Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 140

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I've stayed in the cabin for two days. The cabin I'm staying in has only been visited by Wick and the strong man before. Captain Wick told me that he had ordered that no other crew could come into my room.

Later I learned that the strong man is Wick's engineer and the chief mate of the ship. Wake's fishing boat has six crew members, and when he rescued me that day, the mate jumped into the sea to save me up.

And after saving me, only Wick checked my bag in person. He only wanted to see if he could find some documents about me. But when he opened the bag, he was stunned. Fortunately, there were only two people in the room, he and the first mate. That is to say, of the six crew members, only Captain Wick himself and his mate know that there is such a huge sum of money.

The deal I proposed moved Wick.

Seafarers are adventurous!

I don't have any injuries, but I was extremely tired and lacked nutrition. After a day and night's rest and some hot food and hot water, I have recovered. Although still feeling a little soft, but basically the movement has not been affected.

Captain Wick is a typical smiling tiger, which I can see from the conversation with him these two days. This man is very careful and strict in his work. He forbids the crew to contact me and enter my room. At the same time, he asks me not to go out of the door.

Obviously, Wick has a lot of authority on this ship, and no one dares to turn a deaf ear to his words. At first I was surprised: after all, the crew saw me on board and rescued a suspicious-looking man like me from the sea. I think in this case, ordinary people will guess my identity, right? Wouldn't the crew call the police?

Later, I carefully told Wick about my worries. Captain Wick laughed after listening. He hesitated for a moment and whispered to me, "Mr. Chen Yang..." (I've already told him my name during these two days of communication.) "I can tell you that you are very safe on my boat." Wick laughed mysteriously: "In fact, your identity as a stowaway is not a problem for my boat or for me."

I didn't understand at first, and then I guessed something vaguely! Especially later, I told him about what happened to me on the black man's ship and it was being chased by a police gunboat, then we had to jump into the sea to flee. Wick immediately had an angry look on his face. I could see that the anger on his face is not disguised, but really angry!

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"Did you say that ship had a black hull? There's no flag hanging on the ship. The captain is a black man and all the crew members have guns? Oh, God, I know! That ship belongs to Maldin, that son of a bitch!"

"Maltin?" I looked at Wick with an inquiring eye.

"That nigger!" Wick scolded angrily and immediately explained, "Mr. Chen Yang, I'm sorry I used the word"nigger". I don't have racial discrimination myself, but that Maldin, he's a devil, damn devil!"

Maldin, I just got the name of the guy I killed.

"He's a jerk, not just because of his own misdeeds, but more importantly. He's a man who broke the rules!" Captain Wick explained, "Actually, I think you should understand that there are many underground companies doing smuggling business in the coastal areas of any country. This business is very profitable, and there are always people doing it."

I nodded to show understanding.

Then Wick went on his angrily saying, "That Maldin used to be a smuggler, but he's not a regular fellow! Even in smuggling business, we should pay attention to rules. Otherwise, once lost credibility, we would have no business to make anymore! But Maldin, such a fool, has done double cross several times, which has damaged his reputation. As a result, the smuggling organizations abroad now have no trust in this area, making the other smuggling companies here facing the situation of no business to do! Martin is a black sheep! Oh God! There is a saying in the proverb. Well, what's a rat that's damaged? Um..."

"A rat's excrement spoiled a pot of porridge." I answered him with a smile.

"Well, yes!" Wick immediately nodded and laughed, "Martin is a rat shit! He has done several things to break the rules, and now the local smuggling organizations have regarded him as a public enemy! He has humiliated all the smuggling organizations in our area and suffered a lot of losses... Oh, one more thing. This Maldin, who had recently been unable to make any smuggling business, was said to have taken his crew to a robbery at sea. He has become a pirate!"

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"Yes, a pirate!" Captain Wick said seriously, "When there is business, he does smuggling business. When there is no business, he is a pirate then! Do you understand what I said?"

I see, and understand more! Because when I looked at Wick's indignation, I suddenly realized. Why does Wick hate that Maldin so much? Why did he say that his crew would not report me? The answer is simple! Because Wick's own boat is also engaged in smuggling business!

It's not surprising that fishing boats do smuggling business. Isn'y that Vietnamese Old Snake's boat a fishing boat?

"That fellow robbed a fishing boat a while ago. He shot and killed several fishing company crew members. His actions have aroused public outrage. I guess what you said about the gunboat's pursuit of him is probably the decision of the Coast Guard to exterminate him. Because the Coast Guard doesn't shoot stowaways, but pirates are different! Ha-ha! I think that's a good thing!" Wick laughed and picked up a cup of coffee, "Cheers for the peace of this sea area in the future!"

Having asked the questions I wanted to know, I was relieved at last. Then I asked carefully, "Captain Wick, when will your ship land?"

"Soon, we'll be ashore early tomorrow morning. To tell you the truth, my boat was going to West previously. But when I met you, I think you must be very anxious to get ashore, so I turned around yesterday."

"Thank you." I sighed.

"Oh, that's nothing." Wick smiled sly: "Although I can't catch fish this time, but you've given me enough money to make up for my loss! With this money, I can even sell my current boat for a bigger one!"

I'm completely relieved. It seems that Captain Wick, though not necessarily a good man, seems to be a smuggler too, a smiling tiger and a cunning man. But at least he's disciplined! He also pays attention to credibility in his business. Such a person, I would like to deal with him.

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"We're going around left side of Vancouver Island. By this time tomorrow, we'll be ashore. I'll park my boat at the pier in Little Victoria Harbour." Wick slowly said, "I must say, Mr. Chen Yang, before you get off the ship, I don't want you to contact my crew. This is my rule. On my boat, you are my guest, but the guest must also obey my rules! Do you understand?"

"Yes. It's fair." I nodded.

"Do you have any further questions?" Wick looked at me.

I hesitated for a moment and finally decided, "Maybe I'm asking too much, but I wonder if you can help me arrange a route to Vancouver. You'd better help me find a car or something else."

Wick laughed. There was a hint of pride in his smile. Then he patted me on the shoulder and said with an exaggerated smile, "Oh, my dear Mr. Chen Yang! You are so interesting! I thought you'd keep not talking about this. That's OK! In fact, even if you don't say that, I will ask you too. This is one of my services. What's more, since you have paid me so much, I will provide you with your best services!"

What he said was a disguised suggestion that he's actually engaged in smuggling business too. Then Wick laughed and said, "Are you going to Vancouver? Hey, it's not hard! You can rest assured that I will arrange a safe route for you."

Wick did not lie. In his words, he is a reputable businessman. So the next morning, our boat is ashore!

After so many days of life-and-death struggle at sea, I fought on the death line many times. I don't know how many times I thought my life was over! And now, I finally see the land again, see the ground!

"Unfortunately, I can't send you directly to Vancouver, because my boat has no direct permission to Vancouver port. I can only send you ashore at the Pier of Little Victoria Port." Wick finally allows me to walk out of the room.

On the deck, the crew is busy pulling up the sails and untying the cables. At the moment, the sea breeze is very gentle, and the waves on the sea are sparkling. Unfortunately, I will never forget the terrible side of the sea in my life. There are many fishing boats on the wharf that are similar to Wake's. Wick steers himself and carefully pulls the boat to the shore.

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I listen to his arrangement and did not go ashore directly, but hiding in the cabin.

Outside the crew is busy, and a van pulls up to the dock. First, several uniformed officers get on board and check, but Wick easily dismisses them. Then Wick lets me wear a dirty uniform, and arrange me to pick up the fish from the boat with first mate.

This is a big fish about one and a half meters long. First mate and I take a hook and hooking the fish ashore. I'm wearing that dirty crew uniform and go across the two inspectors, but they are talking to Wick without looking at me. I see Wick smiling at me and say to me in silence, "Bon Voyage!"

The latter is very simple. Together with the first mate, we throw the fish into the basket of the staff on the shore, where someone fills the belly with ice and load it into a truck. I go to the truck with first mate. He talks to the driver and they both smoke a cigarette.

While the two of them help me block the views, I immediately get on the truck and jump into the back of the cargo. Five minutes later, the door closes and the truck starts driving.

The cargo is full of fish, a smell of fishy, and ice, very cold! I'm shivering with cold, rubbing my hands constantly. Just as I can't help sighing, I hear a noise in front of me. Then a small window opens on the other side of the cab. The driver inside shouts at me, "Welcome to Vancouver, brother!"

He laughs and says, "You can bear it for a while, by the way... Don't pee in my car. Those fish have to sell for money." Fortunately, he speaks our language.

He throws a blanket and a bag through the window. Then he tells me, "This bag is given to you by Wick." Then the window closed. I immediately wrap the blanket around myself, warm up a little, and then open the bag. There is a suit of clothes in the bag, although it is an old clothe, but it is very clean. It is the kind of cloth that will never be conspicuous when walking on the street. At the same time, there are a stack of banknotes at the bottom of the bag.

I know this is Canadian dollars. I count it. It's about one thousand. I smile. Anyway, I'm very grateful to Captain Wick. He's not a good man, or even greedy, but at least he's a good businessman.

In a way, though, he charged me two big bags of money, which amounted to millions of dollars. It seems unfair to give me only one suit and one thousand Canadian dollars. But at least, he does everything according to business rules! I gave him those two packages of dollars on my own initiative.

And this cloth and a thousand Canadian dollars, even if he does not give me, I can not blame him anything. How to describe his activities? He may be a greedy bastard, but at least he's a lovely bastard.

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