Evil As Humans

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Signal

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“What’s going on? What’s in that box again?” Fu Tianyi used a levitation spell to pull a person and a dog, swiftly rushing towards the edge of the village.

A surge of evil qi surged behind him, and the oppressive feeling unique to Evil Force pierced his back like thorns. Fu Tianyi had clearly passed through the gates of hell in the abandoned hospital, yet he dared not even look back now.

Fu Xingchuan shook his still bleeding paw and formed crooked words with the strands of blood. Lu Xiaohe cleared her throat and quickly read them out loud.

“The box contains a source of Evil Force corruption, which the Gouluo Army will use as a weapon. After a massacre, it can quickly generate a large number of evil beings in a short period, causing maximum chaos.”

Fu Xingchuan struggled to shake off the dog blood from his paw, and the droplets of blood formed a new line of sentences.

“That person wants to distort the memory of the underground Evil Spirit through their own actions… Ah, so that’s it!”

Midway through reading, Lu Xiaohe took a breath. Seeing someone understand, Fu Xingchuan licked his paw bitterly.

“In the true historical records, starting this morning, all the dogs should have been barking incessantly, attracting a group of people to go up the mountain. With such a phenomenon, the preparations in the village are likely to be temporarily suspended.”

Lu Xiaohe quickly deduced.

“The villagers have weapons and would be vigilant. The Great Celestial Master comes here every year, and the village itself has sufficient defense measures. The mountain village wouldn’t collapse so quickly in the face of the Gouluo Army. The time for the Divine Dog to become an Evil Spirit should have been later.”

By the time the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi arrived, the Evil Spirit had just been born, so it wouldn’t be surprising if it still had a bit of rationality.

But the enemy was rewriting its memory.

Coincidentally, their enemy entered the body of the Divine Dog. That scoundrel not only failed to raise the alarm but also took the opportunity to devour a large amount of the source of Evil Force corruption, attempting to become an Evil Spirit ahead of time.

It was hard to say, now that the memories were twisted, what would happen when the Great Celestial Master arrived.

Would the Divine Dog stand by and watch without rescuing the villagers with whom it lived together day and night? Would it go crazy and start the slaughter itself?

What if it severely injured the Great Celestial Master during its frenzy and was sealed away with hatred?

The personalities and experiences of intelligent beings… or rather, “memory constraints”, accounted for a significant portion. If the memory of this Evil Spirit was rewritten and it suddenly went mad in reality…

What would happen to the Shian Campus? What would everyone do?

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaohe broke into a sweat. She wiped the sweat near her eyelids, which was clearly just a memory, but the salty sweat stung her eyes.

Fu Tianyi, inexperienced as he was, finally grasped the deep meaning behind it all. His face quickly turned bitter.

Things were gradually turning for the worse right in front of them, yet they couldn’t do anything about it.

“Are we just going to stand by and watch?” Lu Xiaohe asked hoarsely, “What if the enemy can control that mad dog?”

“An Evil Spirit is a living calamity!” Fu Tianyi instinctively retorted. “We don’t have anything right now…”

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But as he caught a glimpse of Lu Xiaohe’s gaze, he froze.

Lu Xiaohe was looking at his attire—the clothes of the highest commander of Huajisi, embroidered with runes that emitted a faint glow.

“You, you don’t mean…” Fu Tianyi’s tongue was tied.

[Very good.] Fu Xingchuan waved his paw.

Fu Tianyi looked at Fu Xingchuan in a daze again.

“In the late Gong Dynasty, the court was incompetent and wary of Huajisi. Fu Shangliu and Li Heyan had no interest in vying for power, so they dispersed talented individuals and strangers to various places, preparing to deal with the enemy cultivators. Even in the depths of the mountains, as long as the magical signal is conspicuous enough, it can attract people.”

Lu Xiaohe’s ten fingers twitched slightly, as if she wanted to type on a keyboard.

“The enemy is rewriting the Evil Spirit’s memories, so we might as well join them. Your Fu family has those ancestral distress signals, right? Anyway, this is just a memory, and no one will really die. If the enemy dares to cause trouble, we have to prevent this memory environment from collapsing.”

Fu Tianyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although assessing the situation and allocating resources were the responsibilities of the rear command, he couldn’t help but feel that this woman was even scarier than Dr. Cat—she was half a step of an Evil Spirit!

Regardless of his thoughts, he immediately raised his hand.

He didn’t care what this memory would turn into!

Blood-red fireworks exploded, bursting in the mountain mist in an instant. The blazing spheres of light transformed into flying red birds, soaring in all directions.

The curtain of mountain mist dispersed, revealing a group of silent figures stumbling forward amidst the crimson radiance. From this distance, Fu Tianyi could just make out their blurry shadows.

No way. Was Huajisi of the Gong Dynasty this powerful? His distress signal hadn’t even completely dissipated yet.

The answer came in the form of a surging evil qi—ghosts, demons, and evil spirits—the evil qi flowed like water in the depths of a hundred-foot cold pond, seemingly freezing the surrounding air. Faint children’s laughter echoed from the mist, causing one’s hair to stand on end.

In the dark night, countless contorted figures emerged and retracted from the mist, their intertwined shadows fluctuating in intensity. Unidentifiable, eerie friction sounds emanated from the dirt road, and the number of footsteps was alarming.

A night tour of evils!

With the timing of a leaky roof during a night of continuous rain*, Fu Tianyi felt like crying. This was truly deserving of the “Evil Force” of the Ghost King—before it even fully manifested, the surrounding evil spirits came on a pilgrimage?

*Idiom refers to when one is already in a difficult or challenging situation, additional problems or misfortunes tend to arise, making the situation even worse (AKA when it rains it pours).

He was about to turn around and run when he heard Fu Xingchuan let out a warning bark.

Fu Xingchuan, in his six-legged dog form, kicked his legs furiously, using his weak abilities within the dog’s body to forcibly break the levitation spell, resulting in a crash landing. Seeing the strongest… No, the most reliable combat power falling down, Fu Tianyi’s scalp exploded, and he quickly followed suit.

They landed right in front of the approaching army of evil spirits.

In front of them, a blood-red figure of about three meters in height walked calmly. It was covered in jingling seals and its pale feet were the same color as the mountain mist. Walking behind it was a wobbly-headed doll on the left and a clumsily rolling yellow ball on the right.

“Cultivators, don’t look at me.”

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A familiar voice spoke.

“Cultivators, use your best defensive spells and don’t look at me.”

Lu Xiaohe was the first to become excited. She left behind the two non-science posts who were trying to protect themselves. “Yin Ren, it’s me, Lu Xiaohe! The Evil Spirit is about to be born. Think of a solution quickly—”

“Xiaohe Jie! I’m Ge Tingting, and that Yellow Millet is Huang Jin.”

Behind the Great Celestial Master, the crisp voice of a little girl came from under the hood of the doll.

“This Yin Ren… this Yin Ren is his flesh puppet, Zhong Chengshuo. We couldn’t find Yin Ren!”

Fu Xingchuan’s breathing paused.

A flesh puppet? Flesh puppets couldn’t be brought in, but if that ancient Yin Ren created an evil being… Letting an evil thing have intimate contact with Zhong Chengshuo’s parents wasn’t something this person would likely do.

Recalling Yin Ren’s sudden abandonment of “self-sealing”, Fu Xingchuan suddenly came up with an absurd and particularly terrifying conjecture.

But now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. Fu Xingchuan prostrated himself on the ground, covering his eyes with his two front paws.

[Can you use magic?] He spelled out the blood words wearily.

Ge Tingting looked at the communication device beneath the dog’s ear in shock, but her response wasn’t slow, and she knew who the other was referring to. “No, he can’t do anything.”

Trembling, Fu Xingchuan raised his newly grown paws and covered his limp ears.

[At least we’ve gathered. Let’s do our best.] His mind raced quickly. [First of all…]

Before Fu Xingchuan could finish his “first of all,” he heard the cocoon-like blood-red figure continue walking towards the village. The bells on the person’s feet jingled, as if they hadn’t seen him.

“The flesh puppet has an idea,” Ge Tingting urgently said, grabbing Fu Tianyi. “Minister Fu, come with us!”

Fu Tianyi: “…”

He helplessly looked at the dog.

That dog—Fu Xingchuan—wished he could stuff his paws into his ear canals. “The flesh puppet has an idea.” What kind of talk is this?

After half a second of evading reality, Fu Xingchuan still stood up and called out twice.

[Tianyi and Xiao Lu, gather reinforcements. Use your best defensive techniques in the outside world and slowly press inward. We will go to the center to investigate with these people. Act opportunistically.]

He wanted to see what kind of idea a “flesh puppet” could come up with.


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Shen Mo was quite happy.

Although the black dog’s body suffocated with pain when it witnessed the villagers being slaughtered, and its evil qi showed signs of turmoil, it was merely a subconscious response. Consciousness still belonged to Shen Mo.

This was even better. The more suppressed he felt now, the more thorough his frenzy would be later.

Without hesitation, he swallowed the corruption from the Evil Force. He knew that was what the former Divine Dog had done. Poor Shian, those stupid pigs, were still oblivious to the situation on the other side, giving him the advantage.

His entire body underwent constant transformation. Shen Mo calmly underwent a detachment of perception, leisurely experiencing the deformation and trembling of his body.

Once the Evil Spirit took shape, he would kill the remaining children in the ancestral hall. The protective measures left by the Great Celestial Master were quite formidable. Even as the Evil Spirit took shape nearby, a dozen or so children hidden deep in the ancestral hall were still alive.

Once he killed everyone present, he could deal with the insects of Shian and also test that so-called Great Celestial Master…

Based on the memories obtained from the “Other Side,” that Great Celestial Master didn’t have much wariness towards this dog. He could completely feign weakness, take advantage of his opponent’s unpreparedness, and deliver a fatal blow.

In his memory, the people who mattered were all killed by his own hand. It would certainly eliminate the last trace of rationality in the Evil Spirit of Shian.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful aura came from a certain direction.

The Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi arrived faster than expected… perhaps due to some kind of butterfly effect.

But it didn’t matter.

Shen Mo let out a string of sobs as he commanded the forming Evil Force to sway and deliberately tremble even more intensely. In his distorted vision, the red figure gently stood still.

The Great Celestial Master stood silently in front of him, saying nothing. Shen Mo drew closer, and his sobs grew louder.

That “Zhong Yi” still didn’t say anything and didn’t use any magic. He simply slowly raised his hand and pointed in Shen Mo’s direction.

The little girl accompanying him hesitated for a moment, then raised a short knife and directly stabbed it into the arm of the “Zhong Yi” wrapped in numerous seals. Blood instantly gushed out along the blade, dripping onto the ground.

The blood, carrying a mighty power, seeped into the soil. The next moment, the ground rumbled—

Centered around Shen Mo, a soft radiance instantly dispelled the mountain mist. The pearl-like radiance spread over the ruins, brushing past blood-soaked corpses. The remaining lanterns flickered to life, swaying slightly in the mountain breeze.

Within the cracks in the earth, small but densely packed skeletons wriggled. The blood remnants of the mountain villagers gathered towards those skeletons, forming black-red runes on the surface.

In the darkness, the radiance of those runes grew brighter.

Meanwhile, the Evil Force surrounding Shen Mo began to stagnate. The flowing power turned into cement, becoming extremely difficult to manipulate. Shen Mo looked in astonishment at those runes—

These people quietly arranged the formation with their bodies buried in the soil, but the formation they drew was just a modified giant purification array. Why?

Shen Mo attempted to move his body, but now his body completely refused to obey him. The sense of sorrow and pain in his subconscious eased, causing his transformation to slow down.

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Blood continued to drip from the Great Celestial Master’s wound, supplying the array drop by drop. The purification array continued to operate, forcibly fixing Shen Mo in place.

…But what did it matter?

This Great Celestial Master could only use his own blood as material. It seemed he couldn’t perform any spells.

Could it be that some unlucky science post happened to turn into the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi? Shen Mo looked down at the red figure, and if he had a mouth, he would have shown a cold sneer.

Shian and the others did their utmost but could only trap themselves here. The birth of the Evil Spirit was only slowed down, not stopped.

He didn’t mind dragging it out with these people.

His only fear, the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, was already finished. The destruction of Shian would only be delayed a little compared to the original estimation.

Unfortunately, he didn’t see that under the layers of red fabric, the “Great Celestial Master” revealed a smile.

The distress signal from the Fu family was conspicuous enough, but this massive spell fueled by the blood of the Great Celestial Master had an even stronger presence.

Since Yin Ren didn’t give him a signal, he would become the sender.

“I’m here.”

Zhong Chengshuo silently mouthed the words.


Somewhere in the distance.

Yin Ren ceased his exploration—there was a large “ripple” in a certain direction. It was growing stronger, accompanied by countless intense ripples around it. That area of disturbance was completely different from the tiny ripples of other things, shining brightly like flames in the dark night.

Something had happened.

Yin Ren took a deep breath mentally and kicked Dog Thing with his consciousness.

[It has begun!]

Yin Ren’s thoughts were even filled with excitement.

[…I finally found them!]

The author has something to say:

It’s just a tool for King Yama to set off fireworks (x

Xiao Yin: !!!

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