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After a thorough review of the efforts made by the Stones and the ancients, Kyon frowned. He got the impression the alchemists who created something of value were total losers.

It's obvious that in any science, the most important thing is the basics. He noticed that the fundamental knowledge, concepts, and rules were constantly violated. If a single "installation" ingredient is replaced with another the medicine can significantly improve its properties. But to do this, you need to know all the basics and check them over and over again.

Everywhere he looked, Kyon came across disregard for the basics. The entire heritage of the Stones was imperfect. He had no doubt the creative alchemists were talented, but they were far from ideal. They couldn't "see" the medicine as if there was a thick veil before their eyes. There were flaws everywhere...

Can he be the only one to see everything through?

The heritage of the ancients also had lots of shortcomings in their recipes. The creation of unique bodies was based on complex concepts of alchemy which required at least four elements. As a result, their properties were impressive (the A rank). However, a slight change in the foundation of the medicine could give additional enhancing properties and improve its characteristics.

The ancient alchemists were fixated on their effective but complex theories and doctrines. It led to missing important little things.

To understand alchemy (the branch of creating the pill of unique bodies), Kyon imagined a hundred empty slots. He could put a magic rune (an ingredient) in each of them.

Some runes increased their properties, others worked in pairs adding a new effect. If there was a complete set of runes they helped create something absolutely special, unique. In other words, millions of variations of ingredients interacted with the rest according to certain canons.

The average body in the Stone family is filled with 50 slots of connecting ingredients and 45 slots of pseudo-useful ones, supposedly strengthening and supporting the core. Only 5 slots influence each other and give something useful. They are, in fact, the heart of the recipe. This rotten inferior pyramid is observed in almost all the family recipes.

In a couple of exceptions, the core comprises 10 and 15 slots that increase its properties. However, the rest garbage is there to ensure the 15 important slots interact correctly with each other, never collapse, get connected and provide a greater effect.

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{It turns out this low-quality construction is held together with spit and bubble gum. They are worthless and dare to claim the B rank. What a shame... It's a C maximum!} - with this attitude, Kyon examined the unique bodies of the Stones.

The recipes of the ancient creatures described the core of a unique body much more skillfully. They contained up to 25 slots (of the most important stuff). The greater part of the others held the core tight, enhanced its properties and made it interact without conflicts. Of course, their recipes were not without slots that performed mediocre connecting functions.

The ardent perfectionist by nature saw thousands of variations to improve the construction. The larger the core, the better the properties of the flesh. However, it's next to impossible to hold such a nucleus for stability and create a solid foundation at the same time. If at least one slot is filled wrong in this universal design, the body becomes useless. The task is extremely difficult... But not for Kyon.

With a demonic smile, the boy started to create the medicine for his beloved self.

The Archangel body - the element of wind + heat + light + electricity are required.

The Archdevil body - the element of earth + water + cold + darkness are required.

Apparently, only a heavenly genius can create them, with 5 elements as a perfect match to the elements of the medicine, or the one who for some reason does not bend the main element of pure energy.

Kyon rummaged in his mind for the ingredients and descriptions to them. The Stone treasury lacked a lot of components. The names of the rest were completely unknown. Fortunately, he knew their properties, so it was no trouble to find the analogs.

The ingredients of the two different bodies were opposite to each other, like darkness and light. They seemed to be completely incompatible. But for the principle of unifying something that can't be unified - the Creation cycle - it's nothing.

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Kyon decided to get those bodies combined. The fact that the total of their elements was seven while he planned to employ all the nine did not mean the future unique body was going to be imperfect. By no means! The boy planned to create new properties and add two new elements to the body.

It's been 24 hours.

Nine containers filled with substrates of different tonality and aggregation states were prepared as a single organism. Each of them had its own universe, that functioned according to its own laws. Nearby, there was a container with energy, with a huge amount of money and keys inside.

Meanwhile, the process was approaching a simultaneous completion in all the containers.

Kyon's eyes flashed recklessly. He released a spatial attribute into each container and teleported them to the central one.


A black and white flash lit up the entire library, the alchemist's set was completely destroyed.

{Failure again?!} - The boy's face darkened.

Did he miss anything? As luck would have it, he'd run out of some of the rare ingredients. If it didn't work out it would take a long time until he could make the next attempt. He squinted and saw a small dense ball shrouded in haze. It was slightly glowing from the inside.

Kyon picked it up and sighed frantically. «It worked!» - His voice was joyful and reverent. He'd never been so glad about his brainchild, the crown of his creation!

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He managed to create the unique body medicine that comprised two incompatible opposites. Kyon named it a Seraphim body. Inside a translucent sphere, black and white united in a fancy pattern. Even his excessive demands were satisfied. The power he was about to gain would be awesome! The core consisted of one hundred slots, there's never more! In fact, the pill was the heart! Kyon could afford this miracle of alchemy due to circuit of the ingredients of each element, united by the Creation cycle. The circuit creates a kind of a containment field.

The boy inhaled the smell of his creation and got goosebumps all over his body... It was a thrilling exultant feeling to realize all the nine worlds were captured inside, in a complete harmony with each other.

Upon reflection, Kyon decided to take the pill later: he was too tired. Besides, he planned to prepare three more unique body pills - one for Juno, and two others just for the sake of interest. What if they come in handy one day? Experience is never superfluous.

It's been another 24 hours.

Kyon was sweaty and exhausted when he picked up 4 balls of unique body medicine. They cost him dearly - the most valuable stuff that was in the treasury. All the alchemic kits had been destroyed, most of the spheres and keys had been used up, the rare ingredients seemed to vanish into the thin air.
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The unique Seraphim body should improve physical characteristics and raise the quality of elements (darkness, light, and space), as well as grant unique abilities. It will combine the features of the Archangel and Archdevil bodies. To install the body, Kyon needs positive and negative human qualities. Well, it's close to reality... His key of light and darkness must be of high purity. It should work.

The unique body of the Divine Flower of Development got a new name "The Divine Lotus of Development". The sphere was wrapped in numerous colorful petals, like a beautiful lotus. Its wonderful aroma reminded a little of Juno's smell... Kyon involved all the nine elements when creating this pill. Its core comprised all the possible 100 slots. It was the heart. As a result, the owner of the body will not only develop faster but will also acquire powerful and unique abilities as they develop. By the way, it will make a girl so enchanting that all men will fall at her feet. A new charming wonder will appear in the world like a delicate flower that opens up its beautiful bud. Given Juno's stunning looks, it's hard to imagine how magnificent she will become. It's too bad it will be only on the outside...

Installation requirements were expectedly reduced. She had to be a virgin of 11-13 years old.

If the girl grows in her development to the Lady phase (5) and keeps improving her unique body the flower of innocence will open and be ready to get plucked... After Kyon takes Juno's virginity, her strength and abilities will completely pass to him. That is how he wanted to take revenge on the devil of a girl. She totally deserved it.

The boy greatly improved the Leviathan unique body and renamed it as a Dragon God body. No one knows what kind of creature the owner will turn into but they will certainly have scales, claws, and wings. If anything comes up, he can always rename it again.

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Kyon expected that the requirement for the age of the soul would drop from 200 to 100 years. He could not possibly miss such an interesting body. Its features let his imagination run wild. Unfortunately, it was out of the question to develop it for himself.

The pill itself was covered with black scales and looked ancient.

The fourth body, Titan, got a new name Kronos. The future owner will acquire the phenomenal resistance to the elements and tremendous physical strength. The pill glowed red and looked like cooled magma, cracked all over. It emitted a tart odor. Kyon can't develop this body,either. The requirement to be a sane and simple-minded man is clearly not about him.

As a result, he had four valuable unique body pills:

The Seraphim body is a translucent sphere with a black and white patterned entity inside.

The Divine Lotus Development body is a sphere beautifully wrapped in countless colorful petals.

The Dragon God is a ball with ancient shiny glossy black scales.

And finally, there was Kronos body, a cracked ball of magma.

Kyon spent almost all the money and the keys from the treasury in a week. There were only 50.000 left. He saved the balance in his ring. The Stones family heritage had nothing but cheap herbs.

Kyon left the library and took a long-awaited hot bath, then he reached the desired bed and laid his head on a soft pillow. His striving for perfection was at peace. Very soon, he will develop a magnificent body, which will not have equal in the whole world. Also, he is the master of all elements with absolutely pure keys. He still needs the technique of movements and doesn't have the advanced (2) and superior (3) grade of elements. He also lacks powerful military techniques. That's what bothers him a bit.

There will be a party in a week and he knows very well where to put all of his energy in the remaining time.

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