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Kyon went to the middle of the training ground and took out a handful of various things and stones with a protective formation inside - shields, rings, bracelets, nephrites and many more. It's funny, he was holding a fortune in his hands...

The guy infused Synergy into the cluster of neural connections in his brain to master the element of light. He intended to do it in an hour as he knew in which direction to explore. It won't take him long to decode the information... He's already mastered darkness, light is just its opposite.

From the first day he found himself in that world, Kyon noticed that Synergy, even if it's at odds with the environment, is a kind of cheat that gives an extraordinary advantage. The ability to purify channels alone is worth a lot! And the potential to master all the elements? Heaven doesn't look kindly on such an anomaly, therefore it casts bolts of lightning to destroy the mediocrity that wants to deceive the fate.

Synergy had thoroughly studied the neurons of the element of light and initiated the analysis.

All of a sudden, thick heavy clouds covered the clear night sky. The air was humid and filled with the smell of rain and ozone. The atmosphere saturated with unprecedented absolute power. A strong wind rose, it was hard to breathe...

The young man looked carefully up at the sky. The signs of the impending lightning were appearing too quickly. It means, he is doing it in the right way, making great strides.

He infused pure energy into the protective nephrites to activate them. Shields started forming above his head. The barrier of air, water dome, air dome, and other barriers…

Kyon didn't want to waste too many protective formations. He might need them in the future. However, his life was at stake. He couldn't be too careful. He continued activating formations, looking at the sky and assessing the power of future lightning. He remembered too well how it all happened last time: moderately thick clouds, a faint tension in the air, the barrier of the mansion intact. The second lightning was accompanied by more intense energy in the atmosphere: the barrier had been broken and Kyon himself barely survived. And now the third lightning was coming. Something was telling him, it was going to be ten times more powerful than the previous times.

The young man activated some more defensive stones and continued to study the element. Finally... Here is the lead... The irreversible process started during which all neural connections would make sense. He was going to master the element!

The boy glanced at the sky again and turned pale. The black clouds lit up all at once as if focusing all their energy into a flash of single lightning. It will be way more powerful than he imagined. A few dozens times more!

{Shit!} - With no hesitation, Kyon activated every last one defensive formation. Different barriers began to appear one after another - stone, ether, water, and even ice. All that he had in store.

He heard a familiar sound which proclaimed the enlightenment, and right then huge lightning of heavenly justice aimed at him.

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A bolt of lightning of an unprecedented size easily broke through the barrier of the mansion, went through three stone barriers and turned them into a pile of rubble. The water barriers scattered across the place with hissing spray. The dense air dome was surprisingly effective. The last barriers of ether burst one after another under the incredibly powerful thrust.

It all happened in an instant for Kyon. He thought he was about to die but only a tiny part of the previous lightning got to him. His own insulation barrier had successfully saved him, averting the threat.

The loud echo of the storm went through the mansion several times. It was so deafening that half of the inhabitants woke up in a terrible fright

Kyon fell to his knees and laughed with relief, looking at the sky. It worked! He is now the master of four elements! One of those great geniuses that are appreciated in any family. His future is full of promise. Well, at least his ego has calmed down a bit. Still, the pungent feeling of envy that heavenly geniuses (masters of 5 elements) also exist bothered him.

The guy came to his senses and hid all the (already useless) items in the ring. Then he leaned against the nearest wall and pretended to be frightened and shocked.

When two maids and security guards into the training area they saw stones from the earthen shield scattered throughout the site as well as a slowly restoring protective barrier of the mansion.

Dinah, totally ignoring the existence of the short-haired servant, walked around the perimeter and concluded:

«Hmm... It doesn't look like an invasion, but it's too huge for a natural phenomenon, either. The lightning shouldn't break through our barrier.» - She cast a serious look at the guard. - «Check the generator.»

The second guard cleared his throat and said respectfully:

«Madam, it isn't the first lightning this week... What if there is more?»

The girl raised her graceful eyebrows. {Twice in a row? That's a strange coincidence. But if it was an invasion, such a powerful practitioner would have carried out his plan long ago. It's something else... Should I report it to the patriarch?} - She thought it over and decided that Bai should not be bothered about small matters. He is having enough trouble being the head of the family.

Dinah resolutely turned around and went to the exit, giving the order:

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«You can go do your duty.»

The guards returned to their posts. Anna made sure that her sister had left, straightened her hair and walked gracefully to the servant who looked shocked. It had never crossed her mind that the appearance of such powerful lightning could be connected with it.

«What are you doing here, boy? What happened? Why are you awake at such a late hour?» - She asked, worried.

Kyon swallowed trying to suppress his fear. Finally, he ventured to take a look at the gorgeous blonde and said: «Madam… I want to keep up with Lady Juno in development. That's why I am working out at night. But suddenly a huge bolt of lightning almost killed me... As if the gods themselves are angry with my good luck!»

Anna exhaled deeply. «I see. If you don't want the lightning to kill you, you'd better sleep at night. They say babies need to sleep a lot.»

The guy eagerly rose to his feet. She was messing up with him... But he couldn't understand why. «Do I look like a baby?»

A sweet little smile lit up her face, her lips slightly parted as the girl turned back to leave. She was sending him a message she did treat him like a child.

Kyon smiled wryly, unable to keep his mouth shut. «Madame Anna, did you think I was a baby the time when you lost and I won?»

The maid stopped and slowly turned around... Her beautiful face darkened. «Hmm, look who's talking…» - There was a shadow of a chilling smile on her face, that made her look like Dinah.

Kyon coughed into his fist. He wished he knew how to hold his tongue. «I am sorry, madam. It was wrong of me to say that…»

But it was too late. Anna was already heading towards the guy with an elegant step. In the moonlight, the blonde was especially attractive. Her tight short nightie looked thinner than a veil of fog. Like enchanted, the young man admired her thin waist and nice firm C-cup boobs. She was wearing black high-heeled shoes... There must be blades inside as she came running in them.

«A slip of the tongue often speaks the truth. So, the last battle gave you the idea I gave in and you have grown bolder. Isn't it too presumptuous of you?»

The guy nodded his head.

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Anna approached him at arm's length and have him an adorable look. «After the last battle, I tried to track you down and take revenge, but you had been hiding... Let me dispel your doubts, so that you no longer think of me as a loser. Get ready for a fight!» - Her voice gained a harsh tone as she was finishing her tirade. Her development fell rapidly to the 4th stage of the base phase.

Kyon had no choice. He clenched his fists and took up a combat stance. As he thought, it was time for a rematch. It had been a long way coming. It was his chance to prove himself. The maid had to know why he was so important to Juno. At the same time, he could dispel any suspicion she might have.

Anna was determined to start a fight. She attacked mainly with her hands and only occasionally executed the kick. One wrong move and blood would shed, given that she had sharp blades in her shoes...

Every maid's action showed a proven technique. However, the long heels reduced its effectiveness, giving the guy an advantage in some aspects of the battle. He could see through her moves and launch a surprise attack at any moment. She was only at the 4th level of battle fist and had half-speed advantage. Obviously, the girl was no match for him... If she were at the 5th level she might be.

Kyon chuckled to himself. It was in his power to decide the outcome of the battle. Losing on purpose had its pros but he was thinking more along the lines of defeating the insolent girl who dared to call him a baby.

She was trying really hard. Her eyes were burning with the desire to land a single blow. She kept misdirecting him, naive to think he'd fall for that. She flushed and was out of breath... Indeed, the pretty girl was doing her best! She would be very disappointed to lose a little boy who needs to sleep at night.

An evil grin appeared on the guy's face. {Hell no, you won't win. You will lose to the boy. How are you going to feel after the defeat?} - He wanted to humiliate her, make her feel ashamed for her words. Probably, if the blonde was ugly, he would roll his eyes at her provocation.

Anna growled furiously:

«Arrrgh! And that's it? Only you can do is retreat?! This lousy technique is for babies! Are you afraid to hit me?»

The girl did not understand what was going on. She was an unsurpassed high profile assassin, with a certificate of the 4th level of a battle fist, with half speed advantage in speed and she couldn't beat the pathetic servant!? That fight was crazy! The guy's moves were completely illogical! The sly fox kept changing the balance of his body, always in an unpredictable way. She tried to kick him in the leg and he deftly dodged away as if he saw her with his third eye. She tried to deceive him and he'd already blocked her punch. He was yawning from boredom. It was some kind of twisted dream... No martial art teaches that style of movement. He has no style! Is he a human at all?

A bitter sense of annoyance filled Anna's heart. It hurt so much... What if... What if she quietly raised her development to the 5th stage? No, she couldn't do that. Or maybe…?

At some point, the maid saw a gap in the defense of the boy. She ran up to him, ready to strike. She was going to win. Was it her chance?

But then something happened that the girl didn't see coming... It must have been magic how the guy managed to dodge and trip her - he kicked her ankle. Damned high heels! He swept her off her feet. Her head was spinning. Anna flew forward and flopped down on the servant with all her weight.

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Kyon smelled the pleasant aroma of the young girl and wished to hug her warm, elegant body... However, he wanted to live even more.

In less than a couple of seconds, the maid pushed him away. Her beautiful face turned pale with fury. «Did you do it on purpose!?»

Kyon looked at her pitifully and replied: «I'm sorry... While you were falling on me, I wanted to hit you... But I realized that I just can't hurt you... I'm sorry, madam.» - He was clearly getting back at her for underestimating him.

Now Anna was furious. She was overwhelmed with a wild desire to punch his face. In a split second, she grabbed the servant by the neck like a toy. «You little shit, don't you dare underestimate me! We've been fighting for several minutes but you're only defending yourself! If Dinah was here in my place, they'd have to scrape up what was left of you! But unlike my sister, I will give you another chance... Get ready to attack!»

As soon as the young man took up a combat position, Anna threw off her high-heeled shoes. Her neat bare feet touched the cold surface of the arena. Her short nightie was wet with sweat, clinging to her slim body. It was devilishly enchanting.

The girl was in a belligerent mood. At that moment he wanted to take over her by all means, to conquer her, win her heart and mind.

The fight began. Anna's piercing gaze was about to wipe her enemy off the world but the guy did not even think to look the mad amazon in the eye.

Kyon's eyes flashed. He showed inhuman flexibility arching his back and kicking the girl to the side.

Anna was about to get what she deserved but with unprecedented speed, she caught his leg and smashed the young man against the floor with such force that his bones cracked.

«Oh, I'm so sorry. You are so weak that I won in a heartbeat. Please, don't cry, baby. Your battle technique falls short just a bit. But, I'm sure when you grow up you'll try your luck. Will you?» - He could hear mockery in her voice. With a pinch of contempt.

The maid's infinite insolence shocked the guy. She raised the stage of her development but pretended she didn't. She couldn't stand the idea of losing to him.

Kyon wanted to object but his big mouth always got him into trouble. He'd pulled himself together and was just lying still.
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Anna looked into his eyes once again, picked up her shoes and quietly left the training area.

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