Evil As Humans

Chapter 222

Chapter 222: Snowflakes

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Huang Jin and Ge Tingting collided with a round cocoon and slid down in a sorry state.

Huang Jin’s brain buzzed—just now Zhong Chengshuo suddenly knocked over his smog spirit weapon, then that person gave him three instructions, and he even lied in front of Hu Tao. His heart was pounding, and he felt dizzy and heard ringing in his ears.

Now things were different. The crisis was far away, and hope seemed distant too. Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo weren’t by his side, and Ge Tingting seemed pitiful and helpless with him.

“What should we do?” He lay on the ground with a sense of despair.

“I can hear some noise. Maybe it will come in handy.” Ge Tingting patted her ears forcefully.

Huang Jin frowned and rummaged through his bag, searching through his talismans and Elemental flesh. “We need to find them at some point. Hey, do you have any convenient tools? I only have Tranquility Talismans and smoke bombs for escape. Nothing else.”

Before this, Meng Huai asked them to make handy weapons. Huang Jin painstakingly made a carving knife, Tranquility Talismans, and smoke bombs—a set of life-saving tools. For a spirit smith like him, he had endured too many demands for attacks that weren’t supposed to be his responsibility.

However, Ge Tingting, being a corpse servant, must have been in a tight spot as well. Huang Jin couldn’t help but be curious about what kind of Elemental flesh and blood weapons she could produce.

Indeed, when the topic was mentioned, Ge Tingting’s expression became somewhat subtle. Huang Jin didn’t know if he was overthinking, but he felt that this girl was avoiding his gaze.

“…Ge Tingting, what exactly have you done?” Huang Jin swallowed his saliva.

“Something that’s suitable for the present situation,” Ge Tingting answered cautiously. “It’s likely to save our lives; not very harmful, but… um…”

A sense of foreboding suddenly rose in Huang Jin’s heart. “Go on.”

Ge Tingting took out a dark gray candle from her backpack. The candle was as thick as a soda can, rough in appearance, with traces of minced flesh mixed in the grease. It was intricately carved with modified runes, which was very simple and crude.

Pure emotional resonance expansion.

Sweat slowly dripped down Huang Jin’s forehead. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“This is a candle made from sadness, sorrow, and despair. It has a simple resonating magic circle inscribed on it, and the wick is made to ‘steal joy’,” Ge Tingting whispered. “I’m not a spirit smith, so it may not look good. Please don’t mind.”

Is this a matter of it looking good or not? Huang Jin gritted his teeth.

If this thing were to be lit, it could accumulate a large amount of “sorrow” related emotions in a small area. What kind of candle was this? It was damn well a Qi Xin trap!

Ge Tingting explained sincerely, “Qi Xin has always been watching from the sidelines, but she doesn’t seem to want to break ties with Yin Ren. If we specifically ask her for help, she won’t ignore us.”

Huang Jin: “You mean…”

Ge Tingting: “Both of us have damaged brains…”

Huang Jin: “…”

Alright, he understood. People with damaged brains were the most suitable to be controlled by great Primordial Elementals. While he was still thinking about what weapon to use for self-defense, this girl was considering using him as a weapon.

Huang Jin rubbed his face vigorously, his gaze drifting. “You’ll definitely make a name for yourself in the future. Fine, since you still have your hearing, I’ll go along with it.”

“Alright. Don’t worry. Even if she controls you, you’ll be safe.”

“I know.”

Ge Tingting lit the candle on the spot, and a blood-red glow emanated from it. The flame ignited for only a few seconds before a piercing gaze descended upon them. Then, the surrounding mist suddenly thickened, and from within the rolling fog, connected skeletal corpses emerged from various directions.

“How troublesome.”

Ge Tingting heard a sigh from afar.

Meanwhile, Huang Jin’s head gradually sank, looking as if he had fallen asleep. However, when he raised his head again, his face became extremely indifferent.

“Speak, little girl. What do you want me to do?”

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Huang Jin’s voice was still the same, but it carried a touch of cold arrogance.

“Find someone.” Ge Tingting extinguished the candle, speaking in a confident tone. “Hu Tao is highly likely to be under the control of Love. Yin Ge and Zhong Ge want to preserve their strength and haven’t engaged in a battle with her yet. Now, Hu Tao is looking for the murderer who killed her back then. Please help us find him.”

“So be it.”

Huang Jin, possessed by Qi Xin, stood up and revealed a faint smile.

“I made a promise to someone that I wouldn’t participate in their battles… But helping you won’t be considered a breach of contract. Is finding someone all you need?”

Ge Tingting took a deep breath. “If the target is close to us, I hope you can find a way to lure Yin Ren and the others over. If the target is closer to Yin Ren’s side, you don’t need to take action. Just stay nearby with me.”

“You have quite a few requests,” “Huang Jin” said calmly.

“It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. As long as Love doesn’t discover you, you can also investigate the latest developments up close,” Ge Tingting responded flawlessly.

Huang Jin, possessed by Qi Xin: “Alright.”

He first placed his hand on Ge Tingting’s head, retrieving memories. Then he closed his eyes, seemingly experiencing something, and his eyebrows gradually furrowed.

“The person you’re looking for isn’t here,” he said. “There are no relevant clues, I’m quite certain.”

Ge Tingting stood frozen in place, a chill running down her spine.


Hu Tao floated in front of the two of them.

The white arms tightly embraced her, and the four arms that dragged them to this place were still extended. Six arms in total emerged from behind her, resembling the long legs of a spider and the eyes of a snail. They would occasionally reach out towards Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo, filled with vigilance and hostility, sometimes getting dangerously close.

Yin Ren was experiencing this kind of situation for the first time, pretending to be Zhong Chengshuo. Fortunately, their heights were similar, and he was familiar with Zhong Chengshuo’s habits, so he didn’t expose himself in front of Hu Tao. He walked cautiously, maintaining a polite and safe distance.

At the moment, he was more concerned about Hu Tao herself.

Hu Tao’s face was covered in bloodstains, but amidst the stains, there were strange cracks revealing a white color. The aura emanating from her became increasingly heavy and dense, far exceeding what a fierce ghost should bear. She was like a bomb being heated over an open flame, ready to explode at any moment.

The same power was faintly surging from beneath their feet. Just a moment ago, they didn’t feel this subtle oppressive sensation.

The milky strands surrounding them, and the nest-like structures resembled the forests of a thousand years ago in Yin Ren’s eyes. As the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, he was most skilled at dealing with abnormal beings.

Yin Ren swiftly walked towards the nearest nest, contemplating quickly in his mind.

The surrounding aura changed, and the cocoon jolted for a while. The cocoon they were in must have changed its position. Sending Hu Tao, this familiar person, to delay them was probably an attempt by Love to place this cocoon in a troublesome location, but she couldn’t accomplish it all at once.

If they were truly trapped securely, things would become troublesome.

Without the Evil Fruit, Zhong Chengshuo, pretending to be Lu Xiaohe, made a makeshift flesh knife as a weapon. Now, Zhong Chengshuo, pretending to be “Lu Xiaohe”, was pressing on his side as he used the blade to cut the silk threads on the cocoon’s face—it was a thin and emaciated middle-aged man, but it wasn’t A’Shen.

He then placed the silk threads back in their original positions, performing his actions meticulously.

Hu Tao snorted coldly. “You’re so slow.”

“Evil beings can’t use magic here, so Yin Ren can’t be of much help.” Yin Ren spoke calmly. “Judging from your current condition, you should know this.”

Hu Tao: “Just find him and stop babbling.”

Yin Ren looked at his former partner.

Hu Tao’s eye sockets were filled with bloody chunks of flesh, making it almost impossible to find her eyes, let alone discern her emotions. But he just knew that she was staring at him at this moment.

[What are you——?!] [I warn you, don’t mess around. I’m registered with Shian!] The first time he saw Hu Tao, she had this bloody appearance, but her tone was much more panicked.

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It felt like a lifetime ago.

“Hu Tao, has the person helping you ever told you that you can’t withstand this kind of power?” Yin Ren left the nest, steadily walking towards the next one, his tone sounding nonchalant. “If you come into contact with excessive Evil Force, you will collapse.”

It would be a decent ending, triggering a massive explosion for them. If things went slightly wrong, there was a possibility of transforming into an Evil Spirit without rationality, unable to meet a good end.

Even for a doomed ghost destined to dissipate, this was still the worst outcome. Yin Ren clenched his fists, trying his best to ignore the arms that were reaching out and exploring in front of him.

“I’ve been searching for him for a long time.”

Hu Tao didn’t respond to Yin Ren’s words. As she spoke, the arms behind her gently retracted, embracing her with an affectionate gesture.

“During that period twenty-nine years ago, there were too many cases happening in Haigu that didn’t make it to the news. I wandered around near my house, listening to the neighbors discussing… They said A’Shen had fled out of fear. So, I waited, waiting for him to be captured.”

Yin Ren softened his voice, no longer mentioning the word “collapse”. “And then?”

Hu Tao fell silent for a moment, as if she had forgotten how to speak. After a while, she continued slowly.

“His ID card, bank cards, and phone were all at home. For a person like him, how long could he hide? I waited and waited, but the police never managed to catch him.”

“Then you encountered us.”

“Yes, with the spirit contract, I could go to many places. I heard that he disappeared along with many others, and I heard that many people who were corrupted acted crazily back then.” Hu Tao’s voice became ethereal. “We were childhood sweethearts, deeply in love for so long. My parents always liked him. Maybe…”

She never finished her sentence. Her fingers tightly dug into her arms, piercing them and drawing more blood.

Yin Ren’s steps slowed down.

Perhaps her husband’s madness, her parents’ deaths, and all the bloodshed were due to supernatural reasons. Perhaps she was just a small victim before the occurrence of abnormal incidents…

Hu Tao intentionally sought contact with the ‘Innocent Thoughts’ and similar items, probably out of similar intentions.

“I understand,” Yin Ren comforted her. “You want to find peace of mind.”

“Yes, I need to know the reason. Otherwise, I can’t hate peacefully… can’t hate peacefully…” Her voice grew weaker, turning into indiscernible murmurs, hidden behind her bloodstained hair.

Yin Ren halted his steps.

Hu Tao, as if someone had stepped on her tail, became spirited again. “Why aren’t you moving ? Why aren’t you moving?”

“Because I realized that finding him is meaningless,” Yin Ren said gently. “Most of the people trapped here are filled with strong affection. You’re thinking that if you find A’Shen here, it will prove that he loved you and had no choice but to do what he did.”

The arms behind Hu Tao stirred restlessly, as if they wanted to attack but were drawn to this poisonous yet intriguing topic.

“You’re right,” she said hoarsely. “I must be certain…”

“But you can’t be certain.”

Yin Ren, embodying the appearance of Zhong Chengshuo, stood in place.

“Even if you find him here, it doesn’t prove anything. You’ve seen how Yin Ren looked when he consumed the ‘Innocent Thoughts’. The affection is real, but does that negate the harm caused?”

“No! He truly loves me; how could he do such a thing?!” Hu Tao screamed. “A’Shen would make breakfast for me with his own hands, never argue with me, and never force me to do anything I didn’t like! When I was sick, he was so worried that he carried me to the hospital, wearing out his feet! I’ve known him for fifteen years—fifteen years! You’re speaking so lightly—”

Yin Ren took a step forward. His expression was still eerily calm, but not quite like Zhong Chengshuo’s.

“So you must know for sure that within your social circle, you won’t come across the Ghost Market’s ‘Innocent Thoughts’. But let me tell you, during a Divine Descent, it does drive people insane, but they didn’t go mad to the extent of wanting to deceive others. When it comes to killing, indeed one can sense being watched, but that requires the act of killing to occur first.”

“Shut up!!!” Hu Tao covered her ears and instantly swung an arm towards Yin Ren. Yin Ren didn’t defend himself or even evade.

A deep bloodied gash appeared on his left cheek.

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Zhong Chengshuo instinctively wanted to rush forward but then remembered he was wearing Lu Xiaohe’s shell. He stood helplessly in place, unsure of what to do.

Why hasn’t Yin Ren ended the conversation yet? Could it be that his previous words weren’t just meant to make the enemy relax?

…Why hasn’t Yin Ren taken the opportunity to communicate countermeasures with him and only kept talking to Hu Tao?

But he couldn’t intervene.

With pursed lips, Zhong Chengshuo looked at Yin Ren a few steps away.

“A’Shen is a murderer, and it doesn’t conflict with him loving you. ‘Love’ is not an almighty excuse, and it doesn’t prove anything. Let me say it again, regardless of whether you can find him here or not, he is undoubtedly a murderer.”

Ignoring the bleeding wound, Yin Ren continued calmly.


Yin Ren pointed at his heart.

“…And here.” He then tapped his temple. “They are fundamentally different things.”

Hu Tao rushed abruptly in front of Yin Ren; her shattered face almost touching his nose. She spewed a ghastly aura, and behind her, several arms emerged as if breaking through a cocoon, making her resemble a strange multi-limbed creature.

These new arms faintly impeded her momentum—apparently, the time Love wanted to delay wasn’t enough.

Yin Ren silently watched her with a trace of sorrow gradually appearing on his face.

Pure obsession was the essence of a vengeful ghost, and Hu Tao remained in this world through her hatred. Her hatred must have a focal point—a solid enough one.

So why, when she argued, “Maybe there’s no need to hate A’Shen”, was her state still so stable?

“What exactly do you want to say?” Hu Tao vigorously scratched her bloody and disfigured face. “Are you trying to tell me I don’t need to search, and all I have to do is hate him wholeheartedly?”

“No, that’s not it,” Yin Ren said softly. “What I want to say is that you are not at fault.”

“Your obsession is the ‘flaw’ that might have caused the tragedy back then. Now I’m telling you, you’re not wrong.”

Hu Tao suddenly retreated, instantly shrinking to three or four meters away from Yin Ren, as if poison surrounded him. The previously resentful and eerie presence transformed into a startled little creature.

She opened her mouth, resembling a bloody hole, as if she wanted to refute, but no sound came out.

Yin Ren sighed inwardly.

“If he is just a pitiful person influenced by something, then he must have been influenced before the killings. As his closest lover, your failure to notice anything amiss in time makes every person’s death your mistake.”

“If he is merely a cold-blooded psychopathic killer, and you’ve known him for fifteen years without suspecting anything, then the deaths of your parents are also your indirect fault.”

“…Hu Tao, deep down, you actually thought this way before, didn’t you?”

Obsession, obsession—how could it be so easily shaken?

The hatred toward the killer was merely superficial. Perhaps Hu Tao herself didn’t realize or didn’t want to admit it—ultimately, what she resented was herself.

Hu Tao floated in place, blood dripping from her body onto the ground. The space inside the cocoon was too snowy white, and when the blood fell to the ground, it looked like ink.

Ignoring the arms waving around Hu Tao, Yin Ren took a few steps forward, standing in front of her.

Peeling away the surface, revealing the festering wound, only one step remained.

“A’Shen is indeed a murderer. As for the motive, whether it’s deep affection or a vile nature, it is always the one who acts that causes the tragedy, regardless of their reasons.”

“You are not at fault.”

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Yin Ren’s voice was clear and calm, carrying a faint authority.

“No matter what others say, this is my judgment. If A’Shen is still alive, I will help you kill him.”

“You are not at fault.”

Yin Ren stared directly into Hu Tao’s eyes, repeating it for the third time.

Hu Tao floated stiffly, and the arms behind her ceased their movement.

Time passed, and the overwhelming hostility in her subsided slightly, transforming into uncertain doubt. Those arms curled in confusion, and the blood no longer dripped. The fragmented features on Hu Tao’s face slowly came together, reconstructing her broken face.

But there were too many white cracks on her face, and no matter how she tried, the flesh couldn’t be completely restored. That familiar face now resembled a shattered porcelain doll.

“…Why do I feel like you’re not Zhong Chengshuo? That guy doesn’t have this much thought. Could it be that spending time with Yin Ren has enlightened you?”

Curiously, she scrutinized Yin Ren, just like their first encounter in the living room. Her tone became somewhat cheerful, reminiscent of her previous self.

“You make some sense. I didn’t really think about it before. Let’s go, we can search while we talk.”

Yin Ren didn’t move.

The girl in front of him was dressed in pajamas, with white cracks covering her body. In a trance, she showed a hint of distress, and her blood-colored features slightly furrowed.

The arms behind her seemed to sense something. They dangerously swayed, emanating increasingly powerful force, making the white cracks on Hu Tao’s body more pronounced.

Meanwhile, Hu Tao herself maintained that half-awake state, revealing a gentle expression. “Zhong Chengshuo?”

“I’ve encountered many vengeful spirits,” Yin Ren whispered. “You were a good person in your life, so much so that even as a vengeful spirit, you don’t repel people.”

“…Zhong Chengshuo?” This time, there was a touch of uncertainty in Hu Tao’s call.

In an instant, her long hair fluttered, and her red clothing seemed fiery.

Yin Ren removed his disguise, placing a hand on Hu Tao’s forehead. He lowered his gaze with an unusual lack of amusement on his face.

And his hand was stained with fresh red blood.

The Great Celestial Master, Zhong Yi, excelled at exorcism.

The essence of a vengeful ghost was pure obsession. When the obsession shattered, the vengeful ghost would dissipate like melting snow. And the wavering of obsession was the first crack.

There was a brief moment of surprise on Hu Tao’s face, followed by an expression that seemed to say, “As expected”, as she smiled absentmindedly.

Countless arms embraced her, jostling her. The power of Love surged madly, yet she merely pressed her forehead against that hand.

“I’m letting go. You said you would help me kill him, so I won’t search anymore.”

She said.

“Mom and Dad won’t blame me, right?”

The scenery inside the cocoon resembled the purest ice and snow, and this particular piece silently melted away.

Those arms no longer embraced anything.

The immense power approached its eruption but lacked the crucial support, ultimately dissipating into nothingness.

Kinky Thoughts:

I’m so sad for Hu Tao. All she wanted was just to watch 3rd rate dramas and like to eat snacks!

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