Evil As Humans

Chapter 240

Chapter 240: Revenge

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[Now that Yin Ren and the others are fighting against Love, Shen Mo won’t retreat on his own.] With the assistance of Dr. Cat, Jiao Lian’s communication entered everyone’s minds. [Delaying time and protecting the people is the priority.]

[I know. This guy is originally a coward who fears death.]

Meng Huai caused another explosion, forcing Shen Mo to teleport again.

The use of the Charon’s teleportation required a significant amount of power and a great deal of physical stamina for attacking and defending against the Meng and Zhong duo. Surprisingly, Shen Mo, with the help of his Charon ability, was able to hold his ground against the two of them. The surrounding Elementals scattered in disarray, with some larger Elementals openly preying on smaller ones. Blood splattered, creating a chaotic scene.

Fortunately, the survivors on the white net were completely cleared out and sent to Fu Tianyi’s imagined stronghold. Shen Mo still clung on without letting go, evidently taking advantage of the absence of the stronger high-level Elementals, determined to gain some benefits.

If they had the upper hand, Shen Mo could temporarily escape and bide his time; if they had the lower hand and weren’t careful, they could lose their lives here.

[Xiao Jiao, your Charon ability is quite troublesome.] Meng Huai said. [This won’t work if it continues.]

[Wait until Yin Ren and the others are more secure.] Jiao Lian calmly reiterated.

[Time is difficult to control. If one of us, either me or Chengfeng, goes down, the other definitely won’t be able to hold on. Even if that kid Fu Tianyi guards the secret, Shen Mo can still find the survivors by interrogating the “Lonelies”.] Meng Huai said. [The risk is too great; we must quickly resolve it… How many more times can he use his current strength to teleport?]

[According to the data model provided by Minister Jiao, around seventeen times. However, the past is too long ago, and there’s insufficient data, so there will definitely be errors.] Dr. Cat interrupted.

Jiao Lian: [The data isn’t accurate. It can only serve as a reference. With Shen Mo’s personality, he won’t push himself to the limit. Once he doesn’t have enough teleportation left, he will retreat.]

[Tsk.] Meng Huai clicked her tongue heavily.

Not far away, Fu Tianyi’s red attire emerged from the group of Elementals. Shen Mo instantly teleported, extending his hand towards Fu Tianyi’s chest. Zhong Chengfeng’s bullets poured down, causing Shen Mo to hastily retreat several steps. He evidently had reservations about his own stamina and only used teleportation when necessary.

Doesn’t he have any weaknesses?

To transfer a large number of survivors, it would undoubtedly require reception in the human world and a relatively long transportation time. In this process, if even one survivor was snatched away, it would bring endless troubles. Simply delaying time and pushing the troublesome matters onto the “stronger individuals” as a matter of course, Meng Huai’s chest felt a bit uncomfortable.

In the past thirty years, her thoughts had never been so active.

Though Shen Mo had some issues with his head, he was cautious and cunning, employing vicious methods… But people always have weaknesses, and he definitely has weaknesses on the battlefield…

[Don’t force yourself.] Jiao Lian’s voice sounded in Meng Huai’s ear. [Pay attention to stamina consumption. You and Chengfeng must maintain your distance…]

[I have an idea.] Meng Huai said.

[What is it?]

[Fu Tianyi, retreat to the operational stronghold!] Meng Huai didn’t answer and instead directed her thoughts to Fu Tianyi. [Chengfeng and I will join you shortly!]

As a backup in the operation, Fu Tianyi quickly took action. With a flick of the black and white fragmented flesh, he disappeared into the air.

[Chengfeng, you’re next. I’ll cover you.]

[Okay.] Zhong Chengfeng didn’t waste any words.

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In the next instant, Zhong Chengfeng also disappeared.

With the sudden disappearance of the two enemies, Shen Mo quickly became vigilant—was Shian giving up on capturing him and prioritizing self-preservation?

…How naive.

Seeing Meng Huai also using Elemental flesh, Shen Mo gathered his strength and teleported behind her. Just as her spell took effect, he suddenly hugged Meng Huai.

At the same time, Shen Mo prepared for the next teleportation. If it turned out to be a trap, he would escape immediately.

Colors distorted and shadows flew. Shen Mo was faced with multiple layers of darkness and an extremely strong Evil Force.

However, apart from Meng Huai herself, he didn’t sense any surveillance or hostility in the surroundings. There were a few people not far away, and they didn’t deliberately suppress their aura, giving off a very relaxed feeling.

It really was Shian’s imagined stronghold.

As his thoughts raced, Shen Mo hesitated for a moment.

However, at that moment, Meng Huai spun around—she broke free from Shen Mo’s restraint, twisted her body, and jumped. Her legs directly locked around Shen Mo’s waist from behind. Meng Huai grabbed Shen Mo’s neck with one hand and held a small Elemental’s corpse hanging nearby with the other.

The position they were in happened to be Shian’s “Other Side arsenal”.

Blinding white light suddenly erupted, releasing a powerful aura of magic.

Sensing the danger, Shen Mo activated his teleportation.

‘Too naive,’ he thought. Holding onto her was useless; as long as he didn’t want to, Meng Huai could only fall foolishly back to the original spot. However, he had memorized the location of Shian’s stronghold…


His body felt heavy.

Shen Mo lowered his head and was horrified.

The white light magic from earlier wasn’t a magic attack at all—Meng Huai’s entire left lower leg had fused with his abdomen, completely sticking them together.

Meng Huai was now a part of him.

And this part showed no mercy. Meng Huai held a handful of Elemental flesh and blood, directly covering Shen Mo’s temple—


Shen Mo instantly teleported, sending the explosion to another space. If not for that, his head would have been blown off.


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At such close range, if he didn’t move, Meng Huai behind him would undoubtedly die as well. But Meng Huai didn’t hesitate in the slightest. Before Shen Mo could say anything, Elemental flesh and blood were once again pressed against the back of his neck.


Teleport, teleport, teleport again. Meng Huai continuously triggered explosions, not giving Shen Mo any chance to attack.

This woman was truly insane.

She had no idea how many more teleportations he had left. If she made the wrong judgment, both of them would explode and die here. Shen Mo couldn’t understand at all—why risk their lives like this? They should have waited for Yin Ren to come and clean up the mess.

She clearly had countless opportunities for follow-ups and could make so many plans!

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

With each explosion forcefully thrown behind him, Shen Mo desperately dug at the leg fused into his abdomen. However, after a few harsh attacks, besides the excruciating pain, he could see his own internal organs. Faced with the dripping blood and slippery innards, Shen Mo gave up on further self-harm.

Damn it!

He was like a person on fire, constantly teleporting to various dangerous places, hoping to shake off the crazed woman behind him. However, this woman only knew how to do one thing—casting spells and causing explosions.

The Other Side, the Interstitial Space, the Mortal Realm, and then back to the Other Side.

He had tried the most distorted places on the Other Side and the most bustling neighborhoods in the Mortal Realm. Once he arrived in the Mortal Realm, this woman would always use a spell to sever the nearest dead thing and aim for his carotid artery. Helplessly, Shen Mo had to return to the Other Side and let that lethal inanimate object vanish into thin air.

The Other Side was still better. Even if his neck was pierced, he wouldn’t die immediately.

Shen Mo initially thought that this high-intensity teleportation would make Meng Huai, who rarely appeared in the Mortal Realm, hesitate or weaken. Who knew that amidst the thunderous explosions, she even let out a series of laughter, as if mocking him.

With this humanoid burden, the number of times Shen Mo could teleport was directly halved. What was even more fatal was that he couldn’t think calmly while being chased by the God of Death.

Could he shake off this woman the next time? And the time after that? And the time after that?

The spells cut through Meng Huai’s shoulder and pierced through her thigh, but she held onto him like a drowning person clutching onto a piece of driftwood; her fingers almost digging into Shen Mo’s flesh.

His strength gradually faded, and finally, Shen Mo only had two chances left.

This couldn’t go on. He would end up like Jiao Lian, trapped in an unknown corner. He absolutely didn’t want such an ending.

…Right, he had experienced a desperate situation when facing Shian.

He had also practiced methods to deal with these people.

After another explosion, Shen Mo immediately teleported back to the initial location—the small cold storage filled with Elemental corpses.

At this moment, Meng Huai was bleeding profusely; her body had almost twisted into a mass of shredded flesh. Shen Mo was also gasping for breath, in an unusually disheveled state.

The cold storage remained empty as usual, but the presence of the Shian team could be felt next door.

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“Explode?” Shen Mo grabbed a nearby piece of Elemental flesh with one hand and spoke in a weak voice. “If you have the ability, explode everything, including those next door… Let me see… Five people buried together. I won’t be at a loss. The more, the merrier.”

“We either die together,” his voice became increasingly mocking, “or you shut up and don’t make a sound… Quickly pull out your leg…”

Amidst the blood, Meng Huai’s gaze slowly shifted, looking at Shen Mo’s hand gripping the Elemental flesh. That hand was trembling, and it was difficult to tell if it was due to nervousness or spasms. A strong aura accumulated within it, ready to burst forth.

This guy was truly getting ruthless.

Jiao Lian and her colleagues, Zhong Chengfeng, Fu Tianyi, and even Dr. Cat, were all next door, perhaps still waiting for her.

She lowered her eyes expressionlessly. “…I understand. I’ll pull it out.”

“You’re only allowed to use the severing spell, and I’ll be watching your every move. If you make any other actions, I’ll immediately detonate this place,” Shen Mo said hoarsely.

“Mm.” Meng Huai didn’t waste any more words. She extended her bloody right arm, gradually forming the severing spell. A dark blue light blade appeared in front of her right hand, touching the edge of the leg.

In the next instant, Shen Mo initiated the teleportation.

He couldn’t give that woman any chance to attack him. He was mentally prepared—if he just shifted his body slightly, he could intercept and sever Meng Huai’s leg at the knee. With the burden of an extra leg, his teleportation wouldn’t go wrong.

Stupid woman.

Whether it was Jiao Lian over twenty years ago or Meng Huai now, kind-hearted people always fall for this trick.

He succeeded, and as long as he recovered his strength in Sunken Society, he could… he could…

Shen Mo’s thoughts suddenly stagnated for a second.

In front of him, there was only unfamiliar darkness and chaos. He should have teleported to the vicinity of the passage in Sunken Society.

A jumble of miscellaneous items formed a pile, constantly wriggling on the tunnel wall. The scene here was disorderly, as if it were the most chaotic place in the interstitial space. The ecstatic feeling of surviving against all odds crashed down heavily, leaving behind an unbelievable mess.

What’s going on…

Shen Mo lowered his head and looked at his abdomen.

What the woman left behind wasn’t just a piece of a leg. His abdomen was connected to the entire left leg, and the leg still had a layer of flesh hanging on it. At the end of the flesh, it carried the entire left arm and part of the left shoulder. Like this, the complete arm and leg were intertwined with soft flesh, heavily coiled in his abdomen. Fresh blood flowed, dyeing Shen Mo’s body half-red.

Meng Huai directly cut off almost half of her own body and very accurately avoided vital organs.

He completely miscalculated the weight on his body.

The teleportation failed.

Shen Mo lifted his blood-stained hand, touching the limb still warm with body heat. After leaving the torso, they gradually turned into cold, lifeless objects.

Why? How could this happen?

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He could only think of one explanation—Meng Huai knew early on that he had nowhere to go and would return to the Shian base. She knew what kind of threat she would face and even knew that she needed to strike instantly and with careful consideration.

From the retreat of the Shian team to Meng Huai sacrificing almost half of her body. From the beginning, everything was planned.

But that couldn’t be. When Meng Huai was in the Mortal Realm, they had little interaction. Before he betrayed them, Meng Huai had already disappeared, and he couldn’t access detailed records.

How could Meng Huai understand him as a “Charon” like this?

Speaking of which, who was the rear commander in this battle?

Shen Mo raised his head, looking at the boundless chaos. Exhausted to the extreme, the surrounding miscellaneous items began to slowly merge into his body. He struggled to push those items away, but it was like wading into a swamp—no matter how hard he tried, the items would keep coming.

Tattered leather jackets, a leaking bag, cracked belts… Shen Mo knew that the more frantic his emotions became, the faster the chaos invaded. But the faster the chaos invaded, the more frantic he became.

After all, no one could deceive their true feelings.

It shouldn’t be like this. It shouldn’t be like this.

It wasn’t the end for him yet. He had to escape from here as soon as possible; he still had many things to do. Even that mortal, Wei Huaqian, was still running around in the Mortal Realm. How could he perish here…

Regret, fear, and madness intertwined as the miscellaneous items wriggled even faster.

They infiltrated his wounds, climbed up his body along Meng Huai’s flesh, and covered his senses. Amidst the silent compression, blood vessels clung to worn-out leather jackets, strands of hair crawled over the cracked bag, and bones and belts were inseparable. Shen Mo’s features flowed along the worn-out leather, gradually becoming uneven in size. In just over ten minutes, he lost his human form.

In the boundless silence, amidst the surging miscellaneous items, there was only a pile of leather goods with facial features, all tinged with a reddish hue.

It shouldn’t be… like this…

At the end, Shen Mo couldn’t figure out why all of this had happened. Fortunately, he would have nearly infinite time to contemplate.

Shian’s base on the Other Side, the weapons arsenal.

Meng Huai mustered up her last bit of strength and grabbed hold of a nearby Elemental flesh. The healing magic glowed as if it cost nothing, and she frantically smashed it onto her body. After struggling for a while, she finally managed to stop the bleeding.

“Haha, serves him right.”

Having barely controlled her injuries, she collapsed into her own pool of blood. The cold storage room was still the same one she had seen for nearly thirty years, with countless shadows of small Elementals swaying before her.

Taking a deep breath after catching her breath, Meng Huai exclaimed, “Help, everyone—!!!”

The author has something to say:

You didn’t expect this, a battle of humans against humans—

Otherwise, Xiao Yin would be too busy! (…

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