Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 138

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It's the second day on the raft. I have no energy to move. I haven't eaten any food or water all day and night. I feel like I don't want to move, even the little finger, but just lying down also feeling uncomfortable too.

It's very uncomfortable to be exposed to the sun on the raft. Because the weather is bright and not hot, the sea breeze is also a little cool, but by the sun for a long time, the body's moisture volatilization is very fast, my lips have been cracked.

I try to lick my lips with my tongue. Unfortunately, it's also very dry. The friction between lips and tongues is like two dry sponges.

Phoenix remains motionless, just humming from time to time. I call her, and she does not answer. I frown, try to move over and reach for her forehead.

The water on her body has already dried up, and there is a strange smell on her clothes and body, especially on her hair, as if there is a layer of salt frost.

Her forehead is a little hot, I don't know if she has a fever, because my palms have lost a more sensitive feeling, just feel hot. But maybe it's my illusion.

"Am I dying?" Her voice is so weak that I have to lean over her head to hear it.

"I don't know." I answer her in a dry voice and swallow hard if I have any more. I'm feeling to have a fire in my throat: "Maybe we're all dying."

She turns to face me, with a grey and blue face, but there's an unusual glow in her eyes, and then she asks me in a very serious tone, "Little 5, do you want to die?"

"No, nobody wants to die." I say lightly, "If you want to live a little longer, we'd better not talk. It's easy to dry up if you talk too much."

"Is there any difference?" She squeezes out a smile that is uglier than crying. To be honest, she looks very haggard, very haggard. Originally, she was not very beautiful, but very charming, and very good at dressing up. Women in her profession dress up very well. But now her face looks very old, wrinkles in the corners of her eyes and the wrinkles on her forehead are very obvious, and her skin has lost its luster and elasticity.

She seems to have grown ten in a flash.

"Do you have any wishes before you die?" She asks in a low voice.

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"Yes." Instead of looking at her, I look up at the sky, but then I close my eyes because the sun is so glaring: "There are too many wishes."

"For example?"

I sigh, though my throat is so dry that I really don't want to talk. But I think what she said is also right... Is there any difference? We're all going to be dead anyway.

"My greatest wish is to have an iced coke now!" I lick my lips hard and swallow hard. Suddenly, I come to my mind. I draw a line with my hand and say, "The kind of big bottle, once you unscrew the cap of the bottle, a burst of air rushes up! Then get some ice cubes and pour them into the cup and swallow them in one gulp! While swallowing Coke, while biting those ice cubes..." The more I say, the more I get involved, the more I can't help closing my eyes and starting to fantasize.

I just fantasized for a while, and suddenly I feel that there is no sound in my ear. Looking around and I find that she has fainted. I rush over and pat her on the face.

She opens her eyes reluctantly, wakes up quietly, looks at me, the focus in her eyes just pointing at me, and gently opens her mouth and says, "I just... Fell asleep? I'm so tired that I always want to close my eyes, but I... Dare not..." Suddenly she takes a strong breath: "I know... As long as I sleep, I might not be able to wake up anymore."

I sigh and watch her silently.

She was sick and weak and has been soaking in the sea for so long. Now she has not eaten or drank. It seems that she is going to die soon!

She gives a sudden laugh. Her smile, I don't know why. I always feel a little cruel inside. She looks at me and says, "I can't imagine we're going to die together."

I have no words and am even not able to laugh.

Indeed, I never expect that we two completely unrelated people would eventually die together here!

"I'm afraid of death." She says earnestly that her voice is already very low, and I have to put my ears close to hear it. She opens her lips with great effort: "But... There's somebody to die with me. I'm a little better. I'm relieved that you will die with me!" The light in her eyes is evil. But her eyes fall on my face, and there is a hint of hesitation.

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I smile bitterly.

I force a rueful smile.

Suddenly she lifts her finger lightly and struggles. I look at her and finally realize that she wants to sit up. "What are you doing? Don't move!"

"I want to... Want to take a look." Suddenly a strange glow comes over her face, and in her dead grey eyes, like a dry river, suddenly flowing back into the current: "I want to take one more look at the world..."

I sigh, hold her in my hands and let her lean on the edge of the raft. She is trembling all the time, so heavy and has no strength at all.

Looking around, her eyes are filled with disappointment. Because there is nothing around, except sea water, only sea water!

She closes her eyes slowly. To be honest, I thought she is dead like this because she breathes weakly and her chest doesn't fluctuate. I really think she's dead.

But when I'm thinking of it, suddenly she opens her eyes again. Although her eyes have been scattered, she has been trying to find it for a while. I am close, but it seems that she can hardly focus her eyes on my face.

"Little 5!" I don't know where she gets the strength, suddenly, she says, "I'm regretting!"


"You don't deserve to die." There's something almost crazy in her eyes. "I think you're going to die with me. Someone commpany me to go to hell, I won't be afraid then. But I regret now. You shouldn't die."

Her language is fluent! I know it's a reverberation!

"You shouldn't have died like that." She tries to laugh. "You're a good man. A good man shouldn't die like that. And you have helped me three times from the ship to here. I can't drag you to die with me. That's too sinful for me."

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I sigh. It seems that she has gone mad before her death. I can't bear to say anything, so I just follow her and whispering, "Okay, I'll try not to die."

She laughs again, somewhat mysteriously, and then struggles to raise her fingertips, pointing to the left pocket of her trousers!

"I just wanted to let you die with me without telling you. But I can't. You helped me, so I changed my mind." She gasps almost at every word: "Look over there."

There's a zipper in my pocket. I frown and pull it open. I immediately see something inside! That's a water bottle!

I immediately exclaim and take out the bottle! God bless, the water inside is almost full! Just a little less!

I immediately recall that the bottle was given to me by the Vietnamese before I got on the ship. And that day, Phoenix was taken out by those bastards, and when she came back, I gave her this bottle of water to let her wash her body!

"You... didn't use?" I take the bottle and stare at her.

She smiles wildly in her eyes and shaking her head slowly. "I want to use it, but I think I'm dirty. It doesn't matter whether I wash it or not..." She's bursting into tears, looking at me: "I was wrong! I'm really wrong!"

She's struggling and says, "I've done too many wrong things. Even just now, I was thinking of not telling you, dragging you to die with me! I'm a bitch! A bitch!" Suddenly she opens her mouth, jams her hand in and bites.

I quickly break her hand out, but she has been breathing out and not breathing in. Her lips are still trembling; her eyes have lost their lights, as if she is still talking about something before her death.

I immediately bent down. Ears come close to her lips: "What do you say? What else do you want to say?"

She seems to be reporting a long list of numbers, and I can tell that they are two sets of numbers! She repeats it over and over again. Although her breath is very weak, she seems very persistent and refusing to die.

I finally understand what she meant and hurry to shout, "I remember! Keep it in mind! You can rest assured, I've remembered!"

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At last she hears my voice, and there's a relief smile on her face: "... Bank account... Password... Money... Good man... Should not die…"

I have no feelings for her. But at the moment, looking at the woman's dying struggle, there is a sense of sadness, a sour is rushing up. Suddenly she opened her eyes, exhausted all her strength and shouting, "Next life, I'll not be a woman!"

This shout is hoarseness and exhaustion. After that, she crooks her head, out of breath.

I stay there for half a minute and shake her hard for a few times. She does not move at all. I measure her pulse and heartbeat, as well as her breathing. They all stop.

I'm sure she's really dead.

This woman, who has nothing to do with me and no friendship, dies in front of me. She's not a good person, and she doesn't even know how many people were hurt by what she had done. But when I'm seeing a person I know dying in front of me, I still can't help being confused. I feel empty.

I sit down blankly, lean aside and gasp for a while before pinching the bottle in my hand. The hard feel of the bottle is immediately refreshing me.

I feel my hands trembling hard! I try to open the bottle. With a kind of almost pious feeling, I put the bottle to my mouth.

Cool liquid is flowing into my mouth, instantly moistening it, which has been dry for too long, and then sliping down the esophagus with a trace of coolness, as if extinguishing the flame in my throat!

If there is God in the world, then I dare say, at this moment, I've seen God smiling at me in the sky!

Because the water in this bottle is not fresh water, but more useful than it!

The water is a little sweet and a little salty. I immediately recognize, this is oral glucose water! A kind of inexplicable emotion is surging up in my heart, that is the human instinct desire to survive!

At this moment, my face is full of tears.

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