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Kyon's eyes nearly popped out of his head in horror and surprise, his hands slowly and as if reluctantly stretched to his neck, his thin long fingers closed and began to squeeze... The face of the unlucky avenger turned white, he collapsed on the girl, his nose buried in her soft and supple hills. He was immediately lost in the pleasant aroma of the most beautiful flowers in the world, among which that charming fairy seemed to have been born.

Trembling with anger, disgust and hatred overwhelming her, Juno repeated over and over the same desperate order in a stifled whisper:

«Die… Die, you foul slave!»

Skillfully playing to be in his death throes, the guy was rubbing against his lovely victim: he hadn't touched the warm, soft and pleasant girl's body for a very long time. However, he wasn't only touching; wheezing and twitching, he "accidentally" bit her at the sensitive place.

The girl uttered a cry from the sharp pain and lowered her shocked glance to the piece of shit, that had been actively dying right on her body for whole several minutes already, she couldn't understand what was wrong with him.

«When will you die, at last?»

And before his cruel revenge went off base, Kyon pulled away from the girl's boobs with an evil grin and whispered with an unveiled sneer in his voice:

«Just kidding.»

Juno became suddenly numb.

«Why don't you obey me?! Twist your neck! Wring it yourself, now!» - she repeated those cruel words again and again with the same arrogant voice as if she was the ruler of the whole world, no less, which was quite annoying; affectionate purr of a tender and harmless kitten would suit her better.

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Kyon laughed softly, then turned serious and said coldly, staring at his "kitten" with the unblinking gaze of the predator:

«I prefer to ignore the orders of all insolent beasts.»

«What?! You dared to call me a beast?! I am your mistress, and you are a miserable slave, a punching bag! There is a subordinate mark on you, so listen to what I am saying!» – the arrogant lady kept banging on obstinately the same thing.

* smack *

Kyon's hand landed in a gentle slap on the girl's soft cheek.

Juno just stayed there with a blank stare on her face, everything went dark. She felt a strange, unusual burning sensation in the cheek, a great wave of humiliation and shame swept over her. A slave dared to hit her! No one had ever dared to beat her, especially on the cheek! She hardly knew what pain was, and up to this day, there was no such person, much less a slave, who could inflict any pain on her.

Kyon's face slid into an evil smile. What a bliss... Who would have thought that revenge was such a delightful act? His soul rejoiced at the sight of the pitiful expression of her attractive face. It suited her to keep her mouth shut in shock, and those eyes filled with tears, she was about to burst out crying. What a bliss... He had never shown any appetite for cruelty before, where'd that come from?

«Y-you dared to hit me…» – his charming victim managed to babble, she still couldn't believe it was happening to her. - «You, foul slave, how dare you to hit your mistress?!» – her eyes blazed with the hellish flames.

«What are you going to do about it?» – said the guy brazenly and gave her another slap, a little more tangible that time.

* bang *

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Hardly recovered from the previous stroke, Juno experienced another shock. She opened her mouth, feeling outraged, the other cheek reddened and gave her a burning pain. Humiliation and anger burned inside her; she felt as if all her dignity of a high-born lady from a powerful family had been crushed under the dirty shoe of that worthless slave.

«Scumbag! My grandfather will destroy your soul and body if you hit me again! It is beneath me even to look at you! But you know what, if you kneel right now, I might descend to give you a proper funeral…»

But before she could convey to the slave all the generosity of her proposal, Kyon hit her with the back of his hand in a kind of frenzy. {Holy macaroni, it feels so good...} The pleasure was so bright that he almost got aroused in the literal sense. He had some suspicions as to his own perverted predilections but his common sense put everything in its place: in the end, the bitch had caused him so much pain that she needed a dose of her own medicine and to get some satisfaction in doing so was quite normal.

«You don't know how to bargain at all. Little rat, do you think that after everything that you have done to me, I will pay attention to what you want?»

In the charming green eyes of Juno, there was the whole spectrum of negative emotions: resentment, outrage, anger and, of course, hatred... But one thing her merciless tormentor wanted to see was missing - fear.

«Do you at least understand who you are beating, you pleb?..»

The slave has completely forgotten himself, he does not understand his position. Who is he and who is she! Her words should be indisputable law for him but instead of prostrating himself and begging her to forgive him his mere existence, he'd hit her for the third time in a row! Unthinkable! He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, either: she was kind enough to offer him a decent death, wasn't that enough?! He is dead, anyway, so, at least, he could die like a human being. Slaves are really very stupid. She's never been put in such an awkward position before... Maybe it all is just a bad dream? But then why doesn't she wake up from the burning pain?

Suddenly, the look on her face and she hissed, staring at the boy with icy contempt:

«Lousy slave, I've changed my mind. I am taking back my noble offer to arrange a proper funeral for you. The cesspool is missing you and crying, there you will rot. Even if you kneel and beg me, I will not allow…»

The guy burst out laughing and slapped the girl in the face again, maybe he could knock some sense into her and she would finally stop saying her arrogant nonsense.

«Believe me, I have not even begun to take my revenge on you... It's still the warm-up. But you go on, what else do you want to tell me?»

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Juno was occasionally moaning, her face distorted by pain - physical and psychological at the same time; suddenly, she laughed out loud, dimples played on her cheeks, confirming the sincerity of her sudden burst of joy.

«A piece of scum! You, dirty slaves, are all created with a single purpose, so that your masters use you at their will. You are nothing but things, and nothing more. I don't even feel your pathetic slaps!»

Kyon snorted irritably and even raised his hand to give her a good punch but stopped abruptly, catching alarm bells with a kind of sixth sense. Victims never behave like this, besides, what is this unexpected change of mood? The lady had never fancied masochism before; until now she pursued only sadistic pleasures. He could explain it by inadequate behavior in a stressful situation, but... A high-born person wouldn't ask for it. The guy lowered his hand and thought hard.

Juno kept pressing his buttons:

«Just as I thought. You are nothing but a lousy impotent slave who is not capable of anything. You're disgusting to me, go and kill yourself! Pshaw!» - the last sound was accompanied by action but Kyon deftly caught her spittle in his hand and gently smeared the saliva all over her slightly wrinkled but still cute face, making her wince in disgust, and then he said as calmly as he could:

«I order you to give me the answer: why are you so actively encouraging me to beat you?»

A change instantly passed over her face; unimaginable horror and despair were reflected in her eyes but her mouth had already uttered the following, against her will:

«The bracelet on my wrist... it will work if ... if I am hurt bad enough...»

The young man's eyes widened in surprise. Is there... really a rare protective item on her wrist - the green bracelet? That trinket contained a special formation that was immediately actuated when a certain level of pain was achieved, for example, if the skin was punctured or some poison got into the body.

The item would instantly create a powerful protective barrier for time enough for someone to come to the rescue, it would also start the alarm and disinfect the blood if necessary. Grandfather obviously cares so much about his granddaughter: he did not hesitate to order the bracelet made for a princely sum.

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Kyon put his hand over his mouth so that not to make too much noise, and grunted with laughter. Wow, that sly wretch was about to take him for a ride! Another moment and he might have found himself dead, just like as the little pest had in mind! It would be very sad: he'd hatched the plan, had been preparing for so long, made a rigorous effort, and then bam, he is gone, all because of his ignorance of the simplest concepts of that world. Of course, protection against murderers could be either overt, in the form of a security guard, or hidden, in the form of an object. If only she bit through her tongue, for example, the bracelet would work, it was for his own good that he only allowed her to speak.

All the color had drained out of Juno's face in a heartbeat. The girl gritted her teeth with annoyance: her trump card had been played! What was she supposed to do?

«You, scuzzbag… Slime bucket… I hate you! Where the hell did you come from?! Just die, please!»

She would love to beat him to death, not like the last time, she'd make sure that she had sent that zombie to his forefathers-slaves for good. Only, her the body was constrained by his order, all she could do was to wrinkle her little forehead, which was still tingling a little because of the formation. The mere thought that she had a subordinate mark on her, struck her heart with terrible anguish, she felt a dreadful ache as if something was being torn inside her.

The desire to get the hell out of that stuff became almost palpable. She really wanted to start bawling helplessly which completely inappropriate for her status.

And the guy kept laughing.

«Shut up, slave! I will give you money! I will even grant you freedom! Just let me go!» – Juno snarled, forcing Kyon to wince in disgust. Her wonderful voice conspicuously failed to meet the characteristics of "plaintive and full of prayer", as it should have been in the position of the girl.

The guy wiped with his hand the tears of laughter, completely ignored all her demands, suggestions and attempts to bargain and set to inquire about her protection.

«You're Kyon, right?» – after she'd answered all the questions of her tormentor, she said nervously, making a conscious effort to remember his name. – «Kyon, I will give you a lot, whole mountains of gold! You scum, all love gold, am I right? And I will give you... A lot of food, you'll never finish it in all your life! And freedom! Come on, agree to that! The whole mansion is guarded, if you do not agree, then I will kill you! Or the guards will do it!»

The girl decided to find the weakness of the slave, beckoning him with a carrot in the form of luxury or freedom, and then thoroughly blowing the whip in the form of death, but he, apparently not impressed with the size of the "profit", didn't even bat an eyelid.

Kyon lifted the little girl's hand, gently pulled off the green bracelet, put it on the bed, and then punched Juno with his fist into the chest from the bottom of his heart, exhausted from the experienced abuse. With no pure force. Today he planned to use up all his physical endurance without restraining.

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