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On the same day.

Ren – that very man in the black coat – was driving a wagon loaded with slaves. This time the men were smart and were not trying to escape. For their own good.

The tedious journey took six days each way. The path from the estate to the mines was packed down with some ground technique, so it did not swamp and did not collapse.

Mountains, rivers, forests, hills. Each of the passengers admired all these splendid sightseeings enough. There occasionally appeared animals, however, dangerous beasts did not dare to attack a crowd.

Ren's seventh annual dressage was coming to its end. It would have been habitually boring and dull, but a frail boy named Kyon, who had already attracted his attention from the mine, did not let the matter got rotten: Tricks and jokes, taunts, stories – it was simply impossible to be sad with this ringleader.

On the third day of the trip, the boy surprised them at all as he got up at one stage! Spatial clap of promotion can not be confused with anything else. But in his third sector there were only those who did not establish a connection with the soul... That is, he somehow established this connection and learned how to do cycles! Once again he surprised them all.

{This guy has great promise... I guess, because of him I'll get anything...} - dreamy sighed Ren, glancing at the youngster.

The cart rolled up to the checkpoint - farther began the territory of the the Stones estate. Two of the guards, checking the formation on the Ren's wrist, and let him go farther.

The whole area was fenced with a two-meter stone wall created by the elements of the earth. In addition to the walls of different heights, the estate was also surrounded by 3 invisible barriers, equipped with signals and informing the owners about the penetration of strangers.

Two more hours on the way and there appeared the second checkpoint with the wall, and after another half hour, there appeared the third one. By this time the sky was covered with a dark veil.

The big gate swung open, and Ren and the cart were let in. Before the tired slaves appeared a huge estate, here and there grew houses up to 3 floors in height, pleasing the eye with beautiful architecture. But it was only the outer courtyard of the estate - closer to the center of the house could be seen much richer ones.

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A man in a coat stopped the cart in a small area of some premise, a fence with barbed wire stubbornly resembling a prison. Although any guards were not particularly seen…

An old fellow warden came to "welcome" Ren. A poisonous smirk played on his lips as he contemptuously swept his gaze over the group of slaves, particularly Kyon.

«Only dweebs this time... Ren, slaves are getting worse and worse every year. How can it happen?» -Hein clucked his tongue and shook his head reproachfully

Ren grimaced: this asshole needed to mock a joke a very time – and replied in an indifferent and tired voice:

«How could I know... I'm going to have the shower, I'll on my own further on.» - finally, his work was almost finished. It remained only to bring the slaves to apply new formations and get his bonus.

The warden nodded and, after looking at the departing "colleague", pejoratively dropped the two guards:

«What a fuck I you standing? Take the trash to wash it.»

Kyon had a handful of amber stones, which he would have to cleverly hide once again. However, the risk was worth it. If they would not become money, then would at least become crackers.

After shower, each slave was given a set of clothes in size. Simple, canvas gray trousers and a shirt, nevertheless, were much better and more qualitative than a miner's uniform. At least they didn't have any holes or stains.

Kyon placed the ill-fated pile of amber in his new pocket.

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After bathing the two guards in the street built the slaves in a row.

Hein, laying his hands behind his back, walked with a haughty air along the joint line of slaves. He loved his job... When meeting newcomers, his first priority was to show them their position, which he gladly began to do.

«You all bullshit!» - his stentorian voice was heard mockingly and solemnly. – «Perhaps you were told fair-tales that here you would see the sea and roses, girls and food, but it's crap. You will be working here almost harder more than in the mine! Everyone will be given work from which you will chop in a month! So know how you were pieces of worthless bums working for porridge in the morning, and will remain the same.»

The slaves lowered their heads, not daring to look into his complacent gaze. Involuntary moans of despair - a fence with barbed wire, cries of the cruel chief promising them the next hell... They didn't dream of it.

The warden, satisfied with the effect produced, searched the crowd for the first victim – it was necessary to finally consolidate the despair of the newcomers and clearly demonstrate the severity of the life of a slave. The look stopped at the frail young boy – and how did he manage to be here? The man, grinning, spat out poisonously:

«Each year the slaves are more worthless and useless, they forget even to wash the ass away. But today, I see, it's even worse... Like you, the quivering creature, come here.» - he pointed his finger majestically and beckoned to the guy with formation 'Kyon",

Kyon, frowning with every second while staying in this "friendly" place, had taken a step forward.

The man grinned maliciously.:

«Tell me, whose dick did you suck every day to get here, huh? You expect me to believe that such little girl with a cute face like you have could win an auction on her own?»

Kyon, tightened his teeth and narrowed his eyes dangerously and kept silent. The situation pictured out as the most unpleasant one – he was nobody here, but he could not allow himself to be humiliated – his fellows would cease to respect him. And everything else was subjective.

Seeing that the slave did not respond to his attack, the man became even more aggressive. He had to put this little whore in her proper position!

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«Girl, I order you to stand doggy with your back to me! I'll show you what it means to get the way by your ass!» - a savory kick to the ass in addition to public humiliation would teach this kid good manners in order not to sniff with his eyes anymore! And then he could proceed to the next "demonstration material" - three victims would be enough.

Kyon had a strong desire to wring the warden's neck, but – alas-alas - he had neither the right nor the strength. But he could not afford to be bent in front of two dozens guys with whom he would do time. The only tactics remained available was to remain silent and do nothing. Very strategically reasonable and without consequences.

Hain's lips curled into a nasty grin.:

«Is the girl deaf?! Maybe you've been punched in the ears for you are keeping quiet, huh?!» - he turned to the guards with a chuckle, pointing at the Kyon who froze like a stone statue: - «You look, deaf are being taken here now!»

Both giggled. Boss, though.

The warden quickly moved forward, wanting to teach a lesson to the insolent man and "bend" him with his own hand, but something slippery flew under his sole. He failed to keep his balance and flopped on his stomach, drive on his face a couple of meters on the ground.

Kyon barely markedly grinned: indeed, the soap – man's best friend!

The man, blushing, rose, scrapped the slippery stuff of personal care, bellowed:

«Who did it?!»

A few slaves behind Kyon involuntarily covered their mouths so as not to lough loudly.

Unfortunately, the maneuver did not go unnoticed and the eyes of Hein dangerously narrowed:

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«Oh, you laugh? Ha-ha, me, too, and do you know, why? That's why!» - the remnant were thrown as a curveball right in the eyes of the slame, but a slimy piece is naughty just because it's a slippery one - it whistled past the head and flew off into the distance and upwards. The sound of breaking window was heard... And slippery "flying object", resembling the boomerang, in a strange way with redoubled speed flew into the face of the warden.


A bar of soap went straight into Hein's eye, marking a future black eye on that place. The man let out a cry of pain, pressed his hand to the injured half of his face:

«Grrm... What a fuck! WHO DID THIS?!» - the remaining intact eye was s filled with rage due to experienced the humiliation and he exposed himself as a complete idiot! Even his subordinates, the guards, seemed to be barely holding back laughter.

Forgetting about your goal, Hein, crushing in his fist the long-suffering soap in porridge like furious boar he rushed to the nearest laughing slave, who was, of course, Kyon. However, until he made three steps, as from behind him came a slap from approached Ren, the warden failed to stay on his feet again and drove his nose on the ground, leaving a bloody scenic trail which marked the brake way of his frail body.

Once again rising and pinching the hands of his hurt nose, the man screamed in bewilderment:


«You were given a simple task gave, and you have portrayed you like an idiot ... you need to change the scope of activities and not to disgrace the status of warden.» - Ren shook his head contemptuously. He turned to Kyon, in response to his smile slightly lifted the corners of his mouth – the kid immediately noticed the approaching men and probably got his intention to give a "friendly" slap the idiot. Well done, the guy is observant.

Ren examined lightly smiling slaves and waved his hand:

«Follow me. Let's fix your status and position.»

They went to the Formations department. Finally, his work as a deliverer will be completed.

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