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After the slave told her that the thief of her lingerie was no other but Master Jean, Dinah was growing restless. All her insides kept twisting and turning from the mere thought that some pervert had set it all up, a risky and reckless plan, by the way, to get her favorite lace panties and... Her consciousness refused to imagine that picture, so disgusting it was. A middle-aged man! A respected master, after all!

No matter how cold-blooded murderess she was when it concerned her honor different laws came into effect.

For some reason, she trusted Kyon's words almost unconditionally but she was in no hurry to run out to Jean with screams "I know everything!" - first, she had to gather real evidence. Therefore, the next day she put on black clothes and a black mask and resolutely went to the man's mansion.

The house of the master was significantly inferior in luxury and size to the mansion of Juno. The security guard was average, the walls were low, the barriers were absent at all; apparently, Jean didn't need them, there was no one to defend. Dinah easily slipped by security, imperceptibly went past a few servants: she knew the hiding technique of a C rank and not everyone could see her without looking too close.

The girl had thoroughly studied the internal structure of the house, found out where Jean slept, waited until he went somewhere he was supposed to be and got inside the room. Her observant eyes scanned all the furniture: her precious lingerie was not there.

{Perhaps he wears it in the spatial ring.} - She thought and took out a small, transparent pebble with a dull trigram floating inside. That formation recorded the rays of light then converted them into a picture and saved it. Simply put, that item was a kind of camcorder.

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Dinah put the transparent pebble on the top shelf of the bookcase so that it could hardly be found by accident. Once again she looked meticulously around - nothing was supposed to betray her presence and the next moment she wasn't there anymore. It wasn't the most legitimate way to find out the information but was it better to interrogate the master personally? What if he was not guilty at all? In that case, there would be hell to pay.

The other day, the girl again secretly entered the mansion, took the visual formation and took off unnoticed the same way.

She came back to Juno's mansion, to her room, ignoring her sister's grumbling that she wasn't doing her work. There, she took out the transparent pebble and poured some pure force into it. The light streamed from the core like a "spotlight" and got reflected in a bright image on the wall.

The moving picture depicted the room of Jean.

Dinah changed slightly the action of pure force and played forward the living scene. Here Jean returned to the room, straightened his shoulders, stretched his back, neck, did the splits, some exercises. What a good master, practicing even at home.

The girl felt some annoyance, she must have been mistaken. The guy had tricked her! Come on, such a respected master couldn't do any dirty things. She wanted to turn off the projection already, feeling a pang of regret for her unceremonious intrusion into the private life of an honest man when something in the man's face caught her attention - his eyes glittered, a crazy smile wandered on his lips - definitely a lunatic, just out of the looney bin.

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Dinah froze tensely and the "video image" kept on entertaining her with a succession of horrible pictures: now Jean pulled his pants off, revealing to the whole world what he was hiding underneath - black lace panties stretched on his decrepit bottom and front part, bursting at the seams from… from...The girl screamed and put her hand to her mouth. And the master, purring with content, laid his hand on his protruding package and got moving, swinging into action his wild, dark and lustful business. In doing so, judging by the image, he was getting incomparable pleasure: although the formation did not make a sound, Dinah could hear his hoarse breathing and animal moans as if he was near.

The girl was speechless, she lost the ability to think and move. The latter was not completely lost, though, her body was trembling uncontrollably, all the color came out of her face, pulsating blood pounded in her head. All her insides turned upside down and her soul seemed to have left her body in a hurry, leaving behind the ringing emptiness in the lifeless shell. A bitter lump rose in her throat and refused to fall back into the stomach. The awareness was tolling like a funeral bell in her thoughts: the old man was using her lingerie for a dirty, disgusting, icky satisfaction of his lust. All the dignity of the highest servant of the patriarch was crushed by a heavy dirty shoe, then crumpled and threw away into the cesspool, as some trash.

The room began to spin rapidly, everything went dark — Dinah fell on the bed with a low moan, sinking into a life-saving coma. However, even there she kept having a terrible nightmare, which forced her to thrash around in delirium. She'd always been distinguished by incredible endurance and strength of spirit, ruthlessness, and composure but when she was hit at the most vulnerable point - her dignity, her psychological defense failed.

She woke up only an hour later in a cold sweat, shaking with her whole body in a terrible chill and fever. The mere thought of what had happened got the wind knocked out of her. Her mental state became unstable.

She was having a paranoid delusion all day and got better only in the morning.

Anna regularly changed the wet towel on Dinah's forehead, carefully brought her something to drink. What had brought her always so strong and pragmatic sister to a state like that.

There had been real signs of improvements by the next afternoon: the brunette could recall what she had seen without trembling all over her body. Her mind was gradually accepting what had happened as a fact, she tried to pull through with a thought that her underwear was just a piece cloth, nothing more, and that the master was not worth of her suffering.

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Slowly but surely, an unprecedented rage awakened in the girl. Her body was getting stronger, her mind worked in the mode of overload, driven by hatred and a dark desire for revenge. Soon it would become much stronger and more resilient to everything involving the humiliation of her dignity.

Her eyes burned with icy fire, her already cold nature was now bone-chilling frosty, the desire to kill with particular cruelty had been stamped on her aura, forcing to stop in the unclear feeling of anxiety and fear any passer-by who approached her closer than two meters.

She splashed her face with icy water, got dressed in the black uniform of the assassin, which wrapped her slender body and went straight to the hospital. She had made up a plan for revenge before, the time spent in bed as a dying swan was pretty much. Just to kill Jean was not enough for her, she wanted to wash the bastard in his own blood and humiliation. No one could know that the underwear once belonged to her, she would never survive such a shame. So, everything should stay between her and the pervert who was going to die.

She had taken a dose of "evilball", sufficient to sterilize an elephant and left the medical center unnoticed. Beginning with today, she was going to add to Jean's food a certain amount of it every day; and when he finally gave up way, she'd graciously take his life. Or not so graciously.

Ten days had passed since Kyon was killed.

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The guy did not waste any time, the recovery of the body was not his only concern, he also got successfully rid of the disgusting stigma on his forehead. Now it was not necessary for him to brush down his hair, nobody would recognize a slave in him.

He also rose from the 2nd rank of the baseline to the 3rd, thereby strengthening his body and enhancing the soul. He could notice that his Synergy slightly but increased. His theory that the development of Synergy was going to return as far as his soul developed proved to be true. Thanks to many days of training, even without special movements, he was able to master the baseline of pure force, to grasp the element! At one moment it sounded like a clap inside him and all the knowledge connected with the element became extremely clear and obvious, it got imprinted in his soul as if Kyon had really had reached enlightenment. Now was as easy to use the element as moving his hand... The one that was not broken.

Experimenting with the acquired skills, he found out a lot.

The colorless formless energy could freely flow through the body, get absorbed into the bones and organs, making them much stronger (while it stayed inside) and, most importantly, accelerating their recovery and efficiency of the processes. Hearing, vision, brain function, cleansing the body of poison and toxins - all this could be improved with pure force.

The pure force could be released during an attack or concentrated to protect the body. Any strike enhanced with its use became much more powerful, the inertia was not so important as the amount of energy in the impact. That is why Juno beat him so easily, even with her tiny fists. Thanks to pure force, he could speed up his movements, however, Kyon did not know how much yet - he still had no opportunity to move so it was impossible for him to check it up yet. That force could also create pressure on opponents, scan the battlefield, however, with his level of strength, that "feature" turned out to be rather meaningless: he could hardly recognize the environment even a couple of meters away. In the future, perhaps, this ability would become much more accurate and useful.

When the whole courtyard plunged into the darkness of the night, the guy decided that he'd had enough of lying under the bush: he shakily leaned his hands on the ground, raised himself up, pulled up his knee... With some effort, he pushed off the grass and stood up to his full height. The ground began to spin swiftly, Kyon staggered but kept his balance. A step, one more, and another one... Chin up: he should stop playing the role of the feeble slave - a toy of fate and Juno. His eyes were burning with life and the desire to avenge what they had done to him, that hell on earth. Even slaves were entitled to food, water, a place to spend the night, and they had deprived him of all that, and beat him to a pulp every day, forced him to knock out his own teeth with no pity, and then "killed" them altogether. That was unforgiving even for thirteen-year-old girls in the guise of an angel.

Now he needed a new plan. The slave who was considered dead turned out to be alive.

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