Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 126

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Wind is not cold, my heart is cold. Night is not frozen, my heart is frozen!

I walk down the stairs with my mind almost emptied. There's no one in the courtyard. Walk all the way with a path behind, there's an iron door. Jim didn't lie to me. The door is unlocked. Out of the door is the street.

My mind is in a mess, and my heart is turning upside and down. My whole brain repeats only one sentence.

Juan wants to kill me!

Juan wants to kill me!!

Juan wants to kill me!!!

I really want to laugh. For his daughter, I abandon my family, abandon my girlfriend to fugitive like a lost dog. I just keep my commitment. Now, he's going to kill me!

For five years, I take him as a brother, like a father, and now he's going to kill me!

There are few passers-by in the long street at night. I don't know what time it is. I didn't look at the clock when I came out, and I don't have the habit of wearing a watch. I just see many shops have closed and only the street lights are shining.

"I give you one hour, if you haven't been killed by the hands outside. I'll catch up and finish you myself!"

One hour!

One hour!

Suddenly, I feel great resentment and anger.

Whereby? Why?

Whereby?! Why?!

I laugh sadly, and the violence in my heart is growing little by little.

Come to take my life! Ha-ha!

I slap myself and force myself to calm down. Although my lips begin to bleed again, the pain has still aroused my deep desire to survive.

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It seems that I just wake up from my dream! As if everything just happened was a nightmare, and now I am walking in reality.

In the streets around me, I don't know how many hidden killers there. I just put my hand in my trousers pocket and touch the handle of the saw-tooth knife. It is hard, cold and steady. My heart is a little solid.

I walk across several streets and begin to think about my current situation. Now the most urgent thing is to find a way to leave this city first.

I don't need to think about the railway station again. It's absolutely impossible. All public transport facilities are basically out of the question.

When I'm thinking, and suddenly I stop! Over the street, the lights are somewhat dim, and there is a vehicle repair shop is closing beside the street.

The street is quiet except for a street lamp overhead, which is flickering from time to time because of poor circuit contact. I see a van slowly parking in the middle of the road. The door opens and some long-haired men in flowery shirts are jumping out. Everyone has a knife on hand.

I turn around and see a few figures at the back intersection, approaching me like ghosts.

Coming so soon?

I have a sneer on my face. But my heart has been sinking.

These people are approaching. I stop suddenly, take off my coat quickly, and then I carefully wrap several layers around my left arm, tie a knot with the sleeves. Then I take a deep breath, take the saw-toothed knife out of my pocket and hold it in my right hand. Take a quick step ahead.

"That's him! Cut him!" One of those people is screaming and everyone are rushing to me.

A man is rushing in front of me and chopping to me I immediately side away. The blade was almost sticking to the tip of my nose. At the same time, I hit him on the bridge of his nose with a hard punch. He's yelling, the bridge of his nose is crushed and he falls down.

I'm fighting for my life at the moment, so I'm doing my best and showing no mercy! Another knife cut behind. I put out my left arm to block it. With a sniff, the blade falls on my left arm. Fortunately, my left arm was wrapped with the coat layer by layer. This knife tears several layers but doesn't hurt my skin. I stab the knife to his neck with my back hand and pull it out quickly.

Scarlet blood is splashing over me, warming my face and neck. The man covers his neck and softens. But others are not afraid to see blood, but inspired them to be fierce!

I know, these are not ordinary hooligans, are daring fighters!

My knife is flying, and I'm shielded by my left arm. But I'm surrunded in all directions by blades. I chop down another one. The knife stricks down to that man's shoulder, but when he is struggling, I have no time to pull out the knife. Although I've cut him down, but I have also lost my weapon.

At the same time, I feel a pain in my back. There's a knife cut into my back. My back is hot and moist, and my underwear is red with blood. I'm stumbling forward, and a man in front is immediately stabbing to me in the chest with the knife. In a hurry, I try my best to pause at my feet, and make a hard side slice to let go of his blade. Then I squeeze his wrist and tug back.

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He can't hold his own balance, I take advantage of the momentum to squeeze his wrist and stab him in his lower abdomen with his knife. Then I quickly turns behind him and pull out the knife.

The man's blood is spraying from his lower abdomen and he slowly falls to the ground. I slowly retreat, eyes full of hysterical murder, staring at the people in front of me.

A total of about ten people, four of whom have been cut down by me, especially the one whose shoulder was stabbed in by me, have been lying on the ground with constant convulsions and semms hardly live longer.

Now I am like a mad tiger, my eyes are red, and holding the knife cring, "Come on! Come on! "

I hold my head up, although the pain behind my back is so deep that my face has been twisted. But my body is as straight as a javelin, red with blood, and looking at these people frantically!

The remaining few are hesitating, and just then two more vans come at full speed. The doors open and some strong men are jumping out. All are rushing to me with the knives in their hands.

The guys in front of me immediately get bold and come cutting me with the knives. A man comes up to me face to face. I use my knife to defend his, then I kick him under his crotch. At this time, a knife is pierce to me from the left side, but I do not hide, but face up!

The blade is almost cut into my scapula, and blood spray out like red satin. Just as his knife stricks me on the shoulder, I have scratched him on the neck with my knife in the back. Blood sprayes on my face, and I immediately see the blood red!

The man throws his knife over his neck and slowly softenes. I immediately step back, panting like an ox. That man's knife on my shoulder is still stuck on my scapula. I grit my teeth and pull it out with my back hand and hold it in my left hand. My both hands are holding knives and look at the group in front of me.

They seem a little stunned, as if they haven't expected me to be so tough, have cut down several people in one breath, but still staring at them like a wolf. I know my eyes must be frightening at the moment. The expression on my face is totally distorted, even though I am panting in pain, but I'm still holding my head up!

"He's alone! What are you afraid of?' One of them shouts, and they quickly surround me.

"Finish him! He's worth one million!" Another man shouts.

I stare at the fellow immediately, and then jump to him. The man immediately dodges backwards, but I am faster than him. My whole body is crashing into his arms, then I stab his chest with the knife. He's immediately spewing blood. As soon as I pull out the knife and have not enough time to turn back, I feel a sharp pain in my right arm. On the right side, a knife falls on my arm. My right hand is soft and my right knife falls to the ground. I grit my teeth and turn around, split my left knife to stab back.

The opponent's knife has just been drawn, and I cut him into his arm. Then just hear a screaming and a broken arm flies into the sky. He sits on the ground with the broken arm. And I'm no good either. One of the people behind me hits me in the back. I almost fall into the dark due to the great pain.

I feel the loss of strength in my whole body. A lot of blood loss makes my body is losing strength little by little. The knife in my hand is a little unstable.

I keep fighting for several rounds, adding a few new wounds to my body, especially a guy I've knocked down. After falling to the ground, he still cut my thigh. On the spot, I'm staggering and almost fall down.

I know I'm dying, but my desire to survive is getting stronger and stronger. I slam my shoulder against the person in front of me and running forward quickly.

The two sides of the street have been blocked by the two vans, and I see the closing vehicle repair shop.

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The original shopkeeper sees the fighting in the street and has already scared to close the door. The curtain door has been pulled down, but the small door has not closed yet. I rush in, bang the door open, and then swung my knife at the boss. My face is covered with blood. I hesitate a little, then knock the boss unconscious with one punch.

The door behind him has been closed, but it's smashed into a chaotic bang. It won't last long. I pick up an iron wrench from the ground and stuck it on the lock. The gate is roaring and might be smashed down at any time. I just run right behind the shop.

There must be a back door here! With all my last strength, I stagger backwards and burst open one of the wooden doors inside. Behind is a tool warehouse, which has stored a lot of the large and small boarders, hammers, welding rods, and some automotive parts there.

There's another door behind. I rush over and twist it twice and find it's locked. Then I pick up a hammer and smash the lock. The whole process takes me only around a dozen seconds.

I kick open the door and there is a yard behind it. There are several families in there. Although the lights have gone out at night, the residents must have fallen asleep, but the sound of the door smashing still shocked many people. I see the lights in several rooms are on. I pick up a pair of pliers from the warehouse and take a sharp taper and insert it in my waist, and run quickly into the yard.

There are no doors, no walls in the yard, and only houses on all sides. I hear the door of the shop bang, as if it has been smashed open!

I can't afford to hesitate at this moment! My life is hanging by a thread!

I kick open the door of a family! Fortunately, this is an old-fashioned wooden door. Although I have a sharp pain in the wound on my leg, I still bump into the room. Inside the room is a bedroom. There's a couple in the bed. They are waken up and turned over from the bed. The woman is screaming. The man looks pale with fright and looks at me bathed in blood.

I quickly cry out, "It's nothing to do with you. Don't move and it will be all right!"

Then in the darkness I find the door. I open the lock and run out.

It's another street outside. As soon as I go out, there're screams behind, and those killers have followed up.

I rush out along the street.

My feet are soft and my leg is torn. It makes me run much slower than usual. I'm bleeding all over, I don't know how long I can support myself!

At this moment, the only idea in my mind is:




Turning a corner, someone has already caught up. I grab a garbage box beside me, and the person behind me is tripped. I turn into an alley.

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It's a city I'm totally unfamiliar with. I don't know how many bends I have made in these alleys. Every dark and secluded road seems to be a monster that will devour me, but I have no choice! I don't know when one of my shoes has fell off. I cover the wound on my shoulder with my strength, and blood is still pouring out of my fingers.

The more I run, the colder I'm feeling.

Finally, I have rushed out of the last intersection and come to a busier street. This is obviously a snack street.

As I rush out of the alley, I hit my head on a table. Someone were eating around the table. I bumped to them head-on, and the table is immediately turned over. I fall to the ground and the dishes and soups are sprinkled all over me. The people next to me are screaming at the sight of my bloody terror and back away.

I struggle to stand up, and then look around. Just as a peddler in a stall is hiding and trembling. I rush over and pick up a roll of rolled paper from his stall. I press the paper on my shoulder and suppress the bleeding. Then I stagger in a hurry to find a direction and continue to run.

At that moment, I suddenly hear a car horn behind me, pressing very quickly!

In the car, fat fellow is driving and yelling to me, "Ger on the car, boy!"

I feel like a drowning man have seen the last straw and rush quickly.

He doesn't stop, he just slowed down. I pull open the door of his co-driver's seat. As a result, my feet are somewhat soft. I can't step on the first step and almost fall off.

By this time, those men who are chasing me in the back have rushed out, and a mess even has a homemade shotgun in his hand!

This fellow shots!

It's a homemade shotgun with iron sand scattering. I just feel as if I have been struck by a fire behind my back and almost faint with pain. Fat fellow has reached out and grabbed my shoulder, and then with a strong lift, carry me in the car!

Then the door of the car has not been closed, he sees that mess wants to shoot again. He quickly pull the sharp screw out of my waist, and raises his hand tp throw.


That mess screams, the gun is thrown on the ground, the center of the palm has been pierced!

Then he steps on the gas and driving out of the street with me.

I can't hold on any longer and finally fainted.

The last sound I heard was that he was driving and shouting at me, "Don't die, boy! Die in my car will be very unlucky..."

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