Evil As Humans

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Power

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Xiang Jiang was awakened by the smell of poor-quality candles.

When he woke up, he was wearing loose work clothes, and his limbs were covered in talismans. His brother, Xiang Hai, had only slightly better treatment, but Xiang Jiang could recognize the aura of ghost-suppressing techniques even with his eyes closed.

The room they were in was filled with densely packed local deity figurines, and on the ceiling, human hair was braided into ropes to suspend the figurines in the air. Underneath various smiling faces, everything was surrounded by darkness, and the small figurines swayed like hanging ghosts, adding a touch of eeriness.

In the center of the room, there was a pile of brightly colored red candles melted together. Within the melted wax, black ashes floated up and down. The candle flames flickered without wind, and the shadows of the figurines in the entire room varied in length, crawling around like living creatures.

Seeing these folk-style deity artifacts, Xiang Hai curled up in pain next to Xiang Jiang, folding his wings inside his body. The two clung tightly to each other, and it was hard to tell who was the living person and who was the deceased.

“Don’t be afraid.” Xiang Jiang forced himself to speak.

He tasted the taste of blood on his lips. His throat was dry and burning, and his muscles and bones all ached. Even the treatment given to condemned prisoners in Shian wasn’t this bad. A bitter smile gradually appeared at the corner of Xiang Jiang’s mouth; he knew where they were.

The territory of Sunken Society.

In the back mountain behind the school, Ge Tingting and Huang Jin suddenly turned against each other under the control of Love. Xiang Jiang naturally looked for an opportunity to escape, but just as he and Xiang Hai had escaped from the encirclement of Shian, several spells suddenly exploded, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

In the last memory, they were being dragged by someone towards a dark gap.

…Just like at this moment.

A black gap split open out of nowhere, causing the figurines to tremble incessantly. The space shook, and in the ripples resembling water waves, a figure broke through the air.

The person was tall and handsome, loosely draped in a reddish-brown robe. Illuminated by the candlelight, the robe faintly revealed patterns resembling fine blood vessels. There seemed to be something wet and shimmering at the corners of the robe, resembling human eyes.

Xiang Jiang leaned against the wall filled with figurines, and his body shrank with vigilance.

He recognized that face.

Everyone who defected from Shian was on a list of the Emergency Management Department, and this “Shen Mo” bore an identical resemblance to the person in the old photo.

Shen Mo, a former member of the Emergency Management Department, was responsible for guiding skilled cultivators like Fu Xingchuan. Xiang Jiang had seen this person’s information before. He used to be an extremely talented ghost master, although he didn’t possess the label of “genius” and belonged to the type who diligently studied.

During the Divine Descent, Shen Mo and Jiao Lian obtained complete “Charon” abilities. Jiao Lian obediently cooperated with Shian for research on the Other Side, while Shen Mo betrayed Shian and directly joined Sunken Society.

Since then, he had practically vanished from the metaphysical world, never appearing openly or engaging in activities.

At this point, looking at the “reddish-brown robe” on the person’s body, which still showed faint signs of breathing, and the black gap behind him, Xiang Jiang could probably guess what Shen Mo had been doing in recent years.

Shen Mo was likely researching the Other Side using a more “radical” approach.

The robe emitted the aura of a powerful cultivator and a suffocating sense of despair. Xiang Jiang was familiar with this state. During the Bai Yongji case, living people also merged into objects like this, unable to seek survival but unable to seek death.

Xiang Jiang’s limbs turned cold, and his thoughts raced frantically.

Is he going to become the next “clothing”? If so, would the other person take action here?

…At the very least, he had to find a way to save Xiang Hai. Xiang Jiang clenched his teeth and stared fixedly at Shen Mo.

“We can be considered senior and junior in this field. You don’t have to be so nervous.”

As if seeing through Xiang Jiang’s thoughts, Shen Mo pulled over the nearest figurine and sat on it like a chair. His body and voice were youthful, but his eyes carried the madness typical of an elderly person.

“I have some understanding of your situation with the Other Side. Not bad, being noticed by the Other Side is considered fortunate. If you have time, shall we chat?”

Xiang Jiang: “…”

At this moment, he had nothing, except perhaps time.

He continued to tense his body, wishing he could blink less.

In contrast, Shen Mo’s tone was relaxed to the point of being irritating. “I am a Charon. The things from the Other Side have always had some grievances with me—they don’t like having humans meddling in their affairs. Whether it’s Fu Wuyan from the Fu family or your Minister Jiao, they all failed because of this. That kid Wei Huaqian kept yearning to become a Charon, but no amount of persuasion could dissuade him.”

‘Isn’t this hitting oneself?’ Xiang Jiang thought with a bitter smile. Even if he and Xiang Hai were at their peak, they couldn’t defeat a true Charon.

So he could only remain quietly huddled, slowly shifting his body to block Xiang Hai even more.

“…Let’s stop the small talk here. I roughly know what you want to do. I specifically invited you here to introduce you to some friends from the Other Side.”

Shen Mo casually shifted his posture, turning his body towards Xiang Hai.

“They have a connection with Sunken Society. There’s no need to go through me.” Xiang Jiang finally spoke.

“Come on, it’s purely a business connection.” Shen Mo shrugged. “They provide the source of corruption, and we provide the research results. There have been a few unpleasant incidents during the process—I understand, after all, Sunken Society is not capable on its own; it’s only fit to be a research institution for them.”

Xiang Jiang mechanically responded, “So what?”

“A skinny camel is still bigger than a horse*. After so many years, the contacts and experiences accumulated by Sunken Society, they need them to some extent. You should understand this deeply. Humans themselves are the group that understands human vulnerability the most.”

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*(瘦死的骆驼比马大) Idiom referring to even though something or someone may be in a weakened or disadvantaged state, they still hold more value or significance compared to others who may appear stronger or more capable. It emphasizes the relative importance or worth of a situation or individual, regardless of their current condition.

Shen Mo slowly stroked his own living robe.

“If you want to do something in a foreign land, it’s always easier to have a local guide who’s familiar with the territory… I only need one meeting—to meet the person you’re connected with.”

“Why?” Xiang Jiang remained silent for a long time before weakly questioning.

“As long as the corruption source is spread, Sunken Society will have as much business as they want. Contacting the Other Side inevitably comes with an additional cost.”

“Because I want more.” Shen Mo smiled without speaking. “Of course, it’s a trade. I will provide the best ghost sacrifices from Sunken Society for your brother. As for you, I will help you become stronger—so that you won’t have to rely on corruption and can use your special abilities.”

Shen Mo leaned forward and extended his hand. Amidst the dancing candlelight, his five fingers were still stained with bright bloodstains and suspicious mucus.

“Our goals align.” Shen Mo smiled arrogantly.

Xiang Jiang stared at Shen Mo for about half a minute. Shen Mo patiently held out his hand, which showed no signs of trembling, as if he had turned into a statue. And around Shen Mo, various strange figurines were illuminated by the candlelight, with shadows curling at the corners of their mouths, laughing in a creepy and unified manner.

Shen Mo seemed like one of them.

After a silent moment, Xiang Jiang grasped the offered hand.

“You want everyone to go insane, don’t you?” Shen Mo spoke softly. “Rest assured, I’ll make you the strongest propagator of madness.”


“I will take full responsibility for training in the upcoming investigation of the Other Side.” Qi Xin clapped her hands. “All of you, remember this place well in your minds.”

The Other Side Expedition Team—Unit 9, along with Fu Tianyi and Qi Xin—was standing in a peculiar white room.

The floor, walls, and ceiling were all pure white, causing discomfort to the eyes. The walls of the room were made of an unknown material, and the floor was remarkably soft when stepped on, with no wrinkles or dirt on the walls. The monotonous piano tune of “Happy Birthday” played on a loop within the room, and the air was filled with a suffocating scent of soap.

The environment was monotonous yet striking, like an ice pick stabbing into the brain. If it weren’t for the large number of people entering at once, this place could be considered the top-level containment room for the most severe mental patients.

Or the kind where the most insane patients of the year were confined.

In this eerie setting, everyone dared not breathe too heavily and unintentionally took smaller steps. Without coordination, they walked towards the center of the room, where several dark-colored patches could be seen on the floor—

There, six photographs were neatly arranged.

The photos were facing upwards, each one a solo portrait of every member of the expedition team.

Ignoring the confusion and unease of the others, Qi Xin paced around the room and emphasized, “You must remember the size and appearance of this room well. You should be able to recall it completely with your eyes closed.”

“What’s there to remember?” Huang Jin whispered.

Knowing that he was going to the Other Side, he had written a transfer application overnight. Whether it was due to drafting too much or Huang Jin’s exceptional performance, the application was heartfelt and brought tears to people’s eyes.

Faced with this application that was over 10,000 words long, Fu Xingchuan replied with only this:

“If you insist on the request, I will definitely approve it. However, if this exploration is successful, it will be a significant achievement. We will report the situation and, depending on the circumstances, remove your ‘prisoner’ status.”

In the office, Fu Xingchuan tore a piece of paper and swiftly wrote down a string of zeros.

“There will also be a substantial bonus, which can be provided from the research funds of the Other Side. This is an important task related to social stability, and the reward must not be meager.”

Huang Jin paid no attention to it.

Prisoner status? He would rather stay in prison than do this life-threatening job. He had suffered enough and would not be deceived by Shian’s tricks again. As for the money… Huang Jin let out a cold snort and glanced at the paper with the strings of zeros.

“I’m going to prepare for the mission,” Huang Jin said loudly. “I will withdraw the application.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” Huang Jin answered decisively.

That was what he said, but last night Huang Jin tossed and turned and couldn’t bring himself to delete the text. He saved it as a document, placing it prominently in the center of his computer desktop, which made him feel a bit better.

Sure enough, as soon as the investigation took its first step, things started to get weird. Huang Jin looked left and right in the white room, which was as organized as a computer model, and there were no memorable details worth remembering. The only thing worth mentioning was the room’s door—

That was the only door in the room, painted in a glaring bright red, a color so pure it was blinding. No matter where he stood, the red door seemed to emit a series of screams, capturing attention at every moment.

Huang Jin shook his head, crouching down cautiously. He picked up his own photograph.

In the photo, Ding Lizi was playing the guitar in the sunlight of a hospital room, and he had chosen the most suitable position for a “selfie”, capturing a group photo that didn’t look like a group photo. Both their faces carried smiles amidst the gentle warm tones.

The photo had a slightly stiff and heavy feel to it. Huang Jin flipped it over and saw a thin board attached to the back of the photo, as if it were a menu clip used by waiters to take orders.

To see the back of the photo, he had to carefully lift the rigid photograph and look through the V-shaped gap between the plastic board and the photo.

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On the back of his photo were five lines of text. These words were written on thin paper and carefully pasted. At first glance, it was almost impossible to detect any traces of pasting.

[Girlfriend? Fu Tianyi]

[Candid shots are not good. Ge Tingting]

[Wishing Miss Ding a speedy recovery. Lu Xiaohe]

[Ding Lizi, guitar, Huang Jin. Zhong Chengshuo]

[When will you confess? Yin Ren]

They were evaluations and signatures from each of his companions, but Huang Jin didn’t know what significance they held. Were they supposed to bring this inside? Wasn’t it said that dead objects couldn’t be brought to the Other Side? Huang Jin had a sense of unease. Having this photo with him was similar to a sign of “returning to his hometown to get married after the war”.

Looking at the photos of the others—

In Yin Ren’s photo, Zhong Chengshuo was running around the kitchen with a pot, as if searching for something. Yin Ren was biting into a small lamb chop, proudly making a “V” sign.

In Zhong Chengshuo’s photo, Yin Ren was taking a nap on the sofa. Zhong Chengshuo carefully leaned his head over, taking a serious selfie.

Lu Xiaohe’s photo was a childhood picture with her mother. Ge Tingting’s was a selfie taken while eating hot pot with Unit 9. Fu Tianyi’s was taken in front of their family’s Great Celestial Master shrine, where he had his hands clasped together with a subtle expression, showing a kind of resignation.

Huang Jin had seen all these photos and had written a sentence of evaluation as requested. Shian had collected their personal photos in advance, so Huang Jin thought they would be used for the Schrödinger’s Awards ceremony, but who knew they would be used here.

Unable to figure it out, he let it go.

Huang Jin glanced at the “Candid shots are not good” written on the back of the photo and was about to find Ge Tingting to clarify a few things when Qi Xin froze him in place with a look.

“Take your own photos with you and keep them close to you,” she said. “I’ll explain everything to you when we arrive on the Other Side. Have you all remembered the room?”

Everyone placed their photos in a safe place and nodded in succession.

“Very well.” Qi Xin took the lead towards the red door. “Now it’s time to go.”

The white room was built underground in Shian, and the temporary passage wasn’t far away. When they caught sight of the passage, Yin Ren hitched his breath.

The passage was roughly spherical, presenting a uniform black-gray color with a small round point of pure black at the center. Coupled with the strange sense of rotation around it, the entire passage resembled a vortex.

It had a diameter of about one and a half meters and was locked in the middle of a snowy white laboratory.

Just like a dark gray pupil.

Yin Ren had a strange feeling—not that they were staring at it, but that it was staring at them.

Unlike the tranquility of the gap, just standing next to it felt as if one’s entire body was being licked by a cold, viscous tongue. Even someone as strong as Yin Ren felt a momentary dizziness.

Yin Ren quickly took half a step back and took a few breaths with Zhong Chengshuo beside him, before quickly regaining clarity.

Qi Xin took the opportunity to step forward. She grabbed a small white mouse from a cage and reached her hand through the passage.

A hissing sound ensued, and the poor white mouse screamed in agony. In full view of everyone, its body was torn apart and elongated by the rotating space. When Qi Xin withdrew her hand, she held a lump of distorted flesh—a mixture of facial features and limbs twitched incessantly.

Ge Tingting couldn’t bear to look and turned her head away, while Fu Tianyi’s gaze gradually became dull.

Qi Xin looked at the deformed mouse in her hand for a while, making clicking sounds with her tongue. Then she took two steps forward and touched the edge of the passage.

In the next moment, Qi Xin’s entire body stretched and deformed, as if being pulled into a vortex. Her body continued to extend and rotate, connecting head to tail. In a matter of four or five seconds, a twisted human body firmly framed the entrance. Limbs and facial features were twisted into a mass of flesh, like a nightmare.

The sense of rotation at the entrance gradually disappeared, replaced by an eerie sense of stillness.

Ironically, Qi Xin herself acted as if nothing had happened, moving her lips, which had elongated to the length of a palm. “I’ve stabilized it. Let’s try again.”

According to the plan, this time it was Yin Ren who picked up a mouse and reached into the vortex. This time, the mouse’s body remained intact, with not a single hair out of place. However, after returning to the human world, it seemed a little dazed, with an infinite dullness and confusion in its small black eyes.

“Alright,” Qi Xin said. “Everyone, go in. Close your eyes for now, I’ll make the arrangements.”

The feeling of passing through the entrance was very strange.

Yin Ren felt a lightness all over, as if stepping into a pool without the sensation of liquid. In the next instant, countless sensations exploded on his nerves like fireworks on a festive day.

He heard muffled news and popular music, smelled the fishy smell of fish guts and the leather in the carriage, felt the soft fur and scales of small animals brushing against his skin, and tasted the sourness of black coffee and the warmth of hot broth on his tongue, all at the same time.

Yin Ren’s five senses were completely disoriented, and his body lost its balance. He couldn’t tell if he was falling, floating up, or staying in place. His senses seemed to have been put into a juicer and blended into messy mud.

Yin Ren subconsciously tried to reach out to Zhong Chengshuo but couldn’t find his own arm. He tried to use his techniques to protect himself, but no matter how he formed the hand seals, the techniques had no effect, with no response from his surroundings.


[Imagine that white room.]

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The thoughts with Qi Xin’s voice directly entered his mind.

[Open your eyes after you hear the music.]

In an instant, that white room surged from his memory. The simple and soft walls, “Happy Birthday” playing in the background, and the strong scent of soap.

The next second, gravity returned, and Yin Ren once again stepped on the soft ground. The melody of “Happy Birthday” continued to play in his ears, and the scent of soap dissipated the various chaotic smells.

Yin Ren opened his eyes.

White walls, red door. Beside him were his startled companions and Qi Xin, who had returned to her original state.

She was wearing a more dignified clerk uniform, just like the day they first saw her. Yin Ren blinked and shifted his gaze, noticing that everyone’s attire had changed slightly.

Huang Jin wore slightly larger work clothes, Ge Tingting wore a commemorative shirt from Shian, Lu Xiaohe’s T-shirt had the words “Social Animal Ground*” printed on it, and Fu Tianyi wore that set of peculiar red clothing and mask.

*(社身畜地) It’s a self-deprecating term expressing one’s current working status and the environment one lives in. 

As for Zhong Chengshuo… Zhong Chengshuo’s loose white-lined shirt seemed to be etched in Yin Ren’s mind.

These seemed to be the outfits that each person wore most often or left the deepest impression. Now everyone was collapsed, gasping for breath, except for Zhong Chengshuo, who stood in place as if nothing had happened, carefully observing the surroundings.

“Is this the Other Side?” Ge Tingting finally managed to catch her breath and asked tremulously.

As the words came out, she herself was startled. The words came straight out of her mouth, clearly enunciated, logically coherent, and the symptoms of the ravings had completely disappeared. Huang Jin also looked around in shock, his eyes filled with complete astonishment.

“This is indeed the Other Side,” Qi Xin said.

“Why is it like this?” Ge Tingting pressed on with her questions.

Qi Xin glanced at her, then floated into the air, looking down at everyone.

“The so-called Other Side—using your previous analogy—is a ‘brain network’ composed of the brains and neural structures of all living beings.”

“The perception of visual and auditory senses in living organisms is essentially electrical signals transmitted to the brain. In general, everything that living beings perceive is the information returned by the ‘body’ shell, processed and unified by consciousness.”

Yin Ren listened with a confused mind, while Zhong Chengshuo nodded in agreement.

“Under normal circumstances, a living being’s autonomous consciousness operates within the ‘brain firewall’. However, more basic and fundamental information, such as fear of pain or death and other so-called ‘instincts’ flow within this ‘brain network.'”

Qi Xin explained slowly.

“Now that you have intruded into this place, you are like a kind of virus. Until you learn how to control yourself, you will indiscriminately absorb information. It’s manageable if your perception is chaotic, but if the situation worsens, you may experience a breakdown or disappear completely.”

“‘Imagination’ essentially helps you focus and eliminate other information interference. If you can’t handle it, you can collectively imagine this room.”

Huang Jin swallowed his saliva loudly.

Zhong Chengshuo appeared pensive as he took a step closer to Yin Ren. “I see. Those exaggerated perceptual characteristics are meant to help you remember.”

“Are you okay?” Yin Ren whispered back.

“No, it’s probably muscle memory,” Zhong Chengshuo honestly replied.

Yin Ren opened his mouth but then pursed his lips together. Theoretically, he was a Primordial Elemental, but on the Other Side, he seemed ignorant and clumsy. The situation was worse than he had imagined; not only could he not save others, but he couldn’t even act independently.

It felt as if he were a tiger cub raised in a zoo, with no problems in health or strength, but certain death awaited him if he were thrown directly into the wild.

He hadn’t felt this “weak” in a long time.

“Let’s stop here for today. Over the next twenty-four hours, you’ll need to constantly imagine this room until it becomes a conditioned reflex.” Qi Xin shrugged her shoulders. “When you’re stable, I’ll teach you how to use the photos.”

“Can’t you just bring the missing people here directly?” Lu Xiaohe took two steps forward, but she still didn’t dare look up in front of Qi Xin. “We’re closer to the entrance now, so we can take them out first…”

As soon as she said this, almost everyone looked at Qi Xin.

Indeed, “Joy” and “Disgust” had already perished, and “Love” was squeezed in between. Qi Xin, as one of the top four emotions on the Other Side, was unrivaled. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have taken the risk to bring Yin Ren, this little cub, back to his homeland.

Qi Xin smiled.

Her smile had always made people uncomfortable, as if a wooden mask had been stretched over her face, exuding a chilling coldness reminiscent of lifelessness.

“Of course, I can do that.” Qi Xin flicked a strand of hair behind her ear. “But what benefits would I gain from doing so? Clearing the path for you, teaching you knowledge, and finding people for you—if ‘Fear’ were to retreat and run away like that, wouldn’t I lose out?”

Lu Xiaohe was speechless.

Qi Xin leaned down in front of Lu Xiaohe, tilting her head stiffly without blinking.

“When humans train small animals to bite, they often use a little meat bait or toys. For the ‘Fear’ cub, looking for those humans is good training.” Her smile became increasingly apparent, almost revealing all her teeth. “What a win-win approach, don’t you think?”

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Lu Xiaohe’s breathing suddenly became chaotic and fragmented, her body trembling lightly. But she managed to hold back her emotions and didn’t reply.

“Young lady, you should learn to be grateful.” Qi Xin’s voice lowered slightly. “Otherwise, I can kill you right now, and not even ‘Fear’ will be able to do anything to me.”

“For example, someone who sneaked in here without manners.”

Qi Xin’s arm suddenly stretched out and flicked towards a corner of the room. A sharp scream followed, and a black mass was squeezed in her hand.

Dr. Cat struggled dissatisfied in her grasp, opening its mouth and hissing. Previously, everyone’s attention was on Qi Xin, and no one noticed the small black mass in the corner of the white room.

“Meiqiu?!” Fu Tianyi couldn’t sit still. “That’s impossible. You didn’t even enter the white room just now. How…”

“An infinite ability user. No wonder.” Qi Xin looked at the black cat panting frantically and casually tightened her fingers. “You guys really have all sorts of wonders over there.”

With its throat held by Qi Xin, the black cat extended its claws and scratched, but to no avail. Fu Tianyi’s face turned pale. He desperately tried to use his techniques, but like Yin Ren, Fu Tianyi couldn’t produce even a spark.

“Qi Xin.”

Yin Ren stepped forward with a stern face, grabbing Qi Xin’s wrist.

“I understand your dissatisfaction. However, this is our colleague, so I hope you won’t harm it.”

Although it was a world of consciousness, Yin Ren’s palm still exuded a hint of sweat. Qi Xin was right; in this cursed place, even if she killed Dr. Cat, he couldn’t necessarily stop her.

…This was terrible.

Qi Xin’s one eye shifted to her temple as she looked at Yin Ren for a moment. In the end, she snorted and casually threw the cat aside.

Yin Ren held the soft and fluffy Dr. Meiqiu, who regained its ability to speak. Its fur bristled all over its body as it nestled in Yin Ren’s arms, cursing in a soft voice.

“It’s not only one that sneaked in without saying hello.”

Qi Xin smiled ambiguously, her crooked eye directly facing Yin Ren.

“…Forget it. I’m going out to stretch my muscles. Since you guys brought in things indiscriminately, don’t blame me if you lose them.”

Yin Ren still held Qi Xin’s wrist, and for a moment, the room fell silent.

Qi Xin casually shook her wrist, and her arm instantly turned into a pile of thin, withered bones. She effortlessly pulled it out of Yin Ren’s palm and walked straight towards the red door.

Yin Ren grasped empty air, slowly tightening his palm and forcefully embedding his fingertips into his palm.

“Wait, I have something to say to you!”

Unable to stop her with his hand, Yin Ren tried to command his hair to stop Qi Xin. However, for some unknown reason, his obedient hair remained motionless, gently hanging down, as if it were real hair.

“If you can get out of this door, then I can have a chat with you,” Qi Xin replied without looking back.

Her figure disappeared behind the red door.

Once Qi Xin left, everyone, except for Yin Ren, let out a collective sigh of relief.

In the human world, they hadn’t felt it, but on the Other Side, Qi Xin’s slender body exuded an indescribable sense of oppression that instinctively kept people at a distance.

Dr. Cat crawled to Fu Tianyi, swiftly climbing onto his shoulder, finally catching its breath and grooming its fur. However, after licking for a while, it ended up licking the fabric on Fu Tianyi’s shoulder.

“I’ll go out for a while.”

Yin Ren walked briskly towards the red door that Qi Xin had left from. What was beyond this door were countless shades of gray and white substances that wriggled incessantly. Yin Ren walked straight ahead, as if he hadn’t seen them.

The red door closed automatically.

After a few seconds, a panting Yin Ren reappeared in the center of the room, nearly bumping into Ge Tingting. Lord Ghost King wiped his face and muttered a curse under his breath.

“Let’s practice first.” Ge Tingting quietly advised. “According to what she said, we need to adapt to the environment first. Yin Ge, why don’t you…”

Zhong Chengshuo patted the little girl’s shoulder, shaking his head at her.

“Yin Ren, give me your hand.”

Zhong Chengshuo extended his hand, naturally extending an invitation.

“I’ll take you to find her.”

Yin Ren reflexively reached out his hand and relaxed his eyes. However, the next moment, his expression stiffened.


Yin Ren retracted his hand.

“I’ll go by myself.”

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