Evil As Humans

Chapter 169

Chapter 169: Hatred

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In front of everyone, two worlds coexisted simultaneously.

The environment was covered, yet the people remained. The flesh puppet wearing Yin Ren’s shell stood in place, and Fu Xingchuan furrowed his dog face with seriousness. The controlled Evil Spirit was awkwardly floating in mid-air.

In his mind, Huang Jin repeated the tranquility mantra frantically, shifting his gaze to the developing illusion… No, it should be called the “truth” of the past.

In the memories provided by Yin Ren, the black dog hadn’t been suppressed by the large tranquility incantation. Under the influence of corruption, its body rapidly disintegrated and deformed, emitting fractured barks. The previous scene was replayed as fragments of Evil Force scattered from the surrounding mountains and merged into the expanding body of the black dog.

A semi-transparent black membrane quickly grew on its surface, gradually thickening with countless filaments extending towards the sky. Above the mountain village, a massive black-gray vortex gradually appeared in the sky.

The filaments resembled blood vessels, and the vortex resembled a placenta. The immature Evil Spirit enveloped in the membrane was reminiscent of an unborn embryo.

Fu Xingchuan’s face wrinkled more severely. He raised his nose, and most of his sharp teeth were exposed. This sight was extremely familiar, reminding him of the campus within the Archive several months ago.

The scene ahead was similar to the eerie embryo back then.

Soon, the Evil Spirit writhed more intensely, and the layer of black membrane grew increasingly thin. Thread-like vessels connected to the vortex in the sky while the suspiciously viscous mucus dripped towards the ground.

The dripping mucus fell to the ground like raindrops. The Evil Spirit hadn’t fully emerged, yet corruption was already emanating from the membrane.

Accompanied by the splattering of mucus, the nearby members of the Gouluo Army fell in groups. Their flesh rapidly dissolved, accompanied by a hissing sound of corrosion, turning the robust soldiers into hole-ridden skeletons.

From deep within the membrane, the painful howls of a dog could be heard.

Fu Tianyi’s face turned deathly pale. In order to build up layers of protection, Comrade Xiao Fu went all out. It was uncertain whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, but the influence of the “Evil Embryo” was limited.

It trembled violently, desperately trying to shrink its body, fearing to affect the nearby ancestral hall. It seemed to want to regain control, but it couldn’t find a way to do so.

The reality of the past intertwined with the distortion from Sunken Society. The Evil Dog Spirit in memory controlled by the Sunken Society mirrored the reality as two black dogs floated in mid-air, coincidentally pausing at the same stage of birth.

Only, the former was desperately resisting birth, while the latter was desperately trying to be born.

They hung in the night like a pair of decaying eyeballs.

The Evil Spirit was about to be born, so Huang Jin dared not look closely. He suppressed the intense dizziness and fixed his gaze on the piles of corpses on the ground. The fate of the Gouluo Army was a hundred times more miserable than that of the little girl. If the girl turned into mud, they resembled deflated water balloons, leaving only deformed flesh fragments behind.

Huang Jin’s head was splitting with pain, but he couldn’t relax.

At this moment, truth and lies coexisted within the memory.

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He was unsure of the consequences if he were to faint right now. The only thing he knew was that, currently, only this illusion could temporarily halt the birth of the Evil Spirit controlled by the enemy.

But what were the conditions for winning this game?

They were trapped in Schrödinger’s box*, and the box would eventually be opened. There was either truth or lies, life or death—ultimately, only one ending.

*Clarity: Famous for his thought experiment, Schrödinger’s cat illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition whereby a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead while it is unobserved inside a closed box and as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. || In this context, it means that all the events happening now are like the cat. The cat represents both the real and fake memories, and are still sealed and unnoticed, but eventually, once the box is opened, the result will be displayed.

Shian’s combat power was severely lacking, and Yin Ren only provided this memory, but he wasn’t present… Wait, he wasn’t present?

A faint ringing sound came from the fog.

Huang Jin, acting as a projector, couldn’t turn around, but he did his best to let out a joyful cry, “Puffffffff!!!”

Two worlds intersected. If there was an Evil Spirit in the “truth,” then there must be the corresponding Great Celestial Master—

The true Great Celestial Master from a thousand years ago.

Amidst the surging mountain fog, another figure, three meters tall, appeared. Compared to the shell controlled by the flesh puppet, this Great Celestial Master walked with weakness and heaviness. He was enveloped in a nearly uncontrollable Evil Force, instantly chilling the cool night.

Evil beings followed silently behind him.

The mountain village prepared to welcome the arrival of the Great Celestial Master, hanging lanterns and arranging offering plates. However, at this moment, every household had tightly closed doors and windows. Under the influence of the Evil Force, the corpses and offerings quickly decayed, and the sparks burning on the ruins extinguished in the mist, leaving only charred remains.

The remnants of the Gouluo Army, farther away from the Evil Spirit embryo, were attempting to escape. However, as soon as they stepped within ten paces of the red figure, they fell to the ground like limp sacks and quickly perished.

Those snow-white bare feet stepped on the corpses, and the flesh and blood of the bodies turned into brownish soil upon contact with those feet.

The Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi walked step by step. Whenever he passed by a somewhat intact house, he would pause for a moment. The “cocoon”, wrapped in red cloth, leaned forward slightly and thumped against the door.

He was knocking.

Each time he did so, the evil spirits obediently stopped in their tracks and stared at the clumsy figure with their distorted eyes.

Every knock on the door stirred fragments of related memories. They were like water droplets rippling in the illusion, splashing and vanishing in an instant.

There was a puppy engraved on this door.

A hundred years ago.

[Daddy, I want to see the Great Master!] A tender voice asked from behind the door.

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[You can’t, you can’t. The door is protected by the Great Master. It won’t work even if we open it. Meeting the Great Master might harm us.] A mature male voice hurriedly replied. [Great Master, our chickens were killed by a Yellow Skin. Could you help us? We’ll offer you a chicken egg cake as a reward. It’s made by her mother and flavored with honey!]

Several decades ago.

[Mother, there are many strange shadows outside. The Great Master is really scary—] A different voice came from the same door.

[Your grandfather told me that the Great Master is from our village. Everyone knows that he would never harm the people from our village,] a gentle female voice said. [Great Master, a few of our fruit trees have tumors growing on their roots, and they’re withering. Could you help us remove them? We have fresh honeyed treats as an offering. They’re very sweet.]

A few years ago.

[Grandma, Grandma, I have a stomachache. I want the Great Master to help!] A clear child’s voice shouted.

[Is that so? Well, you have to offer something to the Great Master first. When you ask for someone’s help, you need to show gratitude.] A gentle voice of an old woman replied from the other side of the door.

The child pondered and asked, [What does the Great Master want?]

[Hmm, how about you sing a song for me?] the Great Celestial Master answered with a smile.

His voice was weak and weary, as if enduring something.

[Okay! I’ll go out and sing for you!]

[No, you can’t.] The old woman hurriedly dissuaded. [There is a protection on the door by the Great Master. It won’t work if you open it!]


Now, the puppy on the wooden door was splattered with blood, and behind the door, there was only cold silence.

One door, another door. Some with graffiti, others adorned with beautifully written couplets, and some with unique wood patterns…

Silence, silence, still silence.

The blood-red figure’s steps grew heavier.

In the “truth”, the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi eventually stopped before the embryo of the Evil Spirit.

That position was right beside Zhong Chengshuo.

Two identical Great Celestial Masters stood side by side—one with unsteady steps, the other covered in bloodstains.

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Amidst the night and the surrounding ruins, two Evil Spirit embryos floated in the sky while two red figures stood on the ground. The two groups of evil beings stood silently in their respective positions, as if the world itself were mirrored.

The Great Celestial Master in the memory raised his hand, and a black light flashed, hitting the fleeing Gouluo soldiers on the other side. However, even with such a small spell, the surrounding plants withered instantly, and the brownish-yellow soil turned dead black, narrowly avoiding the ancestral hall in its range.

As if sensing his arrival, the unborn Evil Spirit emitted a vague whimper.

“Cough… Cough.”

The Great Celestial Master coughed several times, his voice filled with weakness.

“They say that evil beings have no conscience… Are you trying to protect them, or are you simply unwilling to let go of this place?”

His face was hidden beneath the red cloth, but Huang Jin could sense the profound sorrow within.

The past Yin Ren, no different from the Evil Spirit, was a source of corruption on the move. He remembered this catastrophe so clearly, yet he was powerless… What would it feel like?

The Evil Spirit embryo only emitted intermittent moans, its voice gradually becoming chaotic and fluctuating like murmured dreams. Huang Jin couldn’t understand what it was trying to convey, but he could see that the creature’s sanity was reaching its limits. The semi-transparent black membrane pulsated again, growing turbid.

The Great Celestial Master stood still for a long time amidst the swirling mountain mist—the stench of blood and decay suffocated the air. Several tattered paper lanterns rolled across the muddy ground, tainted with filth and bloodstains.

One brushed against the Great Celestial Master’s bare ankle, instantly corrupted and reduced to dust by the uncontrollable Evil Force.


With little rationality left, the Evil Spirit embryo began to develop once more, and its highly toxic mucus dripped once again.

A sigh escaped the Great Celestial Master, and the red cloth wrapped around him burst open at the same time, blossoming like a red flower.

The red cocoon transformed into red garments, and the dense power of Evil Force spread suddenly. The seals that had been jingling and clattering all flew up, surrounding the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi… No, surrounding Yin Ren with their numbers greatly increasing.

The Yin Ren from a thousand years ago extended his hand, gripping the nearby dagger.

His black hair scattered, his face ghastly pale, and his eyes bloodshot. The once sharp and beautiful features now exuded an eerie aura.

“It seems we share the same desire,” Yin Ren muttered, moving his lips.

“This hatred, I will remember it along with you. We made an agreement… but you’re beyond saving now. I cannot let you witness it.”

Only broken and feeble moans remained from the Evil Spirit embryo.

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“Let us establish a blood oath,” Yin Ren pointed his dagger directly at the Evil Dog Spirit. “And let you rest in peace.”

At the same time, Zhong Chengshuo struggled to free himself from the red cloth, squeezing his arm through the gap and tightly gripping the dagger, pointing it straight ahead. From his posture, he was clumsily imitating Yin Ren.

Huang Jin, who was trying hard to stay awake, muttered, “Ah… so that’s it. The true intelligence of the flesh puppet is finally exposed, huh?”

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Fu Xingchuan leaped forward and grabbed Ge Tingting’s trousers. The latter lowered her head and happened to see the large blood-written words.


Fu Xingchuan’s eyes gleamed.

[Outside, we have Lu Xiaohe, Fu Tianyi, and those from Huajisi. I have experience with Yin Ren’s sealing techniques, and you have the ability to perform spells. The body of the flesh puppet can provide power.]

Ge Tingting’s spirits lifted. “We can become makeshift Great Celestial Masters!”

As long as they followed the illusion and imitated the technique, they could seal the Evil Spirit that Sunken Society was controlling. Without room to maneuver, the enemy would naturally be unable to hinder them.

Upon hearing this understanding, Fu Xingchuan’s claws momentarily stiffened.

[The Great Celestial Master is in poor condition, and the opponent is not a true Evil Spirit. The spell intensity won’t be too strong.] He didn’t question Ge Tingting’s interpretation. [I’ll write, you read, and keep in touch with Lu Xiaohe!]

Meanwhile, the Yin Ren from a thousand years ago raised his dagger. Without hesitation, he slashed his palm, and blood instantly soaked the blade. The flowing blood didn’t drip; instead, it animatedly entwined around the dagger, seeping into its blade.

The Evil Spirit embryo wriggled laboriously for a moment, and the black dog summoned its final moment of clarity, biting its own distorted body.

A thread of black blood pierced through the membrane and wrapped around the short knife.

Countless talismans swiftly flashed on the blade, and the color of the knife gradually changed from bluish-gray to crimson. Moonlight mingled with the glow of fire, and countless dazzling streams of light flowed across the blade.

Yin Ren lowered his head and tightly gripped the knife handle.

“The blood oath is complete,” he said silently.

“Have a good dream.”

The last trace of transparency disappeared from the membrane on the surface of the Evil Spirit’s body.

Kinky Thoughts:

For those who forgot… This is why Qi Xin calls the Evil Spirit a “stillborn”. Ah… I love how Nian Zhong can connect those details so seamlessly.

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