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Kyon was laying in his bed, with his hands behind his head, and stared thoughtfully at the ceiling. {So I'm not in the database. And something tells me that it could not had happened without the intervention of Martin... Engaging, would it be a threat for me if someone suddenly found it out? Perhaps it's better to keep quiet about the matter. I have a food and that's good. Now I understand why Mob did not give me our daily portion... According to the documents, I simply do not exist.}

The guy began to analyse the obtained information. (The information contained in the 19th Chapter)

Though superficially, but he was able to get acquainted with the basic traditions, morality and culture of the world. The planet was called «Life», two moons were its satellites - the dark one called Yin and the bright one called Yang, although most often they were simply called light and dark.

Due to the books Kyon succeeded to find out basic information about the elements and opening of the keys, «ties with spirit and of channels purity.

{It turns out that being a master of the elements is an incredible rarity... The Synergy, what would I do without you. Apparently, it was not so easy to clean up the key at 100% on one's own , otherwise there would appear a crowd of lords. But I can help others in this matter. But I'm afraid I'll be torn apart by those who suffer for souvenirs.} - mentally snickered the guy.

There was the information concerning gaining might in that world. Everything is added up to development of the soul, but the soul developed only in a strong body. There is «a strong spirit in a strong body», so sounds the basic rule of development.

There were only two ways to develop body.

The first way was to develop the body by «Enzymes» - so people called microscopic energy balls, which, penetrated into the cells of the body, enhancing them. They could be found in products of animal and vegetable origin.

When a person is fed up by the «Enzymes», his body is rebuilt brick by brick by brick in a new, stronger and unique structure; all the features improved, and, accordingly, the soul thorny path of development becomes simplified.

There is only one «but». These «Enzymes» heavily load the body – kidneys, liver, all organs intended for cleaning the body. They're kind of heavy stuff, and if a person takes too much of them, he will be got poisoned.

From the first « but « follows the second, which causes dizziness and headache at everyone. The fact is that the "Enzymes» are often defective, unsuitable for body renewal. They stay in the body for a long time, and do not bring benefits, so the overall speed of development of the body slows down. Because of what products with a low content of defective «Enzymes» are of high value.

Accordingly, the weaker the body is (sick or old), the worse it copes with the assimilation of "Enzymes", and it is more difficult for the soul to develop in such a body. The pace of development is slowing down, falling, and even reverse.

Of course, you can not fixate on the development of the body through the "Enzymes", the soul itself will pull the development of the body forward, but in this case you will not become eventually stronger.

The downside is that, while the body is developing intensively and the soul is not, the soul will also be pulled forward, becoming stronger.

Both developments will be dragging each other forward like dogs on a short tight leash.

The second way is to develop within yourself a "Unique body", which can give, at times, a variety of abilities and characteristics.

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There are also innate «Unique body», which Martin tried to find in Kyon.

The could be developed only one cultivated « Unique body". At the very first step you take the «Unique body»medicine, it also opens the gates to you on the way of its development, and then you fulfill the conditions to raise its rank. From a certain training, to nutrition with some resources. Improving its rank of the «Unique body», it produces more significant effects than initially.

In total: the body is strengthened by the «Enzymes "and through development of a "Unique body».

Developing the body by the «Enzymes», you will become much stronger, and faster, your intelligence will be more efficient in making decisions, thinking, reflecting; all the signals will be transmitted faster to reach the muscles, all the organs will be working much more efficiently.

Developing a «Unique body», you will gain a variety of abilities or features – from particularly strong skin/bones, to resistance to some elements.

Soul can be developed, too, in two ways, as a body.

The first way is to make cycles of wasting and replenishing energy.

Moreover, if you do it during a targeted training, and not thoughtlessly, the pace of development increases significantly.

The second way is to accept certain resources produced by man or nature. But without the appliance of the first method, you will not become stronger.

Thus, developing the body with useful «Enzymes" and nurturing a "Unique body», fulfilling certain conditions and developing the soul in cycles, preferably with training, and along with useful resources; sooner or later you will ascend to the 10th stage of the basics area (1). Then the transformation is underway - the transition to the next area, which is the main goal of any person who wants to become stronger, in other words, to become more influential and authoritative.

Kyon was shocked - {This world is too surprising. As if I am playing a game, but do it in virtuality, where, upgrading the level, I will not simply amuse my dominance, but I will implement its in endlessly possible way. What a huge world of possibilities opens up... The virtual reality Games I've been playing don't go any further than this... at least I'm 100% sure I'm not in any simulation, such powers are impossible... even theorists would say that it's impossible to recreate the detail down to the atoms.}

Kyon was right. In his world, it was impossible to create such a detailed simulation.

The guy once again thought over all the information and caught himself at the thought that it would be easy to keep the body in good health and strength with Synergy. {Just enter the student Synergy area(2) and old age will be an empty sound.}

Kyon, unfortunately, had no literature on appliance of elements and techniques, so, he had to "invent a bicycle" again.

Having packed up on shelves of a brain the received knowledge, Kyon decided to have a rest from mental work by means of meal – it was time to strengthen the organism, in the next few days he might face serious skirmishes.

Having eaten to satiety the food he bought, he began to do his stretching exercises. The headway was evident: another 30 hours of such practice, and his body would be in perfect condition. Microtrauma from stretching muscles and tendons quickly healed by the body, directed by Synergy, so it did not require much time to recover. This interesting occupation took all the day and it was late evening.

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Rubbing his tired neck, it seemed to him that he had slightly overextended it. Then the young man remembered his old acquaintance, Mike. Well...He had had a hard time... Kyon, nodding at his own thoughts, walked out of the bedroom.

The living room was empty – almost everyone had already left and was snoring sweetly in their beds. The guy freely entered the bedroom of Mike and had listened to his measured breathing – he was likely to be sleeping. He touched the carotid artery, sending a stream of Synergy through the bloodstream:

{The bones are already in the last stage of healing, however, with his way of life, he will definitely not recover completely.} – the young man shook his head and poured into Mike half of his energy reserves. The Synergy would activate and direct all the resources of the body to heal the injuries, so tomorrow he would be able to go to work. He again he marveled at the uncharacteristic for him attack of humanity, but then waved his hand, not wanting to waste time on self-examination. {After all, it costs me almost nothing.}

The young man couldn't hold back a yawn – It was time to sleep. «The moor has done his work…»

Mike woke up as soon as he felt a strange interference into his body, and opened his eyes after Kyon left: {Is it he ... Has he healed me?…}


On the evening of the same day Martha conducted a monthly audit of their medicines and consumables. She checked off the list, what medication was enough, and what ones should be bought; she was gazing into the shelf life, sought out the smallest defects in the integrity of the packaging; checked the status of the surgical instrument – here was a very blunt scalpel (when it just happened!), it was necessary to give it away on sharpening; counted the exact number of syringes, ampoules, bandages ... Everything was exactly according to the records. The doctor was meticulous in her small kingdom: everything should be in the proper place according to the records.

When she disclosed that one ampoule was missing, Martha thought it was just a mistake. However, the outcome of recalculating remained the same. Strange thing, who could have taKyon it? Besides, she always locked the office, the only one she allowed in her abode was Byron, but he obviously had no reason to steal such a trifle – because he could always just ask her about it. And no one else could enter the office for the last time... except...

Memory helpfully threw an episode when that crazy Bob's dog suddenly began to drive Kyon throughout the hospital. In the overall mess the boy jumped in the open door, kind of like fleeing from the dogs, however, he would have simply lacked time to take the ampoule and even something more. It's all nonsense.

Her gaze involuntarily fell on the drawing the boy had given her. {Oh, this rascal...} Frankly, she was that time quite dumbfounded by his art. And by subsequent behavior, too – that's pretty ballsy went straight to hug her. Although, he didn't demonstrate this swagger anymore, what made him crazy and got him frisky?

Thoughts about Kyon made her plunge into memories of the events of that time. Martin's death had made a great deal of fuss, and that terrifying scene still stood before his eyes – the lifeless body on the floor, and the old servant sobbing over his master. The man then went barely mad; he lamented without a pause that it was impossible to die because of a piece of bread, and he swore that he would surely find out the truth.

The woman shook her head. Something was bothering her in that situation. She was alarmed by the strange behavior of Kyon: his premonition, the request to call during his meeting with Martin, a nonsense story about a mysterious curse ... Bruise... and there was no reason deceive her in the matter concerning the «formation»: she was doctor but not a dullard -she could by sure recognize a fresh hematoma - especially if it suspiciously resembled the shape of a hand…

Led by her intuition, Martha went to freeging cameras. Painkillers, sedatives, hemostatic... a bottle of sleeping pills. A clear eye instantly noted the missing part of the liquid. So the missing ampoule might not have been empty.

An unpleasant chill touched her back: really, could she indirectly contribute to the death of Martin?! But there was no way for the guy to have slipped into her office imperceptibly, wasn't it? He couldn't have passed through the wall. Or what?…

A worm of doubt gnawed her from the inside. Her thoughts kept returning to the missing things. And the scalpel so «suddenly» blunted, as if wood was scraped with it. A disgusting worm started gnawing her with renewed enthusiasm – after all, she then noticed a strange spot on the key from her office, though she was always distinguished by exceptional neatness and cleanliness. And what if that «spot» was a trace of plasticine? What was the likelihood that Kyon was able to steal her key and made a duplicate?

All these doubts and suspicions made Martha's head ache. It seems that she just read a lot of all sorts of thrilling detective stories, and now everything appeared to her in a form of cock-and-bull stories. A blunt scalpel was just a blunt scalpel, a stain on the key could have come from anywhere, a test tube was broKyon and the sedative evaporated, and the strange behavior of Kyon could be explained by the fact that he was not an ordinary boy, puberty, hormones…

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No matter how much Martha tried to persuade herself, her conscience and logic demanded that she accept the facts. The feeling that she was blatantly used for the guy's dirty purposes did not also add joy. Anger, doubt, fear, guilt – all mixed together, emotional tension found the only way out in tears. The woman bitterly burst into tears.

Mob stood before the door to the hospital, not daring to knock. He wanted to invite Martha to take a walk along the mountain paths, tell a few jokes, made her a surprise... But the plan stalled at the very beginning – it was necessary to open the damn door, and he could not gain the courage to pull the handle. A deep breath…

«Who's there?» - Martha, having heard a grinding sound from the corridor, was in no hurry to let the visitor in.

«It's me, Mob, may I come in?»

A second pause. «I'm busy right now.»

«I have important business.»

«Wait, I'll open it.» - the woman sighed heavily, turning the key in the lock. - «Come on, no point to stand there like an idol.»

The supervisor, having seen the doctor's tear-stained face, was stunned. All prepared phrase instantly evaporated from his head.

«So what's the big deal?» – mumbled the doctor wiping her face.

Mob scratched his nose, coming out of torpor.

«I ... lied, I have no important matter.»

Martha stamped her foot angrily.:

«Then why ... are you distracting me from my work?»

«I just wanted to see you... To ask how you were doing...» - the supervisor excused himself as the woman actually pushed him out of the hospital.

«Are you a good-for-nothing? You'd better go and stick to our cook, she will, probably, reciprocate you!»

From such a perspective – the weight of the mentioned cook was for about a 200 pounds ! - Mob unwittingly flinched. But Martha's attempt to distract him and get him out the door was unsuccessful: at the door the man deftly ducked under her arm and got inside the room again.

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«Hey, what are you doing?»

«I won't go away.»

«Are you insolent?»


Martha wearily rubbed her eyes. She looked exhausted and depressed to death.

«Go away ... Leave me alone... I have some things to do…»

Mob stubbornly shook his head. The woman, waving her hand, went to her office in the hope that at least there she could stay alone.

«Did something happen to you?» - noticed Mob very «astutely» following hard upon Martha.

She stopped for a second. She hesitated, wondering whether to ask a man about the matter which worried her, and yet said something indefinite:

«If you had been deceived by a person you have warm feelings for, what would you do?»

«I...» - Mob thought it over and uncertainly responded: - «I'd talk to him face to face, and if he didn't explain what he had done, I'd punish him and never talk to him again.»

Martha nodded, and then continued her way into the office.

«Tell me, who offended you?»

«Nobody, forget about it.» - she slammed the door in his face, but didn't lock it.

Mob stuck his head in the doorway and ingratiatingly mumbled:

«Whatever happens, you need to distract yourself. Come outside with me, let's get some fresh air, and I'll show you an interesting place.»

The doctor sighed wearily. «Yeah, maybe you're right...» Still, he was not that nasty to her, to deny such an innocent request of his, besides, she definitely needed to clear her head.

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