Evil As Humans

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Wish

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Fu Tianyi was having a video call with his parents. He had just finished his meal without enjoying the taste.

The Fu family was indeed a prominent family in the world of metaphysics, but the elders never restricted the younger generations’ development—

Fu Tianyi’s father always loved reading since childhood and looked down on the “pretentious*” metaphysical direction. He also had little contact with his younger brother, Fu Xingchuan. After growing up, he passed the national entrance exam to a top university in China and became a well-known lawyer in the industry with a decent income.

*(装神弄鬼) Idiom referring to deceiving people by pretending to have supernatural powers or abilities.

He later met Fu Tianyi’s mother, who was a private enterprise executive. The young couple bought a house and settled down in Yandu. Not to mention getting involved with the world of metaphysics, they didn’t even bother to hire a feng shui master during the decoration of their house.

In Shian’s terms, both of them were the stuff of iron-blood science posts.

Who would have thought that their child would enter his rebellious phase early and insist on going against the elite path that his parents had set for him? Fu Tianyi showed astonishing metaphysical talents since he was a child and happily ran back to the Fu mansion to be with his ancestral family.

“The ancient and mysterious family lineage” had a fatal attraction to children. In elementary school, Fu Tianyi claimed that since he had to attend cram school, it was cooler to have the feeling of commanding wind and rain.

It was hard to say who was more rebellious between the father and son—the former, who was determined to study law.

…How naïve he was. Thinking of his past self, who was so confident in his talents, Fu Tianyi couldn’t help but sigh again and again.

The term “commanding wind and rain” was too peaceful. After experiencing true catastrophic events, Fu Tianyi’s entire body almost radiated with Buddha’s light.

“How did it turn out like this?” Fu Tianyi’s mother clicked her tongue. “Lao Fu, come and see. This child’s eyes are like a dead fish, with no spirit left.”

Fu Tianyi’s father gasped, pushing to the center of the screen. “Yeah, it’s true. Is your brain damage?”

Fu Tianyi: “… I’m fine. I just understand what it means to meet a person beyond others.”

Fu Tianyi’s father was taken aback. “Ah? Tianyi, don’t tell me you don’t want to do it anymore. Your undergraduate degree is too ordinary, and you haven’t taken the postgraduate entrance examination. It’s not easy to find a job if you go out. Of course, you can come back home, but I just feel that young people should at least have a job…”

Fu Tianyi’s mother nodded. “Yes, if you’re still in your thirties and haven’t found a reliable job, it’s okay to depend on your parents.”

Fu Tianyi had nothing to say.

He listened to his parents’ teasing about his future with pain until he saw Dr. Cat scratching at the chicken breast meat on his plate out of the corner of his eye.

“My colleague is here. I’ll talk to you later!” Fu Tianyi pressed his temple and quickly found an excuse to escape.

As soon as Dr. Cat put the steamed chicken into his mouth, he was grabbed by his nape by Fu Tianyi.

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“Are you crazy?” He angrily let go of the chicken.

“I still haven’t heard from Second Uncle.” Fu Tianyi asked in a low voice, “Has anything happened on his end?”

“Fu Xingchuan is fine. He’s been talking to Yin Ren about the next mission.” The black cat’s pupils narrowed into two thin slits in the bright hospital room. “I don’t know much more than that. I was kicked out.”

The next mission… Fu Xingchuan saved them from the small-scale Divine Descent with his injured leg, and now he was still single-mindedly thinking about the next mission. Even if he were demoted to the lowest level, his second uncle would still wholeheartedly… Wait, with who?

“Who did you say he was discussing it with? Li Nian?” Fu Tianyi asked in confusion.

“Yin Ren.” The black cat purred smugly. “You know my ability. I wouldn’t mistake a person.”

Fu Tianyi’s head buzzed for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he rummaged through his contacts in Haigu and finally found his target—Liang Shan, who had worked at the police station before and had received him then.

Liang Shan had a special ability, and almost every rookie team in Haigu had gone on missions with him.

[Tianyi3G: Liang Ge, do you have the group chat for special investigation team Unit 9 of Haigu? Add me.]

[The River Flows Eastward: ?]

[Tianyi3G: It’s official business. Both my uncle and I are at the Municipal Hospital.]

Liang Shan was buried in a pile of files created by the small-scale Divine Descent event. Although he didn’t understand what was going on, he still gave Fu Tianyi an invitation to the group. Unit 9 was just a C-level investigation team, and the confidentiality measures weren’t so strict.

Fu Tianyi quickly contacted Fu Xingchuan, and without waiting for his response, he rushed into the group.

[Ear Person: I don’t like that kind of thing. It’s too bloody.]

[Ten Thousand Liang: It’s okay, it depends on the situation. Anyway, if you don’t want to do it, I will do it…]

[Ear Person: Then I’ll give it a try.]

[Milky Way: What’s there to argue about? Let Yin Ren arrange it. Don’t forget the purpose of what we’re doing.]

[Ear Person: Sorry, we should be more serious.]

[Ten Thousand Liang: ]

There was indeed a mission! Fu Tianyi’s spirits were lifted.

The small-scale Divine Descent event almost took half of Fu Tianyi’s life, but he had to admit that he had never had such a… shocking mission. In the face of life and death, they worked together, and the sense of accomplishment was much greater than that of routine tasks without surprises.

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It made him feel especially “alive”.

Moreover, Fu Tianyi had never had this feeling of “obviously becoming stronger”. Yin Ren forced him to squeeze out his power time and time again, and after the pain of power overdraft, his power was even more abundant, a quarter stronger than before.

The “ancient and mysterious family bloodline” was too childish for him, but the “profound and unfathomable hidden powerhouse” was just right.

[Tianyi3G: Hello everyone, I’m Fu Tianyi. I heard you have a new mission.]

[Tianyi3G: I learned a lot from Senior Yin. Please let me observe with you!]

[Tianyi3G: Auntie Tao was sacrificed, and Meiqiu and I are not fully staffed and need to stay here to assist with the investigation. We won’t be able to participate in formal missions for a while, but it won’t delay real business. Even if Fu Xingchuan doesn’t agree, I will go and talk to him again.]

[Ten Thousand Liang: …]

[Ten Thousand Liang: This is the first time I’ve seen someone so desperate for a free meal. Xiao Ge, you can give the “undercooked meat” you don’t like to him.]

Hmm? Fu Tianyi stopped typing with passion.

[Ten Thousand Liang: This time Yin Ren is treating us to a self-service barbecue. You need to ask for his opinion @Fruit Knife]

[Fruit Knife: It’s fine.]

[Fruit Knife: Fu Xingchuan also said it’s okay, but beware. This is at your own risk.]


When he arrived at the all-you-can-eat barbecue restaurant, Fu Tianyi’s eyes were wide open.

The situation back then was just too awkward. If he didn’t participate, the embarrassment would only multiply. Today, he absolutely had to pay the bill first. Fu Tianyi touched his pocket, making sure his phone was fully charged and he had enough balance.

Even if Unit 9 ate up all the inventory in the restaurant today, he should be able to afford it… right?

Fu Tianyi nervously sat in his seat.

Yin Ren raised Yellow Millet, could fight back against that mysterious attacker, and could survive the small-scale Divine Descent. Since he had Fu Xingchuan to back him up, Yin Ren’s position wouldn’t be a problem. As for why this person had infiltrated into Shian Unit 9 out of what kind of mentality… Well, it was normal for masters to have some quirks that ordinary people couldn’t understand.

Fu Tianyi adjusted his posture, raised his head, and then froze like a statue.

At some point, there was another person sitting across from him. Zhong Chengshuo was sitting upright on the other side of the table, staring at him with a pair of black eyes without blinking. The hair on Fu Tianyi’s whole body stood up in an instant—this person was different from Yin Ren. He had seen him die with his own eyes!

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Even if Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo had that kind of relationship, this was too…


Yin Ren’s voice drifted over from the side. He took off his coat and sat next to Zhong Cheng.

“This is a flesh puppet I made. I’m not used to being without him.”

Fu Tianyi looked at the “flesh puppet” with even more distinct facial hair across from him, and his facial muscles twitched for a moment.

It’s normal for masters to have some quirks that ordinary people can’t understand. This… is still normal, right?

With Yin Ren’s arrival, the long table was quickly filled with the addition of three other members of Unit 9 and the limping Fu Xingchuan. Compared to those who came to eat in bright clothing, the scene at this table was particularly bleak. Several people were bandaged and had casts on, so it was a bit like a patient meetup.

Fu Tianyi stood up straight and tried his best to lift the morale of the table.

Unfortunately, except for him, there was only Ge Tingting, who looked reasonable.

The barbecue net was steaming hot, and Yin Ren put a few pieces of grilled corn and lean meat in Zhong Chengshuo’s bowl before speaking. Ge Tingting stared at Zhong Chengshuo with sparkling eyes and a face full of shock that seemed to say, “This is a top grade flesh puppet!”

“Let’s start with the wishes first. Xiao Ge, Xiaohe Jie, it’s all thanks to you all that I was able to find Zhong Ge,” Yin Ren said.


Fu Tianyi became a bit curious and looked at Huang Jin. The latter was stuffing grilled stomach into his mouth and said casually, “I’ve already made one.”

Lu Xiahe pursed her lips. “What did you wish for?”

“It’s pretty much what you thought,” Huang Jin replied cryptically. “Her information will be updated by Shian sooner or later, so you’ll know eventually.”

Lu Xiahe lowered her eyes and solemnly extended both hands, placing the chopsticks flat on the plate.

“Can you cure my mother?” She didn’t look into Yin Ren’s eyes, and her voice lacked the usual loudness. “The method doesn’t have to be scientific. I’m not asking for her to live forever but just to be healthy, happy, and have a normal life span…”

After speaking, she felt ridiculous and stared at the gap in the dish.

“I can,” Yin Ren said, “But we have to wait for a while. Otherwise, it will only attract unnecessary attention to your mother.”

The sniper behind the scenes hadn’t been identified yet, so who knew who was watching them. It was alright for Ding Lizhi, who had a healthy foundation, as he could use Shian’s medical equipment as a cover up, but it was a different story for Lu Xiaohe’s mother.

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The eyes of Lu Xiaohe turned red instantly. She cleared her throat. “Okay… Thank you. Thank you. I’ll go to the bathroom. You guys eat first.”

While observing Zhong Chengshuo slowly chewing on his food, Ge Tingting said, “I can’t think of a wish, can I get a raincheck?”

Without any surprise, Yin Ren said, “Sure.”

Fu Xingchuan, who just grabbed a piece of meat with his chopsticks, paused and gave Ge Tingting a “even a child can be taught*” look.

*(孺子可教) Idiom used to describe someone who’s intelligent, talented, and receptive to guidance. 

Fu Tianyi had already forgotten what chopsticks were. He looked around the table, feeling like he was still in a dream.

How could he grant them their wish? Did his teammate have this function? How come he had never heard of it before?

When Lu Xiaohe came back after touching up her makeup, Yin Ren continued the conversation.

“It’s not convenient to talk about the mission outside. Before we see the mission details, I think it’s necessary to introduce myself—Fu Tianyi is also considered a member of the Fu family, so it’s fine.”

He didn’t need to remind his teammates to keep it a secret—Fu Xingchuan was in the know, Lu Xiaohe’s heart was filled with the hope of curing her mother, and Huang Jin was already scared out of his wits. There was only Ge Tingting, but since she had to use Shian’s equipment for communication, it would be difficult for her to leak things.

As for the process of making a wish, Yin Ren didn’t have any objections.

The music in the restaurant could serve as a hymn, the burning charcoal could replace candles, and his teammates had already offered sacrifices through their actions. Even taking a step back, there was still delicious fresh meat in front of them.

The gap between the present and a thousand years ago wasn’t so big after all. Lord Ghost King sat up straight in a proper manner. Zhong Chengshuo quietly nodded to Yin Ren as he chewed carefully.

“I have another name. A thousand years ago, Huajisi called me ‘the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi’.”

The author has something to say:

Xiao Fu’s father studied law, and Xiao Fu also studied law. This is a family tradition!

I just feel that Xiao Fu is always slow to catch up with the truth, so this WeChat name is quite appropriate.

But those who get this reference probably need to be a certain age* (…

*Clarity: Most likely, the author is hinting at the 3G in Fu Tianyi’s WeChat nickname. 3G is quite outdated now (as of this translation, we’re up to 5G), so it’s considered slow… Just like how Fu Tianyi is behind (slow) others in knowing the truth.

Xiao Zhong: Is this what it feels like not to work? (×

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