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The thick one came closer and he was speaking with a tone of sorrow and excitement, while the other, on the contrary, stood aloof on the sidelines. Kyon, of course, did not get the meaning of words, but came to the right conclusions.

{The fat man is my lifeline. But why does he care about me?} – the guy started to pretend to faint realizing what he faces the whole situation. The fat man, as expected, supported him and did not let him fall – then everything is true, he is the only hope of his for salvation.

The two spoke a little more in their gibberish, (they seemed to be arguing), and the fat man carried the «unconscious body» in an unknown direction. Their short journey was accompanied by the monotonous appearance of lanterns and pillars. There were no people. Walking up the steps, the fat man opened a door and brought Kyon there.

All the furniture consisted of a dozen stone beds, covered with soft cloth, and a couple of low tables. In the corner there was a fenced mini-room – toilet, and another door, judging by the smell of drugs, behind medicines were stored.

The fat man carefully laid the young man on one of the beds after pulling off his work clothes, and went to bring a glass of water.

Seizing the moment, Kyon rushed to explore the room, but soon, unfortunately, found that both doors are locked.

{Just like in a jail ... Jail?} - the boy ruffled his hair irritably. It was strange not to remember anything from the past, about who you were and how you got here, without knowing the language and the slightest idea what was going on here.

A few minutes later the «rescuer» returned. Having put a glass of water on the table, he threw a last compassionate glance at him and left.

Kyon eagerly pounced on the water and drained the glass to the bottom, then fell into a deep sleep.

When the guy opened his eyes, a boundless gray space stretched out before him, in front of which a bright azure ball shone, radiating a feeling of pleasant coolness and tranquility. It evoked strange desire to approach, touch and enter into it. It's like you have found a pond of clean water in a hot desert.

The ball seemed to be a small lump, but as you got closer to it, it gradually increased, turning into a huge glowing sun…

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A key noisily turned in the lock causing Kyon as if he was pulled into dream.

Morning came.

A woman in uniform entered the hospital - apparently she was a doctor. Frightened, she noticed that one of the beds was occupied - usually at night a quantity of patients did not increase.

Having approached to Kyon, the woman was surprised that it was a young man only 14 years old, because usually patients younger than 16 were not admitted to the mine.

The woman began the medical examination: she touched his forehead, felt his stomach, ribs, and other parts of his body, and then left Kyon alone again, not forgetting to lock the door.

During all these manipulations, Kyon still pretended to be an unconscious carcass.

{In case I'm in a hospital and I'm kind of taken care of, then I have value to them... it turns out I have a good chance of survival. Well ... probably.}

The headache was gone, and the overall feeling was good, except for the maddening hunger. However, when he began to remember his dream, shock fully covered him. His eyes went black, the room dissolved, the memories of the past gushed out as river. Migraine which seemed to have already been calmed down attacked him with new force, the body was covered with droplets of ice sweat…

It seemed that the torment lasted for an eternity, although, in fact, it took no more than a quarter of an hour. Kyon came to himself and his throat was dry again. The head was creeped over by chaos.

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{All these memories ... this dream, really, my past? I remember all the details of my life, from birth to four years…}

The guy tried to organize the memories in chronological order - with each new day reproduced in his thoughts it became easier, the chaos in his head gradually dissipated.

He remembered that his only parent was the mother, died in childbirth, having only to give him a name - Laurel. Days spent in the shelter (he had a hard time there in the role of «white crow») and the case in the park that changed everything - it was after that day a handsome man in black came to him and adopted him. And the last: a mental test that naturally caused that the adoptive father's jaw fell off.

{Judging upon my recollections, I am a very strange fellow. Why should I only remember the face of the mother immediately after my birth.} – Ken sighed, gloomy. After all, he had no parents, at least until 4 years. The only thing was that his mother gave him, besides birth, was a name.

{People like me are called «people with absolute memory». Judging upon the technologies typical for that place, flying cars, energy from the air, the world of quantum networks and the like to the wonders of science and technology, I am either in another world or in the extremely backward and poor the planet, though... Sub-slavery in this form would hardly be acceptable even in the most abandoned wreck...} - thoughtfully chuckled Kyon.

{Despite I read many books in my early childhood, my knowledge is still too limited. Assuming that the memories will come back to me while I sleep, it will take a few days or even weeks. In any case, first of all it is necessary to learn the local language and adapt to the conditions, well, along the way, to think how to get out of this situation.}

Soon a doctor returned to the hospital.

This time, Kyon was able to have a good look at her.

Cute appearance, age about 30 years, dark hair, medical gown, height of about 170 cm and chest of the third size. In her hands she held a tray with a bowl of slurry like porridge and a glass of water. Apparently, this was the «breakfast».

«Oh, you're finally awake?» - the woman smiled friendly and put the tray on the table. - «You must be very hungry. Bob said he found you barely alive yesterday. I examined you, no fractures or visible injuries.» - the young man was still silent, and she added, looking anxiously into his eyes : «And you're clearly not a chatter. If you need anything, clap your hands.» - and, smiling once again, she went to her room, smelling of medicines – to prepare for work.

{The language here is quite unlike any of the dialects of my world, then where am I?} – scratched his head, Ken pulled the bowl with the muck closer to him: - {Disgusting! It tastes like something between mashed potatoes and noodles.}

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However, he could not be be fastidious in this case. When he had finished the whole portion, he poured water into a bowl and looked into his reflection. {Even though I was only four, I looked very different, so I have a different body... a Different life ... Curious!}

There was a knock at the door.

«Come in.» - responded the doctor from her little room.

Mob, thin and tall man, came to the hospital accompanied by a bold man with a formation and in and in a semi-conscious condition. The second one looked pitiful, whether he was covered with stones, or simply beaten.

«Martha, there's a newcomer, probably, he's not sharing something with his mates, look at him.» - with a somewhat shy smile Mob addressed to a woman.

Martha came closer and grumbled discontentedly: «It's the 3rd this week. You're not concealing anything from me?» - she gave a long gaze into the man's face until he looked away.

«Yes, we have had a new supply at the beginning of the week, here they are, cockroaches, they are unable to settle down! Although cockroaches will be better, at least, they survive better, ahaha!» - this pre-invented answer to the question in fact turned out to be not as good as he would like to be.

«Your wit lacks just fans.» - said Martha sarcastically.

«Free places are still available.» - Mob sheepishly scratched his nose.

«Haha! Dream on. Put him on that bunk over there.» - She commanded.

30-year-old doctor had charm of mature woman, that for mines, where mostly worked men, much rare. Many looked at her with lust and she attracted Mob a long time ago.

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The man had repeatedly tried to attract her attention and got closer, but she kept dodging, finding some excuses and poor excuses. This week he was particularly persistent. And although she had long since noticed his efforts, she was in no hurry to bestow her favor on the controller.

{He hots for her.} - noticed Kyon.

Having put a bald man on the bed, Mob spotted with displeasure Kyon wrapped in linen. He took a threatening step in his direction, hissing angrily: «Sniveler, today Bob will come to report in reference to your non-worling formation. You could get me in trouble with my superiors, and God forbid I get reprimanded, the infirmary won't help you!»

Words and intonation Ken understood, but hadn't got a point. He just defiantly-scared expanded eyes, to Martha which has watched this a scene and stood up for him.

The maneuver succeeded, the woman immediately stood between his patient and the Mob, clearly putting the last at the door: «You'll be yelling at yours, by the way, I'm the boss here. So get out of here before I call security!»

«I'm sorry, I'm not, just yesterday...» - plaintively mumbled the man, but mad Martha was relentless.

«Get out! I'm tired of your freaks. Think about your behavior!»

Mob, throwing an angry glance in the direction the guy went away. Behind the door there was a thump against the wall, and a second later a cry of pain... Apparently, his daily trips to the desired woman with a beaten miserable would not work anymore.

Martha smiled encouragingly at the «patient»:

«Don't worry, Kyon, I won't let you hurt that guy. I'll have to talk to Bob, he'll protect you.» - thanks to the formation on his forehead, she recognized the young man's name.

A mature, sensible, attractive woman with a breast of the 3rd size and with an expression of universal kindness and care on her face – she could become an excellent ally.

A little mournful sadness on his face, a little painful wincing and an ocean of gratitude in his eyes – what woman can resist the charm of such a poor cutie?

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