Evil As Humans

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Phenomena A-A0

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It took a full seven days for Meiqiu to regain consciousness from its fainting spells, and even after waking up, its condition remained unstable.

The Lonely flesh acted like a pathogen, continuously infecting Meiqiu’s body, although its destructive power wasn’t as strong as the flesh from Fear. Fortunately, Yin Ren had ample experience suppressing such power. He stood by the table like a statue, carefully suppressing those forces for Meiqiu.

Meiqiu’s physical condition gradually improved, and Zhong Chengshuo approached as well. He stood beside Yin Ren, providing support for the weary man.

At the same time, his hand always covered Meiqiu’s front paw.

The Lonely ability leaned towards the cognitive aspect, so Gao Mengyu’s cat could serve as a partial surgical recorder. Zhong Chengshuo, however, still wasn’t completely at ease. He kept alternating his gaze between Meiqiu and Yin Ren, constantly sensing Meiqiu’s aura with his hands.

Over these days, Yin Ren’s expression hardly changed. He was focused on treating Meiqiu without even blinking.

‘Yes, he’s human,’ Zhong Chengshuo thought.

Yin Ren’s actions were nothing like those of an evil creature; he valued human life, but only to the extent that an ordinary person would. If someone close to him was in danger, he would do everything in his power to help. The difference was that his “power” was much stronger than that of an ordinary person, which made it seem extraordinary and astonishing.

He loved food and protected his shortcomings; he had no ambitions and was lazy at all the jobs he disliked. Skilled in worldly affairs yet easily influenced by various emotions.

Looking back now, ever since they met, Yin Ren had simply been living as an ordinary person, giving his all.

It was the same a thousand years ago, and it was the same now.

Zhong Chengshuo’s head drooped. A subtle sense of loss washed over him. In this moment, he realized that when he had previously sensed that Yin Ren might be the cub of “Fear”, he had also felt a sense of joy deep inside.

On that day a thousand years ago, Yin Ren had shared half an apple with him and led him out of the eternal chaos.

He thought he had given Yin Ren a new life in return.

However, the half of power he had returned almost caused Yin Ren’s demise—if it weren’t for Yin Ren enduring the corruption, he might have transformed into a fearsome creature.

“Zhong Chengshuo, no matter how others classify me, I am just me. Compared to dying back then, of course, I prefer being alive.”

Yin Ren placed both hands on Meiqiu’s abdomen, his gaze unwavering. He seemed to sense Zhong Chengshuo’s melancholy, and his voice carried a hint of laughter.

“And I survived, so that I could meet you.”

Zhong Chengshuo turned his face to the side, silently gazing at Yin Ren. Yin Ren’s expression was calm, and a small bundle of wings crawled up Zhong Chengshuo’s nape and ruffled his head.

“You indeed fell flat on your face and triggered the Gong Dynasty that was plagued by ancient evils. But to me, you’re just a poor sap who got hit with misfortune, albeit a grand one.”

There was laughter in Yin Ren’s voice.

“I don’t care what others think, but if you bring it up again, I’ll make you treat me to a 50-year barbecue buffet.”

Zhong Chengshuo: “How did you know what I was thinking? Is that also one of your abilities?”

Yin Ren coughed twice. “Dog Thing trembled in my pocket, thinking it had gone mad from your uneasiness.”

Zhong Chengshuo remained silent.

Yin Ren’s smile grew wider. “It’s the first time I’ve seen you so uneasy. Is it because of the two of us?”

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“Yes,” Zhong Chengshuo honestly admitted.

“Well, it’s alright. I still like you.”

Several steps away, Fu Tianyi rolled his eyes in exasperation, trying to focus his attention on Meiqiu.

On the table, Meiqiu’s aura slowly changed. The twelve new eyes initially darted around uncontrollably, but eventually, they started emitting a faint light. They resembled strange gems scattered on its black fur, beautiful yet eerie.

“How is Meiqiu doing?” Fu Tianyi made an effort to dispel the ambiguous atmosphere around them.

“Meiqiu’s condition is different from mine. Keep a close eye on it.” Yin Ren’s tone suddenly turned authoritative. “I had been corrupted by Evil Force for hundreds of years before, so my adaptability to the integration of the flesh and blood of the Elementals is much better than its. Meiqiu is taking big steps, and even with me suppressing it, its body still bears a heavy burden.”

Fu Tianyi’s expression turned serious. “Understood!”

Zhong Chengshuo frowned beside them.

He suddenly released his grip on Meiqiu’s paw and pulled up a chair beside the table. In an instant, a pile of paper and pens materialized in front of him as he began calculating, printing out sheets of paper like a printer.

Yin Ren asked in confusion, “Zhong Ge?”

“There’s quite a bit of information, and I need to calculate. You guys focus on your tasks,” Zhong Chengshuo said, lightly biting his knuckles, while more and more data flowed from his pen.

Yin Ren, perplexed, lifted Meiqiu in his arms. “Don’t you need my help?”

“The hints you’ve given are enough.”

Zhong Chengshuo’s gaze was fixed on the papers.

“Now it’s my turn to work.”


“So, he’s been staying in his own little room all this time?” Zhong Chengfeng seemed on the verge of having a heart attack. “It’s been several days!”

Yin Ren sighed. “I understand.”

The Lonelies had a new task. They would venture out a little when Satisfaction struck, bringing back some scraps of Satisfaction’s flesh. Out of caution, Yin Ren no longer gnawed on Love’s elbow. Instead, he hunted small Elementals and exchanged them with the Lonelies.

With the power of Satisfaction’s flesh, his wounds healed quickly.

But while Meiqiu went from standing to walking, from walking to running, and even learned to go out with Yin Ren to hunt small Elementals, Zhong Chengshuo still hadn’t emerged from his base.

Sometimes, Gao Mengyu’s cat would be caught to replay the “Meiqiu’s healing process”. Apart from that, there was no further communication.

Yin Ren had made a special visit once—this time it was Zhong Chengshuo who leaned against him while taking a nap, and when he woke up, he immediately did calculations with the paper in his arms. Yin Ren felt dizzy looking at those strange symbols, but Dr. Meiqiu was busy adapting to its new body and couldn’t help.

He didn’t know when these days would pass. Yin Ren chugged a bottle of “Satisfaction” like drinking beer, but even the originally delicious taste had become dull.

Who would have thought that just as his wounds were almost healed, Zhong Chengshuo would emerge from seclusion?

Yin Ren followed his usual routine and entered Zhong Chengshuo’s base, but he almost didn’t recognize it. Every corner was neatly piled with calculation papers, forming upright pillars that had a particularly calming and ascetic effect.

Zhong Chengshuo carried a shoulder bag and held a few sheets of calculation paper like treasures.

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“Today, you’ll accompany me into a dream,” Zhong Chengshuo said, seeming to have forgotten how to speak, searching for his words.

Seeing Yin Ren’s subtly startled expression of “Who are you?”, Zhong Chengshuo clumsily added, “Into Gao Mengyu’s dream, with Meiqiu too.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“My job, properly.”

Zhong Chengshuo’s voice was as serious as ever.

He looked at Yin Ren’s face, stretched out his hand, and gently traced his eyebrows and eyes with his fingertips, then slid them along the corners of Yin Ren’s eyes to his cheeks. Zhong Chengshuo’s movements were gentle and satisfied, as if he had accomplished some great mission.

“No matter how others classify us, you are still you… and I am still me. This is ‘my’ way of doing things.”

It had been nearly half a month without any news from the other side, and Fu Xingchuan was on the verge of giving up.

Recently, he would spend some time in Gao Mengyu’s dreams every night. Gao Mengyu didn’t mind; she would cuddle her cat and read a book. However, Fu Xingchuan felt it was inappropriate to keep entering the dreams of a young woman every day.

He had intended to call Ge Tingting to take over, but lately, Ge Tingting always applied to go out and seemed to have vanished into thin air. Fu Xingchuan vowed that if he couldn’t wait for the person from the Other Side today, he… he would have to continue waiting.

After all, he couldn’t always trouble Gao Mengyu, disturbing her sleep.

Today, Fu Xingchuan went to patrol Gao Mengyu’s dream as usual. However, as soon as he entered, he saw something that clearly shouldn’t be there—

A fourteen-eyed black cat was perched on Gao Mengyu’s knee. Gao Mengyu leaned against the Lonely cat, and there was a monster lying on her lap. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

The girl had earplugs in her ears. Fu Xingchuan shifted his gaze and, as expected, saw Zhong Chengshuo and Yin Ren sitting on the sofa.

However, the atmosphere between the two was a bit strange.

Yin Ren’s face showed faint confusion and anticipation, while Zhong Chengshuo’s expression was solemn, as if about to make some important announcement.

Fu Xingchuan took a colorful cushion and sat on the ground. “What’s going on? …That cat-like thing is Meiqiu?”

Zhong Chengshuo didn’t directly answer his question.

“Meiqiu and I have made a new discovery that needs to be announced,” Zhong Chengshuo said, sitting upright. “I have preliminarily confirmed my conclusions, and all the relevant people are here.”

Fu Xingchuan: “…” Zhong Chengshuo’s demeanor made it seem like he was reporting on his work. The fact that this person was a genuine ancient Primordial Elemental gave Fu Xingchuan a strange sense of unreality.

Fu Xingchuan: “…Go on.”

“Phenomenon A-A3, Evil Spirit; Phenomenon A-A2, Divine Descent; Phenomenon A-A1, the Other Side… The phenomenon I’m reporting surpasses the three, so the numbering should be sufficient.”

Meiqiu emitted a purring sound on Gao Mengyu’s lap, and Fu Xingchuan’s playful expression disappeared from his face.

“Minister Fu, have you ever considered a corruption stronger than ‘Evil Force’? One that is a thousand times stronger.”

Zhong Chengshuo glanced at Yin Ren, who still seemed puzzled. His tone was calm and clear. “Elementals can only exist on the Other Side. If they were to directly descend into the human world, their flesh and blood would crumble, corrupting into Evil Force. Evil Force is also unstable and rapidly decomposes into evil qi.”

“All of this is known, and I have taught you,” Fu Xingchuan said solemnly.

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“Evil Force needs to stably exist in the human world by attaching itself to a body—whether it be a living creature’s body or an evil being’s body. Through fusion, new ‘phenomena’ will be born, such as individuals with special abilities or evil spirits.”

“Elemental flesh and blood also need a body for stable existence.”

Zhong Chengshuo tightened his grip on his hands.

“Individuals like Mr. Qiu can only exert their power in the interstitial space, similar to that of a puppeteer. What I want to talk about is a deeper fusion… like Meiqiu, like me, and like Yin Ren.”

Fu Xingchuan fell into silence.

“This phenomenon is extremely rare. If it weren’t for the Divine Descent from a thousand years ago, the human world wouldn’t have encountered such fresh Elemental flesh and blood. This kind of phenomenon shouldn’t exist.”

“The conditions for this phenomenon are also extremely demanding. During fusion, it requires a balance between the power of the Primordial Elemental flesh and the power of the body. If the balance is disrupted…”

Zhong Chengshuo placed his hand on the back of Yin Ren’s hand, applying slight pressure with his five fingers.

“When Elemental flesh and blood lose control, the fused body will collapse. Subsequently, the Elemental flesh and blood will also corrupt into Evil Force, giving rise to powerful evil beings.”

A situation like this almost occurred in the Archive.

It wasn’t the birth of an Evil Spirit but rather Yin Ren, as a special phenomenon in the process of fusion, gradually “dying”.

Fu Xingchuan rubbed his chin with a blank expression. “Continue.”

“Suppose the fusion is successful. The abilities of this ‘special phenomenon’ wouldn’t be limited by the rules of the Other Side or the human world. In theory, with systematic training, they would be able to freely traverse both realms, with individual abilities starting at least on par with an Evil Spirit.”

“The Evil Spirit power version has become the Elemental flesh and blood version…” Fu Xingchuan tugged at his hair in frustration.

Inherent in the power of the Charons, with the starting point of Evil Force and an unknown upper limit, coupled with their intellect. It sounded like his most chaotic nightmare, and he believed that those on the Other Side wouldn’t like it either.

Due to the existence of the gaps, Evil Force and corruption by Evil Force still fall within the realm of nature. However, the concept proposed by Zhong Chengshuo could be considered a hybrid of both realms, a terrifying “phenomenon” that went against the laws.

“Oh fuck, wait a minute, are you now mentioning that ‘angel’s arms’ thing—?!” Fu Xingchuan suddenly looked up.

If it was just the discovery of a new species, Zhong Chengshuo could have reported it afterwards. There was no need to urgently inform Shian.

“Minister Fu, a sufficient corrupted environment and widespread awareness are essential factors for the birth of evil beings.”

Zhong Chengshuo curled the corners of his mouth.

“Love knows of my existence. Clearly, it is not satisfied with fusing with ordinary humans like me… What it wants is a more formidable body. Whether that body is an evil being or a living creature, I don’t think it cares.”

Fu Xingchuan chuckled bitterly. “Going for a custom-made option?”

Spreading corruption throughout the human world, solidifying its presence in everyone’s minds—this is to create a powerful evil. It’s better to say it’s forging a divine body for itself. But when it came to “creation”, the process was almost like…

The expression on Minister Fu’s face suddenly turned unpleasant.

Yin Ren clearly also thought of the same thing. He looked slowly at Zhong Chengshuo, and a chill ran down his spine.

“The Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, the strongest individual ever to exist in the metaphysical world. The recent ‘Great Celestial Master Replica’ case in Gengsheng Town is highly likely to have been influenced by Love. Its initial goal may have been to create a powerful avatar for itself. Upon discovering my successful case, it may have been inspired… This is my personal speculation.”

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Zhong Chengshuo quietly stated.

“That concludes my research report.”

Fu Xingchuan was speechless.

What would happen if Love succeeded?

Human power was limited to controlling Evil Force. Mr. Qiu and Mr. Le relied solely on imperfectly fused puppets to fight, and that already left Shian powerless to fight back. Now that the concept of the angel’s arms was everywhere, if Love were to obtain a strong enough body…

Whether in the human world or the Other Side, even “Satisfaction” that still existed on the Other Side would be firmly held in its grasp. The birth of Elementals would be controlled and manipulated by it. On the other hand, it would become an absolute power in the human world, capable of plunging the world into endless madness with its abilities.

Fu Xingchuan was reluctant to think further.

“Well, that’s the current situation.”

The cat with fourteen eyes jumped down to the ground, walked up to Fu Xingchuan with its tail upright, and all fourteen of its eyes blinked simultaneously.

Meiqiu made a cheerful sound, completely unconcerned about the fate of the human world.

“Because the plan was determined based on me, Zhong Chengshuo said he would leave the naming of such phenomena to me. I’ve also come up with a name, listen—”

It raised its head, and all fourteen eyes looked at Fu Xingchuan at the same time.

“Phenomenon A-A0, God.”

Kinky Thoughts:

Well, shit…

Well, lots of concepts to break down for those who are confused.

First, how did they rescue Meiqiu? Using the Elemental flesh from the Lonely cat, Yin Ren was able to heal Meiqiu by transforming its body physically. This is similar to how Zhong Chengshuo was able to restore his own headless body (despite being a science post) and how Yin Ren was able to survive after being on the brink of dying while being attacked by the Gouluo army.

The Other Side is not bound by the cognition of the human world. Generally, metaphysicians can be healed through spells and magic, while science posts will need real life scientific medical treatment. The Other Side breaks this cognition and actually influences the human side in some way through Evil Force (Elemental flesh).

However, Elemental flesh is extremely powerful, and no human could survive such a powerful force… Except Yin Ren. During the Divine Descent of 1,000+ years ago (where Zhong Chengshuo first fell), Yin Ren’s mother was affected by the Evil Force from the Divine Descent, giving birth to a baby that is half corrupted by Evil Force. The logic also applies on the human side. Because Evil Force is so powerful, it’s unstable on the human side, so when an Elemental flesh enters the human realm, it starts breaking down, eventually becoming evil qi.

Not only that, Yin Ren was talented and a highly skilled cultivator specializing in sealing magic. The Evil Force prolonged his life (but also gave him infinite pain and suffering because humans aren’t meant to have such powers), but his sealing magic allows him to not be overwhelmed by the Evil Force, which if he were a normal human would have collapsed his body.

This was basically a vaccine given to Yin Ren early on. On the day that Yin Ren “died” in the Valley of Remains, rabbit Zhong Chengshuo gave him half of his power as the original “Fear”… which would have surely killed Yin Ren, let alone revived him. However, because he was plagued with Evil Force all his life and kept sealing it, he was able to maintain that balance between the power of Evil Force and his own body, thus allowing him to control half the power Zhong Chengshuo gave him.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t give Meiqiu his own flesh because it’s too powerful, so he used the Lonely cat flesh instead (less powerful) and combined with his ability to seal and control the flesh’s Evil Force, Meiqiu was saved.

Yin Ren is basically a hybrid of the Other Side and the human world, with the flesh from “Fear”, one of the most powerful Primordial Elementals of the Other Side.

Now, what Love is doing is influencing the human world with her angel’s arm and corrupting it with Evil Force. When more Evil Force are present, it gives rise to more evil beings and humans with Elemental powers (like the Charon, Resonance, and Infinite users). Love is trying to secure a body that is truly divine. She doesn’t want a makeshift body that acts more like a puppet like what Mr. Qiu or Mr. Le use (as they cannot handle her true body).

The experiment Sunken Society did in Gengsheng Town, where the mayor was becoming an Evil spirit, was under Love’s guidance, trying to forge a godly body for her. Basically… she’s trying to become God, controlling both the Other Side and the human world. With ultimate control of the human world, she can plunge it into madness, allowing stronger emotions, which means more food for the Elementals on the Other Side. At the same time, she could also control Satisfaction and stop it from endlessly giving birth to new Elementals, so food scarcity wouldn’t be a problem.

Hope that explains things.

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