Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 161

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Sophie looks at me with an unfriendly look in her eyes: "Why apologize? In my impression of you, you should be a man full of @&^%$#."

She speaks English very fast. I don't quite understand the last few words, but looking at her expression, I don't think they have any good meanings. I'm stunned and thinking hard about the meanings of those words.

The chill in her eyes is more severe: "Didn't anyone tell you that you shouldn't be distracted when talking to people?"

"Sorry, I just can't understand you very well. My English is not very good." I laugh bitterly.

For a person who has never been to college, my English is too poor, although I have been studying hard in recent months.

"Male chauvinism!" Sufi suddenly gets angry. She holds out a slender finger and put it on my chest. She says coldly, "What I just said is that I think you're a man full of male chauvinism." She repeats the words "male chauvinism" to make sure I hear it clearly.

I frown: "I am not. I have great respect for women myself. It was just an accident that day."

Sophie just skims her lips.

I'm a little impatient.

Why should I coax this woman? Papa 8 asked me to apologize to her, to settle her down, and I've did it. If she's still angry, I have no idea anymore.

I've did what I should do. That's all.

"You are a very proud man." Sophie looks at me and says coldly, "You are very much like a person I know. You are so similar, even when you are talking, your expressions are similar too. I hate that guy very much, so when I see you, I like you either."

"That's up to you." I shrug my shoulders. "I didn't ask you to like me." Then I take out my cigarette and decide not to talk with this woman anymore.

"It's better not to smoke around a lady. Don't you know that?" Sophie stares at me.

"All right." I nod and walk away a few steps away from her.

"What are you doing?" She says angrily.

"Don't smoke around a lady. So I just walk away from you."

Sophie stamps her feet angrily. "Is smoking more important than talking to me in your heart?"

I'm amused by her for a moment. I hold my laugh and say in a serious tone, "Don't worry, in the heart of any man, a beautiful woman like you is absolutely more important than a cigarette, including me of course."

What surprises me is Sophie don't care about the tease in my words: "Well, then please put out your cigarette."

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I sigh and pinch my cigarette.

"Where are you from?"

"Mainland." I answer her lightly.

In fact, there is a technical problem. I don't mean refuse to talk to her, but my English is too poor. I can understand eighty per cent while listening. But it's much harder to say. Such a situation leads to my seemingly seldom talking to her as if I'm unreasonable. Actually, I really don't mean it.

"Oh, from mainland! You are different from other mainland people." Sophie's tone is calmer: "I've met some. You are different from them. You are so arrogant. They seem more modest and much more like gentlemen than you."

Then she points to the people in the distance, including a man who looks about thirty years old.

"That fellow is also from mainland. I know him well. He's more gentleman than you are. He's also not as rude as you are." Sophie looks at me provocatively.

I keep silence, so not speak anything.

"Oh, I forgot. I talked to him. I asked him if he was from mainland. He said he isn't. He is a Canadian, because he came to Canada when he was very young and had got the Maple Leaf Card. I talked to him about mainland, but he seemed reluctant to mention that topic. He is very polite to me, so much different from you!"

Looking at that man in the distance, I feel a little unhappy. Then I look at Sophie and see the mockery in her eyes. A sudden thought in my heart give birth to an evil idea. I pretend to laugh lightly and say, "Oh, a good gentleman like him, we have a special honorary greeting saying for such a gentleman. Would you like to learn?"

"Good!" Sophie's eyes lights up.

"Well." I tell her solemnly, "In mainland, this kind of gentleman is generally respected as: ShaBi."

"Shabi?" Sophie blinks her beautiful eyes, and repeats it several times.

"Believe me, it's an honorary title, and a gentleman like him will be happy to hear it." I have a serious face.

At that moment, the fellow suddenly sees us. I clearly see his eyes shining, and then he comes over.

"Nice to meet you, Princess Sophie." The man looks at Sophie with a "gentleman" smile on his face. Then, out of courtesy, he looks at me and says, "I'm Mike. You are?"

"Chen Yang, I just come from mainland."

"Well…"A trace of indifference flashes through his eyes.

By this time, Sophie is looking at him, taking a deep breath, smiling gracefully on her face, and says to him sincerely: "Hi Shabi! I'm happy to meet you!"

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The man's face is suddenly turning pale. I too hard to hold my laugh. He falters and slips away as soon as poosible.

"You should not fool me!" Sophie comes to her senses and looking at me angrily. "Don't you dare deceive me?!"

Looking at Sophie staring at me, she looks really cute. Then I take a breath and put back my smile. "Well, I'm sorry," I open my hand and say, "It's just that for such a person, it's really hard for me to have any sense of respect for him."

Sophie is turning her blue eyes, and the angry expression on her face immediately converges. "Then you must show me your sincerity to apologize."

"OK, you say so. How do I behave?"

She smiles: "What's the real meaning of that word Shabi?"

"…" I keep silent.

There's no way to explain.

"I find that you still have some genius for pranks." Sophie laughs a little sly. Then she peeks into the distance and says, "My father will be presiding over the opening speech of a charity foundation in the evening, but it will have to wait for an hour. Would you like to go out with me?"

I hesitate, but then Sophie changes her tone: "You apologized to me today, but as a gentleman apologizes to a lady, shouldn't you take it into an action?"

I think for a moment. Anyway, I have nothing to do here at the moment. Besides, the task Papa 8 gave me is to have a friendly relationship with this princess. So I just agree to go with her.

Sophie seems anxious to leave. She's almost draging me all the way out the side door. At the same time, because her skirt is inconvenient to run, she still holds it in one hand. It's a little refreshing to watch such a beauty running in front of you with her skirt. Her long white legs shaking in front of me. Such a scene really makes me feeling enjoy.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" We rush into the elevator all the way before I ask her.

Sophie's eyes are a little complicated, and she holds her mouth open to say: "Remember what I said to you just now, how confident you look like a person I know? The person will be here in a minute. I hate that person very much, and I don't want to meet that person."

I'm somewhat surprised: "You don't like? He or shel?"

"Well, she." Sophie sighs, her eyes somewhat unnatural: "And like you, she's black hair and yellow skin."

I laugh, pure curiosity, casually ask, "Why do you hate her?"

"Because..." Sophie looks at me with a strange light in her eyes: "I courted her. She refused..."

"You... You won't be?" I open my mouth and can't talk anymore. Such a beautiful girl. If she's a homosexual, aren't men going to die of depression?

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Sophie raises her eyebrows and says, "You are really narrow about sex. I like both men and women, as long as they are excellent."


I sigh in my heart. She turns out to be bisexual.

As soon as she gets out of the elevator, several uniformed bodyguards are flashing across from both sides, but Sophie calmly shakes her fingers at them and drives them away. I see someone immediately pulling out the phone and dial. I feel a little wrong: "Your Highness, don't you want to leave the hotel? I'm afraid I can't..."

"Quick! Quick! She's coming!" Sophie is suddenly looking out in the distance, and a few black limousines are coming. It's a four-car fleet, with Mercedes-Benz at the front and back, and an extended Lincoln in the middle.

Sophie looks at it, her eyes are flashing a complicated look, and she's whispering as if she's talking to herself: "She... Well, these gamblers still like to be late so much."

I'm pulled by Sophie to go to the back of the hotel, accompany by bodyguards all the way. But they are all driven away by Sophie. I've actually pulled out the phone to call Papa 8 andTiger, but strangely they don't answer me.

There is a separate parking room behind the hotel. Sophie pushes a button and an electric door slowly opens, revealing a black Maserati sports car!

"Get in the car..." She looks at me and bites her lip: "If you can make me happy tonight, I can consider to forgive you. At the same time, I can also give you some help. Don't think I don't know! You apologize tonight was your Mr. Fang's idea to ask you to do that?"

I listen these words at a loss. But then I see her suddenly bents down and snaps her delicate Bohemian skirt off the hem! The original long skirt has been turned into a miniskirt! A pair of slender, straight and round thighs immediately appear in front of me without any hindrance.

Sophie has pulled the door and got on. Because her skirt is too short, when she got into the car with her legs apart, I could vaguely see a bright color flashing between her legs.

"Red..." I mumble.

Sophie is in the car. She takes off her crystal heels and throws them behind the car. She looks at me with a charming smile on her face, and at the same time she unties her hair and spreads it. With the most attactive eyes staring at me, "Are you afraid? Why not get in the car?"

Her eyes are full of unspeakable provocations!

I don't know what's going on in my mind at that time, but I just jump into the car. My vigorous movements prompts Sophie to whistle in a very unlady way. Then she starts the car.

The excellent performance of the Maserati sports car is demonstrated in an instant! In the roar of the engine, our car is rushing out like a suddenly awakened monster!

This woman is crazy!

That's the only feeling I have subconsciously!

Originally she seemed to be a very elegant and noble young girl tonight. But now, she suddenly turns into a hot girl! Super Spicy Girl!

She's driving the car like a knight is driving a monster. She's screaming excitedly in her mouth. Her hair is blown up by the wind, sweeping my cheeks from time to time. In the midst of her screams, the car is rashing into the street and then go away.

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Fast! The speed is really fast! I'm feeling my body almost tightly pressed on the seat and seeing the number on the dashboard soaring. The girl, who looks like an angel, starts driving like a crazy racer. And she's just driving in a desperate mess! I can't remember how many red lights we've run along the way. The Maserati is like a flash of lightning racing down the street.

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We attract a couple of police cars immediately! With the siren whistlingm we are warned to stop later. But Sophie doesn't care at all, steps on the accelerator, and several police cars are quickly thrown away by us.

Fortunately, it's the night and there's not much traffic on the street. And as I can see, Sophie is not familiar with Vancouver's road too. She just drives unconsciously, and soon we dump all the police cars behind us. I can see that we're heading west all the way. I'm afraid we'll be driving to the seaside soon.

Without saying a word, I watch Sophie stepping on the accelerator crazily, filing and screaming. At last, she looks almost crazy and hysterical.

Just then, I can see from afar that the Coastal Avenue in front of us. Sophie suddenly slams on the brake when she makes a sharp turn. The strong grip of the tire of Maserati's running wheels immediately mark a soul-stirring black mark on the ground. It's almost a ninety-degree turning point. The car's sweeping across the roadside and stops. The nearest maple tree is only ten centimeters away.

I hear a crisp ringing from Sophie's body.

Then I see a slight change in the expression on Sophie's face. Suddenly she raises her hand and liftes up my skirt. Her rounded, attractive thighs have a band with a small cell phone on. This woman actually puts the phone in this place!

But to think about her dress, there's really no other place for her to put a phone with tonight.

Sophie picks up her cell phone and looks at the number. Her eyes are somewhat wrong. I can see a little helplessness, a little pain and a little bitterness in her beautiful blue eyes. She throws the cell phone out and it directly falls into the sea.

Then this highness princess suddenly pulles off the safe belt, takes a look at me, and throws herself on me. Before I can respond, I feel the perfume smell in my nose. She is almost enthusiastic, her warm lips clinging to my mouth, and her slippery tongue is stretching into my mouth.

I feel like I'm losing my judgment. But my remaining sense of reason immediately sobers me, and I grab her by the shoulder and push her away. But Sophie pounces again persistently and kissing me with her lips on my face.

I push her away again, this time I put my hand against her, look into her eyes, and murmur to her, "Can you tell me what happened? Why?"

Sophie's eyes are full of provocative smells. She raises her eyebrows, lightly licking her lips, and then staring at me with mockery and says, "What's wrong? I don't expect you to be so timid? Can't you? Are you not a man?"

I get angry at once!

Who am I?

I was told by a woman that I am not a man? Especially that one is a super beauty!

A fire is breaking out in my heart. I stare into her eyes and shout fiercely: "Shut up, woman!" Then I push her down and my body press her up unkindly.

I think angrily: What princess, but a bitch! I little 5 will show you whether I am a man or not. You ask for it yourself.

Sophie is giggling. Her eyes are dim. She keeping moaning and gasping. Don't know where she push something, the seats in the car is gradually flattening down.

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