinah, do not kill them! It's my fault that Mr. Bai decided they should die... I will find a new home for them, or rather, let's find their new owner. Nobody will know.» – He saw that the girl was in no hurry to put the shurikens away and added. – «The poor little beasts have nothing to do with all this... Leave them alone, please!»

Dinah could not disobey the Patriarch's order. She had already raised her thin snow-white hand for a swing when Kyon grabbed her wrist. To be more precise, she let him grab her. It's curious... Is he really concerned about some swans?

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Kyon's face hardened, his voice had a threatening sound:

«If you dare to touch them, don't expect me to be kind with you.»

The girl smiled contemptuously at him:

«Is that so? Are you threatening me?»

Kyon squeezed her cold hand tight. «Don't kill them…»

Before he had finished, the girl pulled out her hand and gave a perfect deadly throw. The shurikens chopped the beautiful heads off their thin necks like a scythe cut the grass. They slowly plunged into the water, the blood from their lifeless bodies painted the crystal clear pond.

The boy gasped in sorrow. {I hope they are in a better place…}

He was boiling with anger, partly towards himself. He owed his new life of Juno's master to the swan that was ruthlessly killed.

«Obeying orders doesn't absolve you of moral responsibility. You must be ready for harsh consequences!» - In a rage, Kyon tried to hit Dinah in the face but the girl recoiled swiftly.

«I don't know where the weirdos like you come from but the master's word is a law for me.» - The girl said in an even voice, her eyes piercing like sharp swords.

Kyon spat. «You're a vile little bitch. In the future… You will regret it.» - He wanted to say more but bit his tongue. She'd better think he is no threat to her.

His emotional reaction surprised him. He didn't understand why he couldn't just ignore the fact that Dinah had murdered his dear little beast. His psychological barrier had always been unwavering, be it in the simulation or reality. No man or woman could touch his soft spot, no matter how sophisticated their attempts were, what tricks they used, whatever weaknesses they were after. It was all for nothing but now...

{Why?} – He asked himself and came up with two theories. His soul or the new owner's body has a strong effect on his unconsciousness, that is, emotions. Or, more likely, because Dinah is a beautiful girl. She has everything she needs to take advantage of his only weakness for "everything beautiful" and easily get around his barrier.

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Kyon kept his masters' words in his mind: he needed to fix the breach and become an impenetrable machine that reacts coldly to everything, just like in the previous world. He should pierce the weak points of his opponents with a sharp sword. Why in the hell does he give in to emotions when he's around Dinah? He was sick of himself.

«What are you going to do with me in the future?» – There was mockery and even some interest in Dinah's voice.

Instead of answering, Kyon gave the brunette the most bloodthirsty look he was capable of.

Dinah flinched, goosebumps ran all over her body. They usually fear to take a single look at her and there it was a clean and unveiled desire to kill her. He was able to release such a dense and prickly aura, which even she would envy. Every time the boy managed to surprise and impress her.

Kyon turned around and went away from the mansion, out of harm's way.

«And that's all it takes to avenge the dead birdie? You tried to grab me feebly a couple of times and then threw an empty threat. It turns out you're a windbag…» – The girl said defiantly.

«I'm not a baby to play cat and mouse with a foolish and arrogant child.» – Kyon replied impassively, without turning around. Inside, he wanted to punch her so much. He warned her not to approach him once and was true to his word, but she called him a windbag... {Shut up. Just ignore this beautiful bitch.}

«I'm not going to play tag with you, honey. If you want to do something to me just give it a try. I promise I won't budge.»

Kyon turned around meeting the restless girl's gaze. Her arrogant face annoyed him more than ever. {Stupid bitch, she drives me up the wall... Keep calm... I will take my revenge in the future.} He went to the mansion, his teeth clenched.

Dinah snorted. «I didn't let you go.» With the last words, she appeared like a shadow next to the boy and hit him in the stomach.

Kyon flew into the pond, right to the corpses of unjustly killed swans.

{I see... Her call to the patriarch canceled the order not to harm me.}

Dinah bent over the edge of the pond. «Get out, you little snot. You'll get what's coming to you for the way you talked to me, for daring me, for pawing me... And for deceiving me and my sister. Right, for your miserable existence, too.»

Kyon straightened up with difficulty. There was not a trace of fear or insecurity on his face. His fingers reached for the spatial ring. «Do you want to kill me?»

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Dinah was a little surprised that the boy was not afraid of someone who could easily take his life. He wasn't that simple, after all.

«I do!» – The girl agreed with no hesitation. - «But I don't want the lady to be disappointed in me. That's why I won't kill you. But I'll make your life miserable like that of an insect.»

Kyon was about to take out the attacking nephrites when he realized there was no threat to his life. He changed his mind. It seemed that today he was in for a good thrashing.

«Aren't you going to apologize or beg me?» – Dinah asked with a smile.

«Fuck you.» – Kyon spat in the pond. – «If you are so eager to punish me let's swim together!»

«You're so… cheeky…» – The girl whispered almost respectfully and jumped into the water. The maid's uniform will be ruined but it's nothing compared to the well-deserved punishment.

All of a sudden, the boy jumped out of the pond. Dinah was about to rush after him but her feet froze to the bottom. {The cold element?!}

Kyon ran to the mansion at full speed. He took out the sound transmitter to call Juno when suddenly he heard a scornful laugh from behind, about half a meter away and right after that he felt a sharp pain in his neck… He rolled head over heels down the stone-paved path.

Dinah pressed him in the pelvic area with her knee and squeezed her tenacious fingers with sharp nails on his neck. Hot blood dripped onto the floor.

«You have certain skills but your pathetic attempts at resistance are useless against me. You're a failure.»

Kyon grunted in response:

«Finish what you started. I'm fed up with your presence.»

Dinah viciously squeezed her fingers even tighter when she heard an immediate groan of pain. Ah, how nice it felt to torment him! Then she delivered a couple of powerful blows to his sides. From all her heart. For all the good that he did. Then she snickered haughtily:

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«I thought you would give up and start weeping and begging me to stop but... You are anything but simple. I'll gladly crack such a hard nut like you. I will make you remember today's lesson for the rest of your life.»

Kyon felt a sharp needle prick his neck, the fluid he knew so well spread throughout his body. {Evilball!} - He instantly blocked all the drug effects with Synergy.

He heard quiet, insinuating and unusually gentle Dinah's voice in his ear.

«It struck me as strange that Flitz did not have your balls cut off back then. I have to correct his mistake with this wonderful drug. Now and forever, you are impotent, boy! How is the feeling?» – The ruthless servant asked viciously.

Kyon thought it would be beneficial to pretend he was crushed by grief but he refused to look in her eyes like a softie who gave up.

«You're silent. Okay, then. Let's continue our exciting game.» – The content girl whispered in his ear playfully and twisted his arm at once. Today she was going to take it out on him in full, using the torture she carefully trained with her the masters.

Time dragged on like a snail crawling up the wall to the hundredth floor.

Two hours long, Dinah inflicted unbearable, infernal pain on him while keeping him intact on the outside. She did a lot of painful grips, bringing them to the point where a slight movement with her finger was enough before the joint was torn. She eagerly pushed his pressure points with her long sharp nails. She was happy to twist his limbs, and his groans were pure music to her ears. She couldn't believe that torturing a boy could feel so nice.

The mere sight of the happily smiling sadist made Kyon twitch. She embraced him so gently and hurt him so delicately that he couldn't help shivering from disgust. It was like sex. The contact of two heated bodies, groans, emotional ups and downs... Only, it was quite the opposite.

Of course, he could have given a damn about the swan, he shouldn't have worked off his anger on the girl, only what would it have changed? In any case, she would have come to him for the "reverse" sex. The order had been cancelled, she would have never missed her chance for revenge.

Now he has the right to forbid her through Juno to call anyone to cancel the order without raising any suspicions. Now he is completely safe. Dinah has "avenged" him, therefore, there was no motivation to harm him, try to cancel the order, etc. Now she is not a threat to him. All he needs is to wait for the next chance when he will humiliate her in a snap.

Dinah finally got off the boy's leg, breathing deeply the fresh and clean night air. For the first time, she felt so relaxed as if the best massage therapist had worked hard on her body. She felt the way they described sex in romance novels which a little embarrassed the girl.
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The only thing that made her sad and surprised at the same time was the boy's reaction which was far from what she'd expected. Anyone else would squeal from fear and pain begging her to stop but this one... He only groaned and did not say a word. He didn't even cry.

«If you dare once again to look into my eyes or treat me with disrespect or try to deceive me or my sister... I will not leave you alone. You will pray for death. From now on, stay away from the lady, my little girl, hee hee.» – With a charming giggle, the maid tormentor walked away with spring in her step. There was no trace of her long-accumulated stress to be seen.

Soon after that, Kyon slowly staggered to his feet and stretched in pain. {You shouldn't talk like this, little Dinah… You'll regret it so much… As for the murder, you will pay me separately for that. No one dares to hurt creatures that are dear to me. No one!}

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