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The lightning evaporated with the ringing which was heard in the whole cave. New morning, new day at work. The slaves, constantly yawning, got up from their beds and went to wash. Some of them were surprised to see Kyon standing on end with his hair, but they were clearly not sleepy to the strange boy, so they just passed by.

No sooner had Kyon come to his senses, how things have changed: even all the sounds have disappeared, it was impossible to even hear a heartbeat – just what a person normally can hear in the most complete silence. People froze, as if someone put the video on pause, their consciousness fell into oblivion.

Kyon could move, but with the greatest difficulty, as if his body was choked by an invisible grip. A thought darted in the mind, from the shock and chaos and he failed to to grab at least the one. With an effort of will he forced himself to look back and saw a dark figure. She was wearing a black raincoat to the floor, its face was hidden by a sort of magic smoke which did not allow to see his features. However, the raincoat failed to hide the graceful shape with a sexy bulges in the proper places: it was obviously a woman stood in front of Kyon.

«Khem, would you, please, darling, ease the pressure a bit?» - the young man asked in the most polite tone.

The mysterious lady was likely to misunderstand him – after his words the pressure increased tenfold, which made Kyon fall to the floor. There was a bloody taste in his mouth. Apparently, the recent lightning did not seem to him at all, she wanted to protect his consciousness from the unceremonious invasion of an uninvited guest. {So she wanted to read my mind, and when it didn't work out, decided to act physically, what a beauty.}

He decided not to anger the powerful stranger and tried to clear the air and plaintively murmured, still lounging on the floor:

«Do you want my money?»

The girl had long felt a bundle of banknotes in his pocket, but his question caught her by surprise. Raising her eyebrows, she told him with a growing irritation:

«I need information, and the currency will be your life.» - her voice was altered by the elements of the ether, but it was still pleasant to hear.

«You see, my life belongs to the Stones family, so with all the questions, go to her.» - the young man chuckled.

The woman nervously snapped her fingers and, reaching out a snow-white hand to his forehead, instantly dissolved Martin's still smoldering formation and placed her own. The formation itself with the name "Kyon" still stayed, and Kyon guessed that she imposed formation, because of the typical tingling.

«I am your mistress now, and my first order is to tell how you had come to this world.» - she waved her hand, releasing Kyon's body from the pressure, and stared at the young man.

{Does she know this body is not mine?} Kyon slowly got up, knowing that formation, which imposed the lady certainly embodied the element of «subordination». It's not nice that some cookie wearing a raincoat was trying to mess with your brain.

In the next moment Kyon felt all the charm of a «subordinated» formation: the thought of telling his «mistress» everything he knew filled his head, his eyes became white with tension. As soon as he imagined that he would tell her everything, right here and now, and his body fell into a wild ecstasy, comparable to making love to the best beauty in the world. It's like he was a drug addict who hadn't used his drug for a long time and finally got the chance to get what he wanted. Apparently, the formation has stimulated the production of hormones. It was a pretty efficient way, but it was almost impossible to affect Kyon by this technique. He had been (not without the help of tutors) have put a taboo on domestic undeserved promotion from the brain, and for the sake of all the ladies that line he would not cross.

As time went on. The woman looked expectantly at the guy who stood silently, holding his head down, and only the trembling shoulders demonstrated laughter he could barely hold on.

Having decided that she had already sufficiently demonstrated the power of his will, Kyon flipped her hair back and ddropped with a smile:

«No, «my little mistress», so won't go. If you want to know the truth, then become my tutor!» - why not try to take advantage of this situation?

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However, the woman only shook her head:

«Kid, you're playing with death. You'd better answer the question while I'm am kind.» - her tone was so overbearing that in case someone hears he would immediately obey her. Kyon was also exceptionally annoyed by the tone of her voice, and content of her speech did not add some joy. Kid? He had never been called that in his life!

The guy snorted.:

«Heh, amusing. I'm not used to giving something without getting something in return. How about a compromise? I'll tell you what I know, and you will get me out of the mine.»

He barely had time to finish his reply, as suddenly everything around him disappeared, and instead of the stone of the room Kyon found himself in the middle of the boundless sea. He was standing on the water which was surprisingly smooth under his feet, as if covered with foil, not allowing to plunge into the deep blue.

Kyon raised his eyebrows questioningly.: {It will cost her nothing to let me out! What an obstinacy?!}

The lady in the black, looking in space behind Kyon, distantly said:

«I used to obtain everything without giving anything in return. Let me remind you, the currency is your life.»

Following her gaze, Kyon turned and was stunned.: a huge wave, feels like a few kilometers in height was rushing straight at them with insane speed!

{O gods, is this an illusion!? That can't be true, right!?}

For a brief moment, fear flashed through Kyon's eyes. The guy hastily hid this inappropriate emotion-not in his scenario to show such a weakness, this local goddess would immediately catch the point to realize how he can be manipulated further.

Alas, the woman seemed to see through him, and this awkward attempt to hide the fear caused only a slight smile lurking behind the dark haze.

Having coped with his emotions, Kyon as indifferent dropped:

«What are these difficulties for? You could just move me outside, and I would have already told you everything...» - it must be all no more than an illusion – after all, such waves can not really exist! And these drops, the salty sea wind ... the Illusion, the illusion.

He received a cold and distant reply:

«You still have a little time.» - it was curious to observe the reaction of the boy. Anyway, she can drawn him with the same pleasure.

Kyon, trying to keep himself calm, smiled and continued:

«To me that kind of bluff doesn't work... But maybe we will have a nice discussion with a cup of tea?» - and that, omnipotent (or nearly omnipotent) friend never hurt anyone. But his attempts to establish good relations were, alas, so far unilateral.

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Finding no response, Kyon sighed and turned back to the horizon. The wind hit his face, swept his hair, salt spray made him blink for a moment. The guy was frightened and at the same time fascinated by the raging elements. {What an incredible sight.}

But If an ordinary person could see such an impending wave, he would be shaking with fear, but Kyon no longer showed signs of weakness. Exactly until the layer suddenly disappeared from under his feet and made him plunge into the cold ocean. He came up and spat angrily, but the lady in the black raincoat had alredy gone.

{Oh, bullshit.} The icy water and the increasing wind made him doubt in his own conclusions about the illusory nature of what was happening. {And is it worth this risk? She would never do even a little bit for me once again.. But... If you refuse to venture, you would not get a big score.}

The woman really moved him to the real ocean in which once in 15 minutes pass quite real waves-murderers. One just moved in on Kyon, opening its terrifying mouth with white fangs-comb. Its speed was just below the speed of sound. 5 seconds ... 4 ... 3... 2…

Kyon, trusting the voice of intuition and reason, took a desperate decision to risk his life. His mind told him that he had had the "product" and intuition that a woman only intimidated him. If he could impress her, then perhaps his life would radically change for the better, but if he would bend only once, and he could be pushed around as she pleased.

The wave is looming over the guy's head. There flashed a crazy idea in his mind, {What if I have been mistaKyon...}, when the water magically opened up on two walls with incredible speed flying on the guy's sides. The splashes hurt his face, proving that it wasn't an illusion.

Before he could catch his breath, he felt a gentle embrace from his back, and everything was gone. In the next instant, Kyon had to have his eyes shut, a bright white light abruptly struck in his eyes which got already accustomed to the dark, stormy ocean. The clear blue sky stretched over his head, his legs were bouncing on a strange substance like a cloud. And bone-chilling cold.

{I took an un-unwarrantable risk...} – even in his thoughts his speech was interrupted by teeth which were knocking at each other. Wet clothes stuck unpleasantly to the body, and were instantly covered by hoar-frost. The only good thing was that he won the «little» game, keeping his pride without giving up.

The woman could not help being impressed by the boy's reckless reaction. She had met more than once crazy people in her lifetime, but that one was not like they were... what he had done demonstrated that he was rather circumspect one, because he knew that he had had the information she needed, and if hw would show his weakness only once, and it could always be taKyon advantage of... However, his audacity she did not like very much. It's time to change the strategy.

«Well, I'm ready to give you your freedom, but first answer my question.»

Kyon paused for a while, trying to cope with his teeth (so, it was possible to bite the tongue!), at the same time considering the opportunities, then said:

«I want freedom, as well as a magnificent, godlike master like you.»

It seemed that the clouds became a couple of tones darker. The guy showed the god-level impudence. The woman closed her eyes, so as not to turn him into dust and said so firmly that it was impossible not to believe her words:

«Kid, either you will be turned to dust, or you will give me a truthful answer and will obtain your freedom.»

Kyon awkwardly cleared his throat, his chest ached, her threat could be almost touched. At least he tried. «Then ... May I believe Your word? What if You will kill me as soon as you let me go?»

«My word is worth more than kingdoms and empires. No, stay calm.» The woman answered calmly, though her patience came to an end.

Kyon staring into the strange darkness for some time, hiding the face of the goddess, wondering whether she had had any intention behind the words or not. In any case, he simply had no choice. Whatever she gives him now could easily be taKyon away. He answered:

«Such a thing... Few days ago I woke up with an awful headache... All the thoughts were in the fog... The exact answer I, alas, do not know yet.»

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The lady, gritting her teeth, clenched her hand into a fist. She got to know what she wanted, the answer was exhaustive, but the reality did not please her at all.

At the same moment an irresistible pressure forced the body of Kyon which made him collapse to his knees, knocking his head against something like pretty solid cloud. It was impossible to breathe, to move, too, the blood turned to jelly... His body was bounded by all-consuming terror of imminent death that Kyon had to block by his Synergy.

The clouds rippled and turned black, and here and there flashed huge lightnings. The sun was gone, as if it had never existed.

The young man literally physically felt the fury of the woman. Feeling like a «scapegoat» was extremely unpleasant - because he answered her question, and instead of freedom she felt like killing him.

When the pressure eased a bit and it became possible to breathe the air without tearing his lungs, Kyon with a great difficulty and anger squeezed:

«I have answered the question! Now, keep your word! Or is it worthless, damn it?!»

How could he know she wasn't angry at him? He was just attainable for her right away, and he had to be punished for his former insolence.

«Kid, who are you to make me do even a bit for you? And for your obstinacy I ought to have you castrated.» - the woman grunted, shaking her relaxed hand. It was necessary to calm down and get ready. Her hope and was illusory, there were no reason for an extra emotions in honor of unfulfilled expectations.

«To be castrated?! And it said the woman who bathed me in icy water, then froze me in icy clouds, broke her promise, and now she would have me murdered?!» - in the eyes of the guy sparkled the ice, harmonically coincided white frost in his hair. He suspected that she was not the woman from whom he would achieve something with his tricks, but for lack of choice he had to be convinced of this.

The woman didn't know whether should she laugh or cry. The insolence of the stubborn boy irritated her... For all her life, those who communicated with her in this way, quickly found their death. She, untouched by a man, no one could dare to call a woman, maybe only a girl, and only this word was enough to turn a young man into dust.

However, his abnormal behavior aroused her rare interest, attracted attention to his person, which, we can safely say, saved his life. There was another personal reason, but it had almost no importance in making a decision.

The woman quietly approached the guy and stretched her white hand. A black beam flew out and disappeared in the forehead of Kyon.

«Don't disappoint my expectations, kid.»

The last words echoed in his head as the young man awoke on his bed. He was wet and shivering with cold and anger.

Kyon was seething with indignation. She could easily move him anywhere outside the mine, but she stubbornly returned him to this rotten hole, as if mocking at him. He mumbled something under his breath, angrily brushing the drops that were dripping from his hair.

«It ... How!?» - a hoarse and surprised voice was heard next to him.

There stood, stunned wide-eyed, man next to his bed who involuntary witnessed short-term «boardwalk to nowhere» of the young man. The kid actually suddenly had disappeared on his eyes and only in 3 minutes appeared again!

Kyon got out of bed, angrily noting that the water safely dripped on the bed, and with a smile patted the man on his shoulder:

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«The less you know - sleep tighter.» - and stomped into the bathroom to squeeze the clothes suffered in an unequal struggle with the ocean and «heaven «.

The common room was bustling with excitement: Byron went up on the mini-stage to make some announcement. Despite the fact that today was a day off, almost all at this time gathered in the living room, waiting for news and «permission» for the weeKyond wash, where one could take a shower and wash his things.

«Attention! I remind you that next week a delegator from the family will come and will hold an auction! The one who wins will be promoted and taKyon to the estate for further service. This afternoon the trading shop will arrive, now, quick, fucking bustards, go to have your wash!» - Byron's loud voice echoed off the stone walls.

{That is, you can still get out of the mine by this method?} – said Kyon in his head.

A rumble echoed through the cave, everyone was excited by the news of the auction:

«They say that if you work there, families will be sent ten times more money than for working here.»

«Yes, that's true. After all, it is the manor of the family number one! And conditions there are significantly better... It is said that the there food is good…»

A discussion of eating habits was interrupted by the dreamy, lustful cries:

«And they say there are women slaves, and they are fucking beautiful maids! Wow!»

«Maids? Haha, you're a low-flying bird! I heard that the granddaughter of the Patriarch is a real beauty! It is worth to get there even to glance at her!»

«You're a naive one, who will allow you to admire her? You won't even deserve this even for the century!»

«People, you are all idiots! She's only 13 years old! How could you think of such a thing?»

«I was deceived! She's only 13...» - someone's sad sigh.

«Pfft, since when does age matter? The main thing - the beauty and character!» - the big man lasciviously outlined in the air the front forms, which, apparently, they meant by the term «character».

«Who called me an idiot?» - is the indignant cry, followed by a sound of punch and a cry of pain....

While loud arguments were taking place in the crowd three people suffered from the beating.

«Silence! Everyone gathers with the supervisors!» – Byron barked imperatively, making everyone keep silent in a moment.

Kyon was not participating in the general discussion and thoughtfully rubbed his chin. {Granddaughter of the Patriarch? A beautiful girl? It's the right way to get power... Why not?! It is the family number one and to seduce a young girls is extremely simple! It is a sin not to take advantage of such an opportunity.}

The masters tried to save the boy from two evils – from his rare folly and from his weakness for beautiful, especially beautiful women.

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