Evil As Humans

Chapter 245

Chapter 245: Happy New Year

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Finally, for the first time on Lunar New Year’s Eve, Fu Xingchuan didn’t have to work overtime.

Yin Ren had successfully contained the spreading corruption, and with strict vigilance, the chances of another catastrophe were significantly reduced. The workload of the police force decreased, and their efficiency improved. As for the “angel’s arm”, it quietly vanished, just like many other online rumors that once went viral.

The impact of past tragic incidents was difficult to fully overcome. Haigu was like a patient recovering from a severe illness—weak and full of scars, but everything was gradually moving in a positive direction.

With suddenly having a lot of free manpower, Fu Xingchuan naturally found himself with nothing to do.

He didn’t really want to go back to the Fu family. A few days ago, Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo said they had just found Fu Wuya, and the entire Fu family was busy with rescuing their ancestor and preparing for the grand worship ceremony of the Great Celestial Master.

At this point, Fu Xingchuan’s admiration for the Great Celestial Master had dwindled considerably. He decided to exercise the privilege of being a workaholic and opted for video communication instead of going home. It was a way to escape the suffocating awkwardness.

As for the New Year’s Eve dinner, Fu Xingchuan had already found his target.

[Self-Seeking Many Talismans: I want to come to your place for the New Year’s Eve dinner.]

[Li Nian: Why?]

[Self-Seeking Many Talismans: Even if Meng Huai is back, there are only two people in your family. Don’t you think it would be livelier with more people?]

[Li Nian: I don’t think so. We have enough lighting at home.]

Fu Xingchuan pretended not to see it.

[Self-Seeking Many Talismans: Xiao Ge doesn’t have family, and she is my disciple. As a man, it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to invite a young girl out alone. That girl works hard and deserves to have a good holiday.]

[Self-Seeking Many Talismans: Huang Jin’s family doesn’t have any relatives left. We should establish a good relationship with him. He’s such a talented person.]

[Self-Seeking Many Talismans: You and Meng Huai, Huang Jin and Ding Lizi, and I’ll invite Xiao Ge. The six of us will have a great time!]

[Li Nian: I don’t think Mr. Huang will be grateful to you.]

[Self-Seeking Many Talismans: In just a month, it will be Valentine’s Day. Can’t you wait for a few days? I’ll cover all the expenses for this gathering, and we’ll have a chef from the Fu family come as well. Meng Huai has been on the Other Side for so many years; she deserves to have something delicious.]

Li Nian’s reply took a long time, and Fu Xingchuan watched as the typing indicator appeared multiple times. Finally, Li Nian threw out three words.

[Li Nian: Fine, I guess.]

[Li Nian: Let me discuss it with Meng Huai first.]

[Self-Seeking Many Talismans: 

As the western sky turned red, Ge Tingting arrived at Li Nian’s residential complex carrying a large box of candy. Huang Jin had a face longer than a guitar but obediently brought New Year’s gifts. Ding Lizi changed into a festive red down jacket, and her previously skinny body had gained some flesh, making her look vibrant.

Fu Xingchuan was the last to arrive, dressed in a black-gray coat, appearing exceptionally low-key. “Everyone’s here; let’s go!”

“I thought Professor Li would live in a high-end apartment like the ones in the magazines.” Ge Tingting curiously looked around.

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Ge Tingting had seen the Fu family’s assets before. Even with the recent bonus she received, it would be enough for her to own a decent house in Haigu. Li Nian had been working for so many years so he wouldn’t be short on money.

At the moment, they stood in front of the Green Bamboo Garden Community, an old and rundown residential complex. The entire neighborhood appeared abandoned, not even comparable to the village where Ge Tingting grew up. It didn’t match Li Nian’s own image and temperament.

“That old coot has been waiting at the same place for a while. I estimate he’ll move out after the New Year,” Fu Xingchuan sneered.

The group energetically entered Li Nian’s home.

Seeing the upscale interior decoration, Ge Tingting couldn’t help but show an expression that said, “I knew it.”

However, Meng Huai had filled the place with cute decorations, completely erasing any sense of coldness. At the moment, she leaned against the kitchen door, watching the Fu family chef cook.

“Come in!” She noticed the guests and quickly ran over. “Let’s make dumplings together! I told the chef to leave some wrappers and filling.”

Li Nian rolled up his sleeves and silently stood by the table. Ge Tingting was used to being self-reliant, so she washed her hands and rushed forward. Huang Jin had originally planned to play dead, but when he turned his head and saw Ding Lizi’s expectant gaze, he had no choice but to grumble and join in.

“Lao Meng, do you still remember Shian?” Fu Xingchuan casually asked.

Fu Xingchuan skillfully wrapped the dumplings, one after another, with a consistent shape that was outrageously ugly. Li Nian, in a rare display of clumsiness, made misshapen dumplings. Fortunately, Meng Huai’s skills weren’t lacking, and the three of them ended up with equally unattractive dumplings.

“I’m thinking of becoming a combat consultant. After all, Shian still needs to research the ‘Other Side’.” Meng Huai happily produced a few more ugly dumplings. “In a few more years, when I reach retirement age, a global trip wouldn’t be bad.”

Ding Lizi looked at the “twenty-something” Meng Huai in surprise.

“It’s good that you’re back.” Fu Xingchuan grinned.

Shian had paid Meng Huai twenty-nine years of salary and bonuses, along with additional rewards for her exceptional performance on the Other Side. After all of that, Meng Huai was slightly wealthier than Li Nian. With Li Nian’s strong desire to resign, Fu Xingchuan believed that this old couple intended to retire after achieving their goals.

As long as Meng Huai remained as their consultant, Li Nian wouldn’t be able to run far.

It was hard to find a compatible partner! It wasn’t easy for a missing person to reintegrate into society, and there was a mountain of work waiting for them after New Year’s.

As if reading his mind, Li Nian shot him a sharp glare. He had indeed read his mind, and Huang Jin also gave him a menacing look.

Fortunately, Minister Fu had a thick skin.

On the entire table, only Ge Tingting and Huang Jin were able to quickly make presentable dumplings. Meng Huai halted the unseen war. “Hurry up! If we don’t finish wrapping, the dishes will get cold—”

Thus, the chef worked fervently in the kitchen while the other six continued to create havoc with the dumpling wrappers.

“What about Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo?” Ding Lizi curiously asked.

“They…uh, they should be accompanying their elder family members,” Fu Xingchuan casually replied.

The use of the term “elder family members” sounded odd.

“Yes, I asked. It will be a few more days before I can make plans with Chengfeng.” Meng Huai adapted well. “She’s more enthusiastic than me and wants to return to the police station. Maybe we’ll have a chance to cooperate after that.”

Zhong Chengfeng also received numerous rewards. However, at Zhong Chengfeng’s request, Shian applied to government agencies to update her date of birth, identification documents, and related educational qualifications. Using the same name and the age she was when she disappeared, Zhong Chengfeng once again entered the Haigu Public Security Bureau.

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Twenty-nine years had passed, but a simple “resemblance” could resolve many things. Considering that too much time had passed, this soldier with nearly thirty years of combat experience would start as a probationary police officer.

For the criminal population of Haigu, this was undoubtedly bad news.

“She messaged me yesterday, saying that the Zhong family will continue celebrating until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year,” Meng Huai added, pulling Li Nian’s sleeve. “That’s enough; let’s start making dumplings—”


At the same time, Ping’an Manor, Building 4, Unit 601.

Zhong Chengshuo was spinning in circles around the table as if performing some kind of peculiar ritual.

It all started in the morning…

The marriage proposal was successful, and naturally, they didn’t sleep that night. Zhong Chengshuo stayed up unusually late, spending the first half of the night making a scabbard and the second half making a knife. He was busy until sunrise.

Just as Yin Ren closed his eyes, his phone rang.

Zhong Chengshuo said that the house was relatively large and was awarded the honor of hosting the Zhong family reunion night. Of course, it might also be because the Zhong family had welcomed back their beloved daughter and feared that this adopted son, Zhong Chengshuo, would develop some resentment. However, in Yin Ren’s eyes, this worry was unnecessary.

Comrade Xiao Zhong had not yet evolved the appropriate nerves.

Upon hearing that his parents and older sister were coming, Zhong Chengshuo immediately took off the nightcap he had just put on. He opened the app to check the schedule, planning every detail from preparing home-cooked dishes to buying desserts and fruits outside.

Yin Ren glanced at the schedule and almost fell asleep on the spot.

After completing all these tasks and setting the alarm clock, Zhong Chengshuo finally curled up in a ball and went to sleep.

The next half of the day was busy as the two of them went shopping and cooked seamlessly together. Finally, when the final alarm clock rang, most of the dishes were on the table, and the pork ribs with potatoes were still simmering, emitting a tempting aroma on the stove.

“Now it’s time to cool down,” Zhong Chengshuo said as he opened the timer. “My sister said they will arrive at half past five, and the dishes will be at the perfect temperature by then.”

Yin Ren: “…” Is this how New Year’s Eve dinner goes? He had never been involved in it before.

“Wouldn’t it be livelier to cook together…?” The Great Celestial Master suggested.

“Previously during New Year’s, my parents always prepared the dishes first,” Zhong Chengshuo confidently said. “I bought the best frozen dumplings, so the process should be smooth.”

After half past five, Zhong Chengshuo picked up the Karma Lantern and began to circle the table to heat it up. Yin Ren sighed in amazement. He could only throw out a small bunch of wings and closely monitor the situation in the neighborhood.

“Are they here?”

“Not yet.”

“Are they here?”

“Haven’t seen them yet.”

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“Are they here?”

“…You can ask me every five minutes.”

After five minutes, forty-two seconds, and seventeen milliseconds, Zhong Chengshuo’s parents and Zhong Chengfeng arrived at the door. Zhong Chengfeng carried bags and exhaled a breath of cold air as soon as she entered.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Zhong Youde asked.

“Nothing.” Zhong Chengfeng looked around the warmly decorated place in shock, then looked at the table full of home-cooked dishes. “It’s quite different from what I imagined.”

An ancient Primordial Elemental and a former ancient legendary figure—she never thought the residence of these two people would be so… homey.

The game console and movies of Zhong Chengshuo were displayed on the bookshelf, and the New Year goods and snacks bought by Yin Ren filled the cabinets, creating a lively atmosphere. The two of them specifically hung some red decorations in the room, filling it with a Lunar New Year atmosphere.

The air was filled with steam, and various dishes shimmered with an enticing glow under the warm light. The aroma of stewed dishes wafted in the air. Zhong Chengshuo put on heat-resistant gloves and carefully carried the enamel pot to the table.

On his ring finger, a ring sparkled.

Yin Ren also wore a similar ring and neatly arranged the bowls, chopsticks, and chairs. The two of them looked like an ordinary couple.

“Look at your son, Lao Zhong.” Cheng Xuehua had sharp eyes and immediately noticed the ring, unable to hide the joy on her face. “Look, look.”

Zhong Youde nervously said, “We should have prepared more gifts. We need to give more red envelopes. Oh… I don’t know the customs of Xiao Yin’s hometown.”

“Everything is all ready. I wanted to show off a bit.” Zhong Chengfeng took the initiative.

“Well, in a while, you can cook the frozen dumplings. I’ve prepared ten flavors of frozen dumplings,” Zhong Chengshuo said generously.

Zhong Chengfeng: “…” Well, it seems that he still lacks a bit of human touch.

She touched her face and decisively sent a message in the family group chat, transferring a total of four payments of 50,000 yuan each, spelling out “new”, “marriage”, “happy”, and “joy”.

After a silence of twenty-nine years, “Fear The Maple*” spoke again in the group.

*Clarity: The feng in Chengfeng comes from maple (tree).

[Fear The Maple: Congratulations on your ‘new’ marriage. Wishing you both a long and happy life.

[Fruit Knife: Thank you, sister. 

[Final Fruit: Thank you, sister. 

Zhong Chengfeng instantly felt like she had aged billions of years.

“This house is nice. I heard the housing prices are cheap, and there are large flats here.” She looked around as she spoke. “Sun Ge said that many police officers live here. Maybe I should buy a place here too—if Mom and Dad live with me, it would be convenient for them to come and go.”

“Sure, the neighboring one is vacant.” Yin Ren smiled and agreed.

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“It’s time to eat.” Zhong Chengshuo nervously stared at his labor of love. He didn’t feel it was suitable to use the Karma Lantern in front of so many humans.

“Okay, okay. Xiao Yin, today we will both have a drink no matter what!” Zhong Youde brought out his liquor.

“Alright, Dad.” Yin Ren complied readily.

Zhong Chengfeng, who had sharpened her nerves for nearly thirty years, stuffed a large piece of ribs into her mouth, trying to hide her overwhelmed expression.

Zhong Youde laughed heartily.

“Hey, Xiao Yin, who’s that?” Cheng Xuehua noticed a small table among the potted plants.

On the table, there was a photo of a young girl that was slightly worn out, but the girl in the photo had a brilliant smile. In front of the photo, there was a small plate with a red apple resting quietly on it.

“She’s a friend of mine and Chengshuo,” Yin Ren said. “Her name is Xiao Hu, and she’s a very good girl.”

“Oh, I see. I’ll make sure to serve her some good dishes later.”


Meanwhile, Zhong Youde had a bit of alcohol, and his face had a rosy hue.

“Come on, you three. I wish the young ones here a prosperous new year. May all your wishes come true! As a father, I know what my own son and daughter want… Xiao Yin, tell me, what do you want? We, as parents, might be able to support you.”

Upon hearing this, Zhong Chengfeng instinctively stopped using her chopsticks.

She was also curious—what did this ancient evil, who had awakened from a thousand-year slumber and was also a divine figure who had witnessed the birth of countless powerhouses, want in this small city?

She could ignore Zhong Chengshuo, who was unfamiliar with the human world, but Yin Ren, as a genuine human, shouldn’t be too naive.

“There is indeed something I have been longing for, for a long time.”

Yin Ren answered smoothly.

Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the city was brightly lit, and fireworks bloomed in the night sky. The room was filled with the aroma of food, and a noisy New Year’s program played on the television. Yin Ren’s gentle gaze swept from Zhong Chengshuo, passing over the pairs of eyes around the round table, brushing against every corner of the warm living room, and finally returning to Zhong Chengshuo.

It was really lively.

“What I wanted, I have already obtained,” Yin Ren said with a smile. He raised his glass and toasted it with Zhong Youde.

The next moment, the clock’s hands pointed to midnight.

“Happy New Year—”

The author has something to say:

Suddenly, I realized that next year is the Year of the Rabbit.

It’s quite fitting for Xiao Zhong (…

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