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The boy grinned and said:

«I was wrong about you, girl. I've been expecting a fierce lioness but you turned out to be a little kitten. You are below average. You can't even beat a weak servant.» - Kyon was teasing her in quiet voice. He wanted to make her angry. It would make her reckless and desperate. He wanted her to be afraid to become a slave. He wanted to see her fall.

«Die already!» - Dinah muttered under her breath and threw two shurikens. Sparks of lightning passed through them.

{She bends the ether!} – Kyon was surprised to see another arrow in her quiver. The boy opened his arms, the lightning crashed into his hands and disappeared.
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The stunned girl froze for a second, and the boy smiled mockingly. «Is that all you can do?»

Dinah was about to growl in anger. Hatred intoxicated her mind. She was so overwhelmed with the desire to kill the jerk that she couldn't concentrate. The enraged brunette rushed headlong into the fight, using ether and all the techniques she knew.

Juno was watching the battle and rooting silently for the maid even if she knew that she had no chance. She was doomed to three-day slavery. Juno was afraid to imagine what the damned monster would do to her. It is impossible to defeat him on equal terms! She should lock him in shackles and use him in her needs. Anyway, why did heaven give him divine talent?

Dinah created in her hand a small electric ball and launched it at the boy. The feature of this technique is its lightning-fast acceleration and severe paralysis of the victim.

But Kyon calmly fended it with a slap.

{He is not paralyzed? Why?!} - The futility and folly of what was happening depressed her. She felt as though she was banging her head against the wall. All of her tricks were suppressed at the planning stage. Initially, the girl wanted to kill the servant in a couple of blows. However, the reality didn't please her. Moreover, the damned jerk was smiling maliciously!

Thirty breaths later, Dinah realized she could not kill the unfortunate enemy, no matter how hard she tried. What would happen when he began to attack? Was she going to lose? Her heart beat faster. The idea of becoming a slave to the dirty servant was scaring her more and more.

{No... no no no! I don't want to!} – The feeling of anxiety overshadowed her blind hatred, unbalanced her cold-blooded nature. In fact, she didn't kill very often, only as test tasks. Her victims were ordinary underdeveloped criminals. She was far from a seasoned killer. Above all, she was her lady's maid and only then a practitioner, whose main task was to quickly eliminate the target.

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Kyon could see every slightest emotion on the maid's beautiful face. He was getting closer and closer to his goal - to crush her morally. When the fear in her eyes reached a certain point, the boy decided to move on to the next stage of humiliation.

The boy exploded in speed and hit Dinah in the solar plexus, then he whispered affectionately:

«It looks like you are going to become my slave. What will I do to you? Will I torture you as you did it to me... Hm?»

«No way!» - The girl screamed in fury and continued to attack him unsuccessfully.

Juno felt really bad about her maid. She liked her a lot and she did not want to see her in pain and suffering. The vengeful demon was not going to leave her alone... Juno wondered why Dinah had challenged him? And what would he do with her? Was he going to beat her maid like he beat her? Probably, Dinah would destroy him when she freed from the shackles. The cunning maid would definitely come up with something. What's next? Was she going to lose the source of her endless talent? All those questions gave her a headache.

Kyon knocked the daggers out of Dinah's hands with a deft movement and slapped her in the face leaving a red mark on his hand.

The desperate killer did a backflip. She took a blade from her shoe and threw it at the boy's chin... However, he calmly created a thin layer of adamantium and the blade shattered into tiny fragments.

After her brazen attempt, Kyon grabbed the girl by that very leg and threw her to the floor like a sandbag.

«А-аа-а-h» - Dinah gasped painfully and tried to get up with a somersault.

But Kyon mercilessly pressed her thin snow-white neck to the ground and whispered in her ear:

«Damn bitch... You will squeal in pain for your misdeeds.»

«Die!» - The girl cried letting out a stream of electricity from her body, but for some reason, it could not find its target.

Dinah tried to fight free but instead of freedom, she got a serious kick to the side. She bent and groaned in pain. She was getting scary. Was she going to lose to the miserable servant? Why was he so fast and skillful? How was it possible?! What would he do with her?! If the lady had not given her orders, she would have regained her original development at once and eliminated her pet peeve.

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Juno was sadly watching the notorious scene: the monster raising his victim by the hair, giving her a haughty look.

«Honey, are you all right?» - Kyon asked taunting her.

Dinah deftly removed a dagger from her pants to stick it in Kyon's neck, but the weapon crashed into something greenish and crumbled.

Meanwhile, the boy was slowly getting to strike her with his fist... He was taking his time...

Kyon hit her in the nose with all his might. The scarlet warm blood splattered all over. The girl gave a plaintive, long drawn-out moan, her eyes full of fury, blazing with hatred...


The once-arrogant maid experienced unusual for her feelings of a victim in the hands of the strong...

When Kyon raised his hand again, the girl hid her face. Fear and despair showed in her eyes, she was shivering. That's the reaction he wanted to see. It was so nice... When she had full power over him, torturing him, it was exactly the opposite. Now he had full power over her. He could snap her neck, infuse the attribute of darkness into her eyes or ears, electrocute her until she wet herself, humiliate her as he saw fit. The stupid maid wasn't in control of her own destiny anymore. She had only herself to blame.

The boy threw her aside by the hair, walked over to Juno and whispered something in her ear. The lady announced:

«My servant has won. The fight is over.»

When she heard that, Dinah set back her original development, got to her feet and went to the boy like a swift shadow, intending to finish him off once and for all...

«I order you to do him no harm!» - Juno shouted sternly.

The brunette stopped a sharp blade right at the eye of her sworn enemy. Blood was dripping from her nose. He could tell by her angry face how much she wanted to tear him into small pieces.

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«I beg you, my lady... Let me kill him!» - The maid exclaimed and bowed her head obediently in a gesture of pleading.

«No.» - The young lady replied firmly. – «My servant put his life on the line. It is a deserved victory. He could have easily killed you, but he didn't do it out of respect... Or rather he knew that I would never forgive him if he dared to.»

«He has neither honor nor respect! Did you hear what he was whispering to me?! He is an ill-mannered barbarian who deserves only death! He ruins your majesty. My lady, please…»

«Ms. Dinah, I don't understand what you're talking about. I've always treated you respectfully but you hurt me more than once, and today you've been trying to kill me.» - Kyon said respectfully and bowed slightly.

The girl was trembling with indignation. She could hardly suppress her urge to spit blood in anger.

Juno continued:

«Dinah, I order you: don't interact with anyone until six in the morning. Starting tomorrow, you must do as he tells you for three days. But I'm not one hundred percent sure in my servant, therefore…» - She turned to the boy. – «I forbid you to shed a drop of the maid's blood or you will be executed.»

For a second, Dinah's face lit up with delight that instantly gave way to painful despair.

«But I am your personal maid! How can you let the servant own me for three days?!» - She exclaimed.

«I've heard enough. Admit your defeat and do your duty as befits your position. I'm sure my servant won't take liberties with you. You're free to go.» - Juno said calmly.

The girl looked into her lady's eyes with a silent plea and then at Kyon with icy disdain. She quickly walked off.

Juno peered into her formation (to see if anyone was watching them) and blurted out with hatred:

«You are a monster! If my maid suffers at your hands, I…»

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«If you shut up, I will purify your key to the wind element by 10%. For your diligence.» - The boy said. He was really in a good mood.

Juno pursed her charming lips.

Kyon smiled and put his finger at her plexus.

The familiar tingling feeling at the place he touched meant that he had kept his word. All her indignation had immediately disappeared. She had become stronger and more talented! A joyful smile lit the girl's pretty face.

«Your master wants a foot massage from the useless bedwetter.»

The mischievous girl blushed and stamped her foot. «It's you to blame that I wet myself... I'm not like that!» - She protested.

«I saw your relieved face when you did your dirty business. You've been long dreaming to do that, haven't you?» - gloated Kyon.

«Аrrr!» - The girl growled, her fists clenched. - «I will give you a massage just don't mention it any more! And get washed. It's been days you…» - She cleared her throat when she saw his stern look. – «…smell so good.»

«Alright, then I won't get washed. I'm sure you will get used to it soon.»

«That's not what I wanted to say…»

«I don't want to hear anything.» - Kyon said and went to the exit.

Today the boy was in a great mood: he'd mastered the advanced grade of the earth element; he'd finished creating the world's best movement technique; he'd defeated Dinah and "officially" taken her into slavery; he was going to get a gentle massage from the naive bedwetter.

Two issues upset him: he'd failed to master or improve a single fighting technique and his unique body kept silence. Well, in the future he needed to deal with that and find out how to develop it.

Tomorrow's party is going to be perfect. He will certainly prove himself and begin a successful journey up the ranks in the Stone family. The world is his oyster. He can go to the best schools in the kingdom, take part in the great tournaments and much more. Only the high-status people are taken seriously and can move forward.

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