Evil As Humans

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: The Burning of the Books

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“This isn’t the real past, so it should be fine, right?” Ge Tingting nervously asked.

Everything that should have ended suddenly had no visible end in sight. Amidst the lively atmosphere of Huajisi, she could almost hear the sound of fear quietly surging. With the realization that this “world” was still functioning, Fu Xingchuan, who had become a prominent figure, grew significantly quieter. Ge Tingting had a foreboding feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

“I don’t know.”

Fu Xingchuan admitted decisively.

“But we must ensure that things progress on the right track, and no one can say for certain whether this ‘memory world’ will in turn affect Yin Ren and the Evil Spirit.”

“Well… Second Uncle’s right. We’d better not take any risks,” Fu Tianyi concurred with a worried expression.

He no longer wanted to go on missions with Unit 9 of the Haigu branch. After two consecutive unfortunate encounters with these cursed phenomena, his spirit felt as if it had aged twenty years. He hadn’t seen much of Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, but the streak of bad luck seemed endless.

“Hmph.” Huang Jin scoffed.

As a major laborer in this mission, he couldn’t be bothered to be polite anymore. “What do you mean ‘not taking risks’? Now the Great Celestial Master and the Evil Spirit are buried underground, no one knows what happened afterward in that era. How can we ensure we’re on the ‘right track’?”

Despite being a wild spirit smith by origin, Huang Jin had a certain understanding of metaphysics history.

During the waning days of the Gong Dynasty, the Gouluo Army invaded and advanced all the way to the capital. After a decade of chaos, a grassroots-born divine general emerged, ultimately donning the yellow robe and establishing a new dynasty.

The last emperor of the Gong Dynasty didn’t trust Huajisi, and the capital was tormented by the Gouluo Army. It was said that a significant portion of Huajisi’s records were lost, and a considerable number of precious books were taken by the Gouluo people. It was only through the sacrifice of cultivators and scholars of that time that the core records were preserved. Afterwards, Huajisi followed the new emperor and established its headquarters in the new capital, ushering in another wave of prosperity.

What Huajisi had experienced during that time left behind significant gaps in history. Even the biographies of Fu Shangliu and Li Heyan, the two leaders, weren’t particularly detailed.

“We have some stories handed down in our family,” Fu Tianyi hurriedly interjected. “Fu Shangliu had a gentle temperament, moderate strength, and a fair-minded person. A very traditional Fu family descendant.”

“Li Heyan was his good friend, a well-known talented woman during the late Gong Dynasty. She made significant contributions in both science and literature, but she had a strict character and was a bit arrogant.”

“Are there no specific event records?” Lu Xiaohe asked, rubbing her temples feeling a headache.

If they didn’t handle things in accordance with the personalities of those in Huajisi, it would be uncertain whether the people of Huajisi would accept it. Moreover, they were unaware of the rules of Huajisi in this era, and a slight mistake could lead to loopholes.

Fu Tianyi shook his head. “No… Fu Shangliu is the grandfather of our ancestor, and even our ancestor is not clear about what happened back then.”

Fu Xingchuan looked irritably at the tips of his claws. This would have been the perfect time to contact Professor Li for help, but unfortunately, they were completely cut off from the outside world.

The two leaders of Huajisi had only received information, without even receiving a royal decree. The Emperor made it clear this time that he wanted to sideline Huajisi, but if the royal cultivators were to break that seal, who knew what might be unleashed—

Unknown shadows more powerful than the Evil Spirit, the still-living Great Celestial Master, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died in vain. By directly uncovering this chaotic mess, it was evident that the Emperor felt that the downfall of the country hadn’t been satisfying enough.

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Meanwhile, Lu Xiaohe paced back and forth within the vast halls of Huajisi, repeatedly reviewing the letters received by Li Heyan.

The atmosphere in Huajisi was also a bit strange. Despite the liveliness, various shades of worry could be seen on people’s faces. From time to time, someone would pause in front of the statue of Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, gaze at it for a while, and sigh quietly.

The offering plate in front of the statue of Zhong Yi had become significantly fuller since Lu Xiaohe had arrived. Among the offerings were many small pieces of candied fruit, clearly added by the members of this place.

They didn’t yet know that Zhong Yi had already perished deep within the mountain cliffs.

However, they did know that “Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi had annihilated the 150,000 Gouluo Army”, and they could more or less guess what the Emperor intended to do.

Huajisi was founded by Fu Liu, a disciple of Zhong Yi. The first group of core members were all abandoned orphans picked up by Zhong Yi. For so many years, Zhong Yi had been dealing with the evil beings and bringing in the latest knowledge about them. His relationship with Huajisi was quite delicate, and if one were to insist on describing it, “teacher and friend” would be the most appropriate words.

The connection between the Great Celestial Master and the mortal realm was limited to the annual night patrol of Yin Village and communication with Huajisi.

With this in mind, it was understandable why the Emperor had reason to suspect that Huajisi “knew but didn’t report, deserving death”. Lu Xiaohe’s gaze swept across the worried faces of the members of Huajisi, unable to help but force a bitter smile.

“Since Fu Shangliu is a traditional Fu family member, he must hold Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi in high regard. In a situation like this, he certainly won’t sit idly by.”

Fu Xingchuan was the first to break the silence.

“As for Li Heyan… Li Nian is a bit like her. These science-minded people can’t tolerate fools, and they definitely won’t approve of the Emperor’s reckless behavior. She will also take action. The problem is, the Emperor has been displeased with Huajisi for a long time, and his approach is wrong. Tianyi and Xiao Lu might even lose their heads. Be careful, you two.”

Since Li Nian couldn’t hear, former Minister Fu freely muttered about his former partner to his content.

Lu Xiaohe’s pacing came to a halt, and her eyes brightened.

“Order everyone to gather all the materials related to the Valley of Remains from the archives!” She commanded in the guise of Li Heyan.

Fu Xingchuan nodded approvingly, while Fu Tianyi remained dumbfounded in place. “What…?”

“Collect all the maps, all the records—don’t miss a single one. Including the spirit weapons used to send letters to the Great Celestial Master, make sure nothing is overlooked. Stack them all in the courtyard.”

“Lu Xiaohe…”

“I’m the rear commander.” Lu Xiaohe raised the corner of her mouth. “A rear commander must always consider the big picture, remember?”

Fu Tianyi looked puzzled as he watched everyone bustling around. Soon, the books, maps, and mechanical birds in the courtyard piled up into a small hill, resembling a not-too-big burial mound.

“Very good,” Lu Xiaohe said.

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“Also, organize the detailed records, movement trajectories, and correspondence related to the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi and place them in the main hall. Remember, it’s only about his personal matters, and we must protect the knowledge he provided.”

“Finally, forge a few recent communications stating that the Great Celestial Master is currently traveling in the southern marshes.”

Fu Tianyi’s gaze toward Lu Xiaohe gradually changed. “You wouldn’t…”

The others hesitated and looked at “Fu Shangliu”. Seeing that he didn’t object, no one questioned “Li Heyan”. There was a vast amount of information related to the Great Celestial Master, almost filling one-third of Huajisi’s main hall. The statue of Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi was partially submerged under the materials, and the offering plate on the altar was pushed askew.

Lu Xiaohe casually took down a floating oil lamp artifact, rolled up her sleeves, and personally poured the lamp oil onto those precious documents.

There was a small gasp from the members of Huajisi.

“What… What are you doing?! This is a great disrespect!” One of the senior scholars couldn’t hold back any longer, shouting with a flushed face and a thick neck.

Lu Xiaohe, with her sleeves rolled up, held the still-burning orange-yellow oil lamp in one hand. It was now twilight, and the firelight mixed with the evening glow, creating an orange-red glow.

“He is not a god.”

Beside Lu Xiaohe stood a strange statue covered in a red veil.

When it came to recalling Yin Ren, the first thing she would think of was him checking in for work, rushing to leave after work, and his radiant figure stuck in the cafeteria. Compared to the countless evils lurking in the mountain village and killing hundreds of thousands of enemy soldiers, she still preferred the sight of him hunched over, dealing with Excel.

That was the Yin Ren she knew.

Lu Xiaohe had never seen him actively seeking any “past glory” or “famous reputation”. Even when he went to the Fu family at that time and saw the ceremonial array dedicated to the Great Celestial Master, his embarrassment outweighed his joy. Lu Xiaohe could almost hear the sound of him scratching the ground with his toes.

Moreover, he even fell in love with Zhong Chengshuo, a well-rooted science post, and he was deeply serious about it.

The Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, proclaimed by the Emperor of the mortal realm as the descendant of the Zhong family, and revered by the mortal cultivators as the Great Celestial Master. But in the end, he said he should be surnamed Yin.

…In the end, all he wanted was to avenge his friends.

Yin Ren may be powerful, or he may have turned into some kind of Evil Spirit that Shian couldn’t resist, but he was also an ordinary person she knew.

He definitely wasn’t a “god.”

“He’s not a god. You all have read those letters, so you must know this… His handwriting is quite ugly, isn’t it?”

Lu Xiaohe glanced at the statue. This wasn’t something that “Fu Shangliu” would say, but it was appropriate for a science post to say.

“Now the Emperor wants to use him as a weapon—you know he can’t do that, and he definitely wouldn’t like it. The consequences of his refusal—all of you are intelligent people, and you can certainly guess.”

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“We will preserve the knowledge he left behind. But as a person… As a highly accomplished individual, he may have research value, but as a friend, as a mentor, I believe he deserves some peace.”

“Now, I’m going to light the fire.”

Lu Xiaohe lifted the oil lamp over the letters and records.

“If any of you want to dissuade me or report it to the Emperor, this is your last chance.”

The members of Huajisi had been restless for a while, but they fell silent in the end. Some looked at the pile of materials reluctantly but eventually shifted their gaze to the statue.

Lu Xiaohe let go of her hand.

The burning oil lamp fell.

The flame of the spirit lamp was fiercer than an ordinary flame, and the brilliant red flames instantly engulfed the documents. A trail of fire crawled through the courtyard along the lamp oil, quickly igniting everything related to the Valley of Remains.

The members of Huajisi hugged their precious spirit weapons, commanded the specially prepared bodies, and orderly ran out of the main hall. Inside, only billowing smoke remained, along with the splattering sparks that illuminated the contours of the statue. The ashes fell like snowflakes, fluttering in the tongues of fire.

On the remnants of the letters, one could still see the twisted and clumsy handwriting, and each colloquial phrase was rapidly devoured by the sparks.

[The weather near Yuanzhou is excellent today. I caught a particularly large, vengeful scorpion and discovered a new weakness…]

[Can you make a mechanical bird with more strength and send me some corn cakes? I can exchange it for a recipe to appease the fierce ghosts…]

[Last time, you mentioned that Zhang Wen’s nephew was born. Congratulations! Do you have any wedding candies? I’m sending a tranquility talisman drawing with this letter…]

They eventually turned into fine ashes.

Lu Xiaohe wore a very “Lu Xiaohe-like” gentle smile and clapped her hands.

Li Heyan’s hair was disheveled, with a few strands of black hair hanging over her shoulders. The orange-red firelight illuminated her eyes, reaching towards the sky.

Fu Tianyi stood dumbfounded. “That was ruthless…”

But it was indeed a solution.

The Valley of the Remains was remote and difficult to find. The annihilation of the 150,000 soldiers was mostly due to the Great Celestial Master’s spell being too conspicuous, as indicated by the results of nearby diviners’ divinations. However, the spell had a wide-reaching effect, making it difficult to find the location of the Great Celestial Master.

Although the Emperor didn’t allow Huajisi to go, his own cultivators would surely use the information from Huajisi to search for the Great Celestial Master.

The letters exchanged with the Great Celestial Master, the messages sent by the Great Celestial Master from various places, the records of the Great Celestial Master’s journeys… everything about the Great Celestial Master.

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“No wonder everyone says there is little information about the Great Celestial Master.” Amidst the growing flames, Ge Tingting murmured. “It might have been true back then…”

“Whether it’s cultivators or scholars, everyone is human,” Lu Xiaohe responded softly.

“Knowledge is indeed important, but sometimes ‘protecting a friend’ is even more important. Since we are humans, we should do something foolish.”

A thousand years ago, the real Fu Shangliu and Li Heyan most likely chose a similar path.

Lu Xiaohe took two steps forward and ignited the forged “travel itinerary” letters in the tongues of fire. Facing the incoming people from the palace, she confidently turned around.

“Huajisi is on fire, ignited by a spirit weapon. It’s difficult for ordinary people to put out the fire, so we will find a way ourselves. Hmm, you want the Great Celestial Master’s whereabouts? I happen to have snatched a few letters, so you can take them.”

“If you want to hold a grudge, blame it on the fact that this era doesn’t have cloud storage… Ah, nothing, I didn’t say anything.”


In the nearby wilderness, a figure was staggering along.

That person was dressed in a “Leader’s Close Confident with a Great Problem*” shirt, with his hair tied up—it was none other than a modern-looking Yin Ren.

*His shirt refers to someone who is close to a leader or holds an important position and is facing significant difficulties, implying that their action or their situation poses a threat or risk to the leader. || In this case, it’s quite apt as Yin Ren does give headaches to Fu Xingchuan, the top dogs of Shian.

“It’s pretty twisted, don’t you think?” Yin Ren muttered to himself.

“I don’t think so.” Immediately, he slightly changed his tone and answered himself. “That body is inconvenient to move, and even if it could move, it would make Shian suspicious.”

“You’re already suspicious enough.” Yin Ren’s tone became lively again. “Zhong Chengshuo, I slept with you, but this kind of…”

The feeling of sharing one body was just too strange.

After dealing with the tens of thousands of Gouluo soldiers, Yin Ren’s consciousness quickly entered a nearby body. Who would have thought that Zhong Chengshuo would refuse to budge—

The good news was that Yin Ren, armed with the experience from a thousand years later, suppressed the power of the Evil Force perfectly. He no longer needed to wrap himself up like a cocoon and could simply transform into a set of clothes.

The bad news was that now he was in a real and close cohabitation with his boyfriend, which resulted in his limbs not coordinating well.

Luckily, he had thrown Dog Thing into Yellow Millet. No one in this world would taste that bitterness again, which was truly wonderful. Yin Ren thought deeply, then stumbled and fell to the ground.

Once he adjusted to the body, he would be able to use the levitation spell.

He had to tell Shian the “truth” and his speculations about the memory world as soon as possible.

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