Evil As Humans

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: Black Rabbit

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Yin Ren lay helplessly in the void.

After sending away Dog Thing, the emptiness around him became unusually pure. Apart from the overwhelming ripples, there was no perception of color, not even the sensation of “darkness”. In a daze, Yin Ren wasn’t entirely sure if he was still alive—perhaps he was already dead and this was the world after death, and everything before was just a dream he had imagined.

Whenever this happened, a dangerous mist would pervade his mind. Yin Ren’s thoughts became hazy, fragmented, almost on the verge of shattering in the void.

But whenever thoughts of “dreams” surfaced, Lord Ghost King would mentally flip over and quickly regain clarity. Yin Ren was certain that the personality and physique described by Zhong Chengshuo were beyond his limited imagination.

He made an effort to gather his mind, striving to sense the ripples outside.

Yin Ren personally provided the clues to the past. Considering Shian’s modus operandi, they would surely first follow his memories, and the entire team would proceed with the “Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi” in the illusion.

Within the Shian sub-team, the Great Celestial Master’s ripple was conspicuous. Yin Ren could determine his position in the world of memories based on the movement of the ripple. Then all he needed to do was find a way to leave a clue, and Zhong Chengshuo would surely notice something.

Yin Ren’s thinking became agile, and he remembered Zhong Chengshuo’s serious face, making even despair a difficult thing to comprehend.

Lord Ghost King calmly closed his eyes and began to carefully deduce in his mind.

A thousand years ago, after the destruction of Yin Village, he had immediately proceeded towards the Valley of Remains… the Valley of Remains…

Just as Yin Ren had surmised, the edge of the massive “ripple” slid through the void. It entangled with the five smaller ripples around it, advancing neither fast nor slow, resembling a walking procession.

It was a bit strange.

The Shian group should be following the memories and heading to the Valley of Remains. Yet, that ripple approached steadily, step by step, moving in his direction.

Could it be that he and the Valley of Remains were in a straight line?

Or was it possible that he was already within the Valley of Remains?

Impossible. Yin Ren racked his brains. He had lived in the Valley of Remains for hundreds of years. Counting even the number of withered trees, there had never been anything like… creatures, evil spirits, or even space that he couldn’t control.

The development of the situation became increasingly strange, and there couldn’t be so many coincidences in the world. Despite not having a physical body, Yin Ren still felt a shudder run down his back.

He had a faint premonition that this “memory exploration” might reveal more than just clues to the Divine Descent.


“According to the records in <The Book of Exorcism>, the Valley of Remains is situated among the mountains and is one of the severely corrupted areas from the Divine Descent a thousand years ago. Even evil beings rarely approach that place. Its exact location is unknown, and besides the brief mention in <The Book of Exorcism>, there are no other documents that mention it.”

Lu Xiaohe pressed her temple with difficulty.

“I remember too.” To avoid the spirit weapon malfunctioning or a dog’s bark suddenly sounding, Fu Xingchuan spoke with utmost brevity.

The Valley of Remains was indeed a suitable place for the former Great Celestial Master to relax, seeking a location devoid of human presence. According to the legends, the valley was inhabited mainly by deformed monsters and skeletal remains, with hardly any green vegetation.

However, for modern people, the names mentioned in <The Book of Exorcism> were as elusive as those in the <Classic of Mountains and Seas*>. It was difficult to determine whether they were legends or real places. Now, other than following the illusion, the group had no other choice.

*Chinese classic text and a compilation of mythic geography and beasts.

Yin Ren’s illusion had stopped not long ago.

They were in a relatively flat clearing in the mountains. The location was secluded, surrounded by mountains, yet the path was gentle and easy to traverse. Inside, everything was complete despite the small size. A waterfall shimmered like silver threads, and the river water was so clear that it seemed nonexistent. Fat, content fish swam within.

On the fertile land, the grass was lush and dense. The surrounding trees exhibited shades of gold and red, and ripe, sweet fruits swayed gently on the branches. Birds occasionally hopped onto the branches, pecking at the red fruits. In the underbrush, plump wild rabbits chewed on fresh grass and their necks were so fat they were barely visible.

The Great Celestial Master stopped at the edge of this heavenly place. Magical radiance shimmered, causing a few withered trees nearby to fall, and countless dry straws floated in perfect order. The trees split themselves into smooth planks and beams, and the dry straws combined with good mud to form a sturdy thatched cottage that emerged from the ground.

After completing all this, the originally swaying red cocoon nearly toppled, and labored breaths could be heard from beneath the red cloth.

Under his feet, the once lush green grass rapidly withered and decayed, leaving only a black patch. The Great Celestial Master quickly took a few steps back, fearing to destroy this hard-won paradise.

“You stay here and watch over these children,” Yin Ren instructed the two humanoid evil spirits. “If there’s any danger approaching, you know how to hide them.”

After speaking, he pondered for a moment and then summoned the “Big-Headed Dolls” that had been following him all along.

The children of various heights stood at a distance, wearing dirty hoods and clutching partially drawn talismans in their hands. Among them was Ge Tingting, still using the shell she had taken, and a girl surnamed Lu, hugging several wild fruits with her hands covered in dirty fruit juice.

These children were in the age of mischief, but at this moment, they were calm and quiet, as if sensing something.

“I need to practice alone in advance, and I don’t have time to teach you anymore. I’ve previously taught Mazi the protective spells in the vicinity, and he will teach you how to come and go. Mazi is quick-witted, so listen to him more in the future.”

Yin Ren pointed to the tallest one among the row of children and deliberately lowered his voice.

“The Gouluo Army has reached this place, and it’s chaotic outside. Don’t wander around anymore; just stay here and take care of the younger generation from the Yin Village. I will summon more evil spirits to help… You have all learned a bit from me, so you should be able to get along well with them. Wait a couple of years until the troubled times settle down. It won’t be too late for you to go out.”

The children remained silent.

Yin Ren didn’t say anything more; he just patiently waited. After a long while, the sound of sobbing came from under those hoods.

“You’re not coming back, are you?” The tallest, hooded youth approached; his voice hoarse. “You used to agree on meeting times… You’re not coming back anymore, are you?”

“Young one, is that how you speak at such a young age? I’m just a bit exhausted and need to rest more.” The Great Celestial Master’s tone was relaxed, and his weakness was nowhere to be heard in his words. “Mazi, you have to take care of yourself…”

“My talent is not good, don’t you understand?” Under the peeling and dilapidated terrifying hood, Mazi’s voice grew even hoarser. “I can’t take care of so many people. I won’t do it! You calculated it; I can only be with you for three more months. In half a month, it will be time. You promised to send me back to my hometown!”

The two were just a dozen steps apart, not far, yet it felt like an insurmountable chasm.

The boy’s body trembled with excitement and fear, but as he took a few steps forward, he firmly held his ground. In that position, he could block the other children who might rush forward from behind.

“Well, I’ve changed my mind.” Yin Ren turned toward the ethereal place that resembled a paradise, still maintaining a relaxed tone.

His attitude was casual, as if this were just an ordinary farewell.

Or perhaps, for Yin Ren, this was indeed an ordinary farewell. Zhong Chengshuo stood nearby in silence, staring fixedly at everything that belonged to the past.

The Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, an evil who had once concealed his identity, had distanced himself from the mortal world, walking among humans for over three hundred years, and only these children could briefly stay by his side… Months compared to hundreds of years, were nothing but fleeting moments.

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Yin Ren was probably accustomed to such farewells a long time ago.

It was evident that Yin Ren was always kind to those children. But when it came to parting ways, he was just as decisive. Yin Ren’s emotions weren’t high, but he was definitely not feigning calmness. He bid farewell to everyone with regret, as if it had become a routine for him.

Zhong Chengshuo gazed at the figure in the autumn paradise, remembering the times when Yin Ren had embraced him and slept soundly. For Zhong Chengshuo, could he also be a relatively long “companion”?

As soon as this thought arose, Zhong Chengshuo quickly shook his head, trying to shake off the thought, as if it were a piece of chewing gum stuck to his hair—since he learned to savor fear, it would come up with new variations every day, both fresh and troublesome.

Zhong Chengshuo gathered his thoughts and once again focused his attention on the illusion.

A few steps away, Fu Xingchuan stared at the “flesh puppet” with a pair of puzzled eyes. He couldn’t help but tilt his head slightly, clearly unable to make sense of the flesh puppet’s behavior.

In the illusion, Yin Ren concluded his plain farewell. He stepped onto a darker and more rugged mountain path, preparing to leave alone. With each step he took, the bells on Yin Ran’s ankle jingled once again.

“…Alright, I understand, I understand!”

The young “Mazi” tightened his fist gradually.

“Since you’re not keeping your word and don’t plan to send me back home, is it unreasonable for me to make a request?”

The bell abruptly stopped ringing, and Yin Ren halted his footsteps, nodding.

“Give me a name.”

Mazi said.

“In our village, it’s the custom to let the elders give a proper name when you’re ready to settle down. Here… there are no elders anymore.”

The Great Celestial Master pondered for a moment. “Alright, then you shall be called Yin…”

“Don’t use ‘Yin’ as the surname!” Mazi vehemently objected, almost pouting in frustration. “All those kids outside have the surname Yin, but I’m not related to them!”

This time, Yin Ren fell silent for a long time.

“I was born nameless and without a surname. Yin Village is my homeland. The people of Yin Village like to call me the ‘Yiren*’. When the Huajisi rose, the Emperor bestowed upon me the name ‘Zhong Yi’. According to common practice, my surname should be Yin.”

*Clarity: The people of the Yin village call Yin Ren [Yiren] (异人) which translated would be “foreigner”. Basically, they are addressing him as the Great Foreigner (Master), as he doesn’t reside in the village and is from a different area. I decided to forgo the Foreigner and just put Master as it sounded a bit weird, given the time period.

For the first time, a hint of regret could be heard in his tone—rarely present but felt like grains of sand mixed in soft silk.

“Since you mortals like the Emperor, how about this? Mazi, from now on, you shall be called Zhong… Zhong Mazi.”

Mazi: “…” His breath stopped for a moment.

Mazi: “Zhong Ma is better.”

The slight melancholy of the Great Celestial Master disappeared in an instant, and he awkwardly cleared his throat. “Oh, then it’s Zhong Ma. Zhong Ma sounds good.”

With this interlude, even the most suppressed atmosphere was broken, and the children started giggling again. Amidst the scattered laughter, Yin Ren resumed his stride and walked towards the dark shadows of the mountains.

Without the army of evil beings following by his side, without the children walking in the distance, Yin Ren was left alone with Yellow Millet.

Not far away, the cultivator from the Gouluo Army emerged from the rocks. He looked around in confusion, unable to find any flaw in the hiding place for the children, concealed by powerful illusions.

Only the figure of the Great Celestial Master advancing alone seemed real. That cocoon-like figure appeared comical up close, but from a distance, it resembled a wound on the mountains.

The cultivator clearly didn’t care about those insignificant little kids with no value. He hesitated for less than half a minute before continuing to follow Yin Ren’s figure.

With no children to worry about, Yin Ren decisively mounted Yellow Millet. However, for some reason, whether due to weakness or something else, his pace was astonishingly slow. Fortunately that was the case or Shian would probably fall behind—Fu Tianyi could only manage on his own, and even Ge Tingting had to help cast the levitation spell, barely keeping everyone airborne.

“This is far enough.”

As day and night interchanged, they arrived near the center of the desolate mountains at dusk.

Yin Ren slid down from Yellow Millet and patted its round eyeball. In the enveloping glow of the evening sun, Yellow Millet turned into a bright scarlet color.

“Puff?” It made a puzzled sound.

“Find a place to rest well. There are plenty of evil creatures nearby, enough for you to eat for hundreds of years,” Yin Ren stroked Yellow Millet’s smooth and soft skin. “I have to continue on the journey by myself.”

“Puff…” Yellow Millet’s voice became softer.

“Well, I really just need to heal my injuries. But it will take a long time, so you don’t have to wait for me.” Yin Ren traced a complex series of runes on its surface as he spoke in a voice as light as a dream. “Our spirit contract ends here.”

Having completed the ritual, Yin Ren slowly removed the seal from his body.

The crimson-clad Yin Ren stood in front of Yellow Millet, looking pale to the point of being terrifying, with blood seeping into his red eyes and white sclera. The tips of his long black hair almost reached the ground. As soon as the seal was released, the silver bell on his ankle instantly decayed, and the land a few steps away turned an ominous black-gray color.

Yin Ren’s red robes fluttered, and both the apple and the Evil Fruit floated beside him. The apple was wrapped in numerous sealing runes, unharmed and safe. Under the evening sun, the Evil Fruit appeared even more vibrant and beautiful, with both exuding an enticing red color.

The surrounding Evil Force immediately surged, causing even Yellow Millet to instinctively take a few steps back.

“You see, at this point, you can’t stay by my side for much longer,” Yin Ren coughed twice and continued in a friendly tone, “Go, Yellow Millet.”

The red ball didn’t budge.

Yin Ren sighed and gave it a not-so-light pat on the head before turning around and moving forward.

He was completely alone.

Yellow Millet didn’t chase after him, nor did it leave. It stood still, its pupils fixed on Yin Ren’s figure. It only made a low “puff” sound after that figure completely disappeared.

Previously, the members of Shian’s group would occasionally discuss the contents of the illusion, but now, everyone fell silent. Even someone as slow as Zhong Chengshuo could perceive Yin Ren’s farewell.

They watched Yin Ren walk towards the legendary Valley of Remains—

Upon arrival, without any need for explanation, anyone could see the origin of the name “Valley of Remains”.

The land was desolate and filled with poisonous weeds, with only deformed creatures and reptiles occasionally passing by. There were no tall trees on the ground, only broken and blackened animal and bird bones. Not far away, two cliffs crossed like poisonous fangs, with a vast abyss below.

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On the tip of one of the “fangs,” a rudimentary hut could be seen.

Yin Ren walked step by step towards that hut, holding the apple and Evil Fruit in his hands, their ambiguous radiance flickering in the shadows. Before long, his figure was swallowed by the doorway of the hut, completely disappearing from everyone’s sight.

The Gouluo Army cultivator who followed Yin Ren finally stopped in his tracks.

Even a “half-step Charon” wouldn’t dare to recklessly challenge this land. The person stood at the edge of the Valley of Remains, picked up a handful of soil from the ground, and carefully sniffed it.

On the gaunt face, the pair of eyes moved around. Finally, the cultivator captured a mechanical bird and started writing a letter on the spot.

Lu Xiaohe, Fu Xingchuan, and Fu Tianyi immediately gathered around, and Ge Tingting, curious about the commotion, approached as well.

Then she saw a myriad of strange characters that resembled tadpoles filling her vision.

Ge Tingting didn’t understand and asked, “What does this mean?”

“Gouluo script.” Lu Xiaohe cleared her throat awkwardly. “Actually, I don’t recognize it either… There are no records about this valley.” As a neuroscientist, this kind of thing was beyond her expertise.

“He is asking the Gouluo Army to choose a new route and come this way,” Fu Tianyi said with a strained tone. “Coincidentally, the Gouluo Army plans to station 150,000 troops in the mountains, so they will be passing through here regardless. He wants to use the aura of tens of thousands of soldiers and weapons to break through the evil and seize the Evil Fruit that commands ten thousand ghosts…”

Ge Tingting’s expression changed. “What should we do then?”

They had followed the illusion’s example and barely sealed an unborn Evil Spirit. But if they had to withstand 150,000 living people, that was a different story.

“It’s okay. We didn’t produce the Evil Fruit. Even if that cultivator is alive, he won’t attract the army… I think,” Fu Tianyi said uncertainty, his peripheral vision glancing at the flesh puppet wearing the body of the Great Celestial Master.

“In that case, won’t we distort Yin Ren’s memories? These memories must be important to him,” Ge Tingting expressed her concerns.

“Yin Ren is different from that Evil Spirit. As someone who entered together and is aware of the situation, woof, he was mentally prepared from the beginning and would never consider the changes as ‘real’,” Fu Xingchuan explained at length. The spirit weapon indeed had a slight malfunction.

“It’s like watching a horror movie. It’s different from experiencing a real-life terrifying event, woof.”

Ge Tingting let out a difficult grunt, not sure if she understood or not. “So, you mean we just need to investigate as quickly as possible?”

She turned to Lu Xiaohe, only to find that Lu Xiaohe had already gone to the edge of the Valley of Remains, attempting to absorb all the surrounding features into her mind. After all, there weren’t many places so heavily corrupted by Evil Force after a thousand years.

When they left this place and managed to find it again, who knew how many new discoveries they would make.

Seeing the senior researcher working so diligently, Ge Tingting also shifted her gaze and made an effort to observe the surrounding topography. The valley was like a scar on the earth, unimaginably deep. They and Yin Ren’s house were both on the eastern side of the valley, and the ground on the western side of the valley was noticeably sunken, with different elevations on both sides.

A magnificent and peculiar sight. In contrast to the variations in the terrain, Yin Ren’s small house appeared extremely tiny, like a small piece of gravel.

“Weird, this valley is really deep,” Ge Tingting muttered. Her gaze was captivated by the immense abyss that seemed bottomless. “How is it possible that no one has discovered this place with such unique characteristics?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhong Chengshuo approached. “What did you say?”

The flesh puppet suddenly asked, startling Ge Tingting. “I-I said that the valley is very deep…”

She instinctively reached out her hand and pointed to the spectacular valley.

“You’re right. With this kind of topography, there must be traces even after a thousand years. After we get out of here, we can have the scientists search for it using satellites,” Fu Tianyi said, stroking his beard. His eyes were also fixed on the valley.

Fu Xingchuan raised his head and his tail hung down discontentedly. “Have you learned the sealing spell to seal Evil Spirits? We’ll need it for further exploration.”

Fu Tianyi instantly let go of his ancestor’s beard and hurried away, looking dejected.

Fu Xingchuan then turned to Zhong Chengshuo and asked, “Do you have any other questions?”

“That is a valley,” Zhong Chengshuo repeated in a flat tone.

“Yes, it is a valley,” Fu Xingchuan said. “Although valleys usually aren’t that deep.”

Zhong Chengshuo nodded and turned his body towards the direction of the “valley”.

Lu Xiaohe, Fu Xingchuan, Fu Tianyi, and Ge Tingting—four individuals that had different abilities, including both science and non-science backgrounds. To them, it was simply a valley… a massive, bottomless valley.

But in his eyes, no, more precisely, in Yin Ren’s eyes from a thousand years ago, it wasn’t the case.

Through the red cloth, Zhong Chengshuo saw a pitch-black expanse.

Yin Ren’s house was built on a slightly elevated position, while on the other side, there was an endless black liquid. To be precise, it was a “lake” of darkness surrounded by even more distant mountains.

From his current perspective, the Valley of Remains had a semi-white “beach”, and Yin Ren’s residence was located at the edge of the beach, near the end of the slightly elevated cliff. The cliff was only three to four meters high, separating it from the calm, waveless, dark lake. It lay silently there, as vast as the sea, with no end in sight.

It was a deep, abyss-like black that absorbed all light.

Beautiful yet terrifying.

Its existence was so vivid and striking, yet the faces of the people in Shian showed no astonishment as they glanced at it. What they called a valley was perhaps only a portion covered by the black lake, Zhong Chengshuo thought to himself.

They couldn’t see it—not even a faint illusionary shadow.

Zhong Chengshuo stood there for a long time, and suddenly, he lifted his foot and stepped towards the interior of the Valley of Remains.

“Hey!” Fu Xingchuan was the first to notice the abnormality of the flesh puppet. “Come back!”

Zhong Chengshuo paid no attention, advancing as if enchanted, ignoring the calls of the Shian group. He knew that as long as he waited a little longer, Shian and the others would be able to enter through the sealing spell. He just needed to patiently wait for a few hours—maybe a day or two. When the time came, he could follow them in without attracting anyone’s attention.

But he didn’t want to wait any longer.

There was something he needed to confirm.


Yin Ren’s small house was dilapidated on the outside but surprisingly neat on the inside—excluding the layers of sealing runes covering the furniture, it could be considered cozy.

The house wasn’t large, with one side filled with various books. Wooden shelves were adorned with all sorts of trinkets, from clay figurines to cloth tigers, all of which had a consistent style, indicating they were offerings collected from the Yin Village. Two pieces of well-treated animal fur hung on the wall, likely leftovers from eaten rabbits.

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The soft fur exuded a faint black hue, quietly hanging from the end of a rope.

On the other side, there was a simple wooden bed and a wooden table. The bed was cushioned with clean straw and patched bedding, resembling an ordinary rural household.

Despite the external decay and desolation, lacking the aura of the mortal world, the interior of the house was permeated with the pleasant scent of wood and hay. The apple and Evil Fruit were placed side by side on the wooden table, with the spell on the apple still operating diligently.

The fragrance and bright red color of the fruit added a touch of liveliness to the space.

The sun hadn’t completely set, but an oil lamp had already been lit on the side of the wooden table next to the wooden bed, preparing for the evening. The dim yellow light mixed with the dark red sunset glow, and there was a scent of blood in the air.

Yin Ren lay on the simple bedding, groaning. He no longer suppressed the Evil Force around him.

Zhong Chengshuo stood before this illusion and, just like before, unraveled the obstructing cocoon, attempting to reach out his hand towards the illusion. A strand of Yin Ren’s black hair scattered in front of him, appearing incredibly soft, and he still remembered the sensation.

But his fingers passed through the scattered strands of hair.

The seemingly realistic illusion was just an illusion, after all.

Yin Ren from a thousand years ago curled up tightly, wrapping himself in the blanket, his breathing fragmented and rapid. With a few coughs, a faint hint of blood mingled with the fragrance of the room. Zhong Chengshuo withdrew his hand and sat silently at the edge of the bed. After a few seconds, he lowered his head, and Yin Ren’s black hair slid down his body with the tips disappearing into the straw.

They were only a fist’s distance apart.


Across the blanket, Zhong Chengshuo softly spoke.

He sat by the bed for a full half-hour, until the sunset completely sank below the horizon.

In the end, Zhong Chengshuo seemed to make a decision. He took a deep breath, and with the faint jingling of the bells on his ankles, he walked outside.

Not far from the small house was the edge of the cliff—a tiny spot. The dense darkness slumbered below the cliff, and the edge was unusually smooth, resembling a modeling error.

Zhong Chengshuo stood at the edge of the cliff, overlooking the darkness.

Night fell, and the sky gradually darkened. The sky was covered with dark clouds, obscuring the stars. Soon, murky raindrops began to fall, passing directly through Zhong Chengshuo’s body and landing on the black-gray barren soil.

Before long, the illusion had indeed changed. Amidst the continuous drizzle, a small creature fluttered along the edge of the cliff, cautiously climbing up. At first glance, it was a blackish lump, about the size of two fists.

But upon closer inspection, it was difficult to determine what it was.

By its features, it might be a black rabbit.

Two long ears, a pair of eyes, a nose exposed to the air, and a mouth divided into three lobes.

Soft fur, four soft legs, and a curled-up tail.

…But they were completely scattered and disorganized on the surface of its body. The sizes, directions, and positions were all wrong, showing no discernible anatomical structure. It wriggled on the ground, making it difficult to tell if it was twitching or moving forward, resembling some kind of mutated sea cucumber.

It clumsily attempted to move towards the house where Yin Ren was located with movements equally erratic. Compared to this creature, even ordinary evil spirits appeared vibrant and attractive.

When the deformed rabbit wriggled to his feet, Zhong Chengshuo lowered his gaze.

It couldn’t be seen with the naked eye, but he knew it clearly. Behind the rabbit, there was a thin, thread-like “umbilical cord”. It hid in the crevices of the rocks scattered across the cliff, leading to the boundless darkness below.


The deformed rabbit brushed against the surface of the rocks, emitting a chilling scraping sound.

Desolate wasteland, a lonely little house. The nightmarish “evil thing” crawled out of the black lake, trying hard to mimic a “cute and harmless” appearance, just like the bait on top of an angler fish’s head, strikingly obvious.

“So, this is how I look through the eyes of humans,” he said, enunciating each word while looking at the poorly formed rabbit.

“At that time, I thought I had disguised myself perfectly.”


In the void, Yin Ren thrashed about in madness.

The conspicuous ripple was right beside him, unbelievably close. To be honest, the proximity was a bit absurd—he had never encountered ripples this close before. Yin Ren thought that those ripples couldn’t physically be that near him.

The ripple belonged to his own body—so close that it almost stuck to him!

Zhong Chengshuo and the others were here!

Time was of the essence, and Yin Ren was desperate. He needed to find a way to connect with the outside world and let everyone know that he was right here.

But at this moment, he was like a vegetable, with only his consciousness remaining and unable to control his body at all. Yin Ren gritted his teeth, forcing himself to think.

Dog Thing could be successfully thrown out.

So, if he separated a small portion of his consciousness… just like controlling a doppelgänger, only separating a tiny bit. Would it be possible to successfully throw it out too?

Even if he could separate a bit of consciousness, it wouldn’t be an independent mind. It couldn’t possess a body normally, like Dog Thing, nor could it stray too far from the main body. But as long as it could temporarily leave his body and initiate a suitable illusion, it would definitely catch Zhong Chengshuo’s attention.

Yin Ren’s non-existent heart pounded incessantly as he cheered within his own mind. However, as an experienced Ghost King, he quickly regained his composure.

…He had to choose a specific illusion as a signal.

If he just created some random and messy appearance, it might not only fail to seek help but also raise suspicion from Shian. He needed to select something unique, an image that could prove his identity.

A modern version of himself? No, Sunken Society would surely have records of that.

The image of himself wearing pajamas and a nightcap? No, that would obviously be for Zhong Chengshuo to recognize. The “flesh puppet” shouldn’t have that level of independent thinking ability.

Yin Ren frantically searched through his memories, and, after a few seconds, he joyfully discovered it. There was indeed such an image that could prove his own existence without being too overt—

That strange and peculiar rabbit. It always appeared whenever he returned to his dwelling. Shian would surely follow it to his little house, making it the perfect distraction to attract attention.

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Yin Ren focused his mind and began the incantation.

“See me.”

He subconsciously repeated the words in his mind.

“See me, find me, help me escape…”

Before he could finish the word “escape”, Yin Ren suddenly realized something. His thoughts froze for a moment. If Yin Ren had a face at this moment, the only expression on it would be “disbelief”.

There was a peculiar sense of familiarity with everything before his eyes.

It was a rare proximity in the ripple, so he urgently sent out a projection, hoping to catch the other’s attention and find a way to escape this void of despair.

He also needed to select a harmless image that would draw attention—

See me, find me, help me escape this void. I don’t want to continue “existing” like this.

And you are the first and only “ripple” in this world that is so close to me.

Can you see me?

In his memories, the twisted and deformed rabbit gazed quietly at Yin Ren. Its mismatched eyes were pitch black, like a lightless abyss.

Both unfamiliar and familiar.

“Did you also think the same way back then?”

“Could it be that you are…”

The crimson apple once lay on his wooden table, its skin shining brightly and emitting a sweet fragrance. A thousand years later, the apple on their dining table gradually merged with it.

The crimson fruit, the lightless black eyes. Zhong Chengshuo, wearing a rabbit mask, quietly passed through the night and stood in his most vivid memory.

A terrifying suspicion emerged from Yin Ren’s mind. Perhaps it was all his imagination, but… no, it couldn’t be. He had to wait until the end, until the very end to confirm.

In a boundless state of confusion and astonishment, Yin Ren almost unconsciously activated his magic.

On the cliff.

The deformed black rabbit continued to wriggle near Zhong Chengshuo, searching for the entrance to the house. After a while of fruitless searching, the creature seemed discouraged, freezing in the most prominent spot on the cliff, its four legs pointing in different directions.

At the same time, the Yin Ren from a thousand years ago heard a sound. He too, stepped out and stopped just one step away from Zhong Chengshuo, watching the illusory black rabbit kicking its legs in frustration.

“It’s you again.” Yin Ren swayed forward and cast several sealing spells on himself before approaching.

The black rabbit stopped its hopping and immediately wriggled with great effort, moving towards Yin Ren.

“Just wait a moment, I…”

Before Yin Ren could finish his sentence, both he and the rabbit vanished abruptly from the spot, disappearing as if a plug had been pulled from a television.

Zhong Chengshuo knew that the illusion had ended—it was now nighttime, and Huang Jin would need to rest. Without Yin Ren as the power source, the remaining people couldn’t sustain the magic for long.

The small house was now devoid of light, and the apple and Evil Fruit vanished from the table. The sky remained covered in dark clouds, ready to rain at any moment. Without Yin Ren’s illusion, the place became terrifyingly silent, as if everyone had gone deaf.

However, the pitch-black ocean didn’t disappear with the illusion. It still lay there, motionless. The sky was filled with rolling black clouds, and the ground was enveloped in boundless darkness. The scene before them could only be described as surreal.

Zhong Chengshuo simply sat cross-legged in place, looking at the lightless “ocean” below the cliff, his face devoid of expression.

Shian’s investigation would continue, and Huang Jin would continue to use illusions. Zhong Chengshuo would wait here, making sure not to miss a single moment.

…To ensure that his speculation was indeed true.

And at that moment, at the edge of the cliff, another “rabbit” appeared.

It was the same as before—a deformed black rabbit with jumbled limbs and facial features. It stood still on the edge of the cliff, just one step away from falling into the dark “ocean.” Unlike the other rabbit that crawled around chaotically, this one simply stood there with its round eyes fixed on the outside world.

As if waiting for someone.

Zhong Chengshuo raised his gaze, his long hair gently swaying in the mountain breeze. The hem of his red robe brushed against the dry soil and rocks, appearing even darker in the night.

Another illusion, but not from Yellow Millet. Only one person in this world would know this image, so it could only be from one person.

It was an illusion sent by Yin Ren.

After pausing for a moment in place, the rabbit seemed to adjust to the outside world and slowly approached with difficulty. Eventually, it tentatively stopped in front of Zhong Chengshuo.

Zhong Chengshuo reached out his hand, and for the first time, his hand trembled slightly.

The peculiar rabbit closed its eyes and tilted its body slightly, pressing part of its form against Zhong Chengshuo’s palm. Unfortunately, the illusion had no tactile sensation, and the eerie furball simply passed through his hand.

In the next moment, its image gradually faded and dissolved into the air.

The rumbling sound came from the dark clouds, and raindrops broke through the damp air, pitter-pattering onto the dusty ground. It was actually raining in the world of memories. Zhong Chengshuo’s hair was wet, but he remained seated in place, unmoving.

“I found you.”

Zhong Chengshuo spoke softly, and a smile gradually appeared on his expressionless face.

“I know where you are, Yin Ren.”

The author has something to say:

Xiao Zhong: This move, this move is a classic re-enactment.

Kinky Thoughts:

Oh, they’re in each other’s bodies. I thought Zhong Chengshuo was going to be the apple.

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