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Kyon interrupted her.:

«Yes, Martha and I were just discussing you! Honestly, I didn't expect that she would...» – and, frightened, covered his mouth with his hand, as if he'd said too much.

Mob immediately caught the subtext, blushed to the tips of his ears, echoing the already crimson woman.

«Martha, you don't have to explain yourself anymore, it's written all over your face.» - gathering his courage, he again went to the doctor and tried to hug her, but Martha immediately broke away and slipped into her office, finally drop, offended:

«Scoundrel, I'll beat you up!»

The words were meant for Kyon, but Mob took them personally. His face lit up with a happy smile, he turned to the young man and put his thumb up.

Martha's attempt to praise Mob for good behavior turned into hell. This asshole didn't play along, he took advantage of the moment.

She did not have time to grieve over her sad female destiny, someone was deafening started knocking the door.

Mob yelled:

«Who's so impatient out there?»

«This is Pink, I'm investigating a recent incident, open up.»

The supervisor shrugged and opened the door.

The gray-haired, hunched-over old man, whose face was lit with eyes that were not at all senile, went inside.

The tall man looked closely and finally recognized the man:

«Are you the servant to whom the authorities gave a couple of days to investigate, if only you left them behind?»

Pink instantly became angry:

«Don't be rude to me, kid! What you at all can understand in my situation!? Who are you at all?»

«Forget it! You're poisoning my air, so do what you came here for.» - Mob was extremely displeased with the fact, that someone encroaches on his good mood. He already regretted that so recklessly let in this old man.

The servant eyed Mob with contemptuous look, and then, having taKyon his eyes of the room suddenly ran into Kyon:

«That's you!»

Kyon, who immediately recognized the old man, was wary, but did not show it, only raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Mob was looking from one to the other, misunderstanding the matted.

«Yes, it's you, Kyon, who was in the office at the moment!» - Pink was threateningly flexing his hands and came two steps closer to the guy. - «Tell me what the hell happened there!? Why Martin choked on a bun he shouldn't have!? Was it your doing, wasn't it?!» - judging upon the crazy sparkle in his eyes, the old man was ready to shake the truth out of Kyon along with his soul.

Martha heard the screams, opened the door of the office and asked anxiously:

«Who are you? What do you want from Kyon?»

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Mob cleared up the matter for himself after Pink's words, approached the servant and firmly grabbed him by the shoulder:

«Hey, old man, will you calm down?»

«Fuck you!» - the old man roughly threw off the Mob's hand. - «I know that Kyon did something harmful to my master! It's him exactly! It cannot be otherwise!»

«Do you hear yourself? How could an ordinary, incapable slave be involved in the death of your master?» - Mob snorted. {This dog is mad with devotion to his master, disgustingly.}

Martha involuntarily threw a worried look at the guy. Finally, he "could» have done it. He was guilty.

The old man, spitting angrily on the floor, bellowed as the wounded beast:

«Incapable of anything?! Then how do you explain that these guys are injured, and the guy is unharmed!? Huh?!»

«That's because I arrived in time!» - Mob exclaimed and tried to grab the raging old man again.

«And I heard that he did a good half of the deal! How dare you lie to my face, kid?! And let me go before I lose my temper!» - he shook his shoulder again, but in vain.

Mar, seeing how events were unfolding, being hesitated, still took the side of the guy.

«Sir, chill out! Kyon had nothing to do with it!»

Most recently, she was so angry at him, and here again stood up for this obnoxious boy. Indeed, the female nature is the greatest mystery of the planet. Anyway, her words did not persuade and forced the old man to calm down, he continued to escape from the iron grip of Mob and pinned Kyon with his eyes as if would like to eliminate him.

The young man sadly came to the conclusion that words could not make that crazy man wise. It would be a good option to take the help of Mob, and for him not to simply waved from a slave, he had to work through Martha. Kyon,pulled a pitiful face stared pleadingly into the eyes of the doctor.

Martha, noticing the look of the guy, decided to leave the session of self-examination and analysis of her own behavior for later and wearily turned to the supervisor:

«Mob, protect Kyon! He's... is not guilty...» - the last words she got her voice went out, she almost whispered.

Mob, imagining himself a brave knight who defended the beautiful lady and her... let it be a pageboy immediately straightened slightly and, using the element of pure force pushed the old man away from the guy. He stood as an inviolable wall between these two, and dashingly winked at Martha.

Kyon only mentally giggled over these don Quixote and his «marriage games.» Indeed, if you want to use a man, use a woman.

The old man screamed hysterically:

«You bastard, why are you protecting this sucker!? What do you care about him, an ordinary slave!? Or ... Or you were in conspiracy with him the whole time!?... Yeah... Right ... He couldn't have done it himself! It was you who helped him!»

The old man's words, though they sounded crazy, actually made sense, because the staff of the mine was forbidden to have at least some kind of non-business relationship with the slaves. For example, recently, Martha, was reprimanded simply for the fact that she brought Kyon toys.

The woman flushed with excitement and in a panic even forgot that can call the security.

«Shame on you! It's just a boy, and you're lashing out at him like a madman!»

Pink, realizing that the woman also protected the slave, choked with indignation:

«Really? ... You, too? Are you all in this fucking conspiracy together? CONFESS!»

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Mob, tired of the crazy man's screams, and his precious Martha was clearly on the verge of a panic attack, decided it was time to stop this nonsense. He used clean energy and making a leap forward grabbed the man by the collar and threw him out.

Pink, with manic confidence suspecting everyone and everything in this room in the conspiracy, was ready for anything. When the tall man attacked him, he, finally persuaded himself in his guesses, put his hands in the block.

The servant was on the 5th level of the area of the foundations, while Mob was on the 6th.

Martha though she was at the 3rd stage, but was absolutely helpless in the fight.

Pink blocked the blow, by inertia having receded half an inch, and wail:

«I thought so! I KNEW IT! Now you all will be punished! Your skulls will be on my shelf! I will burn candles in honor of my master in your skulls!»

Mob looked at the old man with a cold glance. He was not as frail as he had expected. Martha had her eyes already wet because of of all these events. There finally came a sensible idea to call the security into her head – a woman rushed into the office to the sound transmitter. But the old man standing closest to her, immediately reacted: he accelerated and rushed to her and grabbed her elbow from the back around her neck, not allowing more to take a step.

«Fucking bitch, what are you DOING!?» - Mob yelled being frightened for the beloved woman.

Kyon came to a stupor, not expecting such rapid developments.

Martha, afraid to move, gave a strangled squeak:

«What do you want from me?»

The old man ignored her question, his fiery gaze burning frozen Mob and Kyon:

«You insolent bastards have no idea what the trouble you got into! Now, I want to hear a confession about what you did that day!»

Kyon put his hand on the shoulder of Mob and squeezed as if to say he should calm down and do not irritate the madman once again. He whispered with just his lips:

«I'll be a bait.»

Slowly and carefully he approached the old man for a few steps, pointedly applauding:

«Haha, bravo! And how did you reveal that it was me who killed that bastard?»

Pink was taKyon aback by such frankness, even somewhat loosened the grip on the neck of Martha:

«WH-what did you say?»

«I asked: how you guessed that I was the one who killed that bastard.» - with calm smile said the guy, making emphasis on the word «bastard».

«SO IT WAS YOU!» - an old man roared in an inhuman voice. The cheerful expression on Kyon's face drove him into a frenzy.

«Yes, you should have seen his face when I shoved that bun down his throat, a-ha-ha!» - the guy glared demonically. Martha felt a chill at the transformation.


By this moment Kyon already opened the door and ran out of the room.

Pink threw the crying Martha aside in a frenzy, roughly slamming her into the wall, and rushed after the boy. Mob, confused about the pace of events, did not immediately realize what had happened, however, seeing that Martha hit, quickly ran up to her.

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The woman screamed hysterically, pushing her outstretched hands:

«Idiot, save Kyon! FASTER!»

Mobile headlong jumped out of the hospital and noticed the old man, mindlessly rushing down the corridor with shouts: «WHERE ARE YOU?! COME OUT!» The one thing pleased -apparently, he did not have time to reach Kyon.

The supervisor was about to follow the madman, as from behind a door leaning against the wall appeared shaggy head, like the devil stuck out of the snuffbox, of the hero of the occasion .

Mob jumped in surprise:

«What a hell!?» - who would have guessed that this guy would just hide behind the door.

«I thought you'd react faster.» - whispered «the devil» with a grin.

«Sly fox!» - enthusiastically whistled Mob, but in the next moment, it was not to exchange pleasantries – the old man noticed a guy and with wild yelling rushed back to attack him.

Kyon wisely considered that he had no chance against the elderly servant. One-two punch on the head – goodbye the cruel world, so, can be said, he could rely on Mob only and the security which should be called as soon as possible. In the meantime, he should wait out the battle in a securely locked office with Martha.

«Quick, move into the room!» - roared Mob, shoving the guy in the door.

Martha didn't waste any time either. She went into the office and called security with shaking hands.

«Hold on for Martha!» - shouted Kyon on the run, willing to add to the supervisor incentive to «take over» his adversary.

The medicine office was wide open, and a trembling woman was crying inside. The boy shook his head in exasperation, put his hand into the ever-memorable pocket of her robe, took out the key, and locked the door himself.

March, sniffing, fell on Kyon's neck, rejoicing that he is unharmed.

«Thanks for helping me out... Thanks.» - she kept whispering, clinging to his work clothes like to a ring-buoy.

«Have you so much scared of him, silly.» - quietly said Kyon with a sigh at the clothes soared in tears sand he couldn't resist patting her head.

Meanwhile, Pink's fists lit up bright orange.

{Damn it, element of heat.} - scared Mob but did not retreat.

At this time the old man made two punches Mob's head. He deftly jumped aside, and his skin felt burning hot.

«GET OUTTA THE WAY, SUCKER!» - this madman had time to yell during the fight, while Mob spent all his strength to just not get under the «hot» hand and could not find the time to counterattack. {Fucking barbecue, he's too skilled!}

Some patients, despite the elephant's dose of sleeping pills, had awaKyon because of the noisy fight in the hospital, which they immediately regretted of. The old man and the tall man clearly fought for life and death, and their movements were up to 2 times faster and deadlier than the ones of ordinary people.

Pink gathered the energy of the element of heat and used a technique of smashing blow, it was an outstanding attack power but it damaged the muscles of the attacker's hand.

Mob did not expect a sudden quick lunge at plexus. It was impossible to dodge, but he managed to block the vulnerable place he managed to block, stretching the hand in a ridiculous manner.


The wrist was twisted in an unnatural way, the skin around it was covered with deep burns, and a sharp pain hit his head. The man by inertia flew away on meter, but didn't lose balance of a body.

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The path to the stone door to the office was free. Pink immediately rushed to the remaining obstacle: although the right hand was damaged (with this technique, the recoil came instantly), he would be able to kill the guy with one left hand.

Charging in the foot plenty of energy, the old man slammed the door.


It went cracks, and after the second kick was shattered.

Frightened Martha, seeing the old demon, screamed like a pig, and the guy with a desperate expression held a scalpel in his hand, intending to fight to the last.

Pink wickedly smiled – this is the end! But he got a heavy blow to the shoulder from behind. Because of the rumble of the destroyed door and the excessive confidence that from the smashing blow the opponent would roll on the floor and writhe in agony, he did not expect an attack from behind.

The servant flew a good meter and a half inside the office, his shoulder was clearly turned out, and Mob, seizing a valuable moment, brought a heavy kick directly into the chest of the fallen old ma witout pity, and roared:

«Take that, you old bastard!»


The blow broke a couple of ribs.

The old man screamed in pain and tried to get up.

Mob could not afford a setback, immediately rushing forward to finish off the madman, not sparing kicks for the suffering ribs of the enemy.

The old man screamed in pain, but he had no strength to stand up. The whole body agonized, the old bones could not stand the kicks. With bloodshot eyes, he frantically found Kyon in the room and, before turning off, croaked only:

«I ha... I Hate You!»

Realizing that the limp body no longer shows signs of life, Mob heavily sat on the floor:

«Well... not so ... difficult.» - the man barely managed to take a breath after the «easy battle».

The adrenaline was fell down, the pain from the fracture and burn with a hot needle stuck in his head. Mob groaned, but seeing the frightened look from Martha, took himself in hand and gave a forced smile:

«How are you? Are you okay? Has he hurt you?»

She saw tired, seriously injured – but still anxious about her men, Martha felt a warm spilled inside her breast. Her eyes glistened with tears again.

«You are an idiot! Look at yourself! Ah... I'll treat the wounds now!»

While these two were busy with each other, Kyon did not fail to get rid of a potential enemy. As if by chance he approached Pink, put two fingers to his neck and used almost all the Synergy to cut a couple of vital nerves in the spinal cord – the old man would become paralyzed, and such nonentities would not be kept on position. He would be just thrown into a pit with corpses.

Martha gave an analgesic injection to Mob's hand and began to gently apply the ointment to the burns. That day, her opinion of him had grown significantly - a strong, purposeful, strong-willed man, and how did she not notice it before?

In comparison with him Byron was losing its significance, becoming a regular dumb big guy. Kyon told the truth that she shouldn't treat Mob that way. She had to either tell him the truth, or to dump Byron. Tonight she would think what would she do.

Mob, forgetting about the already swollen arm, was a little embarrassed, but he could not take his eyes off the concentrated woman. And Martha from time to time, looked at his valiant savior-patient, causing her cheeks flushed treacherously.

{Oops, seems, my effort here caused forming a love triangle.} – mentally chuckled Kyon, looking at this touching picture.

Somewhere in the distance, the patter of running guards was heard. March, Kyon and Mob simultaneously raised their eyes. {Less than a year.}

The whole fight lasted about five minutes.

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