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Kyon came to the idea: {So, the Stones hold the 1st rank in the kingdom of 5th rank in the empire of the 6th rank, in one of the three opposing races... Great!}

When he learned everything about the hierarchy of the human race, he began to read additional literature on organizations of great significance and authority.

Among those, three organisations stand out in particular: the trade guilds, the factories of the dwarves and the sects.

The trade guilds exist independently of empires and kingdoms, they play the role of a binder.

The factories of the dwarves are inferior to the trade guilds in authority, but they have their undeniable features. They are the best engineers and blacksmiths in the world, their mindset in this aspect exceeds the human one.

The sects are non-privatized inter-imperial training organizations. They achieved a high status due to their centuries-old history. They are called sects not because they promote faith or ideology, but because all students become ardent supporters of their "school" and are ready to fight to the death for it.

Any people can join the sect. Heritage and opportunities can turn a commoner into a respected powerful warrior. Talent is the main thing here.

The sects remain neutral with empires. When they establish their institutions in their territories, they pledge to protect them in case the non-humans attack.

There are many different sects, but three of them can be distinguished from others. Their long-term legacy elevates them above the rest. Their power is comparable to low-ranking empires.

The Dance sect (1) accepts mostly girls, but they don't deny talented guys. Their students frighten with their skills to fight, dancing.

The sect of Maidens (2) is composed exclusively of women. The policy of matriarchy is so strong there that they have no tolerance for vile, terrible men. However, they are not above buying male slaves.

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And finally, the Fat sect (3) accepts mostly obese people or overweight with potential. Special nutrition allows the students to gain weight in a matter of days. They need it for hereditary techniques of fat burning, which releases tons of energy, making them stronger.

Kyon once heard about the Fat sect from the terrifying physician Bili, who injected him with Evilball.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish three inter-imperial sects, which are extremely popular but have certain entry requirements.

The guy gradually moved from the subject of inter-imperial educational institutions to private ones, that belong to empires / kingdoms. He found out that in every kingdom there is the best school that brings together the most gifted and talented young people in their region.

For example, in the Iron Throne, there is Cernos (1), and in the capital of the empire, Dantes (0) the great order (0) was established, which is considered the best school in the empire. Every Rosarrian dreams of studying in such a prestigious place, which will give its students unique power, useful knowledge and provide them with all kinds of opportunities.

However, as an admission requirement, the applicants must be of a high ranking family. Moreover, they can't be from the outskirts of the kingdom. And talent is also a must.

In schools, especially those within the order, the students are inspired to be loyal patriots: in addition to studying military affairs, everyone is suggested the idea of ​​the greatness of their native empire.

The fourth, no less important organization, is religion.

People believe in a higher being, the goddess Danna, the guardian of the human race. She is the embodiment of force and power, grandeur and brilliant glory.

There is a legend that one and a half thousand years ago, a star fell from the sky, marking the appearance of a deity. One of the daughters of the great creator descended to the planet to fulfill his will and guide humanity to the right path.
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It's funny that both demons and supreme beasts have the same legend.

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Kyon wanted to laugh at the naive stupidity of people, but his attention was attracted by the following: "In the empire of the first rank, there is the day of the goddess. If you perform a special ceremony, pray, bestow valuable resources, she will come down to the mortals and bless those whose faith is pure and whose thoughts are benign".

The boy's pupils narrowed. He'd never believed in the otherworld and inexplicable things, but it seemed to him that Danna really existed. The appearance of the goddess Persephone also occurred with demons. And the name of the goddess of the beasts is Ceres.

{The names sound familiar…}

It turns out that religion in this world is justified. Goddesses can benefit the believers, bless, bestow strength on them. It's curious...

But Kyon was surprised more by the fact that religion did not acquire absolute power and independence. Moreover, it bent under the control of imperial families. Similarly, it happened with demons and beasts. Religion has become an instrument of the state management, and has begun to yield benefits, such as fundraising (donations), the search for new talents, and, of course, excellent brainwashing, which aimed at rallying the human race against their common enemy - non-humans.

The young man exhaled deeply. In any world, it is impossible to become a successful and prosperous country without setting the boundaries for the individuals. School and society "mold" a person to achieve their own goals. The Order creates a soldier who is ready to give his life for his homeland. The family makes an individual who craves power, authority and respect. Religious temples need the one who will fight against other races for the good of the people. It happens everywhere.

But... Kyon grew up on books and Synergy, which allowed him to take more or less objective decisions since he was a child, and build his worldview with regards to everything.

Now the young man knew how the world around him worked. Races, ranks of empires, kingdoms and families, additional structures like guilds, factories of the dwarves, sects, schools, and religion: all he needed was to put puzzle pieces together. He had to find the component that moved everything. In his world, it was money, but here it went to the background. And what comes first...

A token is a large gold coin, dotted with patterns and inlaid with precious stones. Inside, there's the energy of the Empress Lanatel herself. It has tremendous value by the standards of any family.

Quite recently, while hiding in the pillows, Kyon overheard Bai's conversation with Juno about tokens. He found out that it's the imperial currency, which allows any transactions at the legislative level. From the purchase of goods and resources to forced marriage and destruction of a weak family. There was a complete absence of any restrictions. The only issue was the number of tokens required, which was calculated by complex formulas related to family ranks, value and other factors.

{Geez…} - Kyon scratched his head in amazement. - {Is all human society based on gold coins?}

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In any normal tournament, competition, family disputes there are tokens, the main link that creates artificial competition in human society. And competition allows people to grow faster, that is, to become stronger. The opportunities given by tokens are endless. It is impossible to fake them, each has its own serial number. All expenses happen strictly according to the documents. The only thing that cannot be done with the help of tokens is to demand something from the empress, to influence her power and her relatives. Lanatel is the head of the whole empire, its Grail. She isn't subject to the rules of the world. The Empress is the most powerful and influential person interested in the prosperity of her empire.

When he finished studying Social Studies, the guy was a little disappointed. He could not find out anything about the heavenly punishment. Not a single mentioning. Deity is good, but he did not find any information on punishment.

{I doubt that the goddess sent that lightning... What should I do? How to escape from a more powerful bolt of lightning?} - Kyon immediately found a simple answer to that simple question. - {Hmm... Earlier, when I was the mastermind of the mansion and studied Formacy, I often heard about defensive formations in objects that require skills, jade, money, and keys. I own Juno, so why not order her to get a couple of hundred pieces of protective formations?} - if he is sure that with their help he can survive the discharge of the current, then why postpone it? Each additional element can significantly improve the quality of his force and raise his future potential to a new level.

Synergy hinted Ken it was morning. He didn't care that protective items were expensive, it was time to get out of the basement and demand them from his slave. The girl should be used in full, otherwise what is the point of her.


On the morning of the same day, a decrepit old man arrived at the mansion. His skeletal body seemed to have withered even more. He was like walking dead: a pale face, no glint of life in the eyes, and bags under them. People avoided him like a leper and then apologized, as they recognized in him Flitz, the greatest formacist of the Stones.

Behind the old man was a healthy boy of about 16. On his forehead, there was a brand with the name "Sashka." His hair was shaved, his face was pale. There was grief in his eyes, but the reason wasn't that he was afraid of Juno (quite the opposite, he believed that his life would change for the better), but because he'd been injected with Evilball and now he was not a man at all. He felt grief, comparable with the loss of the right hand. He was a new slave, commissioned by Juno for her atrocious acts.

The guards respectfully bowed to the old man and let him inside.

«Bring the lady here, I do not want to look for her.» - Flitz growled.

Soon, Juno came to the entrance at the request of the guard. There was a mask of impartiality and detachment on the face, but in fact, the girl was full of emotions. She completely forgot that Flitz had promised her to bring a new slave.

Until then, she has repeatedly tried to attract attention. Dinah was unable to understand why she was being weird. Anna was too busy. Yegorka was just an idiot. Her friend, Marina, for some reason, ignored her emotionless… It was so strange.

And now Flitz had arrived! Her long-awaited hope of salvation! This time, Juno isn't going to rely on the attention of others, on the contrary, she'd been preparing for a long time, practicing self-deception and her skills, fortunately, work!

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If Kyon had known about that, would not have believed it. His formation works flawlessly. It's something else.

A little earlier, a few hundred meters from Juno's mansion, around the corner, Yegorka was sitting on the bench, depressed, his arm in plaster. Since he had been beaten and had his arm broken, he was on edge. If only he approached the powerful guard of the mansion, they drove him away. He got a clear message that he hadn't passed Juno's test. That's why she refused to let him inside. He tried to scream, call her, send messages. It was to no avail.

Every night the guy had a feeling someone was walking on his grave. He felt that his darling girl had become his unattainable happiness. But he was not going to lose hope. There was a party pretty soon. His hand would have recovered by that time, and he'd show everyone that he was worthy to take the first place in the compulsory tournament, in other words, become the "king." He had a grand plan for that occasion, which was badly tarnished by recent events. He didn't want only to take the first place in the tournament, but also give the girl a gorgeous gift, then to dance and... And then who knows what could happen. She was destined to rush to his neck. Until then, he regularly came to the house and watched the entrance. If someone of Juno's relatives arrived, he'd convince them to let him inside. Then he'd have to ask the girl to forgive him to make sure his plan wouldn't fail.

As for his precious gift, it was about to be delivered right into his hands from Boston, the capital of the kingdom. It's not an item of clothing, not a weapon or a jewel, it is a pill for speeding up development, "rising angel."

Yegorka was always attentive and insightful towards Juno. He had long understood that she was eager to become stronger, and preferably as soon as possible. Therefore his gift was oriented correspondingly. He knew the girl well and had already foreseen her reaction. It was going to take an important place in her heart. The guy often dreamed of the moment when she happily smiled at him, and then he embraced her, and might even... kiss her on the cheek.

The pill "rising angel" accelerates the soul development for some time by about 20-30%. Its effectiveness is highly dependent on the quality, that is, the purity of the pill. Accordingly, the more high-ranking alchemist deals with its production, the higher the final purity (quality). The pill can be used once in a lifetime, with repeated use, there will be almost no effect. After that, an alternative medicinal is required to speed up the development.

He chose that pill for several reasons. It is little known, so it is unlikely that grandpa Bai has given it to Juno before. It is quite effective. And it is moderately expensive, of course, by the standards of medicinals to accelerate development. And even though it is relatively cheap, he had to sell a luxurious mansion of his deceased father Martin, some of the resources for training, his favorite sword, and all his savings for a rainy day. And even then he didn't have enough. He had to kneel in front of the seller and beg for a discount.

Either the man softened up or saw the benefit in the deal, but he agreed. The guy jumped with joy. He was ready to kiss the salesman's feet for giving him an astronomical discount of the whole 15%! They say it's impossible to get discounts more than 10% from the greatest trade guild in the world and he did! In a way, Yegorka could be respected for his endless desire to get such a valuable gift to Juno. Even if he was sorry to sell his father's house… It was a memory of him, after all. However, the father gave to his beloved son a separate house a year ago, he had a place to live.

A post bird appeared in the sky, heading right to him as if it knew exactly his whereabouts.

The guy rose to his feet and enthusiastically opened her mouth.

«You came!»

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