Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 135

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When the black finger is pointing at me, my expression is cold.

The black man is grinning, hooks his finger and motioning me forward.

I don't move, look at him coldly. The two of us look at each other, and his eyes begin to show a little anger, as if his authority has been provoked. The sneer of his mouth disappears a little, and he hooks his finger again.

Two crew members behind him look at me and shout, and one of them pulls down the bolt. I hang my hands on both sides, my fists are clenching tightly.

I feel my blood is rushing to my head, and my brain is buzzing and staring at the black man.

He takes me as an animal!

He takes me as an animal!!!

The black muzzle is pointed at me. I have no doubt that they dare shoot! I already know from Old Snake that these people don't blink at killing people at all! If they kill me, they could throw my body into the sea at ease!

My muscles tighten first, then relax a little, and I grip my teeth to death. Just as the black man is getting a little impatient, I finally take a step forward.

The people on both sides let go automatically, and I walk slowly past like a robot. The black man hands me the wooden bowl and raises his chin, which means let me drink.

I do not move, and immediately the two crew members behind me take a step forward. I take a deep breath and look at the black man with anger in my eyes.

But I know, I can only bear it now!

I can only bear it!

I tell myself coldly in my heart:

Chen Yang! You can't die! You can't die here! At least not now!

Just as I reach for the wooden bowl, the black man suddenly laughs, retracts his hand and looks at me. His eyes are full of malice. Suddenly he opens his mouth, coughs and spits in the bowl.

Instantly, my whole body is stiff!

I can't help shivering all over, holding my eyes up and staring at the black man. He raises his chin provocatively, and the two crew members behind him start laughing.

Fight with him! Fight with them!

A voice in my heart is crying crazily!

From the distance I am now from him, I know very well that if I do it right away, I can twist his neck before he reacts. I'm 70% sure I can twist his throat at once! I can also put my hand under his armpit, rip his ribs and blow his heart!

But after killing him?

I have no doubt that I will be shot into honeycomb coal by the crew behind him immediately!

I don't know how long it takes. I just feel that the bowl in front of me is dangling in my eyes.

Suddenly, I'm laughing.

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I don't even understand how I can still laugh now, but it seems as if a strange idea has taken hold of my heart. The anger in my heart has not disappeared at all. It almost burns all over me! Despite the boiling blood, my face is calm!

I take a deep breath, with that smile on my face. Then I slowly take over the wooden bowl and reach it to my mouth.

While drinking water, my eyelids are always raise and I'm staring at the black man in front of me.

A whole bowl of water is quickly consumed by me. The black man seems to have some surprises. He even forgets to let me have one sip, but when I finish drinking the whole bowl of water, he reacts and kicks me with one foot.

Although his is very strong, but the kick speed is not that fast. If it's in nomal days, I can easily escape.

But I don't hide. I don't even move, just let him kick my stomach. My whole body is kicked to fall to the ground.

I bent over, hunch up in pain, and struggle to get up a little bit. Suddenly the black man picks up the barrel and throws the remaining water to the crowd.

With a crash, I lie on the ground, the water is on me, dripping down from my hair, and the rest of the people are crying out. The black man has thrown away the barrel, then kicks me one more time again, turns around and takes his crew away.

I just stand up and look at his background.

I swear to myself:

I Will Kill Him! Definitely, I will!

Slowly I crawle back into the corner from the crowd, then I'm gasping to watch the men scramble for the barrel. Although the water has been poured out, some experienced people know that there is still a little water left in the barrel.

For these people, a little water is better than no too!

I even see someone lying on the ground licking the water on the ground!

My heart is cold, cold almost numb! I just lean against the corner and look at them coldly. Suddenly, I want to laugh. Because I find myself as pitiful as they are!

I take a break and then eat some bread. Although it is difficult to swallow, I tell myself to build up my strength. People eat when they are hungry and drink when they are thirsty.

Lying in the corner of the wall, my body is swaying with the ship's hull, and I can't help feeling homesick. But then I forbid myself to think about these things. I tell myself: Think of these things, you will become weak!

I don't know how long it took for the cabin to be kicked off again. The light outside is much darker this time. It seems that it is already at night.

I sit slightly upright and then look at the two crew members who rush in, one with a gun and the other with a flashlight.

It's dark in the cabin, but the two men flash flashlight one after another into the crowd lying on the floor, as if they are searching for something.

They are searching very carefully, almost individually, and finally find me here. The torch beam shakes in my face. I feel the light is very dazzling, the conditioned reflex of twisting face, feel a blur in the line of sight.

Then I hear a crew is cheering suddenly. They immediately surround the woman near me. Then they put down the flashlight and rush towards her.

The woman is screaming. After some struggles, the two crew members raise her feet and shoulders one by one, force her up and go out.

The woman is kicking and biting, and cring, "I paid! I paid!"

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Despite her hoarseness, I still recognize her! She's Phoenix!


I'm shocked and watching two crew members carrying Phoenix out. Instinctively, I stand up and cry out. One crew simply carries her on his shoulder. The other holds up his gun and frighten the crowds.

The stowaways on the nearby ground move away.

I see Phoenix screaming, "I paid," and be taken out.

I do not hesitate, rush to them right away. The guy behind sees me coming and immediately hit me with the butt of his gun. I instinctively raise my hand and block it, but then my physical strength is far worse than usual, and I'm hit to a stagger. Then two other crew members rush in outside the cabin and begin to punch and kick around me. I resist for a while and am just about to stand up, but suddenly I feel a chill on my forehead and I stop fighting immediately.

A gun barrel is stucking to my forehead, and then I see a murderous face looking at me. At that moment, I think I might be dead and have closed my eyes. But then the barrel moves away and that man kicks me away. Then several people leave the cabin.

When the door closed, the darkness falls again.

This change makes me feel a little confused. I slowly go back to the corner and recall the details after boarding the ship.

Phoenix is on the ship, too?

After the pyramid retail outlet was banned by the police that day, she must have been tracked down, could not go on, and then escape outside.

I don't know how long it took, the door opens again, and then someone rolls in, crawling under the eyes of the crowd, staggering in.

It's Phoenix.

She struggles to get in, and before the door closed behind her, there were a few manly wretched laughs.

By the light of the moment before the door closed, I could vaguely see Phoenix's face is cold and her clothes are a little tattered.

She walks slowly to the corner of the wall and sits down silently, her head buries in her hands and knees.

She is so close to me that I look at her for a moment before I open my mouth, "Phoenix, is that you?"

"It's me." She looks up. In the darkness, she seems to be facing me, but I can not see her face: "You are Little 5. I recognized you for a long time when you came in and sat next to me."

Her voice is calm and there is an unspeakable despair in it.

I'm silent for a moment: "You... Are you all right?"

"I'm all right!" Suddenly she's laughing nervously: "What thing may happen on me?"

After a break, I hesitate to ask, "They just took you out..."

She immediately says coldly, "Do you still need to ask?" She laughs louder and louder, and then she says to me in cold words, "So many beasts have caught a woman. Guess what they have done to me?"

I'm silent.

She takes a deep breath, and her voice is crying, but she is still laughing like mad, crying and laughing, and at the same time she's shouting crazily, "What am I afraid of? I did that before! Do I afraid of such a thing? I used to be fucked! But this time is free of charge! What am I afraid of? I... What am I afraid of?!"

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The more she says, the more she cries, and finally she buries her head deep under her knees.

I feel her body trembling.

Frankly speaking, I don't like this woman, or even hate her very much. I don't have much pity and sympathy for her, but now I have a strange feeling in my heart, very strange feeling. I look at her and I really think she's pathetic. It's not pity or sympathy.

I just simply feel that she is very pathetic!

After crying for a while, she suddenly wipes away her tears, turns around and whispers to me, "Little 5... You..."

"What?" I answer calmly.

"Do you have water?" In the darkness, her voice is trembling. "I'm in pain... I want to wash it."

Without hesitation, I slowly take out a bottle of water from my bag and pass it to her silently, then turn around and stop looking at her.

I know very well that water is very valuable in this situation. Because I don't know how long I'm going to stay here!

But I still did not refuse Phoenix's request.

I don't know how long it took for her to open her mouth behind me and says, "Thank you."

Her voice restores calm. There're no waves, as if nothing has happened before.

We both sit in the corner, but neither of us speak nor talk any more.

It's a strange atmosphere.

In such a desperate situation, we know and familiar with each other, but we do not talk, do not communicate, but chose to remain silent.

But I knew it very well. Each time the hatch opens. Phoenix begins to tremble. She seems very frightened, and then she shrinks inside desperately.

Later, however, no one from outside comes in to look for her. Every time, they just deliver food and water.

I can't tell the time, but I just feel it's getting colder and colder. Phoenix is still coughing, harder and harder every day.

But there's an acquaintance around. It's still good. I finally have time to sleep. When I am sleeping, she will be awake. Although we don't speak, but we make a tacit distinction between different breaks, so that we can avoid the attack of those bastards in the cabin when we are sleeping.


I wake up in my sleep, feeling that the ship is rocking violently and there is a lot of alarm around. Then I hear the door of the cabin being kicked open with a bang, and several crew members rush in with guns and shout a few words. Then I see the people in the cabin running out in crowds, but then I hear a few gunshots, and the crowds are screaming in fear.

Several crew members rush in and kick us away. I pull Phoenix up, feel her hands cold, and then we squeeze out in the crowd.

As soon as we go out, I feel a shiver. It's cold and windy outside. But there's a vast sea around us, and I can not see land at all.

We are driven to the bow and the crew members on deck are all busy. The black man, with a fierce and impatient face, directs the crew to drive us to the side of the ship.

At that time, with a "Bang", a few metres to the left of the ship, a wave bursts out on the sea. I can clearly hear that it is a cannon thunder!

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Immediately I look back and see a ship in the distance on the sea horizon. It's just a silhouette, with the flag hanging on it and the sharp whistle sounding.

The crew members have surrounded us. I'm shouting to them, "What's the matter? What's the matter?!"

Phoenix is frightened and trembling. By this time, the black man has stood not far from me, pointing to the people in front of the crowd, and then signifying something.

I see... He forces us jump into the sea!

The man in front clearly understands what he meant too, but who dare to jump into the sea?

The black man does not hesitate to shoot him in the head!


A blood arrow is shot from that man's head and he falls straight into the sea.

The crowds immediately seem like a frightened flock of sheep, are all snarled up!

Crew members shoot and kill two more people, but the crowds are chaotic, and they seem to be somewhat uncontrollable. I immediately pull Phoenix turn to the back of the deck and run. I can hear the gunfire behind us. We meet a crew face to face. I immediately punch him on the head, knock him down, and pick up his gun. Then I see a life buoy hanging on the wall, then grab it and put it around Phoenix's neck.

The crowds behind have begun to shout less, gunfires are intense, and fewer and fewer people are shouting. Phoenix and I are hiding behind a barrel and watch the guys killing the stowaways and the bodies are thrown to the sea.

I know what I have to do now!

I grit my teeth and push Phoenix to the side of the ship. I say to her quickly, "Let's all listen to our fate!" Then I push her out of the deck. She's crying and falling into the sea.

There's so much I can do, and I don't know if she can survive. At least I have given her the only life buoy!

The deck is still noisy, but when the two of us appear, we are immediately seen. I hear the gunshots are ringing around me. I immediately fall over and pull the trigger. The bullets of my gun are blindly swept away.

Then I roll over and cat cat scurrying to the other side. My goal is very clear!

I see the black man standing side by side with two crew members!

Almost for a moment, I rush over, hug the black man in one hand, and then in the crowd's exclamation, we both fall into the sea.

With a splash, seawater is splashing around me. The sea squeezes me in all directions, cold and piercing!

The black man is struggling from the beginning, but the moment I hold him in my arms, I have reached for the dagger in his waist and quickly pull it out. I twist his waist and shoulder behind him. He's struggling hard in the water. I know my swimming skill is worse than his. So for the first moment, I have given him a sharp cut on his neck.

No sound. In the sea, my ears are flooded, and I can hear nothing at all.

I loosen him, then a little away, I clearly see a stream of blood coming out of his neck, dyed red sea water, he's still struggling, hands covering his neck, as if desperately trying to hold on. I lean back again, dagger sticking to his back, and then poke in!

Under the wash of the sea, he has turned his face, which was formerly fierce, but now full of fear and despair. His eyes are staring at me.

Suddenly I laugh, and then I press him on the shoulder and put him to the bottom of the sea.

He has stopped struggling, stiffened, and sinking before my eyes.

Looking at him, I say silently in my heart: I have said, I will kill you!

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