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The maid was holding a tray with dinner. Goosebumps rose on the guy's skin. Stop! It shouldn't be happening! She under the order not to harm him! And she dared to go into the cage with the tiger?! And why didn't she send someone to do the dirty? Serving dinner to the servants is a task absolutely beneath her high rank. He didn't mean the last time when he intentionally called her to send a message and taunt her.

Kyon got alarmed. The impassive look of the beautiful girl was hard to read. {Maybe she wants to dispel her suspicions about me? Or to find out why Juno had given her the order just because I asked her once? Or did she like the way I pressed her that time? Or maybe she managed to revoke the order? Damn, she is driving me crazy... You shouldn't have come, you fool.} - in any case, he wanted her to take his warnings seriously. The guy broke into an insidious smile.

On each occasion, his masters told him that he had two flaws: pointless recklessness and a soft spot for all things beautiful, in particular, beautiful women. The loving young man couldn't help it. An era without girls had only strengthened that character trait. Besides, the maid came herself to tease him... To see what his warning was worth.

Dinah noticed the guy's expression and wasn't surprised at all. Their last meeting proved to her that he was a good, even impressive actor. He managed to trick her sister into bringing him food... He took her for a ride, as well. But now she knows his true nature. And it's not to her liking.

The girl put the tray on the reading table, said acidly:

«It is surprising that such a piece of trash stays close to the lady, and is now ruining her grandeur with his wretched appearance. Either the heavens are blind, or you've cheated again.»

Kyon slowly walked toward the exit to block it.

«Cheated? Baby, you have a very poor opinion of me. I'm not like that!

Dinah had a feeling of savoring hot mead: intoxicating, hot, sweet. The servant could say all he wanted. He was only making it worse.

«I once warned you, boy, if you don't treat me properly, you'll regret that you were born. And your words that I am a pathetic maid unleashed hell on earth. What will you say in your defense?» – She came a little closer to the guy who had blocked the only way out.

The unlucky lover boy still had an annoying suspicion, which he immediately decided to refute, things went downhill. «Do you still remember the order not to harm me?»

Dina startled, confusion flashed in her eyes.


Kyon burst into laughter with relief and a funny side of the situation. Her reaction was too natural to be a lie. What's a fool! He'd warned her to stay away, but she... How could she be so stupid! And she brought him food herself, obviously with no good intentions! She seemed to be interested in the details how he became a servant... But no, she just forgot about the order, crazy, right! However, he never expected the girl, forever working as a maid, to be a bright spark.

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«Why are you laughing? Do I look funny to you?!»

Kyon suddenly stopped laughing:

«A lot... I didn't think that you are stupid like this... How did you only get this senior position? Are you really a virgin? I heard that all higher maids are obliged to be virgins, but something tells me that you got this job by spreading your legs, didn't you?»

It was like he poured a bucket with slop over Dinah. She was so disgusted and chilly that she trembled with all her body, clenched her fists and pierced the young man with an icy look. At the same time, she experienced a new, unusually pleasant and invigorating feeling. Excitement? Something extraordinary like that had happened for the first time in her boring life. The stupid boy dared to play with a professional assassin and the highest maid!

«If you stop blocking the exit, get on your knees and sincerely apologize, I won't bear a grudge against you.» – Dinah said slyly, almost peacefully. Only her clenched fists and eyelashes, trembling more than usual gave away she was nervous.

Kyon was sure he was safe. He cocked his head to one side.

«Well, I won't, sweet little Dinah... I warned you not to come near me, but you disobeyed. Now I want to talk about your behavior.»

The girl sighed deeply, closing her eyes as if she reveled in some secret feeling. He called her sweet little Dinah, so endearingly humiliating... Why is there so much arrogance and self-confidence in him?!

«Do you have the right to speak with me about my behavior? Who are you, my master? Do you at least understand the status of a "servant"?» – She wanted to understand the way he thought.

The young man snorted.

«And you don't get the meaning of a "maid." It means that you have a master, whose orders you must follow scrupulously. I have a good reputation with my master, which is why I think you are just a stupid girl and you've misjudged my warning.»

Dinah giggled, giving the guy the first sincere smile since they met, and that smile was surprisingly charming.

«Well, you are incredibly short-sighted and stupid. Tell me, boy, will you dare to carry out your threats?» – The girl teased him, tidying her hair and looking defiantly straight into his eyes.

«Heh, you are too full of yourself! Why don't you come here and find out?» - The cunning agent provocateur beckoned her arrogantly with his finger. He was bound to punish her properly. Otherwise, his words would mean nothing. He wasn't going to punish her physically, no way! It would be a moral punishment and a severe one.

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Dina took a step, then another... She came closer and closer. Then she hesitated. There was a frightened look in her eyes, but the words she said were saturated with poisonous sarcasm:

«I'm so scared... Are you sure that you want to punish me?»

Kyon nodded confidently.

The girl smirked, all in anticipation of what the brazen boy would do. Resolutely but slowly and gracefully, she came up and stood half a meter from the guy, which slightly surprised him.

«So, what's next?»

Without hesitation, Kyon stepped forward and cheekily hugged Dinah by her slim waist. He ran his hand down her hourglass figure and smacked the tight bottom of the pretty girl. Taking advantage of the situation turned out to be the right decision; otherwise, she'd just run away.

{How about that, bitch?} – Kyon gave her a dirty wink, already enjoying how the girl would rage about the fact that she could do nothing about it. Indeed, revenge is a sweet thing. That would teach her to heed to his warnings.

Her slim body was surprisingly supple and soft, and her smell ... Mmm, her silky had such a pleasant aroma, he felt dizzy. He could never forget her pretty shocked face: she was enchanting, he could admire her forever.

Dinah was so shocked that for a minute, she even forgot that she needed to breathe. When she approached him, she had no idea what would happen next did. What could the boy do to her? How would he attack? She lacked the experience to predict the reaction of the reckless young man. And now this! His firm and imperious gaze reflected his indomitable spirit, and his confident and smug smile suggested that he was a kind of influential aristocrat. And that person was just a servant?

Another insolent slap on her bottom woke the maid out of a stupor. The boy was still wrapping his arms tightly around her, making her shudder squeamishly. He was calmly looking straight in her eyes, apparently waiting for the further reaction from the victim of his harassment. What an arrogant fool! Did he really think that she'd have come to him without a single chance to punish him?! Did she bring him dinner to humiliate herself?! She'd had the sweet, pleasant feeling of excitement for a reason. She knew that every action of his would result in an inevitable punishment. Shortly before that, she went to the lady and explicitly requested to cancel the order. The lady remained indifferent and said "okay" without lever looking up. Her subconscious got the necessary response. The order "do not harm the servant" was no longer valid.


Just a second ago, Kyon was enjoying the reaction of helpless Dinah, and a moment later he was flying at high speed towards the steps and crashing against them. It felt like a hefty hammer hit him. A couple of bones were broken for sure.

The impact emptied all the air of his lungs.

{It cannot be... How?! Is the order no longer effective?!} - Kyon's brain was working with the speed of light. When he was still flying, he realized the situation he had driven himself into. So naive of him to believe that he was completely safe. He dared to hug the highest maid-assassin. And not only hug her but also... Oh yeah, he is dead. The offended and enraged maid will do her best to kill him. The next moment, the young man pushed himself off the steps dashed out of the library.

The girl's face darkened. She unconsciously touched her butts. She could feel the burning slaps as if she'd been branded "the slave's hand was here." All her essence was filled with an inexhaustible thirst for murder, but at least she did not fall into that state she did because of Jean.

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Kyon ran jumping a couple of steps. He pulled out his sound transmitter on the run and dialed a frequency.


Kyon yelled at the device:

«Please, quick, subdue Dinah at the storeroom!»


A crushing blow in the back threw the guy head over heels from the storeroom to the nearest wall, the device flew away someplace.

As soon as he landed, he was already running towards the stairs. Every second counted.

«What's all this noise?!» - asked Anna, who nearly bumped into the young man.

«I confessed my love to the lady, and she wanted to kill me!» - Kyon cried out. When they heard the cruel snorting behind them, he hid behind Anna, with no hesitation. Honour and dignity? All that wouldn't help him in the next world! So, he hid behind the girl who was his only salvation.

Blonde Anna was surprised at what he said. He confessed love to Dinah?! She looked at the boy, then at her sister approaching with the threatening grace of a cat. Sister's fury was evident: her eyes sparkled with bloodthirst, her face turned pale. In a split second, the servant would end up a spot on the wall.

«Dinah is it true?!»

«Back off, sister. I will beat this scum to a pulp. He should know his place.» - The maid replied coldly, glaring at the boy, who was poking out behind Anna.

Kyon was amazed. He expected that Dina's revenge would be murder. But she was going to beat him up after what he'd done?! He got worked up over nothing. He felt like a weight had been lifted.

They heard light steps behind. Everyone turned to Juno.

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«What's going on here?» - The lady asked, looking at everyone.

Dinah froze. In the presence of the lady, she could not continue what she had in mind. The girl understood that the servant was important to Juno, only because of that she did not intend to kill him. But he definitely deserved punishment and so severe that he'd be afraid to look her in the eyes, that he'd start wetting his bed in fear.

«My lady, I want to talk to you.» - Dinah said firmly, taking a step to her.

Kyon said pronounced in defiance:
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«Lady Juno, please tell the maid that you will hear her version right after mine.» - The guy said, wincing painfully and rubbing his hurt back.

As if in the puppet theater, Juno obeyed the order, making it clear to the maid that the servant was more important to her. The couple disappeared from the eyes of the astonished maids in a secluded, quiet place.

Kyon simply could not allow Juno to leave with Dinah first. It would be much worse, otherwise. Her strange behavior could be suspicious.

Dinah felt a bitter taste of chagrin, mixed with a poignant heartache. The girl turned away and closed her eyes. She'd been diligently serving as a maid for many years. And once she disobeyed the order, the lady put her below the dirty servant... A servant who is now pulling the wool over her eyes.

Anna put her hand on her sister's shoulder. «Sister, you have to understand, you can't lose it because of a confession. He is Marina's friend, and she is close to the lady... It's clear that the lady will take care of him.»

«He didn't... It does not matter.» - Dinah left to her room, visibly annoyed, hiding the insult inside. She did not intend to tell her sister the humiliating truth.

Meanwhile, Juno was listening to the orders from her "master" with a sour expression on her face and explaining how it came to that.

After she received all the orders, the girl followed Dinah and talked with her one to one. «Listen to me, Dinah. This servant is Marina's close friend. Friends of my friends mean a world to me. Besides, he has very high skills. I don't want you to have anything to do with him. Therefore, I order you not to harm him. And from now on, please stay away from him.» - said Juno with a cold expression on her face.

«But… but he…» - Dinah started, sounding wounded, but the lady simply left, not allowing her to express her point of view. She gave every appearance of total disrespect. Such indifferent and strange behavior could arouse suspicion, but the maid was distracted by violent emotions tearing her apart.

Her heart was full of pain and sorrow from injustice. She'd always faithfully fulfilled her duties, but the lady didn't show an ounce of gratitude. How could she treat her like that? The highest maids are never punished because of servants. They are even forgiven for the murder of a nobleman. She wanted to understand what was behind Juno's unusual behaviors. But Dina was afraid of the very possibility that the servant's value was higher than hers in the lady's eyes.

{Wretched servant ... It's all because of him ... He somehow changed the behavior of the lady! Now I can't even approach him...} - Dina felt as if her wings were cut off in her own nest. She couldn't stand being in the mansion together with that guy, but there was nothing she could do. At least, he said nothing about his love confession.

(Author's comment: In Chapter 0, you can find the structured hierarchy of energy, synergy, ranks and many other things, intrinsic to the world described in the book.)

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