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When energy began to «flow» from the key, it simply dissipated in the air. Apparently, energy sought to lower its density.

Kyon conducted a couple of experiments involving the Synergy, found to his relief that the outgoing energy and the Synergy in contact did not mutually eliminate each other, as it happened to the Martin formation. He correctly assumed that the Synergy resonated both with the soul and with the energy released by it, due to which the conflict did not occur.

{So, the released energy just dissipates? But how to use it for good? When it comes out, I can't control it anymore and I can't do anything about it! How then to manage this energy? The literature told nothing about it...} the guy sighed sadly. Probably, it is necessary to think over again to everything.

He remembered the bygone fight of Mob -how did he do it? Kyon, concentrating, tried to take control of the channels, from which came the energy.

At first, nothing came out, but gradually he seemed to see the light. Out of nowhere, he felt as if he had ten trunks grown, one of which, however, was useless – it emanated the Synergy.

During half an hour of practice he learned some small tricks, for example, to move channels, to bend, to condense, to do the unthinkable nodes and corners. To create pressure, vacuums, compressions.

Trying to release energy through the key, while giving the channel some ridiculous form, Kyon noticed changes in the behavior of energy when it came out – now he could in some way control it, setting the direction or density.

The test went by and the working day was coming to an end. While the other slaves were busy with highbrow case of crushing of rock, Kyon managed to significantly advance in his private practice: {A soul has a limited reserve of energy, which I can release through nine channels, and already they somehow unthinkably transform it into a certain element, except that the key of pure force does not convert it into anything. I can't control the energy outside the channel, but I can pre-define its characteristics, such as speed, density, direction, structure, and so on, if I build the channel in a certain way.}

Kyon also found that even if he tried, it was impossible to drain energy from the soul faster than in a few minutes. Keys couldn't release energy faster than a certain limit, at least the harder you try, the harder it was to do it. Consequently, even the most intense battle would take about ten minutes.

The next 4 working days were monotonous for Kyon.

He came to work, for a couple of hours performed the norm, so that the soul of Vassily was calm, and went into a secluded corridor to practice in the release of energy through the keys. He experimented, learned how it worked, «invented the bike», after, at night, doing stretching excercises, and slept the last 2 hours before the new working day.

Dreams in the form of memories long ended, so Kyon simply had a rest.

His body gradually overgrown with relief muscles, becoming sinewy, although he did not bother himself with exhausting workouts. It's all about the Synergy, which competently distributed enzymes derived from protein foods, regulated metabolism, and no training was required to the envy of any athlete. By the arrival at the Stones estate, he predicted to himself a beautiful, attractive sports body, capable of long-term physical activity. It would certainly bring him an advantage, if not in terms of strength and endurance, at least in physical attractiveness, and in combination with a pretty face and grown carelessly disheveled hair, he would become irresistible.

Also, Kyon felt like his soul was a little roomier. And, as far as he knew, as soon as this figure reaches a certain level, it will move to the 2nd stage, which marked the first step on the path of development. To the first step he stepped up, setting the connection with the soul, which was also fundamental.

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As far as Kyon knew, in the mine the energy density of the first area is small, therefore, he would climb the stages of development of the soul much slower than he would like. As far as he knew, if he only knew how to train the elements, and not just scatter them in the wind, then his growth rate would rise.

And yet the big advantage was that Kyon could dispel energy at night, even when he was asleep, because his concentration did not fall due to the Synergy that took on the role of the performer and acted automatically.

Another great advantage was that the General purity of its channels, i.e. the flow is 900% - all 9 channels were cleared at 100%, which was an impossible dream for others. On average, the rate was 200-300%, that meant, they evolved three to four times slower, and their natural attacks on the same with the Kyon stage was much weaker.

In those 4 days the beated supervisors returned.

Slaves of the 2nd rank were given 3 nights for treatment, which was more than enough for most of them to recover.

Kyon's supervisor Osip, unfortunately, was still too weak when he checked out. Byron, driven by his desire to avenge his friend, had beaten the guard so that he did not seem to live for two days.

Babil, with a disfigured face, inherited from the «caring» doggie, got another couple of black eyes from Byron. Since then, he was quieter than water and below than grass and when he saw Kyon could only squeak teeth, which quantity significantly diminished in light of past events. He could forget about his former power – as a result of clashes injured not only his reputation, but also financial condition due to the unconscionable looting of the young man. That moneylender, of course, hid some savings in the store, in the vault, but he would get it only on the 7th day of the week. Even his last remaining guard no longer stood on ceremony with him.

So, came the evening of the 6th day of the week. Tomorrow woild come a day off, so many were in no hurry to go to bed. Someone firmly sat down at the «card» tables, someone wrote letters to their relatives, and someone just talked over a cup of low-grade tea.

Kyon was concerned that his absence from the database could be detected. As far as he could judge, the weekly report with Bob was ten days old, but he was amused by the thought that it was not easy to find a replacement for dead formacist Martin, so there was a high probability that the verification of reports would be delayed. So far, no one had bothered him, nothing else mattered.

Bob and Mob came into the living room to distribute the earnings for over-fulfillment. From tall men proceeded aureole, which was typical usually for drug addicts. Did he have anything with Martha?

Kyon rejected hasty speculation, thought that the money that he kindly lent the scoundrels-guards were more than enough to win tomorrow's auction and got a promotion, and the rest he would not need.

Having found Mike, he promised him to transfer the rest of the money from the auction for him to convert the money into real currency and to sent to the family, who lived in a village called Kornevo, which he got to know in the course of the conversation.

Having solved the problem with the «extra « money, Kyon knocked on Byron's room.

«Who's there?» - a muffled voice sounded from behind the door.

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«Hello Byron, it's me.»

«Come on kid, I'll stand a cup of teav for you... Tell me, what's up?» - the big man let the young man in and stomped to a small table with a kettle. Having warmed up the drink on some crystal, he put a steaming cup in front of Kyon and sat down opposite him.

Kyon nodded in a sign of gratitude and cautiously sipped his tea.

«Everything is as usual. There's an auction tomorrow. I'm planning on getting out.»

Byron frowned. :

«Everyone in the mine wants to get promoted and go to the estate, you know. So your money may not be enough. For example, last time you won three people with rates of about 250 thousand…»

The guy grinned and winked conspiratorially at the big man:

«For the attack on me and beating Osip, I took a small financial compensation from Babil and his friends, so I should have enough.»

«Ha-ha-ha! Goddamn, it's cool!» - the man laughed out loud, taKyon aback for a second. He approvingly banged his fist on the table: - «They deserve it! As a matter of fact, if anything had happened to you, I would have fucking skinned them!»

Kyon felted some tide of gratitude to this simple-minded big guy:

«Pleased to hear it.»

Byron put down his cup and propped his chin thoughtfully with his hand, drumming his fingers on the table top:

«By the way, you should understand that even if you win the auction, you will not be free. I don't know what the arrangement is, but if you do get out, I wish you the best of luck with your family matters. Hopefully, that bastard will get what he deserves…»

Kyon for a second confused, but then remembered his «full of drama, sentimentalism and universal injustice of the history of life.» Perhaps, in that moment the guy should experience some shame for his lies, but this emotion was not too typical for his rational mind. Yes, and Byron if he knew how cleverly the boy manipulated him, he would not be so happy – but so, everyone was happy. «Lies for good» - I think it's called something like that.

Kyon nodded vaguely and, noticing the Rubik's cube on the shelf behind Byron, pointed a finger at it:

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«Show me that thing.»

Byron turned around, looked for the object Kyon needed and, reaching out, took out the toy and handed it to the guy. And while the big guy was distracted at the request of the young men, he generously poured the entire stock of the Synergy in Byron's cup.

«There you are. I already regretted buying that bullshit. I do not understand why it is needed at all.» - the man chuckled and drank the cooling tea in one gulp.

{Oh, he is still simple, to speak truth – if there's might, no matter of reason...} – friendly chuckled Kyon. He asked the Synergy deferred action. Once got in the stomach, it would penetrate Byron's keys and in a couple of days it would establish a connection with the spirit. It would be a good incentive for him, albeit he had not even obtained the bases field. Still, the big man had repeatedly mentioned that he cursed his fate for weakness, although at first glance he could not be called a weakling.

Kyon slowly cranked the grooves of the cube.

«Tell me, what are your plans for the future?»

The man hung his head and clenched his fists:

«I don't know. Because of my fucking brother, I hate him!... me at least another two years here, only in this case, I will be able to buy his freedom, and then... then, I'll look for a way to get revenge.»

«Two years is a long time. If you somehow get out early, find Mike's family in the village of Kornevo, wait for me there. I'll find you, and later will help accomplish revenge, but take into account...» - the squares gradually evolved in a single color, line for line-red, royal, green, again red…

Byron interrupted impatiently.:

«Will you help me!?»

«Yeah, but you'll owe me something.» - Kyon, nodding in satisfaction, put on the table in front of a man assembled cube.

Byron, squeezed look at the toy, mused:

«You know I'm not rich…»

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«I didn't say it would be about of money. But don't worry about it yet.»

«Kyon, I don't give a shit how, but if you help me get revenge, I'll do anything for you!» - the man slammed his fist firmly on the table, causing the cups to clink pitifully. But then, clearing his throat, not so confident: - «Well, except for the perversions, of course.»

They laughed together.

Saying good-bye, Kyon went to his bedroom. Tomotrrow he will have a hard day - the X-day.

Byron closed the door behind the boy and began to clear the table. His gaze involuntarily lingered on the Rubik's cube – the man gasped in surprise.

It was early morning. Sleepy people like the living dead crawled to the lounge, constantly yawning. Kyon as cheerful, as had never been never – too much he put on today's day.

Byron slowly rose to the mini-stage and loudly announced about the auction, and then instructed everyone to go to the wash.

Kyon was standing under the refreshing floods of the shower and thought, thought, thought... {therefore, the Patriarch has a young beautiful granddaughter... Hmm, what could be better than to win the heart of the highborn miss? The status and influence of the Stones family would allow me to go out into the world. How interesting... The test within which a slave must seduce a high society virgin, the daughter of the boss... and if I use all the techniques of seduction, she will surely be mine! In my world, I could do anything in an hour, I'm sure my skills would be very useful here. Oh, I'm burning with impatience. This was a job my masters still did not provide me with! Hopefully, the girl would be to my taste. If so, I would subdue her, even if it takes time. She'll thank me later.}

The guy blurred in naive romantic fantasies, and not knowing how this world works. The environment in the mine was not very shining with subordination, were all more or less familiar, just so Laurel lived in his own world. However, outside, among the high society, only one sideways glance could become the last of him. Stupid ignorance can turn into big trouble for him, which he does not yet suspect.

The romantic thoughts of make male spirit respond quickly and clearly. The guy hastily suppressed the urge and, turning off the water, began to get dressed.

Suddenly a chill ran down his spine. Turning back, Kyon saw a bald man approaching him with a lustful face.

{Fuck off, only not now.} - the young man only managed to put on his pants.

«Guy, guy, and that I only noticed you…»

Before the «man» could finish his speech, a slippery piece of soap bounced off a wall and flew straight under his foot. He slipped and with a wild a wild fool flew a couple of feet on the wet floor and get into in the wall. And when he woke up, the guy had already gone.

On the move, pulling on his shirt and flopping on the floor with unshielded shoes, Kyon exhaled: «If not for my ballistic abilities, it would have been tight.»

In the living room there had already commenced rough activity: two shopkeepers and their loyal guard brought into a mobile shop goods, and the slaves lined up, shouting and quarreling.

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