Evil As Humans

Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Accident

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At the underground observation window where Shian’s Evil Spirit was located, a huge elevator was hovering.

It was composed of several small elevators temporarily combined, and seven beds were arranged in the center. All emergency equipment and spirit weapons were in place, and the underground researchers were on standby beside them. Except for emergency signals and research data, these researchers couldn’t communicate with the underground, so there was no possibility of leakage.

The five members of the Shian Unit 9 Special Investigation Team, plus the two successors of the Fu family, Fu Tianyi and Fu Xingchuan, were already lying flat on the beds.

In order to prevent them from moving and looking around, their eyes were covered with black cloth, and they were tied with straps embroidered with spells. Countless wires drilled out of the gaps in their clothes, and the end patches constantly transmitted physiological data.

In addition, the bottom and bed of each person were carved with black and red runes, and under the illumination, they seemed to be flowing. Although they had been specially treated, there was still a faint Evil Force leaking out.

For the purpose of stabilizing their emotions, each person held the most important thing to themselves.

Zhong Chengshuo tightly held the hamster pendant, while Yin Ren put Zhong Chengshuo’s nightcap on his head and stuffed Dog Thing under the pillow.

Lu Xiaohe pressed her family photo in her palm, while Ge Tingting held the headphones that were given to her by Unit 9 in both hands. As for Huang Jin—Comrade Xiao Huang held a tranquility talisman with both hands, which was heartbreaking to see. One of the staff couldn’t help but ask if Mr. Huang needed some blood pressure medication.

The two experienced members of the Fu family each held a heart-protecting spirit weapon specially used by the Fu family.

On the other side of the thick glass, a huge Evil Spirit floated like a dark cloud. In the replica of the ancient scenery, the salivation rain never stopped. On one side of the barrier was the eerie and dark ancient environment, and on the other side was the cold equipment that flickered with countless lights. The scene was like a nightmare.

“Are the communication devices all ready?” Li Nian confirmed personally.

“No problem,” Yin Ren said.

“Very well, the ‘Temporary Archive’ spell is also ready. When the spell starts, you will be transported back to the memories of a thousand years ago and transformed into an image similar to your own situation.”

“This technique is more powerful than the ‘Archive’ spell. You will not only change your clothes like in the Archive, but you will transform your entire person into a real ‘character’ from a thousand years ago and observe the whole process.”

Professor Li explained patiently.

“You need to quickly find your scattered companions and gather together to collect various details in the memories. This spell is being used for the first time, so don’t take it lightly. First, when you first enter, your ‘character’ will stay together, so don’t run around; second, after you get your ‘character’, don’t do too many things that are inconsistent with your identity, so as not to disturb the memory environment.”

“If you encounter difficulties, communicate anytime through the communication device. The communication device will remain the same, and you can use it to identify your companions.”

If possible, Li Nian hoped that more professional people would go to explore.

Unfortunately, doing so would alert the internal spy of Shian. As a last resort, there were too many secrets involved in the matter of Yin Ren, and Unit 9 could only be considered as his confidants, so he had to make do with them.

“Everything’s okay? Then three, two, one…”

At the same time, at the same depth, the surviving Sunken Society stronghold.

In the thick darkness, Shen Mo stood barefoot in front of the brain door, naked.

“It’s just teasing a mad dog.” He waved to the silent members of Sunken Society behind him. “I’ll be back soon.”

Behind him, the cultivators of Sunken Society were sweating profusely, quickly performing their spells.

The leader of the cultivators shouted in a hoarse voice, “The door is about to open! Please prepare yourself, three, two, one…”

“The spell is activated!”

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“The spell is activated!”

The same sentence echoed in both underground strongholds.

The seven figures on the beds disappeared instantly, leaving only a thin layer of clothing. Their most precious possessions remained in place, indicating the identity of the bed’s owner.

The brain door of Sunken Society slowly opened, and Shen Mo shrugged his shoulders and stepped into the darkness behind the door without hesitation.


Fu Tianyi felt dizzy and nauseous. When he regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a large, ancient-style room.

Strange. The reaction of this spell was so severe, so why didn’t Li Nian warn him in advance? Fu Tianyi retched a few times and struggled to get up, almost tripping over his robe.

He took a few minutes to recover before he had the strength to survey the surrounding environment.

The architecture was undoubtedly from the later period of the Gong Dynasty. The people around him were rushing back and forth, dressed uniformly, with either information or spirit weapons in their arms. The air was filled with the scent of ink and herbs, and various ancient spiritual tools, such as talismans, tortoise shells, and compasses, floated near the ceiling.

He had seen similar ancient paintings—this was the interior scene of Huajisi.

But unlike the ancient paintings, the most prominent position in the room was occupied by an exceptionally tall, blood-red statue.

That statue was different from all the statues he had seen before. It was sitting sideways with a relaxed and casual posture and could even be called “indecent”.

The statue itself had its face covered in a dark red fabric, and only a vague humanoid shape could be seen. Countless black jade and yellow talismans hung from the bone chains on the dark red fabric. They emitted strong waves of evil qi, showing that they used high-quality materials and the talismans were genuine.

In front of the statue, there were fruits, candies, cooked meat, and cheese. The thick incense burned slowly, with the smoke rising straight up, filling the air with a fragrance that left white ash in the incense burner.

The statue was exquisitely crafted, and through the swaying red cloth and the wafting incense, no matter where he was, Fu Tianyi could feel the statue’s “gaze”.

As he looked on in astonishment, he reached out and leaned against the wall, but the touch was icy cold and sent shivers down his spine.


Next to Fu Tianyi, hanging in neat rows along the wall were numerous corpses, each dressed in the same clothes, with their eyes tightly closed and hanging from hooks on the wall. Their hair and eyebrows were neatly trimmed, and their foreheads were carefully inscribed with numbers using cinnabar. The entire wall was covered with them.

…These were the corpses used by Huajisi’s specialized “corpse servants”. Fu Tianyi had read about them in the Fu family’s records.

As expected of Shian. Had they all been dumped into Huajisi?

Fu Tianyi breathed a sigh of relief and looked around happily, trying to find the communication devices in the ears of the other people. He quickly found his target—a middle-aged woman with simple clothes and a serious face, sitting at a table reading a letter with a communication device in her ear.

Fu Tianyi happily walked towards the woman, pointing to the communication earpiece in his own ear.

The woman gave him a worried glance.

“I’m Lu Xiaohe,” she said. “Looking at these letters, my name here seems to be ‘Li Heyan’.”

Fu Tianyi was overjoyed. “Li Heyan is the number one scholar of Huajisi. It’ll be so much easier to move around with you!”

Li Heyan and Fu Shangliu were the last two leaders of Huajisi in the Gong Dynasty and were equivalent in status to the current Ministers of the Emergency Management Department.

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With Li Heyan’s status, she could go wherever she pleased.

“Aren’t you the same?” For some reason, Lu Xiaohe’s mood wasn’t high. “From your clothes, you are the current leader of the Huajisi, Fu Liu’s sixth grandson, ‘Fu Shangliu’. According to seniority, you are the ancestor of your family grandparents.”

Fu Tianyi’s expression froze.

To be honest, Fu Tianyi didn’t immediately confirm his identity. After being hit by reality, he subconsciously saw himself as a pawn—after all, in terms of strength and experience, the one who best fit that identity would be Fu Xingchuan.

Fu Tianyi looked at Lu Xiaohe, who had been in a low mood for a while, then slowly turned his head, trying to find other companions around him. Unfortunately, the two of them were still frozen in place after ten minutes, and no third person had appeared.

“Something’s not right.” Fu Tianyi swallowed hard, with cold sweat on his forehead.

“Yes,” Lu Xiaohe sighed. “I just tried to contact everyone, and besides you, everyone else is out of range—they’re too far away from us in this world.”

“How could this be…” Li Nian clearly instructed that everyone would be sent to the same place.

Lu Xiaohe sighed heavily. “I don’t know what’s going on either. I also tried to send a message to the outside world, but the communication was interfered with, and the request for help wasn’t sent out.”

Fu Tianyi: “……”

Fu Tianyi: “Is it just the same as last time and this time, or has it always been like this?”

Lu Xiaohe threw him a tired look.

“Anyway, we have to find the others first.” She painfully adjusted the hairpin on her head.

Fu Tianyi took a deep breath. “I can use the Fu family’s magic to divine Second Uncle’s location. Let’s meet up with him first.”

No matter what, with Fu Xingchuan there, things would turn around.


Fu Xingchuan stared deeply at his own paw.

Yes, paw.

It was a dusty, sturdy yellow dog’s paw.

Having lived for so long and experienced countless ups and downs, this was the first time Fu Xingchuan had attempted to stand on all fours. His viewpoint was a bit low, his vision was dim and blurry, and only his sense of smell and hearing were so sensitive that it was almost unbearable.

The smell of mud and chicken manure rushed into his nose, and a conversation with a heavy dialect floated into his ears; the unfamiliar sensory information causing him a headache.

Fu Xingchuan shook his head vigorously.

He was standing in the courtyard of a low-rise rural house. There were a few skinny chickens running around him, and he could see the vague mountain shadows through the decaying walls.

Something’s wrong.

Fu Xingchuan cleared his throat cautiously, trying to make a sound—

“Woof!” His voice was loud and clear.

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Sure enough, something had gone wrong with the spell! Fu Xingchuan was so angry that he stamped his paws. This kind of deviation from Shian’s precise calculations could only be the result of exceptionally powerful interference during casting.

Fu Xingchuan nervously scanned the surroundings, making sure the chickens didn’t have any communication devices on their heads, before he breathed a sigh of relief.

If he was the only one who was unlucky, it was okay. As long as Fu Tianyi was still in human form, he could locate him through the Fu family’s magic.

Before that… Before that, since he had this “convenient” form, investigation wasn’t impossible.

Fu Xingchuan thought for a moment, then turned his head and began to gnaw at the hemp rope that was tying him up.

‘Hopefully, I’m the only unlucky one,’ Fu Xingchuan thought sadly.

As the hemp rope snapped, a large black dog in the temple next door twitched its ears.


In the dense forest, Huang Jin was silently contemplating life.

There must have been some mistake in his life. Perhaps he had done too much wrong in his previous life, destroying one or two countries, which was why he had to encounter this hellish job in this life.

Normally, humans need feet to walk.

Huang Jin, as a human, had no idea how to move without feet.

Just how big of a problem did the Shian leadership have with him that they felt this thing was similar to his “situation”?

How wonderful Ge Tingting was currently. At the moment, she was trying to adapt to her new body—this magic was indeed stronger than the Archive; not only giving Ge Tingting a suitable role but also temporarily restoring her language ability.

“I am, ahem, ahem, Ge Ting…Ting.”

The little girl was dressed plainly but cleanly, with the words “Lu Tinghe” embroidered crookedly on her chest. She tied her messy braids and held a big doll head in her arms with a young face covered in sweat.

Her black communication earpiece was particularly conspicuous.

“Who are you?”

Ge Tingting tried to adapt to her smaller body, reaching out and pulling the communication device stuck to Huang Jin’s body.

Huang Jin: “……”

Huang Jin: “Puff—!”

He cursed in pain.

Ge Tingting gasped and stood on tiptoe, looking around. Before she could find her companions, a red figure approached them and stopped beside them.

Ge Tingting immediately stood in front of the Huang Jin version of Yellow Millet.

The uninvited guest was about three meters tall, with pale feet planted on the grass. Its body was wrapped in blood-red bandages, and the yellow talisman was splattered with old bloodstains. The bone chains soaked in blood and oil tightly entangled it, shaped like a cocoon.

In the midst of the heavy seals, a similarly pale hand stretched out with the communication device in its palm.

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It’s a companion!

Ge Tingting, who was just over one meter tall, breathed a sigh of relief and moved away.

Huang Jin struggled to lift his eyes—now he only had one eye on his entire body, and his movement had never been so awkward—but unfortunately, he only saw a simple image.

Just like how Ge Tingting lost her ability to “hear ravings”, his “mind reading” was also blocked by magic.

But judging from the appearance, Huang Jin could probably guess who it was. Dressed in red clothes, treading on Yellow Millet—there was only one person who deserved such a record.

That was the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, or rather, Yin Ren himself.

‘Well, at least they have a big tree to shade them,’ Huang Jin thought cheerfully. If it was Yin Ren, he could at least understand Yellow Millet’s language.

Ge Tingting apparently came to the same conclusion after doing her homework. The little girl wiped the sweat off her face and smiled. “Yin Ren!”

“Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!”

[I am Huang Jin. Help me!] Huang Jin also desperately sought help.

But the person just stood still, motionless, as quiet as an inanimate object.

“Yin Ren…?” Ge Tingting’s smile froze on her face, and she walked back to Huang Jin calmly. The little girl clenched the headset tightly with both hands, as if she was ready to throw it out at any moment.

The tall red cocoon remained silent for a long time before finally speaking.


Behind the thick fabric, Yin Ren’s familiar voice could be heard.

“I can’t find Yin Ren.”

The voice was mixed with depression and confusion.

“…I am Zhong Chengshuo.”

The author has something to say:

The flags for Yin Ren have been fulfilled at superluminal speed!

Low-risk copy, high-risk identity ←

It’s hard to say who is more miserable in the end…

Kinky Thoughts:

Just a note: The [Huang] (黄) in [Huang Jin] (黄今) means yellow which is the same [huang] as Yellow Millet [Huang Liang] (黄粱). This might be why Huang Jin became Yellow Millet in the Archive.

Also, I should have noted this earlier, but Yellow Millet (黄粱) is a Chinese mythological plant known as the “Dreaming Immortal Herb”. According to myth, consuming the yellow millet grown from the plant would induce dreams of a perfect world and immortality, so it’s also used metaphorically to refer to a situation of state of mind that is like a dream, illusory, or unreal… Which is very fitting of Yellow Millet’s ability (can cause cognitive confusion—the things it did in the Gengsheng Town arc).

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