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It was an indescribable experience for Kyon as if he had returned from the other world. Thanks to Synergy, playing the role of the Savior, he slowly regained consciousness. It didn't feel good. It was worse than a hangover. His vision was slightly blurred. He felt as if he was rocking back and forth like the boat on the waves.

Kyon opened his eyes and turned his head to the side. Juno was trembling from the cold. She hid her small tender hands under the jacket and folded them on her chest. The girl buried her head in his armpit - the warmest place. She tightly gripped his leg with hers.

She was clinging to him like a charming kitten, trying to get the vital body heat. How cute... His restored heart beat faster. His hand involuntarily stroked her soft hair.

Synergy helps his body quickly convert fat into heat. Even being naked at -20˚C he will not freeze until he turns into emaciated corpse.

Kyon finally came to his senses and took his first full breath. Synergy informed him that he had recovered sufficiently in the last 16 hours. His torn heart had healed, the tissues of his chest and arms had partially regenerated. Synergy also reported that a powerful source with healing properties had entered his body through the oral cavity, without which the restoration would have been delayed for three days.

{Juno had given me the restorative medicine, hadn't she? Why didn't she leave?} - These questions demanded an immediate answer.

«Why did you stay, my apprentice?» - Kyon whispered into the girl's ear.

Juno startled and looked at him. Her lips were white as if she were an ice princess, her eyelashes quivered.

«O-o-o-pen the door…» - She mumbled barely audible.

«Is the door locked?!» - Kyon immediately got out of her grip and went downstairs.

It was true, the exit was locked. {Damn it! Did she activate the trap?! Or did the door close by itself?!} - The young man thought anxiously.

He went upstairs, took off his pants and sweatshirt and put them on freezing Juno. He could not believe that the tired girl had enough willpower to stay awake for 16 hours. If she had fallen asleep, she would have frozen to death. The poor thing tried to stay warm by his side, in the hope that he would come to... She must have a strong faith and spirit.

Kyon suppressed his admiration and went downstairs to study the wall. There were no clues or formulas.

He put his hand to a certain place and tried to infuse it with pure energy but the passage wouldn't open. {Damn! Pure energy can't penetrate these walls!}

He brainstormed a new idea.

Kyon returned upstairs and whispered to the girl in her ear:

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«Juno, tell me the frequency of Anna transmitter. Can you hear me? Juno, don't sleep!» - His heart skipped a beat. The girl silently opened her mouth as if she was on her last legs. The guy took out his sound transmitter and dialed the frequency he knew, that is, Marina's.

«Shit…» - The sound transmitter did not work.
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Kyon took the other one from Juno's ring but the same thing happened. He knew that devices could communicate between the worlds, the dungeon walls were no barrier for that. It all came down to the ancient barrier which must have worked as a trap. Is he destined to perish in the cursed tomb?!

The questionable prospects made him moan. Kyon looked at Juno, her breathing was shallow, her body still shivering. {Fucking...}

The guy sat trembling girl on his lap, reached under her clothes and hugged her slender body, trying to give more heat.

«Don't touch me…»

«This is not the time for being proud.» - Kyon pressed closer, the vital question didn't leave his mind. {How to get out of the indestructible castle?}

He had an idea to look for a secret button or a slit through which he could send the spatial attribute outside.

He warmed the girl in his embrace for another ten minutes and went in search of secret switches and ways to get out of the tomb.

After an hour of unsuccessful searches, he was about to give up in despair. He'd literally touched each centimeter of the room. There was not a single clue, nothing.

{I can't die here like this!} - Kyon came up to the coffin and began to study the nephrites. None of them were of any use. There were tons of valuable information but not a single useful thing. There were no more traps, either but it didn't give him much hope.

The boy was furious. He put the girl on his lap again, hugged her in the boobs area, buried his nose in the back of her head and thought. Well, it was very relaxing... Or rather, distracting.

«I told you not to touch me, jerk…» - Juno said in a weak but outraged voice.

Kyon lowered his hands a little. «It seems there's no way to get out. At least you won't freeze to death.»

Juno tried to turn around and tickled his nose with her silky hair.

After a short pause, Kyon felt the girl's chest stirred. He could hear her sob pitifully.

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«I don't want... To die... Please get me out of here.»

Her pleasant voice made his heart beat faster. Was it a pity? To her?

«Juno... Your tears are exactly what we don't need right now. I order you not to cry.»

«Let me freeze alone. I don't want to die in your disgusting arms…» - Without turning around, Juno whispered in a contemptuous tone, still whimpering.

«I don't care about your wishes, apprentice.»

In all the confusion, the guy did not notice that the girl was talking to him disrespectfully. But he didn't mind at the moment. All his thoughts were about getting out.

«You are a cursed teacher. Heaven had punished you for your sins, but, unfortunately, I was there beside you, and now we are destined to die in the dark. Let go of me... Save my dignity at least before death... Please! You're not hopeless. Fulfill my last request…»

Kyon felt an urge to hurt the little devil, but suddenly it dawned on him. {The curse of heaven!}

The idea seemed insane, and it seemed to less insane to count on a successful outcome. He would master the basic grade of the remaining elements, and the lightning from heaven would reach the castle with its destructive power and release them.

It's utter madness to use the curse of heaven this way: they were going to lose their hearing from the impact of the crash or get buried under the rubble if not smashed to bit - Synergy was screaming to him. But if the solid castle survives, the barrier that surrounds it will be destroyed. In this case, communication channels will be available. Maybe even the exit will open up. He didn't want to get his hopes up but there was nothing else left.

{Even if the chances are one in a million I have to try!} - decided Kyon. He raised Juno in his arms, went downstairs and sat in the center of the trigram.

He briefly calculated the power progression and concluded that the energy of lightning, created by mastering the remaining five elements wouldn't be enough to get through half a kilometer of land. The castle was so strong that even Jurich couldn't leave a scratch on it.

A solution to the problem suddenly flashed across his mind. He had to master all five elements at once so that all their power focused in one massive jolt. He had no choice. Even slim chances to get out of there would be most welcome.

Kyon directed Synergy into five clusters of neural connections to get a good grasp of them. The air, the earth, the water, the heat and the cold...

A heavenly genius, the master of five elements sounds pretentious. Then what should they call the master of all the nine elements?

Some people say the more elements a person's masters, the more luck they steal from heaven. The speed of their development becomes faster, their fate grows grander and they get way more trials.

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Heavenly geniuses are the gods' favorites. Then who is he? A god himself or what?

If heavens struck him with lightning when he mastered the second element his fate was unenviable. He was meant to be trash, work on a farm or shovel the cowshit. However, the new owner of his body didn't intend to give up. His imperial ambitions were eager to rebel against heaven and make him write his own great story.

A handsome blond guy destroyed a block of stone flying at him with an elegant turn of his leg, intending to hit the enemy in the head at the same time.

«Wait! I give up, Yegorka! You have become too strong for me! I am sorry, I'm no longer fit to be your sparring partner.» - A middle-aged man with a mustache exclaimed with a fawning smile.

Soaked in sweat and stained in the mud after the fight, the guy could not hold back his smug smile.

«Don't get discouraged, master. Your swamp technique was excellent, I almost lost in this battle. The main thing is to never give up. One day we will have a battle of equals like we did in the old days.»

The master nearly choked on his resentment. A 14-year-old student had surpassed him in strength! What a shame... Will he have to pay respect to the boy in a couple of months? However, he was happy to see the result of his hard work: he created a sparkling jewel out of a rough diamond. The guy should be taught to respect the elders but the younger generation respected only strength. Ah, whatever happened to the virtues of the past when masters were revered and almost idolized?

The man sighed. «Hehe, yeah... I'm not going to stagnate. Otherwise, you can't call me your master.»

«You should try harder. Thanks for the sparring.» - Yegorka gave his master a traditional bow.

The master breathed a sigh of relief: the young man was not devoid of gratitude. «Good luck, my young apprentice. From now on I refuse the title of your master. If you want to find a teacher stronger than me, speak to the elder. You have a good reputation here... I think it's time for me to retire. My back hurts and joints ache. Besides, my wife and I want to go abroad.» - he man said patting the guy on the shoulder.

«I was happy to be your student. Take care, stay well.» - Yegorka bowed again and left the training ground with a frown on his face. {I used to respect and revere him but now I find it difficult to take him seriously. I must be a high-flyer... It's great that he refused to be my master. For the rapid development, I need to find another teacher, worthy of my strength.}

On the way home, Yegorka took out and gently stroked a nice shiny box. His eyes sparkled with adoration. {My precious... I'll give you to Juno, and then she'll forgive me. I am sure, all her thoughts will be devoted to me...} - He could not hold back a silly smile.

He was anxious to return home, take a shower and have dinner. Moreover, the young man decided to watch the pretty girl's mansion for an hour or so. What if his little angel deigned to peek out... Or the guards stopped to drive him away.

All of a sudden, the clear evening sky turned into thick impenetrable darkness. Everything happened so quickly that it looked like someone had turned off the sun. He couldn't feel a slight breeze...

Yegorka looked around anxiously, took out a flashlight and ran home. {What the hell... Is it the end of the world?!}

The atmosphere was filled with imperceptible powerful pressure. The concentration of energy in the air increased to an incredible level: he could hear a subtle hum of power everywhere. It was hard to breathe. Everyone in the estate felt an imminent danger, a terrible fear and a threat to life. Everything was too unnatural and abnormal… It was the worst nightmare.

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Yegorka headed to the lane's end that led up to his house, a magnificent mansion. There was commotion all around with the terrified people running home.

Suddenly a dim purple light appeared and a second later spread across the sky. Everything looked uncanny.

{Is this the end ?!} – This thought must have crossed everyone's mind

The glow created a "backward explosion" concentrated in one point, right above Yegorka's mansion. It was getting neither brighter or hotter. Quite the opposite, it wasn't going to waste any ounce of energy to nothing

«Am I going to die like this?! No, no, please, no! My life has just begun! God, please! I have so many plans! Heaven have mercy on me...» - The scared guy yelled in a trembling voice, falling to his knees. His eyes welled up with tears.

The energy of the whole sky was concentrated at one point. The air rippled, a buzz from somewhere above marked an approaching catastrophe.

Suddenly, it transformed into a bolt of lightning ten meters thick and struck the mansion.


The building turned into dust. A powerful wind destroyed the nearby houses. The thundering roar, creating whirlwinds, spread across the estate and away for thousands of kilometers. It broke the windows. Half of the residents were scared to death, Yegorka in particular. The explosion had sent him into a flight.

The thick clouds had lifted at once.

The guy came to his senses after a while. He felt all floaty, his ears rang with the shock.

The stupefied blond hesitantly and with difficulty rose to his feet. His heart sank. He couldn't believe it all had happened. He wandered to the mansion, or rather to the ruins.

The strange, powerful lightning ruthlessly destroyed his house as if it was heaven's will.

Yegorka had given his father's house, resources, and everything valuable to get the gift for Juno. And now his last property, his father's gift, was evaporated by the heaven's will. He had only his life left, the mercy he'd been praying for.

Now the dirty, smelly, homeless, penniless, and as if it wasn't enough, almost driven to madness boy was looking at the boiling magma pond, unbearably burning his face.

Yegorka fell to his knees, his arms upraised, and cried:

«WHY?!» - His hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes burst into flames.

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