Evil As Humans

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Transformation

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The morgue remained a void, with no visual, auditory, olfactory, or gustatory sensations.

Outside, people hadn’t left yet, so Zhong Chengshuo was dutifully playing the part of a corpse.

The slight vibration gradually faded away and ended with a dull thud of the heavy door closing. Then there were the clicks and clacks of mechanical locks, which Zhong Chengshuo could “feel” more vividly than before.

His senses were becoming sharper. If the previous touch was like a screen covered in dirt and fingerprints, someone had now wiped away all that grime, and everything he felt was fresh and new.

…A familiar yet strange feeling.

He narrowly escaped being gutted, and excitement and fear mingled as Zhong Chengshuo’s muscles trembled slightly.

He could finally think somewhat calmly.

The liquid on his body was slightly sticky, and the feeling was quite familiar. It was a high-end preservative solution that he often used. It could preserve cell activity to a certain extent and delay the decay of organisms. However, this solution had a shelf life, and to ensure the best preservation effect, it needed maintenance every 24 hours.

The people who came were here to “maintain” him. “No need for dissection at the moment” probably meant that his body was still relatively fresh and didn’t require special organ separation and preservation.

It seemed that this institution valued his flesh.

Sunken Society.

In an instant, Zhong Chengshuo came to a conclusion—Wei Huaqian was his blood relative. For cultivators, a blood relative’s corpse was excellent material for sacrifice.

As for whether the deceased was a science post in life, that was irrelevant—whether one was a cultivator or a scientist, once they died, the body they left behind was nothing but a “dead object”.

But Sunken Society didn’t have the ability to invade the Fu residence and commit murder on the spot. The attacker was likely a third party, and Zhong Chengshuo’s body had been handed over to Sunken Society.

Now there was a big knife hanging over his head—Zhong Chengshuo couldn’t say for sure when Wei Huaqian would use him for sacrifice. He needed to escape before the worst happened.

Before he escaped, there was one thing he needed to confirm.

Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t sure if he was dead or not, and he didn’t know if he would slowly rot away in this posture. Even zombies needed to ensure that their heads were intact. His situation was unprecedented, and he must be cautious.

He tried again to focus and strengthen his other senses. In the cold, empty morgue, all the sensations from his memories seemed distant and blurry. Only one thing remained clear in his chaotic memories—

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It was warm, soft, and emanated the scent of Yin Ren.

Suddenly, the fear of “not being able to escape” amplified once again. Zhong Chengshuo trembled all over, and his body and senses were like a car with faulty brakes, becoming increasingly difficult to control.

He had a clear feeling that the emotion called “fear” was slowly seeping into him, bringing about various unknown changes. He had no idea what he would become, or how this would end.

However, there were two things that he could be clear about at the moment.

First, fear had its benefits for him.

Second, as the person just said, his nerves still had activity. Through his own verification, he could obtain some sensory functions through his incomplete physical body.

So “recovery” became simple.

If he had no clothes, he could steal them. If he had no weapon, he could steal one.

If he had no head, perhaps he could still steal one!

But before the time came… Patience. He must be patient.

Zhong Chengshuo endured the fear like being bitten by insects and ants, continued to turn over, and felt and adapted to this new state.


Shian Campus, Haigu, interrogation room.

The small room was locked, and all the devices were shut down. Thanks to the layers of magic defenses around it, it became an absolute island and one of the “most confidential” places in Shian.

This time, Fu Xingchuan sat on the side being interrogated. Professor Li sat behind the one-way glass; his face was frighteningly pale.

“You’re crazy,” Li Nian said.

“You just threw the big trouble of Xiang Jiang to me, and you think it’s not chaotic enough? Do you want to let Yin Ren continue to cause trouble? …Or is it that when you confirmed that he was the Great Master Zhong Yi, everyone in your Fu family planned to worship him as an ancestor?”

His hands clenched tightly on the interrogation table, and there was a faint green and black color in his eyes.

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“Because the mortal he liked died, he will use Shian as a tool for revenge, and won’t listen to any objections—this is the evil you contracted, Fu Xingchuan. I’ve told you many times that you can’t gamble with ‘human nature’.”

No matter how good a person was, they would inevitably lose their reason when they were passionate. But for Yin Ren, no one could bear the consequences of his loss of control.

Fu Xingchuan took a sip of his latte and listened to the soothing music, playing with the tip of the potted plant’s leaves.

“Lao Li, take a breath,” he comforted. “Being too excited is not good for your health.”

“Fu Xingchuan—” Professor Li gritted his teeth.

“I know what you’re thinking. You think that the most urgent task is to figure out the type of evil Yin Ren is, grasp his weaknesses, so that Shian won’t be at the mercy of others.”

“Is there a problem?”

“Yes, I am no longer the head of the Emergency Situation Handling Department. I don’t want to use my brain to think about these things—ah, don’t smash the window. I’m kidding!”

Fu Xingchuan saw the one-way glass tremble and almost explode.

“Okay, okay, let me be serious. His plan is beneficial to Shian. Obstructing him will only make things twice as difficult!”

Fu Xingchuan sighed and looked at his reflection in the one-way glass. In the dim light, he seemed to have returned to that collective ward.

At that time, Yin Ren let the evil qi wrap around him, standing in the middle of the ward.

Yin Ren had extraordinary and eerie features. He was usually easygoing and had a gentle smile on his face. After getting used to it, it was easy to overlook the sharpness in his brows and eyes.

When this person shed that gentle outer layer, no one would think of him as a “normal person”.

Even Lu Xiaohe noticed something was off this time. The killing intent was so thick that it was almost tangible. Except for the immune Zhong Chengshuo, almost all living creatures could sense Yin Ren’s strength. Even the mosquitoes flying around made an emergency stop and flew straight out of the ward.

“This is a missing person case, and Special Investigation Unit 9 has always been good at tracking missing people, right?”

Lu Xiaohe didn’t move, perhaps out of shock or fear, while Ge Tingting, as a former “missing person”, was completely dumbfounded. Only “Missing Person No. 2” Huang Jin was forced to speak out by his desperate survival instinct.

“What do you mean?” Huang Jin’s voice was extremely dry. “You want us to investigate…the case Zhong Chengshuo mentioned? You… ahem, you’re giving us too much credit.”

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In the face of such a bizarre attack, Shian would definitely send out strong personnel to investigate in detail. No matter how they looked at it, there would be no room for a C-level investigation team to get involved. Even Ge Tingting, who had just joined, understood that.

Furthermore, for C-level investigation teams, this unknown enemy was too powerful. Huang Jin was very visibly shaken, perhaps thinking of the scene where Zhong Chengshuo was easily shot to death.

“I just want this case. It doesn’t matter if you are credited or not,” Yin Ren responded casually.

Fu Xingchuan naturally heard the underlying message. With a regular mission, Yin Ren could legitimately use Shian’s resources.

“The key is that I know everything about you. Lu Xiaohe, as the most senior member, has only been in Shian for two years. You all have a clean background and aren’t very loyal to Shian. That’s the best way.”

Yin Ren’s words were surprisingly blunt.

Huang Jin immediately looked at Fu Xingchuan, who saw deep doubts and fears in the young man’s eyes—how could he say such things directly?

Comrade Fu Xingchuan stuck his two fingers in his ears and focused on observing the chandelier in the ward.

“…It’s not easy to investigate with only one person.” After a moment of silence, Lu Xiaohe spoke in a hoarse voice.

“I can assist as the rear commander for the investigation.”

“Huh? Lu Xiaohe?!” Huang Jin exclaimed.

“You must have some feelings if you haven’t immediately applied for a transfer. In the face of that attacker, Shian cannot protect us. This is not a problem that can be solved by not participating in the investigation or switching teams.”

Huang Jin clicked his tongue, looking away in embarrassment without answering.

“Zhong Chengshuo was a newcomer like us, but he was killed just like that, and we don’t even know why. What if that guy was trying to create a terror attack—who can guarantee that we’re not next? Rather than passively waiting to die, I’d rather explore and then die.”

Lu Xiaohe clenched the sheet in the ward. Her hair was messy, and she looked a little haggard.

“Yin Ren seems to be quite formidable…an evil? A person? This is a good opportunity. Maybe we’ll make a big discovery.”

“I want to participate too.” Ge Tingting typed one letter at a time.

“I’m sad that someone I know was killed.”

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Huang Jin’s expression twisted for a while, and after about five minutes, he slapped his face and sighed heavily. “Okay, anyway…”

He stole a glance at Yin Ren.

“Anyway, if this path doesn’t work, it’s useless for me to switch teams.” As he said this, he glanced in the direction of the headquarters of Shian, as if he were looking at someone in the distance.

Faced with the support of his colleagues, Yin Ren just nodded lightly.

Fu Xingchuan withdrew his gaze from the chandelier and looked at Yin Ren. Knowing him well, Fu Xingchuan thought Yin Ren would show some emotion at this moment. However…

“I understand.”

Yin Ren didn’t show a soft expression, he just stood there. Wrapped tightly in the evil qi, he was like an overly exquisite statue.

“If I can find him smoothly, I will give you a reward.”

Huang Jin smiled bitterly. “At this point, whether there’s a reward or not, it doesn’t matter…”

“Each of you can make a wish. Anything is fine as long as it doesn’t involve bringing the dead back to life,” Yin Ren said softly.

The evil qi around him suddenly tightened, and Fu Xingchuan’s heart trembled. Yin Ren’s aura had undergone subtle changes—this evil was like a ferocious beast that had just exposed its paw pads before. At this moment, that person had completely revealed his bloody claws and fangs.

At that moment, on a certain street.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Qiu Fang was walking in the most chaotic area of Haigu. He hummed a song and looked at the passing crowd in a good mood. However, in that instant, for some reason, he shuddered.

“This aura… is strange.”

He extinguished the cigarette butt and looked towards Haigu Municipal Hospital.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Zhong: Brother, borrow your head.jpg

The new era of borrowing heads for King Yama.

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