Evil As Humans

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Bad News

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Yin Ren’s human form had mostly recovered, but countless translucent wings remained under his hips and knees. He felt completely drained, and all his bones were limp and weak.

However, his physical body was frozen in mid-air, not moving up or down.

He stared fixedly at the newly born Zhong Chengshuo.

The appearance was correct, the smell was correct, and there were no traces of magic around. The other party’s gaze, posture, and subtle facial muscle movements—he had repeatedly chewed on them in his memory countless times.

It was Zhong Chengshuo… It was the Zhong Chengshuo he had separated from.

Wild joy turned into a hammer, hitting the back of Yin Ren’s head fiercely, causing Lord Ghost King’s vision to shake twice. During the battle just now, the question of “how will Zhong Chengshuo recover” was like a lead weight pressing on his chest. While he didn’t think about it, it always weighed heavily in his heart.

Now that the heavy pressure was gone, Yin Ren felt like he was floating.

…Unfortunately, it was only for a moment, and the heat of wild joy turned into coldness.

A form of regeneration that had never been seen before. Yin Ren had exhausted all the knowledge he had accumulated in his life and couldn’t think of any similar magic or evil beings in a similar situation. The strange shape of Zhong Chengshuo’s head returning to its original form was still burned into Yin Ren’s eyes, and he couldn’t explain it at all.

The person in front of him had sunk into a deeper sea of unknowns.

In a daze, Yin Ren suddenly remembered a long time ago.

In an ordinary hotel room, the bathroom was filled with steam. He accidentally broke the door and saw Zhong Chengshuo’s body for the first time.

It was as beautiful and sturdy, with graceful and smooth body lines. There was still the hideous scar, just like back then, and was still entrenched on Zhong Chengshuo’s body.

But other than that, there was nothing else.

The corpse of Zhong Chengshuo just now was unbearable to look at. That body had broken legs, the chest was turned outward, the back was riddled with bullets, and there was nothing above the neck. Not to mention these major injuries, there were countless minor injuries all over Zhong Chengshuo’s body.

But now, they were all gone. Other than losing his glasses, Zhong Chengshuo hadn’t changed in hair length or anything else.

His half-long hair was clean and refreshing, as if it didn’t belong here.

Zhong Chengshuo’s pants were a bit loose and had long been torn to the knee. The fabric on his upper body was even more tattered, with only a piece of scrap left.

Under the fragments of destruction, only the newly grown skin that had just returned and hadn’t had time to be tainted with dust could prove that everything just now wasn’t an illusion.

“Yin Ren,” Zhong Chengshuo called out softly, standing still. His voice was hoarse, as if there were some fine impurities stuck in his throat.

…Given the situation just now, maybe his throat was really clogged with some impurities.

Yin Ren didn’t get up. He weakly supported his upper body, with the red silk robe draped loosely over him and stood still in place. Separated by a faint shadow, a pair of red pupils stared blankly at Zhong Chengshuo.

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Around the two of them, darkness and ruins surrounded them, while the sniper’s wreckage was scattered, still decomposing into dense evil qi, making the surroundings even colder.

Yes, Yin Ren had only noticed that Zhong Chengshuo still had “life” when he was rescuing him earlier. At that time, the enemy was lurking around, and Yin Ren didn’t have time to think deeply.

But when he could think, Yin Ren couldn’t concentrate on the reasoning.

In the quiet confrontation, only the details of their previous interaction kept coming up. In front of the darkness, Yin Ren couldn’t help but think back to the moment he first saw Zhong Chengshuo.

It was a rainy summer night when he entered the world—a night of lightning and thunder.

The streetlights were malfunctioning, and the entire street was plunged into darkness. Zhong Chengshuo met him while riding his bicycle and reported to the police seriously. After reporting to the police, Zhong Chengshuo turned on his phone flashlight and shone it on him.

At that time, Yin Ren had just come into contact with the world and hadn’t detected any subtle unnaturalness. Looking back now, that rainy night was enough to make people shudder.

Before using his phone to illuminate him, there was no lighting around Zhong Chengshuo.

And when he realized it, Zhong Chengshuo made an emergency stop. The person had obviously been riding a bike, so the speed wasn’t slow.

Does a normal human really ride a bike quickly on a pitch-black street where you can’t see your fingers?

Yin Ren raised his gaze in confusion, and the electric light on their first encounter in his mind was buried by thick journals one by one.

[I’m fine.]

To explain his healthy body, he ate a reasonable diet.

[I’m fine.]

To explain his good condition, he maintained a regular schedule.

[I’m fine.]

To explain his beautiful figure, he diligently exercised.

[I’m fine.]

In the dark basement, a diary that never stopped recording physiological information such as height and weight was like an observation log of an animal scientist.

Except that the object of observation was “Zhong Chengshuo himself”.

The chaotic memories drifted and ended in a conversation not long ago.

[What exactly are you?] Yin Ren remembered asking this in a panic when he first found Zhong Chengshuo.

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[I don’t know.]

Zhong Chengshuo answered like this.

[Now, strictly speaking, I shouldn’t be considered human.]

Now it seemed that this sentence could have a second interpretation.

… Did Zhong Chengshuo undergo some changes after being killed and reborn, or was he never a “normal human” from the beginning, but just didn’t understand his own situation?

But if Zhong Chengshuo isn’t human, what is he?

His body was so broken and there was no trace of evil qi or Evil Force on it. It was as clean as any ordinary person’s.

Exhausted and mentally shattered, Yin Ren sat quietly in place as his mind silently shut down.

“Yin Ren…” Zhong Chengshuo called him for the third time, his voice tinged with a hint of grievance.

He still stayed in place, looking more helpless than avoiding. Zhong Chengshuo’s features were already gentle, and looking down like this made him seem as harmless as an herbivore.

In a daze, Yin Ren gritted his teeth. He reached out a bunch of long hair and quickly formed soft wings at the end. They swooped around Zhong Chengshuo’s ankle and pushed him forward. Zhong Chengshuo didn’t resist and was pushed to the ground, landing safely on the remaining wings like a blanket.

He was lying next to Yin Ren.

“I need a few minutes to calm down.” Amid countless thoughts colliding, Yin Ren spoke with difficulty. “A few minutes to calm down, and then deal with these…”

Zhong Chengshuo turned sideways, hesitated for a moment, and then put his arm gently around Yin Ren’s waist.

Just as if they were in their bedroom at home.

But this time, Yin Ren wasn’t as calm as he was on the soft bed.

In a series of battles, Yin Ren lost a considerable amount of flesh and blood. He was so exhausted that he felt like he would fall apart at a touch. Luckily, the person controlling the sniper’s body didn’t kick him while he was down.

In this state of extreme weakness, through a layer of sealing red cloth, Yin Ren felt the warm palm of Zhong Chengshuo.

A strong sense of rejection.

It wasn’t fear of facing a superior, but a subconscious rejection, like seeing a thorn under a leaf, or smelling a poisonous flower. It was almost instinctual, screaming to stay away or make the other person disappear…

…Disappear my ass.

Yin Ren rolled his eyes in his heart. He also turned sideways and hugged Zhong Chengshuo directly. Lord Ghost King ignored the instinctive jumping and stomping, burying his face in the other’s chest.

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The instinctual warning reached its limit, as if a razor was scraping his skin.

But still Yin Ren didn’t move.

Smooth, warm skin, a pleasant smell, and the familiar heartbeat and breathing. His biological instinct told him to stay away, but his heart told him to stay put.

“I know what you’re worried about.”

Yin Ren patted Zhong Chengshuo’s stiff back. It was the first time he had seen him so awkward.

“Considering your unknown condition, I have to reconsider our accomplice relationship…”

The heartbeat under Zhong Chengshuo’s skin suddenly accelerated, like a rabbit frantically stomping its feet, making loud thumps in his ribcage.

“But I really like being in a romantic relationship and don’t want to ruin it at all.”

The “rabbit” in the rib cage slowly curled up and gently moved its body.

“Mm.” Zhong Chengshuo said seriously, “I’m just a little scared.”

Yin Ren didn’t answer. He just moved his weak body and hugged the biggest mystery of his life tightly.


Late at night, Qi Xin stayed in the alley without surveillance. The alley was still the same alley, but there was no longer any trace of Qiu Fang.

In the shattered glass, a faint shadow stood.

“You killed Qiu Fang.” The voice of the reflection was very calm, as if discussing the weather.

“That guy was too badly injured. As I said, he’s just a burden.” Qi Xin sat in the old place on the wall. “I just bit Qiu Fang to death. What was that phrase again… Oh, it was to ease his pain.”

If it weren’t for the obvious perfunctory tone in her voice, this might actually be a suitable reason.

The reflection remained silent.

“I used him to fill my stomach and restore my strength and made a small Divine Descent with the remains. It not only solved ‘the thing that hurt us’, but Fu Xingchuan and Shian are nearby, so they can’t escape. See, it’s like killing two birds with one stone.”

Qi Xin continued coldly.

“I made the best use of Mr. Qiu’s waste. You asked me to clean up his mess and said I could do whatever I wanted.”

“I also said that you need to give me an answer about the ‘thing that hurt us’.”

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The reflection on the glass responded softly.

On the dirty glass of the alley, it appeared as a nearly black humanoid, with no facial features visible.

Qi Xin lifted the corners of her mouth, revealing a smile that wasn’t quite human. “I don’t know what that thing is, but undoubtedly, I’ve dealt with it. Is there a problem?”

Reflection: “…Dealt with it.”

“The small-scale Divine Descent that erupted in a small area may be lower quality, but it’s enough to destroy the target.”

As the night wind blew, Qi Xin straightened her messy hair. Although the posture of “sitting on the wall” didn’t match her attire, Qi Xin’s legs were neatly folded, as if sitting at a conference round table.

“As for what that thing is, Sunken Society will definitely study the remaining traces. You can ask them.”

The reflection didn’t respond. Qi Xin tilted her head slightly, and the shadow on the glass had somehow returned to normal.

This time, “that one” left early.

“You’re angry,” Qi Xin shook her head, and her strange smile seemed to be welded to her face.

She looked up at the murky night sky.

“I gave you an opportunity.”

She said with a slightly hoarse voice.

“Don’t disappoint me, both of you.”


As it turned out, if Ms. Qi Xin could see the status of both of them, she might be disappointed immediately.

Yin Ren sucked in the unidentified substance that Zhong Chengshuo had given him, desperately sealing his own power and struggling to stand up—no matter how strange the situation was, it wasn’t a good idea to stay in a place that belonged to Sunken Society.

Without any interference from enemies, they quickly found the exit of this interstitial space.

So, less than an hour later, there was a swaying figure on the street in the old city.

The person was dressed in rags, had an ordinary face, and was only slightly conspicuous in his dark red attire. He walked stealthily along the roadside, hunching over and dragging a bumpy suitcase.

Yin Ren touched his transformed fake face, feeling sorrowful.

The good news was that they had left the dangerous area.

The bad news was that, as two dead people, they had nowhere to go at the moment.

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