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Juno smiled treacherously. {What a fool! Fate must have sent him to me so that I had my keys cleared. Afterwards, I will turn him into my toy for eternal torture! How easy it was to twist him around my finger!} - She thrust her hand, releasing three water balls at high speed, each of them sparkling with electricity.

However, the boy just waved his hand and a gentle gust of wind reclined the attack. She didn't hit him, not in a bit.

«The… the element of the wind?!» – The girl's eyes widened with shock.

Kyon launched a decisive attack. Green adamantium grew on his hand. He gave the girl a heavy blow.

Juno retreated reflexively, moaning in disbelief:

«The… the element of the earth?!»

Kyon released a stream of steam enveloping the space between them but the girl, without hesitation, defended herself with the wind flows, dispelling the steam curtain.

«The water and the heat?!» – Juno could not believe her eyes.

«Stop wetting your panties, girl. Your master has been able to bend all nine elements for a long time.» – The guy said indifferently and waved his hands, sending a hail of dark icicles to the girl, black smoke oozing all over them.

Astonished and astounded, Juno tried to dodge but one of them broke her ether barrier and began to corrode it, like a hungry caterpillar eagerly eating leaves. The next icicle pierced her shoulder.

«А-а-а-а-аа-ааа-ааh!» – The girl screamed suddenly, clutching the hand at the injured place as if she was bitten by a poisonous spider.

Kyon remembered the bug turning into a jelly-like mass from a droplet of the darkness attribute. Juno must be also suffering from unbearable pain. He never minded beating and humiliating her but now was not the time. He'd found out, though, that darkness was effective against the barrier of ether and what tortures it could inflict when getting into blood.

Kyon quickly approached the girl.

«Take off your hand. Now!»

Juno immediately obeyed, still screaming in pain. An inch wide wound from the icicle gaped on her shoulder. The skin around it was turning into disgusting yellowish-red jelly mass under the impact of darkness. It looked like pus, increasing in size with each passing second. Apparently, some of the dark energy hadn't disappeared yet.

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Kyon licked his finger and touched the injured place. He poured Synergy as well as some fog sparkling with gold - the element of light - to heal the wound. The remnants of darkness were dispelled, the decay had stopped spreading.

Juno trembled as she watched the master with awe. He used the element of light! The hellish pain had instantly disappeared. There was a gentle cold feeling like the mild soothing effect of the healing ointment. By the way, right then, the servant was taking the tube of it out of his spatial ring.

Kyon squeezed some of the ointment into the wound, applied a band-aid on top of it and said in a harsh voice:

«You will get better soon. I'll have to punish you another time. Now go to your chambers and have some rest.»

Suddenly, the girl nervously grabbed his sleeve.

«Master… Who are you?»

«Alpha and Omega, your dream and nightmare. Go to the chambers at once or I will create a new icicle and stick it up to your ass.» – The boy drove her away in a rude voice, throwing off the girl's hand.


«I order you to have a rest for a couple of hours in your room.»

Juno slightly moved her lips, unable to take her eyes away from the mysterious black-haired young man. Meanwhile, her body rose against her owner's will and went to her chambers.

When the girl entered her room and fell on the soft bed, she whispered in a trembling, almost crying voice:

«How can he bend all the nine elements? This is impossible…»

What happened defied any logical explanation. Her servant had used all the elements before her eyes, from pure energy to light and darkness. People who master more than five elements don't exist, and even if they do they are called heavenly geniuses. But he can bend all the nine... What should he be called? A god's envoy?

In the morning, she believed she would beat him in a couple of seconds because her key of pure energy was clean enough, accordingly, her blows were stronger and her movements were faster. But she was in for a bitter disappointment. He had already developed two stages up...

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For the sake of victory, she had to reveal her new talent - bending the water element - and rub his nose in the dirt proving who of them was talent and who was mediocrity. How naive she was... He showed her who and what she was. He crushed her like a child. Who is she compared to the person bending all the elements, with perfectly pure keys and a high level of the battle fist? She was nothing but mediocrity not worth the slightest mention. She was dust under his feet. She wallowed in self-pity followed with intolerable envy burning her inside.

Initially, she took him for a slave, not worth even her glimpse. Then she changed her opinion of him to a useful but still insignificant servant. Now her attitude towards the "master" has completely changed. She still hated him but no longer dared to underestimate him. She admitted to herself that she was less talented than he but not lower in position. She involuntarily recalled those days when her sister had not escaped yet. Day after day, she had similar feelings... Watching Elsa get stronger while she was lagging behind; understanding and being aware of her complete helplessness and mediocrity... It was unbearable.

{And yet, he is nothing but my servant!} - She convinced herself completely and irrevocably. He could be thousand times more talented but he was born trash and he would never be a true noble master. His status would always be lower than hers. It was reassuring and calmed down her immense feeling of envy. It caressed her soul, anxious in confusion.

She remembered the warmth she yearned when their adventure in the tomb was coming to an end. It turned out it was the element of heat. She was chilly. The pleasant feeling she completely surrendered to was the work of this hated parasite. How disgusting...

Soon, her composure and sanity returned to her. She will do everything to make the servant purify her keys, and when she becomes the master of all the elements, she will get freed from her shackles, surpass him in development and crush him with her power just to prove to herself that she is better. Everything will return to square one because she is the lady of a noble and powerful family, and he is nothing but a miserable commoner and a slave.

Kyon had been practicing the advanced grade of elements for three hours when he heard the creak of the gate he knew well.

Juno looked at the boy with meek eyes. There was no trace of arrogance or contempt.

«Master, tell me, please…»

«I won't tell you a-ny-thing.» – Kyon interrupted her.

Juno pursed her lips in frustration.

«Then... Master, may I practice with you?»

«You may but I will severely punish you for your weakness.»

Juno nodded uncertainly.

«If I learn to fight against practitioners who bend different elements, and also raise the level of my battle fist, then it's worth it.»

Kyon was quite satisfied with the surprisingly logical girl's answer. However, beating her wasn't going to be that exciting. Anyway, during joint training, the speed of development increased significantly. Besides, he had to master the advanced grade of the elements (in addition to light) and come up with a technique of movements, which he planned to do the next week.

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They began sparring.

Wind, water, and earth allowed Kyon to maneuver during the battle so unpredictably as if he had nonexistent 13 battle fists. At the tenth second of the battle, he could easily knock down the girl before she could pull back.

She tried to get up, quickly tumbling to her side but Kyon roughly pressed her with his foot, knocking out a painful moan from his slave girl.

«You've just died. I could have created a stone spike in my foot that would have pierced your rib cage.»

Juno rose to her feet. She was on the brink of tears either from pain or from resentment.

The battle continued.

Another ten clever and swift movements and Kyon managed to grab Juno by her neck and knock her on the floor again as if she were a frail child fighting against an adult.

«It's the second time you've died. I could have incinerated your neck, freeze it, or make you rot with the attribute of darkness.»

Juno stood up with difficulty, her knees trembling. She seemed to be fighting an invincible monster.

And the battle started again.

In just five movements, Kyon made a little trick. He created a little bump under Juno's foot. The girl stumbled, lost her balance and fell.

She wanted to stand on her feet but the entire surface of the floor was icy and slippery so she lost her balance again.

At that moment, Kyon put a long, sharp adamantium resembling a sword to her neck.

«It's your third death. I could have killed you by creating a thorn in the ground or piercing you with the stone. Rise, you piece of shit!»

The slave staggered up. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks.

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Before the next round began, Kyon said impassively:

«You may as well crawl to the cemetery.»

The familiar dismissive voice and the rude phrase made Juno startle. She looked back and saw a green cloud with a pointed end of the adamantium poking into her back. The servant had teleported the sword behind her.

The girl collapsed to her knees, looking at the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was incredibly sorry for her insignificance. Not so long ago, she was proud of her four elements. Now her arrogance was being dragged through the dirt. She felt like trash. The familiar all-consuming envy was gradually emerging. She wanted to be as talented as the master who gave the impression of the cunning and invincible warrior. It was absolutely incomprehensible for her how he could have mastered all the nine elements. When did he manage to do that? Why did heaven allow that? He also learned to create a strange stone shimmering with green that she heard nothing of. Besides, he used a mind-bending element of space with such ease as if he'd been doing it all his life! He is a genius among geniuses, Juno could not deny it.

None of her tricks or attempts to resist worked against him as if she banged her head against the wall. She was infinitely jealous and ashamed of her weakness. To lose in an instant... They're on the same level after all!

Kyon clenched his fingers into a fist and delivered Juno, who was sitting with folded hands on her knees, a heavy blow right in the chest, sending her flying back.
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«Who let you wallow during the fight? The enemy will gladly take advantage of your unstable emotional state. To use the emotions of the enemy means to defeat them!»

The girl rolled on the ground. She was experiencing things that she'd never had to face, especially cruelty from her own servants. Yet, the girl rose, her hands on her hips. She really wanted to give in to weakness and cry out loud for the first time in many years but she dared not. Her gaze turned to the boy. There was only anger and hatred in her eyes. And there she was rushing into the attack with a loud shout.

Kyon smiled to himself. The training with the stubborn never surrendering cutie was promising to be interesting. He was going to give her a really hard time. He'd planned his revenge in the distant future and until then, Laurel had no intention to treat her kindly.

Over and over again, the young lady tumbled across the floor, through the dirt, getting heavy blows on her thin, fragile body but she no longer showed the weakness of character. She always got up again. Hundreds of defeats, thousands of tricks, suppression with power, playing with her emotions using harsh words and gestures, taking advantage of her weakness. All that and even more had brought her opponent an undeniable victory, and, judging by the smile on his face, it was his pleasure, too. In her eyes, he was the highest mountain and she was naive enough to try and rise above it. The ruthless monster did not miss a chance to humiliate or beat her, but she took every punch stoically.

Three days had passed.

Kyon was getting more and more annoyed. He failed to master the advanced grade of the elements. He didn't think it would take more than a minute but in fact, it wasn't that simple. The new grade of elements had a completely different pattern, it got much more complicated. It was a trick to confuse heaven and make it lift the restriction on the element. Getting the new grade was significantly more complicated and heaven was deceived it was impossible to achieve.

He decided to focus on the earth element to get at least this one before the party started. He wasn't sure he'd have enough time for that, though.

In addition to mastering the earth element, Kyon focused on the movement technique. He was making impressive progress. He found out more and more methods on how to use pure energy and accelerate the body, but all of them were significantly inferior to the ideal the tireless perfectionist had already made in his plans. He had to choose the best of the methods he'd discovered experimentally and keep on trying. In fact, he could create a technique much superior to the one that the Stones had but he knew he could do even better... He continued his attempts trying to explore all the possibilities and find the best among them.

Full awareness of the neural connections in the pure energy allowed him to be the creator, the inventor of the movement techniques where the current masters were significantly inferior to him. One minute of his experiments was worth from a month to a year any other master would spend trying to create a legacy for his family. Besides, Kyon never forgot what he had learned. He used the information he received like a super powerful computer.

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