Evil As Humans

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Getting Closer

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The beef buns near the hospital were famous, and despite Lu Xiaohe and the others eating with restraint, the fragrant meat smell still entered Yin Ren’s nose.

In the past, he would have bought a dozen buns to take home. Zhong Chengshuo would express a slight dissatisfaction with this greasy taste and then help him make crispy bottom pan-fried buns—he had bought buns here before and specifically asked Zhong Chengshuo to help make something similar.

Yin Ren remembered that the man was wearing the “Dangerous Person” apron, pursing his lips, and frying the buns as if doing an experiment.

At that time, he was lying on the sofa playing with his tablet, and he could see Zhong Chengshuo just by raising his head. Amidst the sizzling sound of frying buns, Zhong Chengshuo would sometimes turn his head to look over. The man didn’t often smile, but when he met Yin Ren’s gaze, he would tilt his head slightly, indicating “I caught you”.

Then Yin Ren would look more upright and even use a little hair to harass him.

At the time, he only felt that those fragments were ordinary. He thought he would miss the thrills in the abandoned amusement park and the moment of redemption in the Archive more, but what pressed him down were all these small details.

They were hidden in every corner of his life and would come to mind if he wasn’t careful.

Compared with that, the years he spent in the wilderness were like a blank piece of paper.

‘Liking mortals is too terrible,’ Yin Ren thought.

But if he were given another chance… If he were given another chance…

He would still be attracted to that annoying yet lovable guy.

The smell of the buns still lingered at the tip of his nose, but Yin Ren had no appetite. He subconsciously touched the pocket of his pants—a small hardcover notebook was placed in his pocket, and every page was written with “I’m fine”.

It was a hope he wanted to touch but didn’t dare to.

Yin Ren was lost in thought when Dog Thing vibrated.

“Yes?” Yin Ren skillfully answered the phone.

“The Corpse Cage just reacted. There is a Fu family member nearby.” Fu Xingchuan restrained his tone as much as possible. “You asked us to send the Corpse Cage over earlier and said you had a way… Is your way to catch Fu Tianyi to do the job?”

“The elders of the Fu family are either rooted in place or busy outside, and someone has to control the Corpse Cage.” Yin Ren casually twirled his hair and spoke with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes. “Although I can also flay a piece of the Fu family’s blood alive and make it into a spirit weapon to pass it off as real, that’s still a bit inhumane for this era.”

Fu Tianyi swallowed a mouthful of millet porridge with difficulty, looking puzzled. The other three members of Unit 9 didn’t find anything unusual and were busy grabbing the last tea egg on the table.

Fu Xingchuan sighed. “Fu Tianyi is only 21 years old and has never been in contact with any Corpse Cage-related spells. He is also proud and arrogant. Moreover, his previous mission was dangerous, but the preparations were all fully done… “

“Fu Xingchuan, just say what you want to say.”

“This is just great!” Fu Xingchuan coughed a few times and suppressed the laughter in his voice. “I’m here to convey the words of the ancestor and my personal attitude… Use him as much as you want, and be sure to be ruthless, but leave him with some leeway.”

Yin Ren: “……”

As expected, the Fu family was still the Fu family; each one abnormal in their own way. Yin Ren had just wanted to hang up the phone when he heard the voice on the other end of the line become a little more serious.

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“As for the sniper case, Shian’s current focus is on ‘preventing cross-dimensional attacks’. Although we won’t stop tracking the attacker, Shian will definitely prioritize preventing such incidents.”

Fu Xingchuan’s tone became more serious.

“You can ask Lu Xiahe to pay attention to Shian’s research on space. I don’t care about your methods, but I just need you to remember one thing—our ‘innocent pact’ can’t be wronged.”

“I remember,” Yin Ren replied succinctly.

“Good. By the way, do you and Xiao Zhong know a doctor at the hospital? I remember she was surnamed Sun… Be careful and don’t reveal anything in front of familiar faces.”

Dr. Sun?

Yin Ren’s hand, which was stroking the hardcover book, suddenly stopped.

“I remembered an interesting thing. Go and help me check the ‘enemy’ who was hospitalized before, but be careful not to use Shian’s official investigation methods.”


“It’s not very useful. Just something I thought of.”

Even if the sniper was really Mr. Qiu, that “Mr. Qiu” could easily pretend to be ignorant, especially given the “perfect human disguise” of Qi Xin. If they rashly investigate, they might stir up trouble.

This matter wasn’t easy, and only the “#1 Ghost General” could handle it.

“Ah, my leg isn’t healed yet…” Fu Xingchuan muttered. “Okay, I’ll think of a way.”

On the other side, Fu Tianyi gradually stopped stirring his porridge. His expression became more and more anxious.

Yin Ren’s tone didn’t sound like he was speaking to the “#1 Ghost General” at all. Instead, it was more like an elder communicating with a junior.

Who is this guy?

Half an hour later, Fu Tianyi stopped thinking about this question.

Lu Xiahe sat in a corner of the waiting room. As the numbers on the temporary screen wall were changing frantically, Huang Jin murmured to himself, while constantly strengthening the defensive array around him. Ge Tingting stood next to Yin Ren, ready to assist Fu Tianyi, who for the first time was going to assist the bride into the sedan chair*.

*Clarity: This line is basically saying, normally Fu Tianyi is the person being lifted in the sedan chair (being supported by others), but now, he’s the one doing the lifting.

“Activate the Corpse Cage, and I’ll take a closer look at how the spell works,” Yin Ren said.

“What do I need to do?” Fu Tianyi took a deep breath.

“Remember this pattern, infuse it with power, and stop when I say so.” Yin Ren reached out his hand, and a set of runes appeared above the coffin in an instant. “Tingting, make sure to stabilize the corpse, so that it doesn’t move too much.”

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How did Yin Ren know such a spell? Perhaps he had a close relationship with the Fu family as this spell had been passed down by the ancestor. Fu Tianyi silently recited it three times in his heart, barely holding back his curiosity.

It wasn’t too difficult to maintain the input of power.

He used eight points of strength from the beginning, but the output of power was like a drop in the bucket. In just a few minutes, Fu Tianyi’s power began to fluctuate, causing the Corpse Cage to shake uncontrollably. Ge Tingting’s face turned red, as she continued to pour power into the body, hoping to keep it from moving around in the coffin.

His performance was utterly terrible.

Fu Tianyi’s face turned pale as he put out the maximum strength he could muster—in his usual tasks, this strength would be enough to deliver a decisive blow.

The Corpse Cage finally convulsed, and a layer of faint light appeared on the surface of the rotten skin.

“Okay,” Yin Ren said. “With this intensity, let’s try to sustain it for four hours.”

However, Fu Tianyi couldn’t even last for four seconds. After a frustrated burst of output, he sat on the ground like he had just climbed out of a pool.

“I can’t hold on…” He weakly pressed his temple. “The patterns are too complicated, and the power requirements are too high…”

“Is that so?” Yin Ren remained noncommittal.

“I personally improved the control technique. I only wanted it to maintain its startup state without having to confront enemies,” Yin Ren said casually. “The power consumption and complexity of this spell have been reduced by about half… and someone like you is the strongest of the new generation of the Fu family?”

“Is it possible to modify a technique of this level?” Fu Tianyi exclaimed. Even that girl, Ge Tingting, was earnestly nodding and recording!

It was no longer a matter of “poor performance”. Even in his best condition, he was like a blade of grass compared to others.

…And this made him unreconciled.

In a daze, Fu Tianyi slowly clenched his fist.

“I have recorded the data of spatial disturbances, but the sample size isn’t enough,” Lu Xiaohe interjected calmly. “Try it first and adjust it according to Mr. Fu’s subsequent data.”

With a bitter face, Huang Jin added three more protection spirit weapons.

Try it? Fu Tianyi wiped the sweat from his face. What was he supposed to try?


In the next second, a burst of hostility erupted around him. It turned into a cold wind and made Fu Tianyi’s face shake. Yin Ren stretched out his right hand and directly cast the spell in front of the gap.

A spell that was infinitely more complicated than the Corpse Cage formed instantly. It was like a huge brand from hell, with black light emanating from its edges, floating in front of the dark gap.

The gap seemed to sense something, and it twisted restlessly, with gray-black mist pouring down from the edges. A terrible cracking sound came from all sides, followed by the harsh sound of something being forcibly torn apart.

Fu Tianyi covered his ears and numbly watched the scene in front of him.

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The pitch-black gap grew bigger and bigger, and the wriggling shadows in the darkness beyond were faintly visible. Yin Ren stood with his back to Fu Tianyi. In front of the huge gap, his black hair fluttered in the hostility, like a figure walking out of a painting.

Unfortunately, in the next moment, there was a disgusting sound of something too heavy collapsing, and the gap that had been propped open suddenly closed. It was like an opened mouth that suddenly bit down, instantly shattering Yin Ren’s complex and mysterious spell formation.

What shattered along with it was Yin Ren’s right arm.

Flesh and blood were scattered and turned into dust. Yin Ren’s palm and arm completely exploded, and along with the spell formation, they were swallowed up by the gap, leaving no trace behind.

Fu Tianyi: “?!”

“No,” Yin Ren murmured. “It’s not quite there yet. The array needs to be adjusted… Fu Tianyi, what are you doing? Keep activating the Corpse Cage. Lu Xiaohe needs more ‘space connectivity’ data.”

Fu Tianyi asked, “Wait, are your hands okay?”

Yan Ren didn’t answer.

The next second, he saw bones and muscles rapidly emerge from Yan Ren’s shoulder, forming a brand-new arm in an instant.

Then Yin Ren raised his hand again, and a brand-new array appeared before the gap.

Immediately followed was the familiar scene—the gap was pushed open, the array failed to tear the space, and the spell backfired. The newly grown arm couldn’t hold on for five minutes before it exploded in the air again.

Yin Ren clicked his tongue and grew another arm, as if he felt no pain. Lu Xiaohe was busy with the data in front of the screen and didn’t look over, while Huang Jin seemed used to it and only focused on reinforcing the protection.

Ge Tingting had already secured the Corpse Cage. “Yin Ren is really powerful.”

Her AI voice was serious.

Fu Tianyi was in a daze.

They’re crazy. All of them are crazy.

Yin Ren paid no attention to Fu Tianyi’s progress, repeatedly exploding his arms, but didn’t urge Fu Tianyi again. Even though they all knew that the faster Fu Tianyi mastered the Corpse Cage, the faster Yin Ren could adjust the array.

With the sound of flesh and blood exploding, Fu Tianyi felt like he was on pins and needles every second he was idle.

These people were crazy, and he, who stayed behind, must be crazy too.

He raised his hand again above the Corpse Cage, disregarding his exhausted body, and tried to activate the Corpse Cage again.


With the location of the “morgue” provided by Zhong Chengshuo, Minister Zou soon found the correct path.

But with such a big monster behind him, he didn’t dare to confirm the state of Zhong Chengshuo’s corpse.

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“This is the deepest part of the underground morgue, divided into three layers. We have to climb the stairs to get to the elevator. This is the third to last layer, so we’ll be out soon.”

Perhaps to save his own life, Minister Zou explained very passionately.

Zhong Chengshuo stayed about two steps behind him. Once he felt stable, he found Minister Zou’s wet pants very distracting and didn’t want to be too close to him.

“What about when we get to the elevator?” he asked in a hoarse voice.

“We can leave the morgue then.” Minister Zou’s forehead broke out in sweat again.

After leaving the morgue, what awaited them was Sunken Society of the Haigu branch—one of the strongest branches of Sunken Society. By then, this monster wouldn’t be able to escape. Each ghost master could drown it with just one spit.

But first, this monster couldn’t get into the elevator.

When they arrived at the elevator, he could immediately sound the alarm and rush into it. By the time he left the underground morgue, this guy would soon be under the control of Sunken Society’s security.

He just had to stabilize this guy first.

“Leave the morgue…” Fortunately, the self-proclaimed fitness instructor didn’t ask any further questions.

“You said your loved one is waiting for you, right?” Minister Zou quickly changed the subject. “She’s probably a very beautiful girl. You must have a good relationship.”

“I don’t know if we have a good relationship.”

Zhong Chengshuo lowered the head that didn’t belong to him, and stepped on the stairs, step by step.

“But I really want to go see them.”

“You will definitely see them.”

Minister Zou smiled apologetically and took two steps forward without making a sound.

“You see, this is the elevator. I’ll go wash my face first…”


“I’ll definitely see him.”

Zhong Chengshuo calmly repeated as he watched Minister Zou’s broken neck slide softly to the ground.

The author has something to say:

Congratulations to Xiao Zhong for getting a second head (…

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