Evil As Humans

Chapter 195

Chapter 195: Countdown

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“Don’t worry, we have been keeping an eye on Luo Chunlei’s family. Nothing major will happen. But to be honest, our ability to handle these incidents is limited. At most, we can rescue people faster. You also know that everywhere in Haigu has been chaotic recently.”

Regarding Unit 9’s strange experience, Liang Shan commented nonchalantly.

At this moment, they were walking on the campus of Haigu Secondary School. It was time for school to be dismissed, and students were frolicking on the playground, creating a peaceful scene.

Yin Ren looked up. The evening sky was clear and transparent, with a few feather-like clouds drifting by. The high school students were about to attend evening self-study, and the windows of the school building were lit with the cold light of fluorescent lamps. Various mobile food stalls were set up outside the school, emanating the enticing aroma of steaming, frying, grilling, and roasting snacks.

The air was filled with the flavors of the human world. However, for some reason, Yin Ren felt more uncomfortable here than in the enclosed memory campus.

“If it weren’t for Yin Ren today, their whole family would have been burned alive.” Ge Tingting’s face stiffened, clearly still shaken. “Are they really okay? We saw that man start the fire; we can testify to it.”

“It’s not the first time something like this has happened, and it’s useless.” Liang Shan sighed. “Their family situation has always been problematic. That man even brought gasoline into their home before. The neighbors reported it, but their whole family adamantly denied it… And when Yin Ren swapped the liquid in the lighter, they said it was just a ‘joke’, so we couldn’t do anything about it.”

Ge Tingting stood frozen on the spot. “The whole family denied it? But if this continues, people will die!”

“These kinds of things have been happening all the time.” Liang Shan scratched his head. “The police have their own responsibilities. If you can help us find the source of the corruption sooner, the entire city’s police force will be grateful to you. But for now, let’s focus on solving the issues in the school.”

Ge Tingting looked again at the brightly lit school building and her expression became complicated.

A few hours passed.

Yin Ren collapsed on the sofa in the school conference room, his eyes devoid of any luster.

This place had been converted into a temporary base for the Shian team. Except for Lu Xiaohe, who was diligently debugging computer equipment, everyone else exuded an air of despair.

“There are too many, too many corruption sources. We can’t catch them all,” Yin Ren muttered on the sofa. “And they are all youth versions… The corruption level of those little gadgets is even weaker than what circulates outside.”

This level of corruption was the most troublesome. It wouldn’t trigger the kind of crazy public incidents of people attacking and acid-throwing each other on the streets, but it ensured that this school would be constantly in chaos, with bloodshed every day. Moreover, both the junior and senior departments operated on a day-school system, so these students would bring the corruption source back home and share the same contamination with their families.

Even though Liang Shan’s team confiscated half of the sources, when Yin Ren was wandering around the school building, he discovered hundreds of faint traces once again. He almost suspected that there was a gap in the school, leading to a cross-border black market for counterfeit goods. Although the corruption sources with weak traces were easier to produce, this was still too exaggerated.

What was even more exaggerated was that Yin Ren attempted to divine the origins of these pollutants. The divination results led in all directions, enough for them to investigate for a year without repeating.

The people who knew the results remained silent.

Who could have imagined that after solving extraordinary cases, battling fierce ghosts, and even traveling through corpses, they would still feel at a loss when faced with countless trivial cases.

“I suggest we deal with it casually for a few days and continue to look for Lu Xiaohe’s mother.”

Huang Jin lay on the sofa on the other side, tilting his head back. His tone carried a hint of weariness.

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The investigation team was there for the sake of appearances, while their Unit 9 was the real deal. They had come here to reduce external suspicion, waiting for Shian to crack the wooden talisman and rescue people from the Other Side.

Did they really have to rely on the legendary Great Celestial Master to resolve teenage conflicts? If they invested too much energy here, the gains would clearly not outweigh the losses.

“It seems King Yama enjoys watching his little devils cause trouble. Even if we find out the truth about that little girl, the case will remain unsolvable, and the police won’t be able to do anything to her… The situation in this school is so complicated that it’s really not worth it.”

After struggling for a while, Huang Jin finally managed to express his idea that “this mission is better suited for slacking off”.

Liang Shan brought up two bags of boxed meals and arrived just in time to catch the end of the conversation, showing a helpless expression of “I knew it all along”.

Zhong Chengshuo sat properly next to Yin Ren, secretly hooking his finger around Yin Ren’s while his eyes were fixed on the empty space. After a few seconds, he leaned in close to Yin Ren’s ear and whispered a couple of sentences.

Yin Ren, who had been limp earlier, suddenly sat up straight with a pensive face.

“Why are you whispering?” Liang Shan distributed the boxed meals while sitting in a row. “It’s work time, you two. Be mindful of your influence.”

“No, I just suddenly realized a loophole.”

Yin Ren picked up a grain of rice with the tip of his chopsticks.

“According to Huang Jin, Luo Chunlei is obsessed with animated characters to an extreme and paranoid degree. She came into contact with the source of corruption, so why didn’t she disappear?”

“Wasn’t it said that the corruption sources here are relatively weak? Perhaps the intensity is not enough.” Huang Jin snapped open a pair of disposable chopsticks.

“It could also be that the emotional types are different.”

Lu Xiaohe’s fingertips crackled incessantly.

“At this age, kids might say ‘love’ with their mouths, but most of the time, it’s just self-entertainment. Whether it’s their favorite sports team, celebrity, or character, it’s more like a form of solace or pastime. Of course, if the attachment is deep, there might be genuine love, but they are too young now, and it’s difficult for them to change their nature through their own willpower.”

“Although it seems similar… Personally, I think they are chasing happiness rather than chasing love.”

“Yeah, I don’t quite understand, but it sounds reasonable.” Yin Ren quickly finished his boxed meal and leaned in next to Lu Xiaohe.

“Any developments on Luo Chunlei’s side?”

“Are you really fixated on that kid?” Huang Jin said with anguish.

“She has the most severe case, being the most heavily corrupted person in this school.” Ge Tingting pondered. “If we want to trace the source of corruption, I would start with her too.”

“…” Huang Jin glanced at Ge Tingting with a nearly despairing look. “Fine, we’ll work overtime tonight then.”

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“Here it is!” Huang Jin elongated “overtime”, but before he could finish, Lu Xiaohe raised her voice.

At 7:45 in the evening, after finishing dinner, Luo Chunlei opened the spare phone hidden in her closet.

“The phone number is registered under an adult’s ID, so judging from the owner’s identity, it’s a black market SIM card.” Lu Xiaohe quickly displayed the contents on the phone screen.

Luo Chunlei exhibited an unusual level of caution for her age. All the social and communication apps on her phone were registered under this black number. After unlocking the phone, she headed straight to the topic—the anonymous group in the social app.

[Latest update on burying the bitch. She’s still in the hospital, and the police can’t catch me, hehe. If she’s not dead, I will definitely kill her next time.]

She quickly typed a long paragraph.

Then, the group was flooded with messages of “Righteous Girls Eliminating Evil”.

[But I heard it was Pure who did it all, and those people who were with Pure in the past all left the group.] Another anonymous message appeared.

[Pure is not even in this group; it definitely isn’t Pure. It’s just that group of useless people causing trouble when things get big .] Everyone used randomly assigned names and no one used their real names.

[I hope something happens to that person. I already bought champagne [champagne photo].] Below this message was a photoshopped image of Zhang Hejun, clearly taken secretly.

[That bitch with a loose mouth will get what’s coming to her. Mindless slander, be careful, righteous girls will dig up her whole family www*]

*Internet slang for LOL.

[Righteous girls, increase the intensity ☆ let’s have a feast next time.]

[Wouldn’t it be better if it’s Pure? Who can blame a twelve-year-old? ~ It’s just that bitch doesn’t have an account; otherwise, I would be the first to curse her until she buries herself ~~~~]


The group was flooded with messages at an extremely fast pace, with everyone expressing regret that Zhang Hejun didn’t die. Although a few people silently left the group, no one openly spoke in her defense.

Lu Xiaohe’s expression became increasingly grim as she accessed the information in the anonymous group.

“Over 70% are kids below fifteen years old, with about eight or nine adults over twenty.” She furrowed her brows. “Luo Chunlei’s main account is not in this group. She only has a secondary account here to anonymously send messages, and she even shared Zhang Hejun’s photo.”

“What about before?” Liang Shan also approached.

“Before, she often took screenshots and posted insulting messages in the group, or she would boast about her main account using someone else’s identity. However, her previous actions were limited to the online realm. This is the first time it has extended into reality.” Lu Xiaohe swiftly organized the statements belonging to Luo Chunlei. “She is a minor celebrity in this group. This little girl… haa.”

After reviewing the testimonies of other participants, it became clear that Zhang Hejun had simply misspoke in an incomprehensible manner, using the slang term “black name” within their small circle.

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At this moment, with all members of Unit 9 watching, the anonymous area was still flooded with messages.

Luo Chunlei: [Hope you idiots can follow the rules and use your brains. Don’t give her another chance to be a righteous woman.]

A few seconds later, she added another line—

[Let’s see if our Miss Cockroach dares to come back to school. If she doesn’t transfer, we’ll make her reincarnate .]

“Alright, you can leave it to me. I’ll go back and talk to Officer Sun about the situation, and the police will take it from there. As for the source of the corruption, I will apply for an opportunity to interrogate.”

Liang Shan’s face turned serious as he took several deep breaths. No matter how you looked at it, that “well-behaved” little girl was clearly enjoying herself.

“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.” Yin Ren observed the rapidly scrolling text lines and nodded thoughtfully.

“This girl is quite scheming. She might not tell the truth to adults. If possible, I’d prefer to observe her up close.”

With that, Yin Ren removed Yellow Millet in its pendant form from his phone, which was accompanied by the excited cry of “puff”. Yellow Millet then appeared in Zhong Chengshuo’s palm.

In the next moment, Yellow Millet’s illusion activated. The originally tall and sturdy Zhong Chengshuo was covered by the illusion, and a youth with pitch-black pupils and wearing the Haigu Secondary School uniform appeared in his place.

Wearing the loose school uniform, Zhong Chengshuo silently stood there, looking exceptionally slim. His appearance was identical to his archived profile, with soft black hair that reached slightly beyond his ears and a face with gentle features, portraying an obedient “good student”.

The kind that was particularly easy to bully.

Meanwhile, Yin Ren himself emitted a faint black aura, which dissipated to reveal his own youthful appearance. The former Great Celestial Master floated in the air, and his arms wrapped around Zhong Chengshuo’s neck. With his bent crimson eyes and long, flowing black hair, he had slightly shortened in stature.

This hair length was somewhat similar… to Zhang Hejun’s.

“Let Zhang Hejun rest more in the hospital.” Yin Ren ruffled his forehead, symbolically hiding his face with his bangs. “Next, I will disguise her ghost. As for you, Zhong Ge. You’ll just play the role of her distant relative—it’s all planned out. Let’s call you Zhang San.”

Liang Shan: “…”

Liang Shan quickly changed the subject. “… Xiao Yin, your mastery of spells has improved a lot! If it weren’t for me, others wouldn’t see through it.”

He stared intently at Zhong Chengshuo’s face. Upon hearing these words, Huang Jin curiously glanced at Liang Shan.

It seemed that this person was unaware.

Yellow Millet’s obscuring illusion was flawlessly executed by Yin Ren. The current Zhong Chengshuo was merely a substitute for an evil, easily transformed.

“Next, let’s ask the police to relax temporarily and allow Luo Chunlei to return to school.” Yin Ren floated behind the young Zhong Chengshuo, resembling a solid and fierce ghost. “In this chaotic school, we can fully experience it for a couple of days.”

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Zhong Chengshuo looked at his own hand.

Yellow Millet’s illusion had no effect on him personally, and he couldn’t perceive what Yin Ren had done. However, he noticed that the gazes from all directions had shifted, and his “visual height” had become significantly shorter.

Yin Ren’s own transformation was genuine, with the young Ghost King fluttering around him, appearing to be in a good mood.

“My job is to cooperate with all of you.” Liang Shan laughed heartily. “What about the others?”

“Yin Ren’s idea is feasible. I’ll be in command here, and Ge Tingting and Huang Jin will continue their covert surveillance. It would be great if we could obtain concrete evidence, and if we could get clues from Luo Chunlei, that’d be a pleasant surprise.”

Lu Xiaohe paused her typing. Her newly created account had already joined the anonymous area.

“But our time is limited… Yin Ren, we only have four days until the connection to the other side is established. Is that enough time?”

“It’s enough.”


The next day, two major events occurred in Class 1-3 at Haigu Secondary School:

First, Luo Chunlei, who had been absent due to illness, returned to class.

Second, a new transfer student joined the class, rumored to be a relative of Zhang Hejun.

“Let’s welcome Zhang San, our new classmate.”

As soon as the teacher finished the introduction, the classroom erupted in laughter.

The teacher cleared his throat warningly several times before being able to continue.

“He is a relative of Zhang Hejun, and he will help take notes for Hejun during her absence. Please take care of your new classmate. I want to emphasize once again that Zhang Hejun has experienced a very unfortunate accident. Students should be careful when walking and avoid dangerous areas. The new student should also be cautious and not wander into the back mountain casually…”

In the front row of the classroom, Luo Chunlei glanced at Zhong Chengshuo for a moment, then shifted her gaze away, looking out of the window as if nothing had happened.

“Fortunes change, huh?” Yin Ren floated behind Zhong Chengshuo and playfully bit his ear. “Zhong Ge, do you need me to remind you of your lines?”

Zhong Chengshuo rubbed the strands of hair in his palm.

In the eyes of the students, the handsome new transfer student spoke up.

“Hello, everyone,” he said softly. “I’m here to find the culprit.”

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