Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 158

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The Highness Princess turns around and I finally see her face.

She has a very delicate egg face, skin is not as rough as ordinary white women, but appears very delicate. She has a high nose and attractive lips. Her eyes are long and slender on the corridor. It's amazing that her blue eyes are so clear, so attractive and so bright that like two clear blue lakes.

White people have more green eyeballs. It's really rare to grow so blue like hers. Her eyes are shining, with a faint, soul-stirring smell. She is charming, but she does look pure. Her figure can only be described within one word: devil!

She has an almost perfect torso, which can be described as the ups and downs of the mountains, but it seems very symmetrical! At least 1.7 meters tall. Her two legs are…

Sorry that this beauty is wearing trousers today. They are invisible. But it can be seen very straight.

She belongs to the kind of woman who can make you feel amazed at the first sight!

Some women's beauty is to dress up to foil out, and a beautiful woman like her, will let you ignore what clothes she is wearing! Because I believe that even if she is wearing a broken sack, she can also make people feel her beautiful.

I find that not only I am looking at her., but also Silo and two other buddies around me are also looking at her, and even a few policemen are peeping at her. Everyone's eyes are a little intoxicated. I can assure that even in Hollywood, few female stars can match her beauty.

I notice that her eyes are turning towards us, and the buddiess around are immediately tring to higher their heads.

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At this time. Our lawyer walks there with a professional smile on his face. He seems to know her: "Oh, Sophie, how did you come to Vancouver?"

She sees our lawyer and comes slowly with a charming smile on her face. I notice that when she is walking, her slender waists and legs are swaying naturally, and the eyes of Silo and others are becoming straight.

She gives our lawyer a cordial hug and then they have a brief conversation.

Apparently they know each other very well. After talking a few words, the lawyer immediately points at me and Silo and introduced us to her. This beautiful girl's blue eyes immediately show some curiosity, and then she quickly ask lawyer something.

I just see lawyer nods.

"Hello!" Beauty greets us in our language. I doubt it's one of the few sentences she knows.

To be honest, she's really charming. I do have seen a lot of beautiful women, but when she laughs, she seems to have a childlike innocence. It's hard for me to imagine how she slapped and put her middle finger on that foolish just now.

She says to us, "My name is Sophie. Nice to meet you."

Silo and others stutter to say hello to her. These guys are nervous. But she's obviously not very interested in them. She talks to the lawyer for a few words, and the lawyer immediately nods.

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"Well, wait a minute. Miss Sophie has some troubles here. But her lawyer is in a traffic jam on the way and maybe come a little late. So I'll go through the formalities for her first." Lawyer explains to us and then goes back to the police station.

Silo and the other brothers would like to stay with this beautiful woman for more time. They are fine with it. I still feel a little uncomfortable, but I can't say anything at this time.

Sophie is standing beside us. Her blue eyes constantly sweeping around us. Silo wants to talk to her, but he is too shy to say anything. Although I'm amazed at her beauty too, but I don't have any idea after seeing her several times. After all, I was so badly straightened up by that idiot policeman that I'm not feeling well, so I can not help frowning.

Sophie speaks to us warmly. Although some words are not satisfactory, but barely can communicate. Silo and others are too nervous to speak, and somewhat disgraced. I look at them helplessly, and go to one side and find a chair in the hall to sit down and rest.

My walk away makes Sophie a slightly surprised to look at me. A young man of us is complimenting her, but she just smiles slightly. Then she comes up and looks down at me. "Sir, don't you think it's impolite to go away without saying goodbye to a lady?"

"Oh, sorry." I just nod gently and say in polite.

"I accept your apology, but you should stand up first and ask the lady to sit down first." She looks at me with a smile, but I have a faint feeling that there seems to be a touch of provocation in her eyes.

I don't want to argue with her, so I stand up and say to her, "Please sit down, miss."

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Then I go to another chair and sit down. The smile on Sophie's face closes and she squints at me for quite a while.

Silo is stunned. He comes over and whispers, "Little 5, are you all right?"

"No problem, just a little tired. These bastards beat me hard." I'm tired. To be honest, I'd like to go back to bed and sleep for a while right now. I'd better get a doctor to check it out.

Sophie seems very dissatisfied with my indifference. But she just stares at me and says nothing more.

The atmosphere is a little awkward. Silo and the other two brothers see that I do not seem to speculate with this beautiful woman, nor do they continue to chat up. A few minutes later, the lawyer comes back and hands some papers to her. They talk for a while, and Sophie says goodbye to us.

She looks at Silo and the other two and laughs, "Good-bye, you're good, I like you!"

Before they show their happiness, Sophie turns to look at me. "You're not good. I don't like you."

Then she turns around, swaying her waist and leaving slowly.

"How did you offend her?" The lawyer frowns.

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"No, I didn't offend her." I also have some helplessness. I'm just a little tired, sitting far away and not wanting to talk. Is that wrong either?

"You'd better not provoke her. I told you her background! Almost no one in Canada dares to provoke her! Her father, Mr. Sorin, takes her as a precious, and her temper is not as gentle as her appearance."

The lawyer's warning is apparently not heard by Silo and the other two. Because on the way back, sitting in the car, they are still talking about her. They can't help asking the lawyer all kinds of questions about her.

Although lawyer is a middle-aged man, but all men are interested in talking about beautiful women. He tells us that Sophie has been living in Toronto, but would come to Vancouver for some time every year. The lawyer himself knew her because he had helped her father with some matters.

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When we hear that the lawyer had helped the godfather of Hell Angels, we immediately pay him great respect. But then he laughs and says, "I'm also working for Papa 8, but now we have some business with Hell Angels, so I'm in charge of some legal advisory work. Miss Sophie has a strange temper. When she's happy, she can be as kind as an angel. But when she's angry, you'd better stay away from her."

They are keep talking, but I don't listen any more. Because I'm so sleepy that I can't help falling asleep!

Back in the garage, I immediately find Tiger and tell him what Jeff, the hawk-nosed policeman, have said. Papa 8 hasn't been in the parking lot recently, so I have to let Tiger forward this information.

Tiger nods slightly after listening.

I hesitate for a moment and ask, "Are we going to cooperate?"

"Cooperation?" Tiger is smiling, looking at me and says slowly, "Five, you're still too young. I ask you, since the world has had police and mafia, cooperation between police and mafia is not uncommon in any country or region, but have you seen that when the police cooperate with the mafia will benefit for both sides? Most are the stepping stones for the police sides! As for us, we do not refuse to cooperate, but we refuse to be a mere catspaw."

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